Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Kentucky
End of Watch Thursday, April 16, 1998
Reflections for Investigator Brandon Heath Thacker
Brandon, I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you. Missing you. I wish you were here today, I just wish you were here. I'd love to have one minute just to touch you again and to hear your laugh. I was looking through some old stuff the other day and found a note from you. You wrote that you couldn't stand it when we were apart....that I was your best friend....that you would always love me.....that you always want to be with me. I loved the way you would say things. You were nothing less than honest. I sure do miss you. Even after all this time and all these life changes. I can read an old note from you and my heart feels like you just called saying you're just a mile away and you'll be home soon. I guess you are home. It's still hard to accept. I want you at our home. I'm always loving you. I hope you know that when you look down on me and Katherine. She is my greatest love and she is a part of you. She will always know you. She will always know your love for her and me. I promise.
Katherine has decided that lions remind her of you. "Because my Daddy was so brave." She said, "I'm glad that I have a brave Daddy, I just wish he were still here to protect us" I assured her that you were just like the umbrella she carried to keep the rain off of her.
She said, "Everone I know has their daddy, I wish I had mine." OH, how my heart breaks for her. We miss you and love you. We always will.
I never knew Brandon personally, but had the pleasure of working with his brother Sam, a very intelligent and professional investigator. I could never imagine the pain you all have gone through and continue to go through. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Thacker family. I am just sorry I did not express my thoughts sooner. To a fellow Kentuckian, law enforcement officer, and most of all, husband and will be missed.
Brian D. Coyt, Special Agent
During the week of April 16th, you were on my mind quite often. On the morning of 16 April 2003, I was watching the news around 0500 that morning about a police officer killed in an auto accident in Oldham county. Little did I know that it would be another tough day.
On that day my former beat partner and good friends son, Eddie Jr., was killed in the line of duty. Since 1997, four people have been killed in the line of duty that I have known very well.
Not a day goes by that I do not reflect on this. It means a lot to me to have known you and what you represented.
Shon Adams, CPT
Military Police Corps
Katherine told me this week on the way to school that she wished she was older when you died so that she could remember you. I couldn't even hold back my tears as I told her about how you loved her, how you played with her, how you held her close, and that you remember her. I reminded her that you didn't want to leave us and after I dropped her off, I sobbed all the way home. As Katherine gets older and her grief and feelings of loss surface, it intensifies that feeling of what we miss out on, creating memories and living life with you. I'm so angry that Katherine doesn't get to know you. I can take it, I knew you, I loved and laughed with you, and I can live with that and hold on to those memories. But Katherine is a child, she was a baby when you died, it's not right that she doesn't get to have comforting memories of you too.
And I hear this subjective word "forgiveness". How could I possibly forgive that monster who took you away from my baby? Putting aside the pain he's caused me and your parents and family, but I can't put aside what he took away from your baby. Your Sugar Bear. People who don't really understand say she's better off because she has no memory of you. They think she doesn't know what she's missing. Well, I get to see her face when she watches another daddy with his daughter. A look of longing to have a man love her that way. The way only a daddy can. And I have to comfort her when she can't sleep because she's afraid the bad man will get her. And I have to answer those tough questions about WHY? She may not remember you, but she loves you and she misses you and when I tell her stories about you, her eyes sparkle and her smile is huge. We love you and miss you.
I want to thank you for being one of my inspirations to be a police officer as I was growing up. Many years ago, as a teenager, I worked some undercover decoy operations with you and the ABC and it was then that I made the decision to someday be an officer. I have achieved my dream and not a day goes by that I don't think about the ultimate sacrifice you made while doing the job you loved so much. I never got the chance to thank you in person, but will thank you publicly here.
Ofc. J.M.Clark
Louisville Metro Police Dept.
April is a very hard month for the family, as we go toward the 16th. The pain comes back. We try to block you from our minds, but can't. I do thank God for all the memories I have of you growing up, and as a Proud Soldier. We Pray your wife and daughter will know God in the way you knew him. Know that would make you proud. Aunt Edna
The 5 year marker keeps creeping closer and closer and it seems I'm more and more aware if it every single day. I think about what we were doing 5 years ago, unaware that in less than one month you would be leaving this life. Niavely taking advantage of the simple, wonderful love and life we shared. Was this the day when you stood in the kitchen and told me that you thought I was a great mother and that you were so happy I was the mother of your child? You said, "If anything ever happens, I want Katherine to be with you." Was this the day you were laying out your spring landscaping plans to me? Was this the day Katherine was sick and you stayed with her and cared for her all day? Was this the day we talked about making our will and what we wanted for each other if one of us died? You said, "I want you to love again." Was this the day you got that awful stomach virus that made you sick for days and forced me to sleep in the guest room so I wouldn't get sick too. I know these were the days we were getting so excited about UK and eventually watched them win the national championship. They're there again this year and I'm sure you're right behind Tubby Smith watching your team first hand. On this day, nearly 5 years later, I hope you're keeping a watchful eye on me and Katherine. I wish you were her to watch her grow and learn, to read to her and kiss her scraped knee. To pick her up at school and go to the PTS conferences. To take her to the Daddy Daughter dance. I wish it were you teaching her to cook, to ride a bike, to shoot a basketball. I wish and I wish and I wish. And most of all, I miss you and Katherine misses out on you. I love you today and always. Jennie
Brandon, you would be so proud this Valentine's Day to see both your Brothers with "Baby Boys". Know as they grow, they will hear about you, and about the Uncle they weren't privileged to see. You would also be proud of your Cousin Joel as he seeks God will in his life. You & Joel always had a Special Bond. You are gone to a Better Place, but will never be forgotten Here. Love, Aunt Edna
Just thinking about you. Nearing 5 years and just so you know, you have not and never will be forgotten.
The impact you made on my life will forever live. That is just the kind of person you were. You made deep and meaningful impressions. Wish there were more like you around me today. Until we meet again.....
Had a dream of you last night. You were alive and I could see you move and smile and hear you talk and laugh in the dream. Had lunch with Katherine yesterday at school and she wanted me to tell her friends all about COPS kids. I encouraged her to tell them and she said, "Well, it's something you get to do only if your dad has died..." How sad that she has that story to tell. How tragic that she has to cope with a fear of the "Bad man". Not just some arbitrary fear, but a real, understandable fear. I still have so much anger. Especially when I see our daughter missing out and hurting all because a monster was having a "delusion". This just is not JUST.
I miss you and I miss laughing with you. I watch a TV show called Who's Line Is It Anyway. One of the comedians on there reminds me so much of you. His facial expressions when he's doing improv are just like the ones you would make. He makes up songs like you did and dances like you. I think he's the funniest on there. Sometimes, I feel like I looking at you, although he doesn't look anything like you, when he's ON, he does in his mannerisms, his movements, and his expressions. My heart will never stop hurting and aching for you. I love you.
Time does not dim the memories or Love we have for you.
We dream of what you could have done, if only you had been left on earth longer. Another year has started, and as April draws closer, all the heartache and pain seems to surface again. Lord, help us turn to you, and not Hate. Hate only hurts us, We know Brandon is in a better place, but the empty place he left will remain a long long time.
Aunt Edna Thacker
In the dark of December, in the late afternoon
I can still remember all about you
'Cause the heart of the memory; it hasn't faded yet
And the way that you loved me, I will never forget
And the snow falls right by my bed at night
So steady like your heart
Falling silent in the dark
In the days of winter, it's even cold in the sun
And that's probably a good thing because
It keeps me numb
So I can remember and not even cry
The smile on your face and the laugh in your eye
And the snow falls right by my bed at night
So steady like your heart
Falling silent in the dark
In the dead of the night, in my deepest of dreams
We are always together in every scene
I can feel you with me, I can feel your skin
I can feel how easy it would be to love you again
And the snow falls right by my bed at night
So steady like your heart
Falling silent in the dark
And it's so strange to be apart
Falling silent in the dark
-Catie Curtis
As I sat here reading the reflections for Bran....I looked at my two daughters and began to cry. I pray that you find solace in your heart Jenny. After reading the reflections, I feel like I knew Bran. I pray that you and Katherine can continue to move on and always feel Bran's presence in your world every day. I sob as I imagine what you two have been going through. I lost my father when I was almost 4 years old, in a car accident. It was tough growing up without him here. God Bless you both.........If you ever need any advice or anything, email me.
Please give your daughter a hug from one of her daddy's brothers..........GOD BLESS
DFC. Matt Crisafulli
Worcester County Sheriffs Office
As the holidays come creeping up on me, it seems the infectious energy you had for the holidays, planning and prepaing the perfect meal, going shopping for such thoughtful gift giving, fills my heart, as you always do. I will always remember the flavor of your apple dumplings that you labored over every holiday.
I'll always remember how you said "Hogwash!" to not buying gifts for everyone in the family when they decided to limit the amount of gift giving.
I'll always remember how much joy you received from helping when you helped to serve the homeless Thanksgiving dinner at the Salvation Army.
I heard someone say to another, "If you were 100%, then you wouldn't be here. There's still more growing for you to do." I immediately thought of YOU! You were not perfect, but you were perfectly honest, perfectly true, and perfectly caring for others. You were 100%. And I like to think that's why you're gone. How blessed I am that you loved me, that you wanted ME to be the mother of your children, and that you wanted to spend your time with ME. I know you are with us each day. I still wish I could feel your face, hear your laugh, watch you dance and see you love our daughter. She needs you. It hurts me so deeply that I cannot give her everything she needs. She is so beautiful....and so much like you. I'm always loving you, Bran. Time may pass, but the pain doesn't. They say time heals, but that's a huge lie. Time does nothing but pass. Katherine has grown and changed, I have grown and changed, but the hurt in our hearts never changes. Never.
All my love, Forever.
Brandon, as we celebrated our 50th Wedding Anniversary, we believe you would have been here to celebrate with us if possible. One Day, I believe we will be together again as a family, and we can celebrate forever together. Our Love and thoughts will always be with you......Aunt Edna
Aunt Edna Thacker
I was thinking you the other day. I do that quite often. I think of you and what it meant to be your friend. I am glad our paths crossed in life. I did not say this in the previous message, but the day you passed we found out that we was expecting our youngest one. I look at her often and think of you. She turns four this month.
Take care my friend and I look forward to the day we meet again. You and Greg Hans departed this world to soon.
One day our paths will cross one more time.
CPT Shon Adams
Military Police Corps
Another Birthday passed, but the ache in our heart, over the senseless loss of one of our Pride and Joys, is not any less. We pray for Jenny and Katherine, that they would continue to follow the Lord as Brandon did. He was not perfect, as none of us are, but HE HAD IT STRAIGHT. Look forward to meeting him in Heaven. Aunt Edna
Brandon's Aunt
I'm really missing you. Katherine is getting ready to turn 6, our wedding anniversary just passed, your birthday is coming up, and I just wish that I could turn the clock back 5 years when our knees were all worn out from "walking" with Katherine. I remember how we had to take shifts because that was all she wanted to do and our knees were so carpet burned, but we loved and relished it. So many things have changed and I hate that it's all had to be without you. Nearly 4&1/2 years since you had to leave us and at times, it's so difficult, still, to bear. I miss laughing with you, dancing and singing with you. I miss seeing your face and hearing your voice. I miss your laughter, your comedy routines, your excitement. You are irreplaceable. Visiting with Heather last week and she told me that no one has ever made her laugh like you did. You are so missed. Not just by me, not just by Katherine. By so many, you were and are so loved and I hope you know that.
Hey Brandon, just thought I would let you know you are still sadly missed everyday! I think of all your jokes and all of the great laughs.
Jennifer Wilson
Attorney General
Just thinking about you brother.
Louis Mitchell
Life would be so much better and easier if you were here. I miss you.
This Country WOULD HAVE been a better place, had Brandon been allowed to fullfill his deam. He will always live in our heart and memory.
There are so many aspects of raising Katherine without you that are difficult and trying for me, but the most difficult part is that Katherine is missing out on YOU. I see a father look lovingly at his daughter, tickle her, laugh with her, and all I can see is what Katherine never will and my eyes fill with tears. She loves you and she already proudly announces that she gets her sillies from you (isn't that so true!). What she's lost is what she will never know and that breaks my heart every single minute. You were a father every child deserves and a husband every woman wishes for. Four years without you and it is still so hard to be without you. Brandon, you were an amazing, incredibly funny, honest and noble man. Your absence is always felt and your presence is always longed for. Always.
We miss and love you. Hope you are keeping an eye on us down here.