Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, Kentucky
End of Watch Thursday, April 16, 1998
Reflections for Investigator Brandon Heath Thacker
Rest in peace, Sir! You are not forgotten.
Police Officer
January 30, 2007
Monday as Cary and I were driving home to Hopkinsville, we were on the Western KY Parkway...Cary had been very silent on the way home and then spoke about Brandon. He wondered how many times he had drove up and down the parkway and where on the parkway his best friend had been.
So, I began to search and found this website. As I type this I am weeping, for I could only read a few reflections and see how wonderful Brandon was to so many.
Please know that he is still on the mind of many, even those that never had the chance to meet him--you all are in our thoughts and prayer.
Kelli Stegemoller
Spouse of Brandon's Friend (Cary)
January 17, 2007
Remembering how much you loved them. You appreciated the meaning of this time of year...LOVE, GRACE, GIVING.
I remember your enthusiasm for this time of year and know you are celebrating in Heaven.
Until we meet again....
November 29, 2006
Hi I did not know Brandon but I do know he had to be a wonderful man anda brave one at that I would love to say to the family that you will always be in my preys and I prey you can find peace Yes I do know it will be hard my husband lost a nepew in line of duty up North he was only 21 so we can kinda relate to the pain but Please what ever you do don't blame your self I don't know if some of the leave a relfection was from the family but they all same like people is blaming them selfs and I just feel that I needed to let you know you can't blame your self I am so sorry the family will always be in my heart Jennifer
November 3, 2006
You weigh heavily on my mind today.
You're memory is vibrant and will never leave my daily life. You were a special friend, father, brother, son, husband. You were one of a kind and are deeply missed.
October 23, 2006
Never knew you, but have gotten to know your family through KY C.O.P.S. I often hear good things about you.
Your flag will fly for the first time on September 9th, 2006 and you will be remembered always as we honor your memory and family at the 4th Annual KY Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation Ride.
Retired Captain Joe L. Gilliland
Danville, KY PD
September 5, 2006
I am praying for Officer Thacker's family. Although eight years is a long time to be without someone you loved, it's not such a long time as to forget what it was like to be with someone you loved. I am so sorry that this life is so difficult, yet thankful for the love and support that you've been shown and for how you've risen above the ugliness of loss and shown brightly.
Chaplain Hank Roso
Bradley, IL PD
August 15, 2006
While the days may pass, the pain does not fade. You are missed every single day. "They" say, love transcends everything that might divide us. "Who is 'They'?" as you always would ask.....I don't know, but I know what is true, and that is even in the seperation of death, I still love you!
June 25, 2006
I was just thinking about what work would be like if you were still around. We miss you.
June 24, 2006
Dear Brandon,
Joyce and I have thought of you often since our time together in Brussels. We wondered what had become of you and how you were doing. John Fenimore just called and informed me of what happened. There's so much I'd like to say to you, but most significantly I think is that I would like you to know that I was proud to know you as a person and glad to have had the privilege to serve with you in the US Army. You were a wonderful person, an outstanding soldier and an example to others. Joyce, JJ, Doug and I will always cherish and be greatful for the times we had together, Thanksgiving dinner and our trip to Euro-Disney. Take care my friend,
Jay A. Reyes, Chief of Police, Derby, Ks
Former Agent in Charge, Protective Services Unit, USMILREP, NATO
May 31, 2006
Just found out last evening of your fate... Ironically on Memorial Day. Although it has been almost 14 yrs since we last crossed paths you have been in our memories often, from our Service in the 66th MP Company in Karlsruhe GE to our time in Protective Services in Brussels. Your constant smile, yet great professionalism has and will always be what set you apart. I hope that your family and friends remind your daughter of what your life was all about... Honesty, integrity and living life to it's fullest.
Terri Fenimore
Spc MP Corp (1988-1992)
May 30, 2006
Today is Easter and it has been eight (8) years since you departed this life. I think of you often. Especially being deployed to Afghanistan I have time to reflect on a lot of things. You were truly a great good and one of good people in life. You are sorely missed by all that knew you. Until we meet again.
Take care my friend,
Major Shon Adams
Military Police Corps (Afghanistan)
April 15, 2006
I miss you.
Some days I feel I would give almost everything to be with you, talk to you, feel your skin, and hear your voice, know your thoughts.
Since your death, I have not know but maybe 2 people who could come close to having the character and sense of values that you had. The prosecutor who fought for justice, for you, your family, is one person, the 2nd, COPS.
Why is it the great ones, not just the good ones, but the GREAT ones leave this earth so soon?
YOU are missed each and every day. You always will long as I am here!
March 3, 2006
You are, by far, the most honest and decent person I've ever known...honest in a good way, (you wouldn't tell me I'm fat) but honest in the sense that you would never cheat or take something that wasn't rightfully yours, you would never take advantage of someone when they are weak, and would never intentionally deceive someone(except when working under cover, but that was for the total diminish crime).
Our world desperately needs more people like you, brave ones who are so smart and have such a good sense of right and wrong, and are willing to take a stand for what is good and right. This need for good and strong people makes your death more difficult to understant. Why YOU?
I once felt so safe when you were in this world. I knew there was someone fighting for all that was good. I will never know that "safe" feeling again.
I miss you. I miss hearing your jokes, your laugh, your songs.
I wish I didn't have to miss you.
February 25, 2006
I couldn't help but think this morning how pleased you must be that Katherine is involved with Concerns of Police Survivors. On the drive to school, she told me how fun COPS Kids is because, "all the officers give me piggy back rides."
I know that those are piggy back rides she'll never get from you, and I imagine she must think of you, knowing that you would be giving her a piggy back ride while wearing your badge, if you could. How blessed we are that she gets them....from people who choose to be there for her, in place of you, even if only for a brief time. Those officers can never know how much it means to our Katherine that they give her a piggy back ride.
You always promised to take care of us, and I know that you are! Miss you every moment. All my love!
February 22, 2006
As we journey on thru 2006, the memories and Love for Brandon has not faded. We imagine him sitting and talking with his Grandmother that went to Heaven in Feb. 2, 2001. Brandon is still Loved and Missed......Aunt Edna
January 14, 2006
Christmas, as always, is hard without you. You always had the spirit of a child during this time of year....just wanting to GIVE and LOVE. serving at Salvation Army....loving to bake and cook for everyone....GIVING always.
I wish I could say that I felt that way this year.
I missed you and just felt cheated! I feel so cheated.
I'm ashamed to admit that this year I didn't feel like giving, I hope you're not disappointed in me. I just couldn't find the energy this year.
Your baby, your beautiful girl, so much like you, she wanted to give and give and give. Everyone she knows, she just wanted to spread the love...she wore me out!...Did you see the note she left you in the hallway? She asked you to send her a note back.....she wants you....she needs you....I feel cheated for her!
She overheard me telling a friend that I felt "bah humbug" she asked me that that meant. I told her it meant I missed you and I was sad that you weren't here. Will it ever get easier? Will it ever seem OK? It's just not OK. It still hurts even more than it seems it should. Seven Christmas's without you. It still hurts the same.
December 26, 2005
Your beautiful daughter told me last week that she would love to have just 3 wishes.
Coming up on Christmas, I figured they would be the tangible (and most expensive) items on her Christmas list.
At first she didn't want to share her 3 wishes with me....and then she burst out (just like you would have).....
"Well OF COURSE, my first wish would be that Daddy was here with us and had never died."
Her other 2 wishes were not tangible, but beautiful and so representative of her precious spirit and of your legacy!
Thankfully, we always seem to be in the car during these talks and she could not see the tears in my eyes (proud and sad) that would most definitely be my wish too.
Christmas will never be the same without you....and your apple dumplings have been missed since our last Christmas together!...maybe this year I'll make some in memory of you.
I love you so much and miss you, I'll never stop missing you. Neither Katherine or I ever will. We both love you so deep.
Merry Christmas, Brandon. It's in Christmas that I find hope of our reunion one day.
All my love!
December 19, 2005
missing you to tears
November 15, 2005
Your birthday has just passed and Katherine's is right around the corner. October is my favorite month, because 2 of my most favorite people in the whole world were born in October.
It's still tough here without you. Never a single day passes that I don't think of you, miss you, feel that emptiness inside.
As your beautiful baby turns 9, I will remember the moment she took her first breath and the look on your face. A father could not love a child any more than you loved Katherine.
We all miss you. We always will.
October 20, 2005
No Need For Memories
If I could only turn back time
And you were here with me,
Living, laughing, loving
Oh how happy I would be!
I always will remember
The life I spent with you,
The days that you would take my hand
And say you love me too!
The dawn of each tomorrw
Brings thoughts of yesterdays,
These are the only things I have
To ease my pain away.
I can't escape the silence
Of life without you here,
I welcome you in dreams at night
In sleep there's no despair.
Yes, you have gone far away
So far away from me,
To see all heaven's glories
Twas your final destiny.
So I must wait my time to go
Then forever we will be,
The both of us together
With no need of memories.
~Iona Williams
September 1, 2005
It's time to go beyond my dreams
My midnight hour has come,
The only one regret I have is
I must walk away from time
Beyond the sunset's glow,
I love you - Yes! I love you
But without you I must go.
Weep no more when e're you think
How often you and I,
Would say a soft I love you
As we said our last goodbye.
Yes there is tomorrow
A life with God I've gained,
Had to leave, to be received
You must now remain.
I leave my footprints by your side
To be with you while I'm gone,
Tis then we'll be together
When you feel so all alone.
Let my memory guide your path
Uphill all the way,
Remember my "I love you's"
Are with you every day.
When you arrive in heaven
Together we will roam,
For now I heard God call my name
~Iona Williams
September 1, 2005
Thinking of you right now and smiling. I feel so blessed to have had you in my life, although it was not as long as I wish it could have been, I am still grateful for what it was. You were a beautiful person and you will always be missed and loved.
August 24, 2005
7 Years, and people (who have never experienced a tragic loss) think it should be over...the grief, the missing you, even the remembrance of you.
It could be one hundred years and your memory would still vibrate inside of me.
I miss you more than mere words could say. Each and every day, my heart aches for you.
Once upon a time, each day was another wonderful day spent with you, filled with laughter, smiles!
Now, every day lived without you is one day closer to you, in my mind. I wish I didn't even have to know one day without you. It's agony. For all of us who love you, it's just not the same.
August 14, 2005
No farewell words were spoken, no time to say good-by, you were gone before we knew it and only God knows why.
June 24, 2005