Deputy Sheriff David Stout Larimer

Deputy Sheriff David Stout Larimer

Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, California

End of Watch Wednesday, December 24, 1941

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David Stout Larimer

Deputy Sheriff David S. Larimer was killed when an automobile struck him.

He was directing traffic on East Colorado Boulevard, at Lotus Avenue, in Pasadena on Christmas Eve. He was assisting an elderly female across the street when a car came at them. Deputy Larimer pushed the female to safety but was struck by the car. He was killed instantly.

Deputy Larimer’s partner arrested the driver of the car for drunk driving and negligent homicide.

Deputy Larimer was survived by his two children and four grandchildren.


  • Age 65
  • Tour Not available
  • Badge 510

Incident Details

  • Cause Struck by vehicle

directing traffic

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Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Larimer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2019

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