Officer Harry A. Peshon

Officer Harry A. Peshon

San Francisco Police Department, California

End of Watch Tuesday, June 4, 1935

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Harry A. Peshon

Officer Harry Peshon succumbed to injuries sustained on November 19th, 1933, when he was involved in a vehicle crash at the intersection of Sunset Boulevard and Vincente Street as he and his partner responded to an emergency call.

He was transported to a hospital and then to a rehabilitation center. He remained at the rehabilitation center until succumbing to complications of his injuries on June 4th, 1935.

Officer Peshon was survived by his wife, son, daughter, mother, and brother.


  • Age Not available
  • Tour Not available
  • Badge Not available

Incident Details

  • Cause Automobile crash
  • Incident Date Sunday, November 19, 1933

emergency response

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As a member of the Police Unity Tour I ride to remember those who died. While the this years ride is canceled due to the pandemic, my commitment to honor Patrolman Peshon is not lessened. Today as part of the PeloUnityRiders2020 I will ride to honor Patrol Man Peshon.

Patrolman Peshon's grandson, Undersheriff R. Peshon, El Dorado County CA asked me to honor his grandfather and I am humbled to do so.

Sgt. Michael Seligsohn
El Dorado County Sheriff's Office

May 2, 2020

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