City Marshal John L. Hammond

City Marshal John L. Hammond

Vernon Police Department, Texas

End of Watch Saturday, May 17, 1890

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John L. Hammond

At approximately 2:00 a.m, City Marshal John L. Hammond went to the residence of Wilbarger County Sheriff J.T. Conn. The sheriff's residence was on an upper floor of the county courthouse. Marshal Hammond woke Sheriff Conn to pick up an arrest warrant. Sheriff Conn went down to his office by a back stairway. Marshal Hammond accidentally fell 20 feet from the balcony at the head of the main stairway. Hammond lived only a few minutes and did not speak.

As a mark of respect the city council of Vernon issued a resolution regarding the accidental death of City Marshal John L. Hammond. The Knights of Pythias of which he was a member, stated that they will erect and present a residence to the widow.

Hammond was survived by his wife and children. He is buried in Eastview Memorial Park, Vernon, Texas.


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Marshal Hammond,
On today, the 130th anniversary of your death I would just like to say thank you for your service and sacrifice for the citizens of Vernon.


United States Border Patrol

May 17, 2020

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