Deputy Constable Friend Ives Stone

Deputy Constable Friend Ives Stone

Carlin Police Department, Nevada

End of Watch Wednesday, September 25, 1907

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Friend Ives Stone

Deputy Constable Fred Stone succumbed to injuries sustained the previous night when his service revolver accidentally discharged. Deputy Constable Stone and another Deputy Constable were in the local railroad yards observing three suspicious tramps.

In an effort to sneak up on the men, Deputy Constable Stone was crawling beneath a railroad car. As he did so his service revolver dropped from its holster and discharged, with the round striking him in the chest.

A doctor was called to the location and he was immediately put on a train for Elko. He was taken to Bolling Hospital where he died the following day.

Deputy Constable Stone had served with the Carlin Police Department for only six months. He was survived by his wife and six children.


  • Age 45
  • Tour 6 months
  • Badge Not available

Incident Details

  • Cause Gunfire (Inadvertent)
  • Incident Date Tuesday, September 24, 1907

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Rest in peace always knowing that your service and sacrifice will never, ever be forgotten by your law enforcement brethren.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

September 25, 2020

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