Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Larry David Griffith

Lassen County Sheriff's Office, California

End of Watch Thursday, March 2, 1995

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Larry David Griffith

Christmas Eve has arrived Big Brother and our time together as always. This year my heart is sad because Our Momma passed away on December 9th, and I did not get to see her as I have been hoping to since 2020 when the pandemic hit. This Christmas there is another ache in my heart; but I am trying find comfort in the idea that she has finally been able to hold you in her arms again and that the two of you are sitting together while I talk to you.

My greatest gift and biggest blessing......and what I love most in this world is "Our Family". I would not trade one moment, one memory, or one person who makes up the dynamics of the life we have shared with each other; and I know one day all of our souls will be reunited again.

My Christmas Cookies from Judi arrived just in time for Christmas, and you know how much I love those cookies from home. Will be talking to Mike and Judi in a little bit as I always call home on Christmas Eve......another tradition in my heart. They are in Denver to spend the holidays with Matt's Family......and of course loving on the Grandkids who are growing so fast.
Sandi will have Christmas with her Family, and I will be calling Craig tomorrow to wish them all a Merry Christmas.

I spent this afternoon with Cori and Jeromy, and Cori's Mom for a Christmas Brunch and opening gifts. I had a good time with them even though I have not had much Christmas Spirit this year.....and it was good for me to get out of the house for something other than going to work. But, I think tomorrow I am just going to be lazy and rest up since work will still be crazy with all the "After Christmas" stuff that happens in retail work.

Hope you and Mom know how much I miss you both and that I love and miss you both forever and always. Hold each other tight !!!

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2024

HAPPY THANKSGIVING BIG BROTHER.......I am back again to spend a little time with you as I always do on this day. You are always one of my special blessings in life and even though you are so far away from me there is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts, my heart, and my prayers. I always love you and that only grows stronger rather than lessens.

A lot of changes in my life this year. A new job......and get a shoe store. It might be the last places I should work since I have always been a shoeholic....LOL. But, I enjoy the job, the people that I work with, and I have been good about "keeping my blinders" on while I am at work so I don't spend on my paycheck on shoes. I did have to buy a pair of tennis shoes to wear at work as I am sure not used to being on my feet all day at my age, and a pair of winter boots. You would be proud of me.

My Romeo has a Juliet to keep him company now. She is a long-haired calico kitty that started coming around to eat with the ferals; so I trapped her and had her TNR'd.......she must have been someones kitty that was just dumped here as she was so sweet and friendly. Anyway I decided to keep her as an inside kitty with Romeo.

I still have my ferals, Birdie and Beau; but sadly I had to have Ozzie put down. I noticed that he was not eating well, and was getting really thin so I trapped him and took him to the Vet hoping that maybe he just had some bad teeth that needed to be pulled. But, turned out it was more serious and I did not want him to die alone out in the woods this winter so made the decision to put him down. I was able to be with him at the end, and was finally able to touch him, pet him, and hold him so he could leave this earth knowing that not all human hands are unkind. I had him cremated so that he now has a forever home with me. I also bought an outside cat house for Birdie and Beau so they will have a warm place to shelter in the winter. I named the cat house " Ozzie's House for Wayward Kitties".

California's Governor and politics in the State have continued to take away from the rights of Victims and Survivors; and Ervine along with all the other Death Row Inmates were removed from Death Row and sent to other prisons in the state. So, basically everything has just stopped after 30 years of Court Trials and Appeals.......and my heart feels like it was all for nothing. The State of California, the Governor, and the people who voted for him took it all away and failed you along with all of the other victims. Lady Justice no longer lives there, and I have lost all my faith in the judicial system that should never have become a political pawn. I just cannot find it in my heart to forgive.....but maybe some day God can help me find some sort of peace with it.

Well, I will come to visit with you again soon......maybe on my Birthday as I will have the day off. In the mean time.......I love you and miss you. You are always a part of each beat of my heart.......each breath I take.......forever.

Love always
Your Baby Sister

Terri Griffith

November 28, 2024

Happy Birthday Big Brother !!! I have been thinking of you all day, and feel so blessed that you were born to be one of my big brothers on this very special day. I treasure every moment and every memory that I had you beside me on this earth; and I have treasured every tear I have cried for the past 29 years because I know that we only hurt as much as we have that is deep and forever. I would never give up one single moment of loving you.

I can only speak for my own heart when I come here to talk to you......but never doubt how much you are loved and missed by all of your family, your wife and children, and the many friends that knew you in this life. We are all thinking of you today.

I love and miss you forever and always
Your Baby Sister

Terri Griffith

August 22, 2024

Today is the 29th Anniversary of the day that you were murdered, and taken from your Wife, Children, Parents, Siblings and all who loved you. A day that changed all of our lives forever, and a day that none of us will ever forget. It is a day that still just sucks my breath away, and can put me on my knees. 29 years has taught me that time does not heal all wounds, heartache and sorrow......we just learn to live with it the best that we can while we remain on this earth.

29 years has taught me that the California Judicial System has failed us due to politics that has stopped caring about the Victims of Crime and the Families that have to live and try to cope with the aftermath the criminals have left in their wake. I know that I will never see Justice served in my lifetime from the State of California. Justice will only be served when Dennis Ervine stands before God for his actions on this earth. Hopefully, God will forgive my broken heart for not being able to forgive Ervine.

For 70 years I have loved and adored you as my Big Brother and Best Friend; I have treasured every moment of growing up with you.......29 of those years have been spent loving and missing you with all my heart and soul. I never stop loving you and I never forget.

Love always
Your Baby Sister

Terri Griffith

March 2, 2024

It's Christmas Eve Big Brother !! Time for just you and me to spend together. I miss you as always, and miss all of the Family Christmas Eve's that we always shared as a family. I treasure all of those wonderful memories in my heart.

Sometimes it's hard on me spending the holidays alone since I am so far from all of the family, but have made some of my own traditions to keep connected to family as Family is always the greatest gift in my heart. I always call Mom, our siblings, and of course my special time with you.

I talked to Mom and Craig when I got home from church. Mom was pretty perky and happy today, and Craig said she is doing much better now that she has a different room and roommate. She even remembered the lullaby that she used to sing to me when I was a baby and little girl.......she could not remember all the words but remembered the melody and first part of the words which touched my heart when she tried to sing it to me. She will be going over to Craig's house tomorrow to spend the day with him and his family. Craig also reminded me that this coming March 15th of 2024 will mark 100 years since Dad and Uncle Selmer were born......and I am still trying to wrap my head around kinda feels unreal even though it shouldn't since I am getting older too.

Mike and Judi are in Colorado spending Christmas and New Years with kids and grandchildren, and sounds like they are having a good time even though some of the family traditions have changed for them now that they share the holidays with some new traditions. But at least I still have my phone call on Christmas Eve where we seem to talk forever, and of course my " Favorite Christmas Cookies" from Judi. But, it seems my "Favorite Christmas Cookies" have gotten lost or delayed in the mail.....and it's just not quite the same without them. This will be the first time in 37 years that my cookies have gotten lost......between me and Judi the Post Office might be catching hell this year.

Sandi and her family are getting together this evening even though a little topsy turvey with one granddaughter's flight from the west coast getting delayed, a grandson spending Christmas in Texas this year as he plans to propose to his girlfriend, and one granddaughter not feeling so well today. But, hey maybe there are some great-grandchildren in Sandi's future, and a few more great-great grandchildren for mom.

I do my best to keep up with Lauri, your kids, grandchildren and great-grandchildren the best that I can, and I know that you love and watch over them all too. They are all awesome and I know that you would be so proud of each and everyone of them. I wish so much that you would have had more time on this earth to be able to watch and enjoy each mile stone as they have grown......I wish your grandchildren and great-grandchildren would have had the opportunity to really know what an awesome person you were on this earth for themselves instead of just the memories the rest of us can try to share with them.

Well, Merry Christmas, my much loved brother. I will talk to you again on New Years Eve. I love and miss you so very much.

Love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2023

Hey Big Brother
Thanksgiving Day has arrived, and time for me to spend "Our Special Time" with just you and me. You are forever one of "My Blessings" in life; and I am so fortunate and grateful that God blessed me with you as a Brother. I love and miss you each and every day......that is forever. I keep you always in my heart.

I talked with Mike and Judi, and will be talking to Craig and Mom in a little while. Sandi has a house full of kids and grandchildren keeping her busy today. I spent the afternoon with Cori and Jeromy, and had a nice Thanksgiving Dinner with them. I have a belly full of turkey and cherry pie to eat I have to admit that this Thanksgiving was much better than last year with a broken fridge.

As you know already life has been crazy again, and after 12 years I am job hunting again. I am too old for this stuff, but can't afford to retire. I know that eventually God will put me where he needs me, but I hope he figures out where he wants me pretty soon. Church helps to keep me focused, but I sure wish you were here in person to talk to like we always did before.

By the way, thanks for the feral kitties you sent to my house. I know it was you because you always brought home all of the lost creatures that crossed your path and you know what a sucker I am too. I am taking good care of them and making sure they have food to eat, and a warm place at night. I named them Birdie, Beau, and Ozzie. They have gotten to the point that they are sitting outside waiting for me each morning, and they are not so afraid of me anymore. Romeo likes it too.....he now has some friends even if it's from afar.

Well, guess we will talk again on Christmas Eve and I will have lots of good things to tell you. In the meantime always remember how much you are loved and missed by me. You are always in my heart and a part of everything that I do. I never forget !!!

Love always and forever
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 23, 2023

I have known Larry since I was four years old. I am now 44. He has always been there for me and saved me so many times. He was a best Sheriff and person that I ever known. I miss u Larry. RIP.

Mindi Stewart

October 16, 2023

Deputy Griffith helped me follow up on a stolen vehicle investigation in the days before he was shot.
Larry was a nice and very professional person that I will always remember.

Robert R Nelson
Quincy CHP #7677 (Retired)

July 29, 2023

Mr. Griffith, you were a great person and I truly miss you. When the world was falling apart you saved me. I will never forget you. The world was truly a better place with your kind soul in it. Thank you . RIP


June 28, 2023






March 2, 2023

Larry, tomorrow will be 28 years since I have seen you or heard your "Code 4... and will be." Thank you again. Just wanted you to know, "Code 4 and will be."

Tony Bettencourt
Former co-worker / Current Lincoln County Sheriff's Office Detect

March 1, 2023

Hey Big Brother

It is Christmas Eve.....I have talked to Craig and Mom, and Mike and Judi so now it's time to spend with you as I always do on this night. Judi sent my Christmas Cookies and I have eaten most of them already. Must be the cold weather we have been having and the fact that I have been hibernating like an old bear until it gets a little warmer.

Yesterday it was only -3 degrees when I woke up and the high only made it to 5 was not much warmer and the electric company was doing rolling black outs to conserve on energy. I think this has been the coldest weather I have seen since moving to this area 12 years ago. God did not build me for the you know I am a Sun Baby at heart and thrive in the warmth. But guess we just gotta deal with what is.

Took 3 weeks to get my new fridge and the first thing I did was kiss it. I have gained a much better appreciation for my fridge, and have been doing some cooking to get the freezer stocked up again. Will be a long time before I want to eat another can of soup.......but guess I should be thankful I could eat. You just don't realize how many things you can't buy without that fridge.

I have some time off from work which is nice.....I can just rest and relax for a bit which I don't get to do often. It was good to talk to Mom and Craig today. I asked Mom if she was being good.....and she said it was hard for her to be If nothing else she is stubborn and hard guess I know where all of us kids learned that from. She is a spunky fighter for sure. Mike and Judi are visiting kids and grandkids for the holidays and sounds like they are having a good time.

I miss you so very much and always wish that you were here during the will never be the same with out you. I am not the same either I guess, but I strive to be a better person and someone you are always proud of so everything is not bad when it relates to why you are not still here sharing life with me. We can't let the bad guy win by allowing him to take all that is good. I have loved you so much my whole life and I am gonna miss you for the rest of my life.

Merry Christmas Big Brother......wish I could reach out to the stars and touch your face.

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Big Brother

I am thinking of you as always on this day, and sharing the day with you in my heart. I have to admit there have been better Thanksgivings, but I am always thankful for my many blessings in life. My fridge broke down and can't get a repairman until threw away four trash bags of food this morning into the dumpster that had thawed and got too warm to be safe to eat. Good thing I did not promise to cook you a Turkey Dinner.

Mom is now in a long term care facility due to her dementia, and it has become a sad time when our Momma does not always remember who I am. She was healing well since she broke her hip and arm, and I don't think I need to tell you that our stubborn and independent Mother hated having to use a walker.....but she must have listened to you tell her she damn well better. She was adjusting to her new living situation and making friends with the staff and other residents.....but got a call from our little bro that she fell again last night. Guess she was walking down the hall with her walker and someone else in a wheel chair bumped into her and she lost her balance. Now they think she has broken her pelvis and I am waiting to hear what the doctors decide to do now. I was hoping to talk to her today even though she does not always remember who I am right away.....but can't do that now.

Work is going good, the world has become crazier, and I am getting new "Peepers". Had my first cataract surgery and will be having my second one next week so you won't have to tell me where to go while I am driving anymore. Good thing I have you watching out for me and quietly bitching in my ear when I need it. I love and miss you so much......that never goes away......but I always feel you beside me in love and spirit. Hope you are always proud of me and that you always know how much I have loved you my whole life. You have always been my Best Friend as well as my brother.

I love and miss you forever and always.

love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 24, 2022

Hey There Big Brother

Sorry I am late in wishing you a Happy Birthday but you were in my thoughts and heart as always. Lots going on......had surgery to remove my thyroid and I am still talking like a frog. I am sure you are getting a laugh out of that one, and would be teasing me if you were here. Doc says it will take awhile to get back to normal.

Mom fell and broke her hip and arm. Surgery went well to fix her hip but the recovery is going slow and she will no longer be able to live by herself with a little help. You know Mom is not very happy about that, and it makes me so sad to see her unhappy. Not sure how it's all gonna work out.

I love and miss you so much.
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

September 4, 2022

Merry Christmas Big Brother

Another Christmas Eve for just me and you. Wish so much that you were here because I miss you more than my words can ever express. I don't have anyone to talk to the way that you and I could always talk from the time I was a little girl. I could spill my guts and tell you all the crazy stuff that goes on in my heart and brain and you always understood and helped me to keep myself on solid ground.

My heart is sad tonight and I am disappointed in myself because I still have not learned to quit having such high expectations in the people who walk this earth with me. My heart is always so trusting and naive that I blindly believe everyone and then I stumble when they are not the person they portrayed themselves to be. You know how much I hate being blindsided by stuff. I am a strong person and all I ask is honesty and truth from anyone that touches my life. But, I will get it figured out and put in place as I continue in my stride on this journey.

I am working hard and get tired some days, but love what I do. So guess that is a big plus right? The Family is all doing well....we are just all getting older. The Great-Grandchildren are all starting college or will be.......and gosh those Great-Great Grandchildren that belong to you are growing like little weeds. Mom will be 92 this coming year and her memory gets a little worse day by day.......which is hard since she has always been so strong, energetic, independent and vibrant her whole life. You know she hates having to depend on us kids more and more but that is what families do.....we take care of each other.

Well, I will talk to you again soon. You are always loved and missed by all of us.......the passing of time has not made it any easier. One day all of our souls will be together once more like a bright comet flashing across the sky. Until then .....I love you forever.

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2021

I just found this site and think of you often. I remember delivering wood to your house with my dad when I was a teenager. You were such a sweet man. You always reminded me of The Greatest American Hero (lol). Susanville lost an amazing officer that day and our hearts were broken.

Tammy Gray (Vanmeter)
Friend of Larry & Laurie

December 16, 2021

Today is the 26th Anniversary and it is still so hard. This day can still bring me to my knees, suck my breath away, and breaks my heart. I love and miss you so very are a part of every beat of my heart.

I love you and I don't ever forget.

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

March 2, 2021

Hello Big Brother

Christmas Eve is here again, and so am I like always to share a little special time with you. I finished my phone calls home to talk with family, opened presents that came in the mail, and ate way too many of the cookies that Judi sends every year. This year so many things have been different for the whole world.....a pandemic that keeps so many of us at a distance from each other......our country so divided......things so much harder for our Law Enforcement Officers.....that it really makes you wonder what the future holds in store for us all.

But this year we got to witness " The Christmas Star" which has not been seen since the Middle Ages, and not again in my life time. Some believe that it's the same star that was seen when Christ was born, and who knows maybe a message to us all to have a little faith in miracles during hard times. It really was very beautiful and I am glad that I got to see it.

I love and miss you each and every day. Not a day goes by that a part of me does not share it with you because you are what continues to motivate me to do my very best each and every day, to give all that I have to this life, to always stand tall, and be brave and courageous. I know you are beside me each step of the way, even when I stumble for a moment. Hope you are always proud of me. Watch over my Dog Man and his pups.

Love you forever and always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2020

Another Thanksgiving Big Brother

My Thanksgiving Day Blessings would not be complete without coming here to spend time with you. I think of you every single day.....but we have been sharing this day on ODMP for a long time now. I love and miss you so much, and you know how I am on reflecting all of my blessings on this day. It has become a tradition for me.

I am so blessed to have you for a taught me to always STAND TALL, and to be brave and courageous each day of my life no matter what life tosses at me. As you watch me move through each day I hope you will always be proud of me. We sure have an amazing family......when I focus on the deep bond that lives within all of us......I know that our souls have been together for eternity......and that one by one we will all be together once again.

The world is pretty crazy right now and I know some of it must make you pretty sad; but I know that you watch over all of us and keep us safe. Thank you for watching over "My Dog Man and his Pups"......they are pretty special to me.....and I know his brother is hanging out with you. I am sure the two of you were up there in heaven plotting to connect us here on earth. It's amazing how much we have in "star-crossed soul mates".

I miss you so much and I love you with all my heart forever. I will talk to you again on Christmas Eve.

Love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 26, 2020

Lassen County Sheriff Deputy Larry Griffith, Though Your Life Was Cut Short On March 2nd 1995, Your Courage And Dedication Are Always Remembered. It Is 25 Years Later And Still The Person Who Blatantly Took Your Life Has Not Truly Been Been Punished.

On This Day, We Celebrate Your Life. A Life Of Good , Humor, Love And Family. You Have Made Every Life Richer By You're Presence. Within Them. What You Have Given, To All, Will ALWAYS Be Cherished. Today Is A Day We Say "Thank You" For All You Have Given.

Happy Birthday Sheriff Deputy Larry Griffith !!!

Retired Officer
Grand Rapids Police Department

August 23, 2020

Happy Birthday Big Brother
I am thinking of you as always on the special day that you were born to be my brother; and remembering all the special memories that are engraved in my heart. I wish so much that you were still here so we could continue to celebrate our lives and create more memories......but that sadly was taken away by another human being on this earth. You are never forgotten; and you are forever loved and missed by all who loved you and knew you.

You are always my hero.

Love always from your baby sister.

Terri Griffith

August 23, 2020

It has been 25 years, and the State of California adds to the heartache as they continue to strip away the rights and every small hope of justice from victims and their families. I love and miss you so very much. You are a part of each and every day....each beat of my heart.....and each breath I take. I wish so much that everything was different, and that you were still here with all who love you.

Some days I just can't stand all this heartache and pain that hides beneath the surface of my skin......some days it is so hard to pretend that everything is ok and put a smile on my face just so that other people are not uncomfortable. Some days I feel like I am just going to crumble into little pieces all over again......and it is so hard to keep myself together. It's even harder in this new day when the lives of Law Enforcement Officers don't matter.

But I try to still stand tall and brave; and be the person that you loved. I try to do good things on this earth and always be someone that you would be proud of. I try to be strong, loving and kind on this earth like I know you would want me to be.

I never forget you and I will love you forever and always, Big Brother.

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

March 1, 2020

Merry Christmas Big Brother

I am thinking about you and wishing you were here to celebrate with family and those who love you. I don't ever forget are always in my heart and thoughts. I will love and miss you forever.

Love you always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 25, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Big Brother

I am thinking of you today. Thank you for being one of my blessings in were always an awesome big brother, and I miss you so very much. This is always my favorite holiday and I miss all the Family Gatherings, good times, and the making of memories to keep in our hearts.

I love and miss you forever and always.

Love always
Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 28, 2019

Hello Big Brother

Sorry I have not been here for awhile. Have had a lot of health issues this past year, and I am recovering from major surgery. But all has gone well and I will be getting back to work soon. I know you have been beside me through it always take such good care of me.

I am always thinking of you, no matter what each day brings, and I always miss you. I say a lot of prayers for David as the world is getting crazy out there, and dangerous for all the wonderful Law Enforcement Officers who protect our country. But, I know you are beside him and watching over him, after all he is your precious babe. I remember being with you the day he was born and what a nervous expectant Poppa you were, and I am glad that I got to share that day with you. I love being his Auntie even though I don't get to see him much these days. He has grown to be a wonderful man, father, and grandfather, along with making you proud in his Law Enforcement Career.

Mom has her good days and bad days when it comes to remembering stuff, but she never forgets about you. Hard to believe she will be 90 years old soon. She is a tough woman. I only wish that she would finally see Justice for you, instead of the endless years of Appeals. California's new Governor is a big disappointment all the way around when it comes to anything good for the State. So I don't think Mom is gonna see the end of the Appeals.

Well, I will try to visit more now that I am feeling better. I love you with all my heart.....I miss you with each breath I take......and I always stand tall for you.

love and miss you always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

October 27, 2019

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