Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Larry David Griffith

Lassen County Sheriff's Office, California

End of Watch Thursday, March 2, 1995

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Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Larry David Griffith

I just wanted to let you know you have not been forgotten. Your EOW memorial bracelet was wore and carried for 260 miles from Philadelphia PA to Washington DC this year for the 2019 Police Memorial Week. I am honored to have carried your name and I am blessed to have worked for your son.


Deputy Wilfred "Bill" Quick
Nassau County Sheriff's Office

May 15, 2019

Rest in peace Deputy Sheriff Griffith.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2019

Merry Christmas Big Brother

It would not be Christmas without spending it with you; just like it would not be Christmas without cookies from Judi and Mike and calling home on Christmas Eve. I miss "Our Family" times and everyone being together.

The Family got together this summer and like always we had a great time. Our Momma will be 89 years old in 2019, and she has become very fragile and frail. I have noticed that she has not posted any messages to you this year, but not because she does not love and miss you. She is just having a harder time and her memory is getting bad. Made me sad as I know it was the last time that I will get to see her and spend time with her since I can't always go home as much as I would like to. It also made me sad that she will never see "Justice Served" for you in the California Justice System. She has stood up for you, fought for you, written a gazillion letters to Senators, Congressmen, Governors for 23 years seeking Justice for you and other victims. I know that she will soon be going home to be with you.

You are forever loved and missed by your brothers and sisters, and we keep your practical jokes alive just as we always keep you in our hearts. There are pictures of some of us with finger"bunny ears" behind our heads and plenty of the sarcastic sense of humor that seems to have been bred into all of us at birth. Even on Facebook I will see some off the wall post that makes me laugh......and when I look to see who posted it.....sure enough it was someone in the family. We share such a deep bond among us........that many will never have the privilege of experiencing. But it makes me happy to see that we have passed it down to the children in the family when I see the bonds shared among the grandchildren. The Family love runs deep......and that is "Our Momma's Legacy".

Merry Christmas Big Brother.......I love you more that words can ever are always a part of each breath and beat of my heart.

Love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 25, 2018


It's Christmas Eve. I just wanted to say that I have been thinking about you and that day a lot lately. I miss you friend, and your laugh. It's almost been 24 years. I still have so many questions about that day. Just wanted you to know you haven't been forgotten.

Deputy Tony Bettencourt
Lassen County SO 1994 - 1997, Current Tillamook SO

December 24, 2018

Hello Big Brother

It's another Thanksgiving and as I spend the day reflecting on my blessings , our Family, and all those who make my life a little better on this earth I always find myself wanting and needing to share it with you. This is where I come to pour out the words that normally remain silent inside me......and although I feel you constantly beside me......the words cannot always remain silent......I need the world to know how much you are loved and missed........that you were a special soul on this earth.

I keep chugging along, and always striving to remain the person you loved and encouraged me to be. You always saw deeper than anyone else in my life and you know that it is not always an easy path that I choose to follow. Thanks for helping out my Guardian Angel.......I know I have not made it easy for him either all of these years. I have to say that I have always found myself feeling blessed at the end of every struggle and hardship.

I love and miss you every single are a part of every breath I take......a part of each beat of my heart. I will see you when it is my turn to come home. Save my place for me.

Love always and forever
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 22, 2018

I was going through some personal belongings the other day and found a picture of you. It brought a smile to my face and sadness to my heart. I began to reminisce with my wife about stories of the old days at the Sheriff's Department. How young and Naïve I was and how much I now realize your words and actions influenced my career and character. I often think about the elongated "dispatch 122," which always brings a smile to my face. You are truly missed but NEVER forgotten.

Sergeant David Boettger
Santa Rosa Police Department

August 15, 2018

As I reflect on my career I realize how impactful your influence was on me. The other day I was looking through some personal papers and read your memorial with your picture. It brought a smile to my face and sadness to my heart. I began to tell my wife some stories of my time at the Sheriff's department with you and others, laughing on how naïve and young I was and how impactful your advice. I still laugh when I reflect on the elongated "dispatch 122." You are missed and loved by many and NEVER forgotten.

Sergeant David Boettger
Santa Rosa Police Department

August 15, 2018

You are so very missed and Loved, the struggles are so real and some days are still so hard to get through. What is seen on the outside does not show the battle going on inside. I do now spend more times remembering the laughs that were shared ( which were a daily thing) . Thank you for being a wonderful husband, my best friend and for giving us those as they make this journey through life easier. Although it has been 23 years your presence is always felt, and held very close at heart. You were one of a kind and with a heart bigger than the world. I will Always Love You,

Lauri Griffith

April 29, 2018

Hello Big Brother

Another year, another anniversary, and like always I am thinking of you. I love and miss you with all of my heart. Wish so much that I could touch your face instead of a wall etched with your name. I miss your laughter and the sound of your voice. I never forget.

Love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

March 4, 2018

Rest In Peace Brother LEO. Thank you and your family for your sacrifice and service.

Officer Mike Robinson (Ret)
Upland Police Dept. CA

March 2, 2018


Lt. Dave Griffith
Nassau County S.O.
Larry's son

March 2, 2018

Merry Christmas Big Brother

As always I am thinking about you and missing you. Not a day goes by that you are not in my heart, thoughts and prayers. I love you so very much.

Your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 25, 2017

Dearest Larry... Happy Birthday I hope you like the card and flowers that I sent out to you. You always loved cards and flowers. I always remember every time you sent me a card you would write in it why you picked that certain card for me and the memories it brought back to you. With also the times we shared that made those memories. I think I have every one of them in my Memory Box and I still get them out and read them. I still Celebrate your life on these "Special Days" with happy memories of our times together even with a tear or two. I want you to know that you are never forgotten by all your brothers and sisters but even after all these years it is still just to painful and hard for them to write. But your memory is engraved in "Each Of Their Hearts" with wonderful memories. When we get together we tell stories and share all the memories of beautiful fun times and pranks we shared together. We all miss you Larry with all our hearts. Happy Birthday from all of us as we remember you. I can hear them all yelling at you if you were here "Boy Larry if you don't stop talking that cake will melt with all those candles on it" We love you Larry so Happy Birthday to you but come on lets eat. Ah The Memories..... Love Your Mama Mary.

Mary Griffith

August 24, 2017

Larry, Thank you for all you have given this world. I know you died doing what you were born to do but it is in how you lived that you are remembered. You leave a legacy through pictures and stories. Through your children and family. I, for one, know what a tremendous influence you were to them helping them become the wonderful people they are today. You did so much good in this world that I know you are watching and guiding over us in the next. So, instead of remembering that fateful day, I, remember the changes you made to everyone you touched. You still touch them today. Thank you, for being such a terrific person to those who were lucky enough to know you. You are dearly missed... you are and will never be forgotten. Go with God and continue your watch.

Retired Officer/Deputy Annette Homrich
Grand Rapids Police Department

March 3, 2017

With no doubt, Deputy Griffith was loved by his mother Mary, his sister Teri, and many, many others. Our thanks to Larry Griffith for his stand in the Thin Blue Line.

Stan Jefferson
Citizen of Arizona

March 2, 2017

Dear Larry...Well here I am again and another year has passed since you left us 22 years ago as the dawn and rain came down from our sky and never stopped till night. This is a very hard year for me, I always miss you but some years I feel over whelmed to find words to write as I feel like an empty shell and this is one of them. I just cant find the words to say what is in my heart. But I want you to know I love You and forever miss your smiling face and hearing you say "I love You Mama". Maybe tomorrow I will be able to write again as by then you will have your flowers and they always say when you don't know what to say, "Say It With Flowers". Well my dear son "I Will Love And Miss You Forever.... Your Mama Mary

Mary Griffith

March 2, 2017

Hello Big Brother

Another anniversary is here, and I still love and miss you with every beat of my heart. Not a day has gone by in all these years that I have not thought about are as much a part of me as breathing. I wish so much that I could erase that moment that took you away from everyone who loved you. I can't help but wonder sometimes what things would be like if you were still here, even though I know you are gone and nothing is going to bring you back. I know that I just have to wait for the day when I can see you again. I can't wait to see those blue eyes hear the sound of your laughter....and to be able to wrap my arms around you so that I can hug you and never let go again. I know that you can see that I am still crying.....I know that you can feel that my heart is still broken....that I am still lost in all these feelings.....but I hope you know I am doing the best that I can. I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!

love always and forever
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

March 1, 2017

Hello Big Brother

It is Christmas Eve, and as always you are in my heart and thoughts. The holidays are never the same without you......but I guess writing to you each Christmas Eve is now a new tradition for would not be complete without coming to this page and sharing a few moments with you. I love and miss you so much each and every day.

love always and forever
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 25, 2016

Hello Big Brother

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and you are in my heart and thoughts. Having you for one of my big brothers has always been one of the blessings in my life and I will always love and miss you each and every day.

I noticed that David has posted to you.......and I have been thinking about him ever since hearing his department has lost one of their young officers in the Line of Duty. I am not surprised that it has brought back a lot of memories for him and I hope you will help him in the days ahead...not only for himself but also to be able to help his officer's family and his department. I don't need to tell you that my heartfelt prayers are with them all.

Our world is getting pretty crazy out there these days and it's a pretty sad thing to see happening, and no one wanting to stand up for what is right. I sure don't like the things I see around me anymore......but I will always stand tall, brave and courageous.......and I will not be silent. I will speak up and honor those who serve and protect in our communities. I might be little but I will be fearless.

Always know how much you are loved and missed by me.
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

November 24, 2016

As our agency lost a young deputy this morning to a tragic accident, it brings back many memories. His family only got him for 32 years and not 44 years like us. His name was Eric Oliver, nice kid, Navy veteran, patrol deputy. Now days all my patrol team is young or I'm just getting old. He worked on the other team but filled in on mine sometimes for OT. You would love to see how grown all the kids are and grand-kids. The upcoming days will be tough but we will get through it and continue serving and protecting. Just as you did.

Lt. Dave Griffith
Nassau County S.O.
Larry's son

November 23, 2016

We knew each other for only four years but your friendship meant the world to me. You taught me, helped me, accompanied me and basically made the world a better place for me. When I think of you, I the memories come storming back. That harrowing day that we were driving in your truck to Redding for our monthly Army Reserve drill and never made it, instead careening into the snow, just after Nick did in his jeep in front of us. Our valiant but vane efforts, along with Marty, to save Nick’s life and the final realization that we couldn’t. All those nights in the following months, when I worked the graveyard shift at the mill and you worked the graveyard shift as a Deputy, and you would stop by and console me and we would talk about anything and everything under the sun (or moon in our case) except the night we lost Nick, even though that’s the only thing we were really talking about. Once you found out that I was a tad jumpy, you often announced your visit to the mill, not with a knock on the door, but with your spot light shining in the window and watching me set a world high jump record and the easy smile you always brought following my surprise at being in the spotlight.
I had never known the challenges faced by law enforcement officers such as yourself. But on these nights at the mill, when you told me all of the things that you were experiencing on a fairly routine basis, I was both surprised, and glad that there were people like you willing to do what others wouldn’t. People like you, who pick up a weapon, stand a post and say to the rest of us, “don’t you worry now, I’m watching out for you.”
It always amazed me that the two of us suffered the same emotional trauma, (you suffered even more physically from that accident) and yet it was you who always went out of your way to see how I was doing, to make sure that I was OK. Well who was looking out for you? That’s just the kind of rare person you were Larry. Always thinking of others.
Then came that awful day when I heard that there had been a shooting and that a Deputy had been killed and I waited and hoped it wasn’t you. Then, came the news. It was you. I couldn’t believe it when they said: “Larry Griffith.” I couldn’t breathe. And the days that followed. The whole town coming to a standstill. The line of cars miles long. Larry Rust conducting the memorial. Marty coming up to me at the memorial and we were both thinking the same thing but only he said it: “Now it’s just the two of us.”
You taught me, by example, the kind of person I should be and I wish so desperately that you were still here, so that I could tell you these things directly. I do my best to honor you Larry by being the kind of person that would make you proud.
I hope you know that no matter where I go or what I’m doing, there is a part of me that is still sitting with you having a cup of coffee and talking about everything under the sun (or the moon), and learning and being inspired by you.
What an amazing honor it was to know you.
Always you friend, Ed

Ed Reed

July 23, 2016

Hi Larry... Well I will try again to write this. No I did not forget you on March 2nd, I started to write you but had to stop as I couldn't finish it so deleted it and every night since I have come and sat down to write again but stopped. So here I am March 18th and still I am trying to ask myself "Why is it so hard for me to put into words what I feel in my heart". I guess what I feel is so "Special" I only want to share it with you not the whole world to read and you know better then anyone on this earth what my heart feels about you my sweet son. There is no one on this earth that can even know,feel or imagine "The Bond Of Love" that our family shared every day of our lives. LIKE Sandi said "The day that you were killed it was like "This Beautiful Aura" from God that surrounded all of us blew up and our lives will never be the same without you. How can you put that in words so that any human being could ever understand what "That Man Who Killed You" took from our family forever. There are no words to even begin to help people understand how we his family are the ones who "Live On Death Row" every day in a trial that has lasted 20 years and counting. Yes I can put "Sweet Words Of Love" to you on this page but no one or nothing I say can show people the pain Our Family And You Larry (as you died) Don't feel every day of our lives. I feel like the words are "Empty Words" for people to hear.What we feel in our hearts and the tears we bleed in our hearts every day, no other human being can imagine or even begin to feel. I have live it, breath it every day of my life for 20 years. The Grief will never end till the day we all die also. But every day we try to remember just the "Good,Beautiful,Happy,Wonderful Days We Were Blessed With" and sharing growing up at the beach in Coronado, the best place on earth.That we still return to when ever we get together as we know you will be there Larry as we feel "Your Spirit" there waiting with "That Smile" on your face (like What Took You So Long". All the beautiful memories, love and that "Special Bond Of Love" that so many people will never have or even dream of having. Yes we were so Blessed, But then "This Day" or some memories return and our hearts " Miss You " and words are not enough. Well I guess by the time I wrote this I guess I realize why it is so hard for me to come to this page and write you. No matter where you all go you and your brothers and sister "Lived In My Heart Every Day Of My Life" from the moment I knew you were part of me before you were ever born. And no matter what ever happens,You All Will Live In My Heart Forever".... I Love You My Sweet Son....... Love Your Mama Mary.

Mary Griffith

March 19, 2016

Hello Big Brother

Another Anniversary today.......21 years. I did not sleep well.....woke up at 3:00 am and then again at 5:30 am. I am sure that is because this day has been stirring in my heart like it does every year.....strange how I can feel it within me like some animal waking up from hibernation. I love and miss you with every breath and beat of my heart. I am sorry if I have let you down, but I just can't seem to fix this broken part of me, and I have not been able to let go of this sadness that overwhelms me. I have done my best by myself and I have just come to accept that this is as good as it's ever gonna get. But even though this sadness is just a part of who I am now......I still try to stand tall and brave for be the best person I can be and love with all my heart. I did some special things in Memory of You this year. I sponsored a Trauma First Aid Kit for a Police K9 in Kansas, and I sponsored two Police K9's and their handlers in a Memorial Service. The memorial service is to honor the K9's that have died, and memorial items are given to the handlers. Since you loved animals as much as I do.....I thought that was a fitting way to honor you this year. I thought you would like that. I know you are always with me in love and spirit.....but I still miss your laughter, your sense of humor that could always make me laugh, I miss talking to you, I miss your hugs, I miss your brotherly advise, your unconditional love, there is just nothing that can replace you. Always remember how much you are loved by me, that you have always been my best friend, my hero, and big brother. I will see you when I come home.

Love forever and always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

March 2, 2016

Hi Larry. The anniversary of that awful day is drawing near. I know you already know this, but, you are missed more than any words can say. Words can 't begin to touch the emptiness felt now, nor the love and joy that you brought into this uncertain world.

I never had the honor of meeting you. Nor your family yet, in person at least. Your baby sister misses you each and every day. She has grown up into a such a beautiful person, I know you are very proud of.

You may not be on this earth, but you are in the heavens, the wind and the stars up above. Please be with your family and watch over them as you always do. Let them remember.. you full of life, love and laughter. Thank you for all of the good you brought into this world and into the next. Your light will always continues to shine in our hearts. Thank you! ~Ann

Annette Homrich Retired Police Officer
Grand Rapids Police Department

February 25, 2016

Hello Big Brother

It is Christmas Eve, and I thought I would spend a little time with you tonight. There is a big full moon tonight and the weather is really warm for the end of December.....but you know I don't mind since I am not real crazy about cold weather. I am by myself tonight and thinking a lot about family and all the Christmas's we all spent together as a family. I miss those days as much as I miss you.....and the angels that watch over me know how much I love and miss you. Tomorrow I will be spending the day with friends so not like I am being a hermit or anything.

I guess since our family always celebrated together on Christmas Eve; I always keep this day as the time I celebrate my family in my heart and in my soul. I think about each person in the family and how much I love our love of family is contained in each breath I take and each beat of my heart.......and it just spills out of me....all over everything that I touch. It's hard sometimes to be so far away from everyone that I love and I can only hope that they always know how much they are loved by me.

Christmas is not the same without the tree with lights sparkling in the dark, it's not the same without a package of cookies from home.....and its not the same without you. I know that you do not want me to be sad but I just can't fix that part of me that broke the day you died. I am gonna love and miss you when you see me's only because I hurt as much as I love. My hands reach up to the moon tonight and maybe I can touch your face if only for a moment.

I love you......Merry Christmas precious brother.....and my best friend.

love always
your baby sister

Terri Griffith

December 24, 2015

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