Lassen County Sheriff's Office, California
End of Watch Thursday, March 2, 1995
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Larry David Griffith
HAPPY NEW YEARS BRO !!!! It is New Years Eve, and the ending of one year and the the beginning of another. They seem to go so fast these days, and I wonder where the time has gone. It is often hard to believe that in another few months it will be 13 years since that day that changed all of our lives doesn't feel like it has been that long.
I share each moment with you, and I keep you close in my heart. I know you are flying close to the ground tonight and sharing this moment with me.....and watching over me as here is a kiss upon your cheek !!!
I love you !!!!
love always and forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
December 31, 2007
MERRY CHRISTMAS BIG BROTHER !!!!! It is Christmas Eve and I wanted to share some of the holiday spirit here with you. This was always the time that we spent together as a family when we were growing up, and when we all opened our presents, and then waited for Santa to show up. So it only seems natural and fitting that I would share some of this time with you......along to talking with the rest of the family on the phone later.
I wish that I could close my eyes tight, make wishes with all of my heart, and when I opened my eyes again I would find you hidden among the presents under the tree. It would make my Christmas perfect and complete. I would give anything to be able to share these moments with you again. To just be able to hear your voice, your laughter, and all of your usual jokes. To see your smile, the sparkle in your eyes, and to wrap my arms around you with a great big hug. But for now all I can do is touch you in my dreams.
I miss you so much. I am not sure if anyone else really knows how much except you. We shared so much, so many moments that were just between us, such a strong bond lived between us, and I miss that more than words can ever say. I don't have anyone who calls me "kid" anymore......such a simple pet name.......that I miss hearing.
I have so many feelings that rush around inside me, and sometimes this overwhelming sadness that I just don't know what to do with. There is still this big hole in my life where you are suppose to be, and nothing else can ever fill it up. I try so hard to be brave and strong, to stand tall and to keep being the person that you loved, but sometimes I am just a little girl who hurts and misses her big brother.
You are part of my Christmas Spirit.....and you are always my hero, my big brother, my best friend, and part of the most awesome family on the face of this earth. I love you till it spills all over my shoes........forever big brother!! I don't ever forget!!
love you forever and always
your little sister
Terri Griffith
December 24, 2007
It is time for me to remember the blessings in my life, and all the things that I am thankful for. I don't ever forget how blessed my life has been to be born into our wonderful Griffith Family, and I am always thankful that you were my big brother. We have such a special family and there is so much love that holds us all so tightly together, a bond we share that is for all eternity.
I love you so very much, and I am thankful and blessed to hold so many wonderful and treasured memories of you in my heart. You are a part of every are always in my heart.....and you are never forgotten.
love always and forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
November 21, 2007
Hey Big Brother
It's just me. I was thinking about you tonight and missing you. I wish that you were here to talk to, but I can't just dial the phone anymore and hear your voice. I know you are always with me in spirit, but there are so many times that I want to talk things over with you like I always did in the past and get your opinons and feedback to help guide me along. I miss so many little things that we shared together over the years of growing up together, and sometimes it is so hard to realize that I will never have all of those little things again.
I can't tell you about all the funny stuff that my granddaughter does, I can't tell you about all the deer that come to visit me each day or show you all the wonderful pictures that I take of them. I can't talk to you about all the stuff going on around me each day....and it seems so unfair that I dont have those moments with you anymore.
I just miss you so much!!!! There is a big hole in our family that can never be filled. I wish so much that things could be different....because sometimes this ache in my heart is so hard to live with.
I love you with all of my heart and you are always my hero. Dont ever forget how much I love and miss you.
love always and forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
October 4, 2007
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
September 12, 2007
Hey Big Brother
It's your little sister again. Tomorrow is your birthday and since I can't tell you "Happy Birthday" in person then I figure posting it here is the next best thing. I don't ever forget you and I don't ever stop missing you or loving you. You are always a part of each day and a part of each breath I take and each beat of my heart because your spirit will always live on inside of me.
I love and miss you so much !!!!! You are always my hero !!
love always and forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
August 21, 2007
Hey Larry...Your sister was right, Krystal was so happy and Proud. Everytime I play the In the Line of Duty video I can still remember the morning you were taken from all of us. Godspeed Brother...
Officer Mike Teater
Atwater PD
August 9, 2007
Hey Big Brother
It is just me again to tell you how much I love and miss you. I know that you are in heaven really strutting your wings as you watch your little girl. Krystal received a very special honor this month during the Police Memorial in Shasta County. She was given your badge number!!!! Since your badge number was retired after you were killed only one of your children could wear it. So this has been a very special moment for the whole family. I wish I could post the picture of Krystal because the look on her face says it all. Both David and Krystal have followed in your footsteps.......and I know that they make you proud.
You live on in all those who love you and we don't ever forget you. You are always my hero, my big brother, and my best friend. Not a day goes by that I don't share it with you in my heart, my thoughts, and my prayers.
I love you and miss you!!!!
love you forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
May 25, 2007
Not to ever forget you as friend, fellow officer and southern California drug enforcement cops. Paul Wood, happily retired in outback Josephine County Oregon.
Deputy Sheriff, Investigator (ret)
Modoc S.O.
May 2, 2007
Hey, Larry, I just learned of this site from your mom. A couple of weeks ago we had the 12 year anniversary and, while Bruce and I think of you often, it was very much on our minds on March 2. We wiss you, a lot. It is so wonderful to read the reflections left by your family -- they all love you so very much. Your loss has been so profound for them and it breaks my heart to know that they're suffering so. You would be so proud of Krystal and David -- following in your footsteps and making wonderful successes of their careers. Anyway, just wanted to let you know we miss you and love you.
Bruce and Denise
Denise Stelzer
March 12, 2007
Hey Big Brother
This is the 12th year anniversary of the day that you were shot and killed. I am not sure if the years that have passed are suppose to mean that I am suppose to miss you less...but I can tell you that time does not heal all wounds and with each year that has passed I only miss you more. Not a day has passed by that you have not been in my heart and thoughts, and not a year has gone by that I have not relived this day.
I love and miss you more than any words will ever say. I strive to stand tall and brave, and continue to be the person that you encouraged and loved in me. I do my best to be a person that you would be proud of because I know that all the best in you grows on in me and through me your spirit lives on.
You are always my hero and I will never let the sacrafice that you made be forgotten.
I love you forever and always
your little sister
Terri Griffith
March 3, 2007
Hi Larry... Well here we are have gone by and it is still like you just left me today. The pain seems worse every year as I guess I just become more aware that I will never see your smiling face on this earth again. Every year I replay the videos and I ask myself "Where have I been? Where was I was when these things happened and were made.? It is like watching a dream and I am just starting "To Wake Up" and maybe that is why the pain seems so bad. Maybe I wake up a little more each year.People tell me Well you have five other children and I shouldn't do this,that you wouldn't want me to be like this. How do I explain to people.. " How Does A Mother Ever Forget Her Child". There is never a day that goes by that I don't think of each one of you and pray for each one of you. How does a mother ever forget the feel of that child that she carried nine month in her womb, who took her in their arms and hugged her,kissed her, said "I Love You Mama" and she watched grow up whither they are alive or dead. Each one of you are "Unique and Special".All of you have grown up to be Every Thing A Mother Could Dream Her Child To Be". So should people expect me to forget you because you are not here to call, visit or do all the things mothers and their child does?. Does that mean we cant still have sad days and memories as well as happy days and memories. I call the others all the time so I feel like some days "I Just Call You". Some times I write you funny things, Today I am calling to just tell you I am sad because today I feel so "lost without you today". But down inside something tells me "You Will Show Up " tonight like you do some nights and either do "One Of Your Pranks" to me or that you will take me in your arms and give me " Big Bear Hug" like you used to do. And I will know you are here and close to me today. Just like all your brothers and sisters called me today "Just To Say I Love You Mama". So I am Calling You Today Just to Say "I Love You Baby And I Miss You Today"... Your Mama Mary.
Mary Griffith
March 2, 2007
I remember the day you left us Deputy Griffith and You are not forgotten !! Your law enforcement legacy carries on in the hearts and soles of your family as well as those of your LEO brothers and sisters nationwide!! Rest easy Brother
Calif Hwy Patrol.. Ret.
March 2, 2007
Hey Big Brother
It is just me again.....and another Christmas is upon us...and of course I am thinking of you as I look at the decorations upon the tree....the lights twinkling in the night....and the gifts all wrapped in pretty paper....and only one thing is missing.....and that is you. I close my eyes as tight as I can....and in my mind I can see the sparkle that always shined in your eyes.....and in the silence I can hear the warmth of your laughter echoing all around me.....and in my heart I can feel the love that lived within you....that you always gave so freely and unconditionally. I reach my hands to the stars tonight and touch your face in the heavens. I love you and miss you.
love forever and always
your little sister
Terri Griffith
December 24, 2006
Hey Big Brother
Tommorrow is Thanksgiving....and as we spend the day reflecting upon the blessings in life....I can't forget that you are among those blessings. I miss you bro and heaven knows that I always will.....can't ever replace that missing link in the family chain. I love you so much and you are never are always a part of everything that I am.
love always and forever
your little sister
Terri Griffith
November 22, 2006
Hey Big Brother
It's me again. Sorry I missed your birthday. I had a good excuse though. I was in the hospital and have been a pretty sick little puppy, but I know that you already know that since you have been hanging out with my guardian angel. He most likely enlisted you to help him because heaven knows sometimes I probubly need more than one guardian angel watching out for me. LOL
But even though things might prevent me from getting here when I want to...there isnt a day that goes by that I dont think about you and miss you. You are always a part of everything that I am and everything that I do. When I close my eyes and I see that sparkle in your eyes again, that smile on your face, and the laughter that echos around me I know that no matter what life tosses in my lap that everything is going to be ok. You give me the strength and courage to keep chugging along in life and making the best of every day....the best of each moment. I treasure the small blessings that are given to me each day.
I love you big are always my hero!
Love always
your little sister
Terri Griffith
September 12, 2006
Dearest Larry. Well your birthday has come again and I couldn't call to tell you "Happy Birthday" on the phone but I know you heard "My Heart Call You" and that you liked the card, note and flowers I had placed on your grave. You loved flowers so much.I bet you got a smile out of the Monkey statue we had put out there early this year because with the snow flowers dont last long. I laugh every time I think of it. (Ah Karma.. I know you would have done it to me if it was the other way around.) I wish I could have been there to place all of this myself, but you know in my heart I am there each day to sit by you and have a little talk about all that is happening in the family. The twins are getting so big and they are such a joy. Plus lots of new little gran kids to help heal the family.You would have a ball watching "Lion King" and all your other favorite Disney movies,wrestle and play with all of them like you did the other kids. Little Larry is so much like you in his actions etc. when you were a little boy like him. A "Sweet Little Lover" who loves to be held,loved and be cuddled. Derek can take his toys etc. away and that o.k. until he has "Had Enough" and the look out.( Which is very seldom)He is mesmerized by your sheriff's badge that I wear around my neck, he looks at it and touches it and then at me and tells me "My Star"? meaning that it is his. We all miss you so much and even though all the other kids don't write to you here, they know you hear what is in their hearts and how much they all miss you. It is just too hard for them to do. Well even though I didn't get this letter on the page until today,you know I will always have flowers and a card to tell you how much I love and miss you on your grave on that day until I can hand them to you in person and get a "Big Bear Hug" from you again... Love Your Mama Mary.
Mary Griffith
September 4, 2006
Hey Big Brother
Well it is me again. It is 11 years ago today that you left all of those that love you. It is amazing how the images, memories, and feelings can still be so clear and how they feel like they just happened when we allow them to surface from that place where they live beneath the skin. All day long I have relived all those moments and images....and cried all those tears all over again. You have a family that loves and misses you so much, and life is just not the same for any of us. Guess we will all have to wait for that big family reunion in heaven. I know that you are always with me and always watching over me just like you did all the years I was growing up. You are always my hero....and I am always standing tall. I love you with each breath....with each beat of my heart....forever. I will visit again another day....I love you bro!
Love forever
Your little sister
Terri Griffith
March 2, 2006
Dearest Larry. Well it is 11 years today since you were murdered.It still seems like yesterday.I guess some people would wonder why it has taken me so long to write you.But unless they lived with our family they do not know or remember our "Special Talks" or our "Special Times" alone. Because there were six of you I always tried to have one day that was "Special" to go and do something each of you wanted to do alone with me,Or how as you all grew older you knew if the Blue Lamp was still on in my bedroom I was awake waiting for the last one of you to get home just incase you wanted to talk to me.(Remember some of us used to laugh and call it "The Shrink Couch")You and I know how each anniversary of your death,your birthday,and Christmas when I have flowers put on your grave I have a "Special Card" with them to let you know I have never for one day forgotten you and how much I miss you.This is the only "Special Time" I have left with you. Yes you are always here in spirit, but God I wish so much to hold you again. I miss the warmth of your body when you still give me a "Bear Hug" and say "I Love You Mama".I miss seeing your smile,the mischief in your eyes,your laughter.It is so hard to write these things as what is in my heart for each of you kids has always been so private and special.I feel like its not for other peoples eyes. Just for our "Special Times" alone. I love how you come and visit me at night sometimes and sit on my bed and talk to me like you did when you were a teenager.Yea and when you still try to "Short Sheet" my bed. No wonder some night I spend half the night trying to get my covers back.I hear you snickering in the dark.I guess God chose you to go first to be the "Guardian Angel"for this Family that is now all over the world also.You should be too busy chasing all over trying to "Back Up Krystal and David" on their beats,Cover Tom's"Back Side" in Iraq, keep those "New Twins" out of trouble (That job is just begining.I hope you can fly fast)instead of having time for pranks. But knowing you what would your day be without having someone to pester. But we love having you come around.I guess it makes things a little easier for me to have to let you go as I realize God had another plan for you.( God realized he just couldnt do it all alone trying to keep up with "The Griffith Clan" Ha. You did so well on earth he decided to "Give It To You " for eternity.Remember the reunion.Ha.Well one thing I will say most people have no idea what I am talking about unless they "Our One Of Us". Ha. But you know dont you Larry. What is that about "Karma".Yes for writing this letter I am sure you will see mine is ready for me when I get there. Well this letter wasnt as hard as I thought it would be. Your are always here to help me and give me memories to smile about. Well "I Love You Baby"... Your Mama Mary.
Mary Griffith
March 2, 2006
Well its been 11 years today, and once again its raining. Its hard to believe its been that long, it still seems like it just happend. So much of my life was taken with yours that day, its so amazing how one person can ruin so many lives. I love you and miss you so very much, you are still the greatest moments of my life, someday we will be together again.
Thank you for the memories.
Lauri Griffith
March 2, 2006
Officer Griffith, To have such a reflection left such as the one left by your sister Terri has spoken volumes about someone I never met.Rest in Peace for you are a man truely loved and missed.Our Lord's special blessing your your sister and your family.
March 2, 2006
Hey Big Brother
I am so thankful for this web-site. This is where I come when I need to be with you, when I am thinking about you, when I am missing you, when life feels empty without you in it. I love you so much....till it spills all over my shoes and runs in rivers upon this earth. I love you with each breath I take...with each beat of my heart....forever. Another birthday has passed without you....and soon another Christmas...and soon another year. Time doesn't heal all wounds big brother....some wounds live just beneath the skin....but you learn to live with it the best that you can....and you learn to make the best of each moment....and you learn to leave some goodness on this earth to balance out the bad. I try to live my life remembering all that you taught me....I stand tall and brave and face whatever life tosses in my lap...I live life with passion and adventure....I embrace each moment and make it the best that I can...I am not afraid to feel the heights and depths of my emotions....and oh, how I love. I give life all I have to give and I won't let anyone change the things that you loved in me! The bond we shared will always live on in me big brother. I love and miss you!!!
Your little sister
Terri Griffith
December 7, 2005
You were and are the love of our daughter's life. You were taken much too soon and are missed every day.
Huston & Norma
Huston & Norma Hanson
June 28, 2005
I miss you as much today as I did 10 years ago. You were my world and there isn't a day go by that I dont feel blessed to have had you in my life. You were the best Husband, Father and Friend that anyone could ever have. Some day we will be together again. I love you and miss you so very much.
Lauri Griffith
June 24, 2005
I think about you every day, you are my inspiration. We have a lot of catching up to do, when I see you again. Thank you for being the dad you were, your love and respect grows stronger in me everyday.
Officer Krystal Griffith
June 23, 2005