New York State Police, New York
End of Watch Thursday, July 6, 1961
Reflections for Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato
Dear Sal, we never met. Actually, you passed before I was even born. I am your second cousin, Joseph. Your cousin Salvatore D'Amico's son. I was told nothing but great things about you as a person, a family member, and a State Trooper. Both, my mother and father adored you, and raved about you, your heart, and your character. May you rest in peace, cuz.
Joseph D'Amico Family Member
Second Cousin
February 7, 2025
Dear Brother, Today is Sunday, Sept. 29th, the Feast day of St. Michael the Archangel who is the patron saint for police officers; and it also marks the day on which you were born, in 1931...making this day too, what would have been your 93rd birthday. I think back to that July 6th Thursday in 1961 when you were supposed to be off since you had worked the July 4th holiday weekend...and that favor you did for a fellow trooper which ended with the accident that took you from your life and ours. I don’t think I will ever understand what purpose any tragedy serves, and I don’t think there will ever be any justifiable answers for those of us who were and are made to suffer and grieve any untimely losses. Mom and Dad were heartbroken and devastated from that day forward. Dad wanted to have the trooper car that you drove that day impounded and gone over since he felt that it must have been a problem with the steering mechanism that caused you to not come out of the u turn you were making. The truck driver who was on the thruway said he saw the trooper’s light on the roof of the car go on and black smoke coming out of the exhaust as the car went straight across the road and over the small guardrail and down the embankment. At the time NYS didn’t have the budget necessary to purchase new Crown Vics and the ones that were being used were not in the best condition. One of your fellow officers told us that the car you took that day was always the last one left, because the door on the driver’s side had to be tied by a rope to the inside to be held closed. That day and all that followed are etched in my memories. Officers from the tri state area police depts. and fellow troopers were all in attendance, lined up and at attention outside our parish church as the mass had attended and we were making our way to your resting place. Mom and Dad would visit you religiously every Sunday. I pray now that all of our loved ones are happy and together with you in God’s promise. God bless you Sal for watching over our family and for being a loving son and wonderful big brother. Rest peacefully in His light and promise of eternal life. I did send a floral basket in your memory yesterday, to be placed at the Trooper Memorial in Tarrytown for today in Wishing you a very blessed birthday. You are loved, still so very missed and you are in my thoughts and prayers always. You will never be forgotten, as this next generation also knows about their Uncle Sal.
sister of Tpr Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
September 29, 2024
We are all thankful for Trooper Embarrato service to our great Nation, and to his service to the State of New York. Trooper Embarrato's devotion and professionalism are both evident by his actions, and for that reason Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato will NEVER - EVER - BE FORGOTTEN. RIP sir.
Retired First Sergeant Thomas Webb
New York State Police - Troop "D"
September 3, 2024
Dear Brother...Your niece Cyn asked a priest friend of her’s from the Pius X order to offer a mass for you today...also a Thursday, on this “63rd Year Remembrance Day” of your untimely loss to our family. They are a pre Vatican II rite like the original Roman Catholic church that we were raised in, and that you served, as an altar boy, back when we all learned the Latin prayers and responses that were traditionally used then...before everything began to be watered down in an effort to become a more ecumenical; and modernized church...but in so doing; and as you knew me then...I still have opinions...and mine is that too many of the traditional teachings; along with a sense of sacredness were sadly compromised. So I pray that a simple faith in what we once knew as truth, was, is, and will be enough to reunite everyone in our family in God’s promise of eternal life with Him...and all of our loved ones who have been or will be in His time, called back home by Him. God bless you Sal, for being a loving son, and the best big brother two sisters could have. You were and remain the best of us Sal. I carry my precious memories of you with me always. You are not forgotten and are still very missed. I did light candles today for you, my son, Cookie, Mom, and Dad. I pray that each of you are together, happy, and resting peacefully in His perpetual light. You all are in my prayers always.
sister of NYS Tpr Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
July 6, 2024
Dear Brother...Every time I pass the VA state police station which is on my way when I go once a week to visit my son at his FMP resting place, I always say a prayer for you. You are thought about by me and not forgotten. For making the ultimate sacrifice while serving and protecting as a leo, as well as for your service in the military...may God bless you, as you rest in His perpetual light. You were and remain the very best of us. You are loved, very missed and you are in my prayers always.
sister of NYS Tpr Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
May 25, 2024
Dear Brother...I called the Tarrytown Florist yesterday to order a flower basket to be placed at the Troop T Memorial for today, Sept 29, which is not only the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel...but also the day on which you were born 92 years ago. I received a call from them today letting me know that due to the heavy rain and flooding in their area...that it might be best to postpone the delivery until tomorrow which is the day after I wanted it to be there. Of course, under the circumstances, I said that would be fine. Sal, I pray that you, along with Mom, Dad, my Son, and now Cookie...are all resting peacefully in God’s perpetual light. You all are in my daily prayers always. God bless you and each of them. You are loved, missed and not forgotten
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
September 29, 2023
Dear Brother...It is July 6th...on a Thursday once again, that is marking this 62nd Year Remembrance Day of that day in1961 when Aunt Susie opened the door to that trooper standing there...who gave us the most unexpected, devastating and heartbreaking news of your loss to our family, which left none of us the same as we were before that knock. Mom had been getting dressed to go with Cookie to the hospital because she was in labor with her first child, and I was at a movie with my boyfriend, before he was due back at West Point. There was a strange somberness in the neighborhood as we walked back from the movie. Uncle Johnny was in front of the building...looking upset and his lips were quivering. I can still visualize his face. I thought something had happened to Cookie and her baby...and asked him if she was okay...he said she was at the hospital...and then he’s “Sally,” which was the name all of our Aunts and Uncles dubbed you as a boy...and then he said you had been in an accident. The screams I heard from Mom as I entered the building told me what I was dreading to assume from the expression on Uncle John’s face. These images and all of the aftermath are still vivid in my memories when I think back. You were so loved by our family...and all of our friends and neighbors always held you in such high regard. My teenage friends, especially the boys, all looked up to you as a role model. Everyone we knew was impacted by... and feeling your loss. These many years later, I still have friends who speak of you in accolades. Rightfully so I might add, because you were just that special a person.
In your memory, I ordered a floral basket to be placed today at the Tarrytown station Troop T Memorial.
Sal you only got to know about the one nephew, with whom you shared the same birthdate...Sept. 29. I have a photo of him with you, on your 29th birthday which was also his First birthday...but little did we know that this “Golden Birthday” for you, would be the last one we all would share in. It was taken in 1960. You now have in addition to Cookie’ first son, a second nephew born on the Saturday, July 8, 1961...just two days after losing you...and then she had a daughter in Nov. of 1962. I married in 1964 giving you two more nieces, and two more nephews. I named my first son after you, and he became an eye doctor. Knowing that your first ambition was to be a doctor...and because he had so many of your best traits...I hoped you somehow could have known that he carried your name and had achieved a hope of yours. I guess timing is everything...and it was stolen from each of you, much too soon and much too young. I hope that someday I will get to have all my questions answered...every why...and, what were the purposes served by such tragic losses.
Our family has grown in numbers in these many years...and you are now an Uncle to three more nephews, and three nieces. A Grand Uncle to six nieces, eight additional nephews and a Great Grand Uncle to four nephews and one niece.
They all know about their wonderful Uncle Sal...and the younger ones will also be told about you. You will not be forgotten!
As you rest peacefully in God's perpetual light...know that you are in my thoughts and in my daily prayers always...along with my son, and Mom and Dad. were the very best of us.
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
July 6, 2023
Dear Brother...I can’t believe I missed posting a reflection on your page wishing you a Blessed Easter on the 9th. I guess with everyone in my family, from my great-grandson, to his parents and grandmother, being sick over this holiday...with allergy related upper respiratory issues thanks to the terrible pollen counts here in VA...I was not focusing on things I normally would have remembered to do. I did pray for you, and my son, Mom and Dad, and other relatives and friends at mass on you were in my thoughts. I do think of you each day along with my two very special Salvatores.' I pray that you and all of our family who have been called back home to God, are at peace and happy in His promise of perpetual light and eternal rest. God bless each of you...and know that you all are loved, very missed and prayed for always.
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
April 11, 2023
Dear Brother...Don't know how I let both Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day...get by me without leaving a reflection on your site. We were at Con's for both holidays...and as always she and Steve...excel at being hosts. It was both great-grands "1st Christmas" and Xan was able to rip off wrapping paper...but Kav is still too young to notice what day it was. I also missed wishing a dear cousin a Happy Birthday on Nov. 26 even though I knew it was coming...and on Nov. 28 which is my brother-in-law's birthday...and also Mom's...I missed that one too. I don't think it was due to forgetfulness...I was trying to get too many things done...and running out of when I was ready to collect my thoughts...and tend to all of the above...I missed the time frames on each of there was no reflection left, no birthday present sent, and no phone call made. I even missed sending something to the Gordon's this year, because I missed the arrival time for Christmas delivery. I know the message is...I have to budget my time better, and honestly, I don't even know how I got so far behind this season.
So belatedly, I hope you had blessed days for both holidays...and I did offer my apologies to my cousin, and to my brother-in-law. Glad they weren't milestone birthdays for either of them.
Tomorrow night, New Year's Eve, will be spent at your Godchild's house . Dad just made the pizza sauce tonight...and the dough will get made early in the morning...and later the fixing and baking will take place several hours before we have to leave. I just want to make two more things to bring to Stef...and then I quit.
I will be thinking of you at midnight tomorrow, along with my son, and mom and dad...while missing each of you so very much. Keep watch over Cookie and her family, as well as mine too. You all are loved and prayed for always.
May this New Year be a blessed one for you and our family. "Early" Happy and Blessed New Year. Sal, You remain the very best of us...and You are not forgotten.
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6.61
December 30, 2022
Dear Brother...I sent a floral arrangement via the Tarrytown be placed at the Troop T honor of your birthday...which today would have been your 91st...on this Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel.
In February of this year...and then again in became a GreatGrand Uncle once more...this time to two of my granddaughters’ babies. A little boy named Alexander...which is being shortened to Xander...and a little girl named Kavanaugh Juliette...who will be called...Kav or KJ.
I am reminding myself of Aunt Katie...after hearing the names of the latest additions to our family...since I’m having trouble getting use to saying their names. She had refused to call her last grandson by his given name...which was not to her liking...since he wasn’t named for her husband...who was the baby’s Grandfather. Whenever she would see him...she would only acknowledge him by saying...“Hello, BOY.” I don’t expect to go that far.
There was also a time when you couldn’t get Baptized...without having some portion of a saint’s name included. Times have indeed changed.
Although I also remember Mom saying that our Grandfather...Dad’s father...even though another of his Grandson’s was also a Salvatore...and named for him...he was only willing to pick YOU up from school...with an umbrella when it rained...and when his daughter felt insulted...that he didn’t extend that same consideration to her son...again, named for him too...his response to her was...“What’s his last name,” and because she carried her husband’ surname...he told her...”Well, this Salvatore! is an Embarrato.”
While we were raised with a lot of love from our extended family...can’t help but remember how set they were in their ways.
Both your Grandnieces wanted unique names...for their little gone are the days of giving names...rooted in our Italian heritage. Like Dad use to say...nothing lasts forever...and in this’s the customary and the traditional norms...those signs of what was considered showing naming a baby for one relative or another...that has gone by the wayside.
I still feel your loss Sal, as I hold thoughts of you close in my heart. You are loved, so very missed, and you are in my prayers always.
Keep watching over all of us...and I hope today was an especially blessed one for you you rest peacefully in His perpetual light.
You remain the best of us...and you are not forgotten!
September 29, 2022
Dear Brother...I sent a floral arrangement to the Tarrytown Memorial, to arrive today, in your memory on this 61st Year Remembrance Day.
The lady from the florist, who answered the phone, was named Sofia...which wasn't the name of the lady who usually picked up the I was surprised, when I began to say what I wanted...that she started to say that she was familiar with my name and yours. I then assumed it must have been because I have ordered floral baskets from them, so many times over the years.
Then she asked what I wanted written on the card, and I could barely get the words I got choked up, as I do every time, which is often, when thinking of you...but especially when this day comes around, as it takes me right back to that beautiful sunny July 6th Thursday in1961...that left all of us heartbroken...and forever changed the lives of everyone in our family.
You were so very loved...and truly the best of us. We all were so proud of you.
I apologized while trying to pull it together...and I said to her, “you would think that by now...after all these years...I’d be able to"...but she stopped me.
She said she understood the emotion and had read about you...and that being lost at a young age, so unexpected and a particularly difficult loss to ever come to terms with.
I don’t know where she might have read anything, unless it was on this ODMP site...which has been an outlet for which to express my thoughts and feelings about wonderful and caring big brother.
I do get upset when thinking of your you had so many years still ahead of you...and much to others to emulate...both in your profession...and closer to home; as a role model to the younger members in our immediate...and extended family.
Sadly, we were all made to live a “new normal” existence, when you were taken from your life...and ours.
God bless you Sal, as you watch over everyone in our family...and your leo brothers too.
I love you my dear big Brother, and I hold close the special memories of you in my heart.
You are not forgotten!...and you are always in my prayers.
July 6, 2022
Dear Sal,
Today was and still is a very sad day for all of us who love you. I still have the miniature badge......a replica of yours that you gifted me when i was just ten years old........Today and every day you are thought of, missed and loved. May you be in a peaceful place.
Your loving cousin,
peter j embarrato
July 6, 2022
Haven't been here in awhile. Thought I'd write a short note to let you know that you haven't been forgotten. Keep watch over all of your loved ones, especially your sister Anita. She has never forgotten you nor many others that she prays for every day, A very special lady,.
"I dropped a tear in the Ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you." Author Unknown
Robert Gordon, Ret. DC, Riverside PD, IL
Father of Officer Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
July 4, 2022
Dear Brother...Today we remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the military. I know that you only met my future husband briefly when he was just a plebe on leave from the US Military Academy at West Point...and even though he was from our neighborhood, and a grade school classmate of mine...because you were in the Army stationed at Ft. Riley Kansas at that time...and afterwards joined the NYS Police...and lived up at the barracks in Tarrytown...there never seemed to be an occasion where I could introduce him to you...until he and I were well into our teens. You did say he looked like a nice young man...and you approved of my dating him.
He was fortunate...and never was sent to so many of his classmates were. Many from his Class of '64...and a couple that were even in our bridal party when we married...lost their lives in Vietnam...and they...and all those who served in defense of our country's values and freedom...are remembered in my thoughts and prayers on this Memorial Day.
May God bless all of them for their they rest in His perpetual light...and eternal peace.
Love and miss you Sal...and you are always in my prayers. God bless you as you keep watch over all your nieces and nephews...and even though you only got to meet one of them...all the rest of them know about their wonderful Uncle Sal.
May 30, 2022
Dear Brother...Three months after you made the ultimate sacrifice on 7/6/61...while on duty...serving and protecting...Congress asked President John F Kennedy to designate May 15th as a day to honor peace officers. In 1962...ten months after your tragic loss to our family...President Kennedy did in fact proclaim that date to be observed...and the week in which it be recognized as National Police remember and honor law enforcement officers for their service and sacrifices.
Each year I make a donation to the your memory...and I leave a tribute to you...on its honor you.
God bless you you rest His perpetual light.
You are not forgotten...and you are always in my prayers.
May 16, 2022
Dear Brother...I called the Tarrytown Florist on order a 90th Birthday floral your be delivered and placed at the Van Wart Ave Station...Troop T Memorial...on this Wednesday, Sept. 29...the Feast day of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael...which is also the day of your birth.
Our parish church of St. Michael is celebrating a mass honor of Archangel Michael’s Feast Day. As he is the patron saint of police officers...I will be in attendance...offering my prayers and personal intentions for you.
I felt the need to apologize to the man taking the flower order... because I was getting myself sad...just thinking of how much of your lifetime was taken from you...and I was getting so choked up...that I was barely able to get out the words...that I wanted written on the acknowledgement card. I started to explain the circumstances of your loss...and he was quite understanding...and said "no amount of time ever no need for an apology."
After all these years you would think the thoughts of your loss to me...would by such a routine part of that “new normal” we were made to bear...from what began over 60 years ago...on that July 6, 1961 day...but it’s not.
I guess it’s like Dad always said...when you love hurt and grieve...just as deeply.
Losing you was a great loss to our untimely and so unexpected...and now coupled with the loss of my own son...I know too well...what both Mom and Dad losing their so very loved son.
As your younger sisters...Cookie and I were also the loss of our wonderful big brother. You were a truly loving, caring, and most amazing role model...for us to have...and you did just the right amount of "brother teasing"...and it was always in fun.
I know your presence in the lives of your nieces and nephews...if only you weren’t doing that good deed for another...would have been a great blessing to them too. Sal, you were always...the very best of us.
Know that you remain in my thoughts, in my heart, and in my prayers always.
God bless I pray that you are at peace...and in the company of our other loved ones...until we all can be together again.
Please keep watching over Cookie and your nieces and well as your leo brothers.
Love you so...and I cherish my memories of you.
You are...even now...still very I wish you A Very Blessed “Milestone” Birthday.
You are not forgotten!
September 29, 2021
Sixty years may have passed but you have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and your brothers and sisters in Blue. God knows how much they need it these days. Always know, you will never be forgotten and heroes never die.
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal.
Love leaves a memory no one can steal."
Robert W Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
July 6, 2021
Dear Brother...Today, July 6th...marks the 60th Year Remembrance Day... of your tragic loss to our family...back in 1961...when you were just 29 yrs. old.
The memories of that day remain as vivid as ever for me...and I can still recall...while walking on my way home...from seeing a mid-day movie with my aware I was becoming of the our usually noisy neighborhood. It seemed awfully strange...and then I began to notice...the sadness on the faces of people...who would be normally saying hello to we walked by them.
I didn’t know that a fellow Trooper...who had been dating a girl...from our neighborhood...had called her to say...that someone she likely knew...from where she lived...had been working a Thruway shift...and was in a fatal car accident. That news must have spread quickly...because everyone...except for me...must have heard about it...and in must have accounted for everything...I was experiencing on the walk home.
When I turned the corner...I saw Uncle Johnny...standing in front of our building...with tears in his eyes...and his lips and chin he tried to tell me that something terrible had happened.
Cookie had gone into labor...that morning...and was admitted to the have her second I automatically assumed...that something may have happened to her...or the baby...and when I asked Uncle Johnny if it was about Cookie...and if she was ok...he said...”it’s not about’s Sal...there was an accident...and we lost him.”
Cookie remained in the hospital...and had her son Alfred Salvatore...two days later...on Saturday, July 8th. You shared your last 29...with her first son...who turned one on that same day. We don’t need the reminders for these two important dates...because they are forever written in our hearts.
I ran up the the sounds of Mom’s screams...and she was crying she was rocking back and forth. She was in total shock. When Dad got the he was coming into our building...he threw himself onto the hallway floor...and he began to wail...and sob. They are sounds I will never forget.
Mom and Dad we all were...devastated and heartbroken...there were no words to say...they were inconsolable...and they were never the same...after losing you. The life went out of them. were their pride and joy...and rightfully so. That day...not just our immediate family...but extended family well as neighborhood friends and their families...all felt your so many ways.
You were very admired...and looked up to as a role model...for so many of the younger people in the neighborhood...that Cookie and I were friends with. WE all lost so much that day...and all of our lives were forever changed.
You were a super intelligent...well-liked...non-pretentious...caring...and good human being...and you excelled at most everything you attempted... chess...fencing...playing the clarinet...and you had the best sense of humor too. You were well read...enjoyed classical music...the appreciated it all...and you even tried to get me interested in some of those things...but I was just that typical "kid sister"...who now wishes...I could have been more like you. You were the best big brother a sister could ask remain the best of us.
Everyone would have exceptional asset to the NYS Police...and would have risen to the top this profession that you loved...but as to the WHY...our family had to lose tragically...and at such a young age...while you were doing a covering for another trooper friend...on what was supposed to be your day off...after working the July 4th something none of us then...could...nor I now...ever understand.
Before ordering a floral arrangement to be delivered to the Troop T Remembrance of You and this Day...which marks the 60th Year...of your loss to our family...I first called the Tarrytown find out exactly where...the Memorial is currently located.
Previously it was at the Nyack Station while the Tappan Zee was under construction. A Tpr C told was back in Tarrytown...and as we were speaking...he said he was actually looking at it...right outside his window. So hopefully the florist will deliver it to the correct location.
He also said that the shadow box of photos...with both your well as Tpr Ambrose’s pictures...who also made the ultimate sacrifice... while assigned to Troop T...was located in the station's hall entrance... where anyone entering...can view it as they walk by.
I made a reference to the vowel ending name...and he laughed...and said there were now...about four troopers at the station...who additionally shared in the same heritage as ours. It was nice to know...and we had a very pleasant exchange.
He said...that today...before the Troopers start their day...your name will be read aloud...and broadcast over the Troop car radios...followed by a moment of silence in your memory.
That honoring and showing of done for every Trooper...on their eow Anniversary...for having made the ultimate sacrifice...while protecting and serving. are loved...missed...and you are my thoughts each day... right along with my own son, who was named after you. My two special and very loved Sals.'
God bless wonderful big you continue to watch over our family...our friends...and you leo brothers. They are having a rough time of it.
Rest Peacefully, in God’s Perpetual Light...You are not forgotten!
You...and my son Salvatore...are in my prayers...always
July 6, 2021
Dear Brother...I just made a donation to the NLEOMF...and lit a virtual candle in your memory...on this 33rd Annual Candlelight Vigil 2021.
This year will also mark the 60th Year of your tragic loss to our family...which still seems to it just happened yesterday.
You were Mom and Dad's pride and joy...and our immediate and extended family...all loved you beyond words. It was a privilege for have had you in their life.
The last birthday we celebrated with you...was shared by the only nephew you got to he shared the same birthday with you... being born on Sept. 29, in '60...we had his First birthday and your 29th one.
They call the age you turn on the same date as your birthday...a Golden birthday. Well, since we always thought of you as the “Golden Child”...your last birthday was well named. Who could have ever thought that just ten months later...two months shy of your 30th birthday...that the Golden birthday...would be the last one...we would get to spend with you.
So very sad and unfair to have lost you...too young and so tragically... while you were doing a favor for a fellow Tpr. I think of you...miss you...and pray for you...each and every day. We girls were blessed to have you as our big brother.
Keep watching over us...and keep safe and out of harm’s way...all your nieces and nephews...the ones you didn’t get to know personally...but who do know about you...and all of your wonderful qualities...that made you so very special.
God Bless you You rest in His peace and perpetual light.
You are not forgotten! eow 7/6/61
All My Love always...
May 13, 2021
Dear Brother...Thinking of you on this Palm Sunday...and praying that
you are resting God’s perpetual light. You remain in my most treasured memories...of a time too long ago.
You are in my prayers...always.
You are not forgotten!
March 28, 2021
Dear Brother...I tried to leave a reflection for you on March wish you a Blessed name day...since it was the Feast Day of St. Joseph...your patron saint. I was unable get the reflection window on the ODMP... that would have allowed me to do open.
The issue I was having has been even though I am a few days late...know that you were in my thoughts on your special day...just as you are...every day.
Today marks the 34th Year Remembrance Day...of Mom’s passing. She lived twenty-six years after losing you...and she missed you each and every day...of those years.
She would always say...she would only find happiness again...once she was with You. I hope she found that happiness...on the day that God called her home...those many years ago...and reunited her with you.
You were always her pride...her joy...and her precious son. You had always been...and remain the very best of us.
God bless you...Salvatore well as Mom and you all watch over us... and our families.
You all are loved...missed...prayed for always...and not forgotten!!!
March 23, 2021
Dear Brother...Today marks the 20th Year Remembrance Day of Dad’s passing.
When I think back...and reflect on the forty years that he lived...after losing you...I remember how much he loved and missed you...each and every day...of those years.
Before I got married...and even while I lived in NY the several years after marrying...He...Mom and I...would be at your resting place...religiously... every Sunday.
When Mom passed away in ‘87...and with me in VA...he would then make that drive alone...and that was for another 8 or so years. Even when I came home for the holidays...or just for those no occasion visits...Sunday was getting in the car...and going to visit you.
From the beginning of your tragic loss...I could see...when he got behind the wheel...he would be trying to understand what could have gone wrong...with the trooper car you were driving...that he believed was the cause for your accident. He was torturing himself...looking for answers... because losing his 29 year old son...on what was a bright and beautiful July day...was something he could not accept. You were his golden boy...his pride and joy...and rightfully so. We all were so proud of you...for so many reasons.
Neither Mom nor Dad was ever the same after losing you. When I finally insisted in ‘96 that he come and live with us in VA...he was not happy... because he wouldn’t be able to make his Sunday visits to you...which he was still doing well into his late 80’s. I had to take a photo of him visiting both you and St. John's...and I told him...that looking at it...would be how he could in VA...continue to still visit the both of you.
The day he passed away...he rallied a little...and clear as a bell...he said to me...”Baby, I’m no good anymore...let me go be with Mom and know... “the One.” Dad was suffering from dementia...and while he couldn’t remember your name...I knew who he meant...because he had begun...whenever he saw a photo of touch it...and say...”He’s The One.”
I was surprised too...that he called me baby that day...which was also what he always referred to me as...whenever talking to Mom about was always...did you hear from the baby today. I guess being the youngest in the family...that became who I was to him...the baby.
Dad was always there for us...and because we all felt we could depend on him...and felt safe and secure...having him for a dad...I suppose for him...his not being able to protect and save you...on that day...was something he was never able to come to terms with.
I have that same dna...and know that same regret...regarding the loss of my own son...your namesake. are loved...and missed...and I pray...that You...Mom...Dad...and my son Salvatore...are together...happily God’s perpetual light... and eternal peace.
God bless each of wonderful and dear are not forgotten...and I hope you are also...watching over Cookie and her family... as well as mine.
I offered my communion intentions for each of mass this morning.
All my love...and prayers.
February 21, 2021
Dear Sal...Yesterday was the Feast of the Epiphany...which ends the 12 days of I just got through taking down my Christmas decorations today.
As I pray you will have another very blessed new the company of our parents...and my son...I want you to know...that you were...and still remain the very best of us.
I miss you my big brother...and I think of you each day. You are not forgotten.
May God bless you you keep watch over our family.
You are in my prayers...always.
January 7, 2021
My Dear Brother...I pray that You...are in the company of my Son...and Mom and Dad...and that you all will have...A Very Blessed Christmas Day.
I love and miss each of you...beyond words. God bless my wonderful family...until we are reunited again.
You all are in my prayers...each and every day.
Buon Natale!!!!
December 25, 2020
My Dear Brother...On this Veterans Day 2020...I thank you once again...for serving in the Army...during the Korean Police Action. God bless you Sal...and know that you are loved...very missed...and in my prayers...always. You are not forgotten!
November 11, 2020