New York State Police, New York
End of Watch Thursday, July 6, 1961
Reflections for Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato
My Dear Brother...Today is the feast day of your patron saint...and since his name is the one you took at your Confirmation...and which also served as your middle name..."Joseph"...I hope you are having a very blessed name day...and although the traditions we would celebrate to mark this day...have changed for us over the years...we of Italian heritage...continue to hold a special place in our hearts...for on this day...I pray that he is watching over I wish you...un giorno benedetto di San Giuseppe.
I love you Sal...I keep you in my daily prayers...and I still miss you as much as ever.
Rest are not forgotten.
March 19, 2017
Dear Brother...Just want to wish you a very blessed New Year.
I love and miss you Sal...and I pray for you always.
God bless you.
You remain the very best of us.
January 2, 2017
Dear Sal...You were the best big brother a kid sister could ever hope for...and I thank God...for having you in my life.
Rest peacefully in His eternal light...and know that you are loved...missed...and prayed for always.
God bless you...on this Thanksgiving are not forgotten.
November 25, 2016
Dear Sal...Think of you each day...and on the more special days as this one is...I want to thank you and say God Bless you...for your service during the Korean Police Action.
May all those who served to preserve our freedom...and made the ultimate sacrifice...Rest Peacefully in God's Perpetual Light...and may He continue to watch over all those who have... and are still serving.
You are loved my dear big brother...very missed...and not
You are in my thoughts and in my prayers...always.
November 11, 2016
My Dear Brother...Today is the feast day of the Archangels...St. Michael...whose name means...”Who is like God”...protects...
St. Gabriel...whose name means...”The Strength of God"... announces...and...St. Raphael...whose name means... ”God’s Remedy”...guides. These angels...are messengers from God ...appear frequently in Scripture...and are the only ones named.
St. Michael is...the patron saint of police officers...and he represents the values of chivalry...courage...and justice...and is also the patron saint...of anyone who works in a dangerous job...including military personnel...firefighters..and paramedics. May God bless and watch over...each of those...who have chosen to any of these fields of endeavor.
So whether by chance or design...given your chosen profession is quite fitting...that you were born on this day...and in this year...and on this day...we would have been...celebrating your 85th Birthday.
I had a noon mass offered for you today...attended it with my husband...and he sang the Alleluia in your memory. I had a floral arrangement...sent to the NYS Trooper Memorial...that has your name engraved on it. I will also make a this ODMP your honor.
Your niece Cynthia...sent me a heartfelt text...saying she too...went to mass and received holy communion this morning ...for your intention...and offered me words of hope....saying that we were born...for a much greater life...than this “valley of tears”...that our family knows so well...and that it will give way laughter and that far better place ...but for now...we must continue to pray....for God’s actual order to carry our many burdens...with Him by our side. She has a deep faith and is very devout. I wish I could be...just half as certain as she I continue to hope and pray.
Sal...God bless you...for being a loving son...and the best big brother...we could have ever hoped for. Please keep close watch over...Cookie’s well as my family.
I pray you are resting His perpetual light. You are the best of us...and you are not forgotten.
I love you...miss you...and pray for you…always.
September 29, 2016
Stopping in to say that you have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones, especially your sister. You are a true hero. This is for your sister
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." By Kahill Gibran
Bob Gordon
Father of Fallen Officer: Michael P. Gordon EOW: 88/04
August 16, 2016
Dear Brother…In this 55th Year…Day of Remembrance…of your tragic loss to our family…I attended the noon mass…that was being offered…for the repose of your soul.
I sent a flower arrangement…to be placed at the Nyack Troop T Memorial …and a thank you acknowledgment gift…to the Troopers at the Zone 1 Troop T Station…for their honoring of your transmitting a message for a moment of silence…to all their Thruway Troopers…on this day…and in your memory.
I was told about the moment of silence…last year…by a Trooper who picked up the phone…when I called the station…to ask about the location of the Memorial…since it had been removed…from the closed Tarrytown location…while the Tappan Zee Bridge was being rebuilt.
Anyway…after I told him who I was…he said that…they had just observed a moment of silence for you…that morning…via a broadcast to all the Trooper’s in their cars…before their day started. I assume they must do that…for every eow date…of a fallen Trooper…or at least for those…who were…part of the Thruway system.
Never forgetting our loved ones…who made the ultimate sacrifice…while serving and protecting…is what we survivor families…most value and appreciate…and in our case…since none of these young Troopers…never even knew you…it means that…even when our family is gone…your name will continue to be mentioned…and you…will be remembered.
Two days ago…as I was searching my computer…for the Nyack address …I came across a NYS Trooper site titled…Dog Days of Summer…and as I scrolled through it…I saw that it was acknowledging fallen Troopers…with photos of them…and the K9 dogs named in their honor. It was arranged by eow months…and so I went through it…came to July…and there was a photo of you…opposite a German Shepherd named Rato. It looked like the dogs were given names…that were taken…from some part of the Trooper’s name. They used the last four letters in our name…and I thought it was too bad…that they didn’t use the first several letters…at least then...he would have been called Emba…sounding more like a spark…and not a rodent. I know…only I would think that…but you always said…I was PoPo.
The saving grace is…he is a handsome dog…with a very intense look and focus. There was even a comment left by someone…saying that “the look in their eyes looks the same.” I took it as a compliment…although the photo they have of you…doesn’t do you justice…and you do look quite serious.
I remember being asked by Superintendent Bennett…at the first survivors’ weekend I attended…after they had tracked us down…because they wanted to include your name…on the memorial when Tpr. Ambrose…who was also from Troop T…was killed in a terribly tragic way…in 2002. Supt. Bennett asked me how tall you were…and then commented on what an impressive demeanor you had. You did look like a Poster Ad…for what every NYS Trooper should look like. You always walked so erect…and carried yourself in a way…although natural for you…made one take notice of you. What can I say…you were handsome…and had a presence that said…class and confidence…without ever looking cocky.
A friend emailed me the other day…he is the nephew of a boyhood friend of yours. His Uncle and you…palled around together…with a few other nice young boys…from the neighborhood…way back when. Anyway…my friend said that even a youngster…remembers always looking up to you…as a role model…and having a lot of admiration and respect for you. After all these years…to still have someone…who isn’t even a biased family member...recall you in that way…really touches me. His family also experienced a sad loss…when his uncle…was also called back home to God…much too young…and much too soon. Life just isn’t fair.
Sal, I miss you to this very day…and know I will…for however long I remain here. It breaks my heart…that your nieces…nephews…and now…your grandnieces and grandnephews…never got to know you…and have you as an influence in their lives
Please watch over our family…as we all have been cheated out of so many years…most especially…You.
You know what my concerns again...keep special watch over each of my children...your brothers-in law...and your sister Cookie.
You remain the best of us…very loved…and truly missed…as I keep you in my thoughts…in my memories…in my heart…and in my prayers…always.
God bless you rest His perpetual light.
With All My Love...
July 6, 2016
Dear Sal...I think of you all the time...and on this Memorial Day...I want you to know... that your service in the Army...during the Korean Police remembered by me.
Love you Brother...and miss you. You are not forgotten!
May all those who made the ultimate sacrifice...while serving in our order to protect and preserve our peacefully in God's perpetual light.
God bless each and every one of them.
May 30, 2016
Dear Brother…May 15th will be the official start of National Police Week…but the 28th Candlelight Vigil honoring all fallen leo’s…in addition to those whose names will be engraved on the memorial this year…will take place tonight…and in memory of this 55th Year…of your loss to our family…I lit a virtual candle in your honor. I have done this in past years too…because in some small way…it has become for me…a way in which I can express my love for you…as the wonderful big brother you were…and remain…as I carry you in my heart…in my thoughts…and…in my cherished memories…of the "too few" years…we had with long ago.
Sal…you are missed…prayed for…and not forgotten.
God bless you…as you rest in His perpetual light…and eternal peace.
May 13, 2016
Dear Brother...It is a cold and dreary Easter Sunday...but I pray that your are having a Very Blessed and Joyous a far better place...than the one we still know.
You are not forgotten Sal. God bless you.
I love you...I miss you still...and I pray for you...always.
March 27, 2016
Dear Sal...Today is the first day of addition to being Palm Sunday. The weather is anything but spring we may be expecting some snow by later this afternoon or evening.
It is a quiet day...not like the holidays we once celebrated... those many years ago. I remember going to each relatives house...after that I could bring them Palms. It was a tradition that was wrapped in the offering of peace...good will...and respect for our extended family. So much has changed...and not necessarily for the better.
Well...I just want to wish you a Blessed Palm Sunday...and I hope you are in the company...of our son...and all of our relatives...who have been called back home by God. As Aunt Millie would say... "We're a good famil!"...and you were the best of it.
Please keep watching over...those of us...who are still on this side of His promise.
Love dear big brother...and I miss you...and I pray for you...always.
March 20, 2016
To My Dear Brother & “First” Salvatore JOSEPH...I apologize for not coming to your site wish you both a Very Blessed New well as a Blessed St. Valentine’s Day.
I guess your kid sister...isn’t such a kid anymore...and as time keeps getting away from do my best intentions for keeping on top of things....and now...I want to wish you a Very Blessed Name today is the Feast Day of your patron saint...dear St. Joseph.
Sal...please stay close to my son...who was also named for you...and know that I was so happy to be able to keep my promise to do that.
You both deserved so much more share your goodness with others...but...maybe you both were too remain in this gone mad world of ours. You are each loved...and so very missed.
You continue to be the best of us...and will not be forgotten. God bless you!
You remain in my dearest memories...and you are in my prayers...always.
March 19, 2016
Dear Brother...Just want to wish you A Very Blessed Christmas...
and to are loved...missed...and prayed for...along with Mom and Dad.
You are not forgotten Sal...and will always remain the best of us.
Rest peacefully in His perpetual light.
God bless you!
December 25, 2015
Dear Brother...Today is All Souls Day...and a Novena of masses is being said at my church.
I have included You, Mom, Dad, my Son, our extended family members...and our dear all of the masses and prayers...being offered over the next nine days.
I love you Sal...and I hold close my precious memories of you.
God bless you rest His perpetual light.
You are not you remain the best of us...and are in my prayers...always.
sister of NYS Tpr. Salvatore J. Embarrato eow 7/6/61
November 2, 2015
Wanted to let you know that you have not been forgotten. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones
Bob Gordon
October 1, 2015
My Dear Brother...My husband and I just returned from the 8:15 mass...being offered in your memory this morning...on what would have been...your 84th birthday. We pray you are having...a very Happy and Blessed Birthday...hopefully in the company of Mom and son...and our other relatives ...and your friends...who also have been...called back home.
Today is also...the feast day of St. Michael the Archangel... patron saint of police officers...and the name of our parish church...and the grade school...that all of my children did three of your grandnieces. In light of this feast day...the second and eighth graders...also attended this morning’s mass...and a lovely little girl...announced your name being the one...for whom the mass...was being said.
You are loved are missed...and you my wonderful big brother...are not forgotten.
I carry you in my my memories...and in my prayers ...always.
God bless you rest His perpetual light.
September 29, 2015
Dear Brother...I ask please watch over a very special way today. She is in Chicago...for an St. Joseph’s Hospital.
It is a delicate and lengthy procedure...and hopefully with all our prayers...she will be able to tolerate it that the surgeon...can achieve the best of all outcomes for her.
You know what is in my in her behalf...intercede however you can.
Thank you...for always being there for me.
Love you...and miss very much.
You are not forgotten Sal...and you are in my prayers...always.
July 21, 2015
Time may have passed but you are not forgotten. I believe as long as someone remembers you or speaks your name, you are still with us.
Thank you for your heroism.
GOD Bless
Detention Officer A.Zambito
July 15, 2015
Dear Brother...Today marks the 54th Year...of your loss to our family...and I still can recall every detail of that day...when the trooper knocked on our door...with the devastating and heartbreaking news...that changed our family forever. .
You were a very loved...and loving...son and brother...and we were then...and still very proud of you.
You are not forgotten Sal. My husband and I...were at the 6:15 mass this morning...that was being offered...for the repose of your soul...and I will be sending a floral arrangement the Troop T memorial...also in your memory.
I just called the Trooper Station in W Nyack, make sure the Troop T memorial...on which your name is still at their location. It had been moved...from its original site at the Tarrytown Station...which was conjunction with the work...being done on the Tappan Zee bridge. I was told by a Trp. John Antonelli...that it...was still at the Nyack location. .
To my surprise...he also told me...that this morning...your name was all their trooper cars...and that your service to the State Police..was recounted...and your ultimate sacrifice...made on this many years ago...was noted... by all...with a moment of your honor.
He then thanked me for my support....of the NYS Police...and said “we (speaking for the NYS Police) will never forget Salvatore.” I thanked him...and I can’t begin to tell you... how moved I was...and how much those words...touched my heart.
God bless wonderful big brother...and all of your fellow NYS Troopers. You are remembered!
Please stay close to my son...and watch over our families.
You remain...loved...missed...and are in my prayers...always
July 6, 2015
Dear Brother...It is National Police Week ' I would have preferred going down to the memorial in person...but since I can't...I did light a virtual candle in your memory...on the NLEOMF...United by Light site. You are not forgotten Sal!
God bless you as you rest peacefully in His perpetual light.
With my love and prayers.
May 13, 2015
Dear Sal...It's Mother's I have a two-fold request...tell Mom for much I love and miss her...and let my son blessed I feel to be his Mom.
I love you are in my thoughts...and in my prayers always.
God bless you.
May 10, 2015
Dear Sal...Just want to wish you a Very Blessed Easter...and to let you know...that you are not forgotten.
I attended Good Friday services...and prayed for you...and our family...who have also been called back home. You...along with my son...are in my daily thoughts...and prayers...always.
Watch over your nephews and's so sad...that you only got to see one of them...and that they never had the know what a wonderful uncle...was taken from them.
I love big brother...and I miss you...even now.
God bless you...and rest easy.
April 5, 2015
To My Dear Big Brother...Praying that you are having a very blessed Palm Sunday...with all of our family and friends...who are now resting peacefully...along with God's perpetual light.
Stay close to my son...and watch over our families.
God bless you are loved...missed...and prayed for always.
March 30, 2015
To My Dear Big Brother...Praying that you are having a very blessed Palm Sunday...with all of our family and friends...who are now resting peacefully...along with God's perpetual light.
Stay close to my son...and watch over our families.
God bless you are loved...missed...and prayed for always.
March 29, 2015
My Dear Big Brother...I want you to know...that you are in my thoughts each day...along with my son...and...Mom and Dad too.
Since today is Valentine’s Day...I pray that each of my very loved...and very missed... ‘sweethearts” having a very blessed day.
I pray for you and our family...always.
February 14, 2015