Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato

New York State Police, New York

End of Watch Thursday, July 6, 1961

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Reflections for Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato

My Dear Brother... On this Feast Day of St. Michael the Archangel...I attended the noon mass...that I had scheduled to be your this day...also would have been your "89th Birthday."

So I pray that you are having...a Very Blessed Birthday...and that you are in the company... of our other loved ones...who also have been called back God.

Sal...sixty birthdays have come and gone...since your 29th...which was the last one we celebrated with you...before our world was turned upside your loss to our family...on that beautiful sunny Thursday...on July 6, 1961...and even after all this time...I can still vividly remember...every moment of that day...and that shocking though it was yesterday.

Our family was left cope with a most heartbreaking not having you present in our lives...and even now...I know...just as you were such a wonderful big Cookie and would also have been...a very positive role an Uncle whose wise advice...and guidance...could have benefitted your nephews and they grew into adulthood...if only that day never happened.

Please watch over our families...and keep them safe and out of harm's way...especially during these strange times.

I sent a floral memory of your be placed... at the Troop T Memorial in Tarrytown...since that is all I can honor you.

I love you...I miss you still...and I think of you each day.

God bless you rest in His perpetual light.

You are not forgotten...and you are in my prayers...always.


September 29, 2020

Happy Birthday, Uncle Sal!

Cynthia Sauer
Niece.... daughter of Anita

September 29, 2020

Dear Brother...On this 59th Year Remembrance Day...of your loss to our family...I went to the Noon mass that I be offered in your St. Michael Church...which is my parish.

There were about 50 masked people in attendance...thanks to the corona virus issue...sitting far apart from one pews marked off by blue masking tape...and only occupying every other order to comply with the mitigating rules of safe distancing...that as a country...we are now...and have been the “suggestion” of our government.

Our world is in turmoil...and our laws...and our police depts....are all being a group...that has taken complete advantage...of an awful situation...and has made it even their disrespectful...reckless and wanton behavior.
I pray for your fellow law enforcement their hands are being some very inept positions of power...who are making all the wrong calls and decisions...and are putting these dangerous situations.

Somehow there are those who have forgotten...that every life is fragile...unique...and precious...and as we all are God’s children...that needs to be remembered...and valued.

So in our very changed world you watch over our families...I hope you can keep your nieces and nephews safe...and out of harm’s way.

Rest peacefully...and God bless you...for being...and remaining...the best of us.

You are loved...very missed...carried close in my thoughts...and in my cherished memories of you...and you are in my prayers...always.


July 6, 2020

Thank you for your service, both military and police, and please know that your sacrifice is one that will never, ever be forgotten. Rest in peace always.

Detective Cpl/3 Steven Rizzo
Delaware State Police (Retired)

July 6, 2020

Dear Sal...I just made a contribution to the 32nd Annual Candlelight Vigil/NLEOM your memory.
While I wasn't directed to the Virtual Light a Candle link...after making the donation...I was able to leave my thoughts about a tribute to who you were as a person...and for the ultimate sacrifice that you made...that took you from our family...while you were so young...and still had so many years ahead of you...where we know... you would have excelled...and been such a positive the NYS Police.

Life wasn't fair Sal...but to this are those who had the privilege to know you...and they too...still speak so highly of you...and your many talents...and abilities.

God bless you you rest in God's perpetual light...and eternal peace. Thank you for keeping watch over our families...and especially Cookie.

You are loved...still missed...and remain in my prayers...each day. You are not forgotten!


May 13, 2020

Dear Brother...Thinking of You...and cherishing the memories I have of You...Mom...and Dad...and how much each of you were and are I carry you in my thoughts...and in my heart.

So fortunate to have had each of you in my dear and loving are so very missed.

Hoping you all are that better I wish you a Blessed Easter...and Buona Pasqua.

Rest His Perpetual Light.

You are not forgotten!!!


April 12, 2020

Dear Brother...Today is the Feast Day of St. Joseph...your patron saint...and namesake.

I pray that this day...will be an especially blessed one for you rest peacefully in God's perpetual light.

Keep watch over Cookie and her well as my family.

You remain the best of us Sal...and you are still very missed...loved...and thought about.

You are not forgotten...and you are always in my prayers.


March 18, 2020

Dear Brother...Just want you to know...that you were and of the blessings in my life...and I am grateful to God...for allowing me to be a part of your life.

I wish you a blessed Thanksgiving you continue to watch over our family

I hold my memories of you close...and I love and miss you.

God Bless You Sal...You are not forgotten!


November 28, 2019

Dear Brother...I think of you everyday...and in particular on this Veterans Day...I am asking God to especially bless you...for your service in the Army...during the Korean "Police Action" as it was called way back when.
You are loved...and very missed...Sal...and I was and I am...both proud and have had you for a big brother.
Keep watching over Cookie and both of our families.
You are not forgotten! you rest peacefully in His perpetual light.
You are in my prayers...always.


November 11, 2019

Dear Brother...I had a 10:30 mass scheduled for you today...but because of the unexpected passing...of a relative on my husband’s side of the family...we will have to leave before the mass will be said.

So...I went to yesterday’s 5 pm mass...for your intention. This is the second time...I will have to miss a scheduled mass for you. I had to miss the July 6th mass...because your grandniece was being married in NJ...on the we were out of town then...and now again.

I hope you are having...A Very Blessed 88th Birthday today...and to mark it...I did send a floral your the Troop T Memorial...which is still the NYS Trooper Nyack, NY. Don’t know when...or will ever go back to the Tarrytown site.

Your nephew who turned one...on this same day so long ago...and shared your 29th birthday with now turning 60. Who could have known... it would be the last birthday...our family would be celebrating with you...before having our world shattered by your loss to us.

I pray on this feast day of St. Michael and the Archangels...that they are watching over you...and that you are resting in peace.

May God bless you Sal...for being such a good son to Mom and Dad...and a loving and caring big Cookie and me.

Please keep watching over all of us...especially Cookie...and her family.

You are not forgotten...and remain in my thoughts each day...along with my son. You both are very loved...very missed...and are in my prayers always.


September 29, 2019

Dear Brother...We were in NJ for your Grandniece's wedding...over this weekend...and while I did get back in time to make Saturday's mass...that I had scheduled in your mark this 58th Year...of your tragic loss to our family...I wasn't able to leave this reflection on the 6th of this month...due to a power outage...thanks to a rain storm. But as we all know...better late than never so...
I had a floral arrangement the Nyack, NY...Troop T - Zone One...NYS Police Remembrance of YOU...and July 6th...the day that changed our family's lives forever...and left us all brokenhearted.
You remain in my my thoughts...and in my treasured memories...of how very loving and were as a big both Cookie and me. Please continue to watch over each of our families...but most especially Cookie.
God bless you you rest in His perpetual light...and eternal peace.
You were and will always remain the very best of us!
You are loved....not forgotten...very missed...and in my prayers always.


July 8, 2019

Dear Brother...This year National Police Week began on Sunday the on Monday the your I do every year...I sent an online donation to the NLEOMF... Dedicate and Light A Virtual Candle...United by Light Vigil...and I left a reflection to accompany...the candle I lit in your name.
For some unknown reason...neither the reflection I left...nor the candle I lit...was posted...although I did get an emailed acknowledgement for making a standard donation. Can’t account for the I followed the directions...but rather than try it again...
I will write here...what my message was...with the title that I entered in the...
Recognition Name box.

God’s Gift To Our Family...NYS Tpr. Salvatore Joseph Embarrato

Dear Brother...You are loved and so very missed...even after these many years...of your loss to our family. We cherish our precious memories of you...and hold you close in our thoughts...and in our hearts.
May God Bless You...for being such a loving our parents....and a very caring and nurturing big Cookie and me.
You always were...and remain the best of us...and we are very proud of you...and all that you were able to a life that was taken...from all of us...much too soon.

Rest Peacefully HIS Perpetual Light. eow 7/6/61


...and You are always in our prayers.

With Our Love...

Cookie & Anita

May 15, 2019

Dear Brother...

Just want to wish You...A Very Blessed Easter Sunday...or as Mom and Dad would say...
"Buona Pasqua."

Keep close watch over Cookie...her family...and mine too.

You are loved...missed...and I pray for you...always.

You are not forgotten...and remain the best of us.


April 21, 2019

Dear Brother...Thinking of You...Mom...and...Dad...and praying that you all are having A Very Blessed Palm Sunday.

I love and miss each of you.

God bless you you keep watching over Cookie...her family...and mine too.

You are not forgotten...and are always in my prayers.


April 14, 2019

Dear Brother...Although I think of you...and pray for you every day...I also want you to know…that you are being remembered today...not only by me...but by all the those...who are aware…that today is National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Along with all of your brothers in your case...gray...who have either served in the past...or have made the ultimate sacrifice...and also for those currently serving...I pray that God watch over...and bless each of you...for having the bravery to protect and serve…your fellow citizens…each and every day.
You are not forgotten!


January 9, 2019

Dear Brother...Today marks your 87th we once more...also celebrate the Feast Day of the Archangels. I scheduled the five pm mass...which I be offered in your behalf...and I had a floral arrangement...sent to the Trooper Memorial in your memory.

Father B spoke about God’s messengers today...saying that when angels have a given name...the name usually describes its function. Michael means “Who is like unto God.” Gabriel means “Power of God.” Raphael means “God’s Remedy.

His homily got me to thinking about your name...Salvatore...which in our heritage translates to Savior...and means one who saves or rescues...and there were many times...when we girls were growing up...that you did just that...for each of us. So between the significance of this day...and your given belief had always been...that your being born on this particular day...was by design...not just by chance...and that was underscored...this things Father was saying. When you began to pursue a career in law enforcement...after getting out of the service...that sealed my belief even more...especially since St. Michael is the patron saint of police officers...and like the meaning of your name...they also save and rescue.

We remain very proud of you Sal...and all that you accomplished in just 29 years. You truly were the best of us.

May you rest peacefully in God’s perpetual light...and may He bless you for being a devoted son...and an incredible big brother.

Keep close watch over Cookie...and I just hope you very much you are loved...still missed...and thought about.

You are not forgotten...and I pray for you always.


September 29, 2018

Dear Brother...I attended the 8:30 am mass for you this morning...that I had said in your mark this 57 Years Remembrance Day.

Please keep close watch over she is currently facing a very difficult time in her life. Her son...your also in need of help him deal with the responsibility...he has been left to take caring for her. I pray that Mom...Dad...and my son too...can also their behalf.

I called the W. Nyack Trooper barracks make sure the Troop T Memorial...was still at their location...and not recently moved to the Tarrytown location...which I was told...would happen once the bridge project was completed. The trooper who answered the phone...said it was still at their I guess the Tappan Zee and its still a work in progress...but at least...I found out where I could send...the floral arrangement I remembrance of this day...and your loss to us...which broke our hearts...and caused us to become...a forever changed family.

You are much loved...still the best of us...and remain so very missed.

God...bless my wonderful big he rests in Your perpetual light...and eternal peace.

Sal, you are not forgotten...and I carry thoughts of my most treasured memories.

You are in my prayers...always.


July 6, 2018

Trooper Salvatore J. Embarrato will never ever be forgotten. We all give thanks to Trooper Embarrato for his service to his community in his efforts to protect and serve as evident by his actions. May his soul rest in heaven.

First Sergeant Thomas Webb, Retired.
New York State Police - Troop D

May 30, 2018

Dear Brother...I just lit a virtual candle in your memory...on this evenings 30th United By Light... NLEOMF Candlelight Vigil. I lit one in memory of Mike Gordon too...whose family has been so thoughtful in remembrance of you...and my son...too.

Please keep watching over us...especially Cookie...and your nieces, nephews and their families as well.

God bless you you rest peacefully in His perpetual light.

You are loved and missed...and in my prayers...always. You are not forgotten!!


May 13, 2018

Dear Brother...Thinking of you always...but especially today...since it is the Feast Day of St. Joseph...which is also your "Middle Name" Day.

Miss and love I ask you to keep watching over Cookie's well as mine.

You were and remain...the best of us...and I pray that God blesses you...for being such a devoted son to Mom and Dad...a loving us...and a truly kind...caring...and honorable human being.

You are not forgotten...and in my prayers...always.


March 19, 2018

Dear Brother...Just want to wish you...a blessed New I pray ...that you are resting God's perpetual light.

You are thought about...each and every day...and I keep you in my daily prayers.

God bless you Sal...for being a devoted son...and wonderful big brother.

You are loved...and not forgotten.


January 1, 2018

Dear Brother...I just called the Nyack florist...and asked if an arrangement could be delivered the Troop T Zone 1 Memorial...since it is...what would have been...your 86th Birthday...on this Feast of the Archangels...Michael...Gabriel... and Raphael.

I meant to call them sooner...and was disappointed...when I was told that they were swamped tomorrow is the earliest...they can accommodate my request.

It’s not that I forgot...I just got sidelined by my recent knee replacement surgery...and didn’t plan accordingly. Please forgive the delay...but with any luck...I will be able to get myself to the noon mass today...that I had scheduled...months be offered in your memory...on this day.

Well...I guess I don’t have any luck...because I was just told by the doctor’s nurse...that I shouldn’t be driving...until after my first post op...back to see him...on Oct. 12. So...I watched the noon mass...on EWTN...and did my praying for front of the TV.

I guess it was meant to be...because after the mass was over... I continued to watch another program...on a baseball recruiter’s “journey”...which led him to becoming a convert. The subject matter underscored how very important faith is...along with the mass...Eucharist...and prayer. It was say the least.

Since I was icing my knee...I decided to change the channel... and watch something else. It was a documentary called... Something Is Wrong With Aunt Diane...and told about the horrific accident in July of ’09...that killed 8 people on the Teutonic Pkway. There were scenes of the NYS Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow...the Tappan Zee Bridge...and responses from many NYS they arrived at the scene of the accident. So while it was a very sad account...of a tragic loss to several was for me...a transport back in areas I knew too well...because of your loss to us. So you might say...there was an intentional reason...designed by someone... for me to have to change my plans...and it afforded me the reflect back...and spend "spiritual" time...with you. You know me...and my "there are no coincidences"

I pray that as you keep watch over...Cookie’s well as mine...that you are also in the company of Mom...Dad...and my son...and that each of you...know the peace of God’s promise to I wish you a very blessed birthday. are not are the best of us...and you are thought about...loved...very missed...and in my prayers... always.


September 29, 2017

Dear Brother...Today marks the 56th Year Remembrance Day...of your loss to our family. It was on a Thursday...the 6th of July, 1961...around 1 pm...when that trooper knocked on our door...and gave us the devastating news...that forever changed all of our lives.

As a son, brother, nephew, and made our family so very proud of you...even neighborhood friends...held you in high your life...was an example of all that is a human being. I still have friends...who remember you as a role model...and they always speak of your keen wit...intelligence and I’m not just a sister...recognizing how special you were.

One would think...after all these years...that the details would fade...and the emotions wan...but everything that took place that day...and in the immediate ones following...are still very vivid for me...since time has a way of standing still...and etches into your memory...everything that takes place...when a tragedy occurs...and it stays with anyone who has lost...a young member of their an unexpected and very heartbreaking circumstance...well knows and sadly understands.

So yesterday, as in past years...I ordered a memorial floral arrangement...from the Nyack be delivered on this date...another the NYS Troop T – Zone One memory of its members...who gave their lives in the line of duty. Your name is the first one inscribed...but unfortunately I won’t be the last...and with that in mind...when I pray for you...I always include your fellow troopers.

May God bless you you keep watch...over our well as all those...who serve and protect.

Rest peacefully in His wonderful big brother... knowing that you are loved...very missed...held close in my heart...and prayed for always.

You remain the best of us...and You are not forgotten.


July 6, 2017

Dear Brother...I made a donation...and lit a virtual candle in your memory...during this National Police Week.

I love you were the best big brother...and I cherish my memories of you.

Please continue to keep watch over our families...and know that Cookie and I miss you still.

You are not forgotten!!

May God Bless you rest peacefully in His Perpetual Light.

You are in my prayers...always.


May 17, 2017

Dear Sal...I wanted to wish you...a Very Blessed Easter yesterday...but I was sidetracked by all that needed tending to...and never got around to I guess I will now wish you...instead... A Very Blessed Easter Monday... since we are now in the Eastertide.

Just know that you are loved...and thought about each day...even after all these years...because you were and remain...the best of us.

I know you would have been such a caring uncle...and a good role model for your nephews to emulate...and we both (Cookie too) miss you for so many reasons.

Keep watching over Cookie...and her family...and mine too.

God bless wonderful big are not forgotten...and are in my prayers...always.


April 17, 2017

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