Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Crime chokes the strength right out of humanity and must be humbly pursued and taken out of commission of which you did very well, Officer Cook. So gifted, talented and fully invested in integrity and instrumental honesty and desired dignity, Dade County won't ever forget your sacred trips around its corridors and boundaries. Heaven is where respect and relevance lie forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The smile of friendship, the eyes of wisdom and the ears of yearning all contributed to a wonderful life though too short and a career bound for more humane journeys of faithfulness to be sincerely cherished.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Effort can't be edited. Dedication must not be deleted. Valor, vision and virtue must be viewed, seen and witnessed by all who protect, preserve and serve the public of which you did one outstanding job, Officer Cook, a hero of truth, trust and the dignity of life so embracing. You surely enriched and engaged Dade County with morally upright character, uplifting heart and a gentle spirit that was most proficiently appealing. Your wings my neighbor, friend and hero are fitted perfectly for your heavenly missions. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Life's purposes are not only for pleasure. Joy and happiness should be lived by all mankind and yet the feelings of peace and unison must somehow or another prevail. I believe for the most part they did under your watch, Officer Cook, a hero honored by humanity for your caring approach to the dangers and problems that await all excellent servants whom God guides on their earthly journeys. Your ferocity and tenacity my neighbor, friend and hero was composed of ingenuity, intuition and the intellect that wisdom, vision and maturity bring to your chosen profession. You acted as calmly, coolly and as humble as always. Dodging onus was not your thing you looked evil squarely in the eyes doing your utmost to halt a severely critical problem causing society to take another look. Dade County has respected, revered and admired badge#1664 . Its affection and treasured wearer rests as an angel forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Could, should and would are words, verbs that must convey a positive direction to solving conflict and in resolving issues. You were a happy man, Officer Cook,just the smile alone says it all. It was much more involved as you enjoy and relished your opportunities to make distinct difference for all residing in Dade County. Honesty,integrity and dignity are the words of character so truthful, commitment to excellence surely trusted and conviction delivering the punch. Certainly your family and peers got more than a gut punch, gut wrenching and just plain tragic that at twenty-five years your life and career came to a sudden end because of one man acting selfish, heinous and wantonly callous. Never forgotten and warmly and solemnly saluted for bravery and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Policing the streets and roads is not a fishing expedition. You must be sturdy and strong minded to accentuate your journeys and missions where faithfulness,hope and goodwill is blessed by the common senses of honesty,integrity and dignity. Your fondest dreams, Officer Cook, were realized and now are sadly all back in heaven where your soul and spirit rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Politeness, courtesy and manners go a long way toward making our land a more constructively positive location to conduct your daily affairs and to live a more stout and stable life filled with health. unity and prosperity. at some point in time evil and wickedness must be filtered off the streets and normalcy must remain in place.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
A child must crawl along before its walks. It imitates sounds before its talks. Police must start at the very bottom of the ladder before initiating those climbs to the top. Your life and career serving all Dade County, Officer Cook, was true to form and so trustworthy. A man built on courage and a strong heart with a soul of humility filling the streets where you patrolled at a time of unrest and tensions. You were the most consummate and the correct man to go to that scene trying to restore calm and order. Mr. Pearsall should have learned his lessons and killing you, Officer Cook and nearly your comrades was not the answer to his severest of problems. You were a hero my neighbor, friend and hero saving the people and your peers of resolve, you'll be saluted as a fine young man and as a gentleman of generosity for eternity. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Being savvy and loyal usually is rewarded by Our Cherished Creator. Honest to goodness public servants are placed in this world for a purpose and that is to restore and recreate the sounds of silence, harmony, liberty and togetherness for mankind. Dade County was both your sounding and springboard, Officer Cook. Heroism shall live on forever in your family who like you are dignified, respectful, humanely honest and possess acumen full of integrity. They champion your causes as a part of your courage and legacy, one that built cornerstones for a safer and more passionate future. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
At some humble point in a career that was cut way too early because of violence against you, Officer Cook, possibly a promotion for your honest and sincere efforts may have been in the offing. Your main task was to stop commotions where the peace and calm of Dade County was being threatened. Such integrity and humility all sacred and passionate will never be forgotten. Our King has His honor roles of character and commitment floating higher than brave angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 27, 2020
Angel is this word and they soar on wings perfectly fitted. Angle is what you might take to cut off the advances of adversity. Dade County had its share of every situation and your resiliency, Officer Cook, assisted you in dealing and in battling this monster of a foe. No doubts or reservations all of your resourceful honesty, dignity and integrity was poured into your unwavering and tireless character so proud yet so humbly heroic. Action speaks louder than chatter and idle talk you were truly an amazing young man a gentleman full of grit and gallantry that is God's eternal gift to cherish and protect for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul is cradled every second in God's palms of perfection, His mercy and compassion endures forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Heaven's perches and palaces are peaceful venues filled with diligent and law enforcing heroes and heroines. Angles who all made the ultimate sacrifice to conquer the craziness of callousness that continues befuddling mankind's reaches into integrity, honesty and dignity. You relished being able, Officer Cook, to serve and to preserve the constant movements of all Dade County residents. Nothing ever derailed nor deterred your voyages of vigilance. A great leader and a humble man who talents provided the impetus for a career destined for more promising missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Excitement creates a mood of joy depending on its circumstances. Your happiness and joy, Officer Cook, was paramount and so was protecting the citizens of Dade County. It was always your heroism and honor that shined and brightened up your integrity and dignity. Such an outstanding man of character who exerted his positive influence within the networks of never ending resolve and responsibility so truthfully trusted and never wasted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A cheerful smile greeted you everyday when people befriended you, Officer Cook. Too bad violence took away your sustainability you were among the finest officers Central Division and all of the Metro-Dade Police Department had performing within its highest organized ranks of versatility and vigilance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Make it your professional endeavor to be fiercely unrelenting, focusing your honorable humility upon the community you serve with undying loyalty and unwavering dedication. Always the proper and wisest of motivations that carried your trails from point A to point B here in Dade County. For a genuinely nice man violence should never have silenced a life of dignity and integrity displayed where its had the best affects. You'll never be forgotten nor overlooked, Officer Cook, for excellence and valor where civility and your sacred passions ferried your strong heart to create the bands of tranquility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Submitting to the sublime and foolishness will never cut the mustard. Evil is cold and callous channeling its efforts into destruction. The world had a superior man of capability and onus in your sweet heart and soul, Officer Cook and so for that matter did Dade County. Its where integrity, respectful dignity crossed the happy paths of justice. Always heroic truth and trust leading your most faithfully resourceful missions of hope and goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
The podium is for conversation. The streets are for protecting. With your unwavering and undying honesty,integrity and dignity, Officer Cook,this made all the difference in how Dade County could live its lives of satisfaction and safety. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and transparency count the most as God keeps rewarding your stellar life and duly humble career of scruples and values.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Society appreciated your workmanship, leadership and treasured dedication to Dade County and its people, Officer Cook. A hero united in the bonds of trust and truth with dignity and integrity being worn passionately to be etched upon the hearts and souls of your peers and family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Humanity has surely missed your sincerity, smile and sweet disposition all these decades later as mankind and your family, Officer Cook,continues their trails of serenity and happiness. Dade County experienced a wonderfully gifted young man preserving the quality of life all by being dignified and possessing stellar character and integrity to be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
The men and women gather to honorably reach out to all mankind. You stood for justice, truth and heroic trust, Officer cook. So much esteem, loyalty to be cherished forever as well as your unselfish dignity and integrity all standing guard over us. Now and for eternity does your angelic soul patrol those golden gates where your passions shine brightest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
You must bring your entire arsenal with you to defend against evil. Thank goodness for your plentiful perseverance and reverence, Officer Cook. Dade County could stand in tranquility and in sanctity to be saluted for its bravery and boldest of convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
Serving and battling, all in an honest day of heroic work, Officer Cook, that protected the folks of Dade County. Virtue and respect,integrity and dignity all leading the way to peace and stability. Your heart and soul have been blessed forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Concerned and caring always resourceful and humane humble.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 26, 2020
An orchestra leader leads with his baton. Police lead with excellence in professional conduct, ethics and morals. Your honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook,helped you lead others during situations of duress in Dade County. Always so special. Always so humble and forever brave, bold and remembered for undivided heroism that is etched upon the faces, doors and windows of mankind. It will never be copied as it shall be carried upon the shoulders of all who serve of all who conquer. Violence and terror will not triumph. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020
A breakfast, lunch or dinner break comes and when the calls come in you leave or take your food with you and race to a various scene that yells for the quickest of intentions. Attention to details never waned. Honesty and humility always flawless. You maybe tired character, dignity and your integrity never gave up, Officer Cook. Dade County's folks were saved and spared because of your heroic actions every moment you worn a badge and uniform. Today, God has your spirit and soul wearing that outfit even with your gun buried with you. No one really knows about eternity only that it's the last stop of your trains of tenacity being respected,saluted and poignantly honored forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020
Uplifting, encouraging,engaging, enhancing and enriching all feel like a huge weight has been removed from mankind's back. All of that,Officer Cook, was done sincerely, carefully, faithfully and truthfully. Its dignity and integrity so widely revered all coming from your unselfish heart and tireless energy, effort and such wonderful efficiency. The streets of Dade County where evil and violence roared like a lion became quiet once more. But,just if only that man so violent had listened and complied with your orders you for sure would have made its home safely to greet your beloved Karen and to live another day to compose another humbly excellent professional performance. An angel to be solemnly, fondly and warmly saluted for everything courageous in a man of truth and trustworthiness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020
Superb, superior and supreme, your professional conduct and humble honesty, your performance everyday in peril's eyes and the ultimate sacrifice you gave, Officer Cook,to serve,protect preserve Dade County's character, integrity and dignity. The why part is you wanted to become a duly respected public servant.Our Creator took you from this world,your family and colleagues because He obviously needed your sweet, special, virtual and sacred soul and spirit back in heaven to walk a perfectly proverbial beat guarding those pearliest of gates and golden roads where angels' valor all sparkles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020
Rules, laws and regulations are all enacted for the benefit of both the police and the general public. Their protection is essential if life is to be lived solely to make this world a better environment to thrive and create a more purposeful meaning. You certainly created the spirit of affection, goodwill and esteem for mankind, Officer Cook. A trusted, truthful and honored hero who paid the ultimate price for Dade County residents to travel those humble trails. Having humility broadens one's perspectives and your consummate character and achievements laid down a solid foundation for our very futures. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020
A belt buckle can save a life. A vest can surely stop a bullet at times. A cap can too stop or deflect trouble. Mr. Pearsall committed the unthinkable that day upon you, Officer Cook and your bravery comrades of dignity, integrity and charismatic respect for humanity. All you did was to perform up to snuff acquitting yourself very well. Excellence and effort accentuated your primary paths of justice. Always well admired and well liked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 25, 2020