Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
God bless our very humble heroes and heroines. Law enforcement owes them a great debt of gratitude for all their nobly honest endeavors. Dade County has paid its salutes, respects and homage to the wearer of badge#1664, yours, Officer Cook, for being so brave and humane of heart and soul. Integrity and all its elements of essential dignity and character all placed forth to destroy wickedness and to bring a positive tone of security won't ever be forgotten. You wear those angel wings with total humility and sanctity so basic to creation's purposes in this world and because of your tireless energy and unselfish sacrifice may Our Lord bless and protect your spirit of virtue and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 17, 2021
Resolve and efficiency can accomplish many assignments that are placed on a hero's tray of tenacity. But still all this lingering evil to be dealt with and for what you did for Dade County, Officer Cook, performing as a hero and loyal brother officer may God bless and reward your cherished name, integrity and the outstanding dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 17, 2021
What a changed world we have since you were taken by violence, Officer Cook. A genuine Dade County legend whose noble actions of honor, integrity and dignity saved many lives not just on May 16, 1979, also many other times as well. The streets were kept safe for the most part and because of your awareness and acumen many who walk a beat can always fondly remember a very sweet and faithfully loyal comrade. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 17, 2021
You pay your dues and when you exemplify what life's purposes are about things seem to go on as they should. Dade County was under your humane and heroic eyes and ears, Officer Cook, so dependable and so dignified. We and your family can be certain you'll never be forgotten living and working a career of morals, integrity and such reverent commitments to both pride and excellence. Such passion and sacred trails you paved will now be watched by those future officers who now have a burden of boldness placed on their broadest of shoulders. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 17, 2021
Evil just has to be eviscerated, exterminated and totally eliminated from the branches and roots of mankind, society and humanity. You certainly accomplished your goals, missions and honorably humble journeys of heroism, resolve, dignity and integrity on behalf of a grateful Dade County, Officer Cook. Such compassion,a yearning to learn, to listen and to direct others leading them by example and character through peril, danger and who knows what else. Sincere and serene, our peaceful lives are without a doubt because of your unending, unrelenting, unwavering and all out unselfish paths and trails of justice,stability,truth, trust and virtue always to be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 17, 2021
It started raining here in Dade County this morning hopefully by the time I arrive in Naples, Florida in a little while things will have dried out. It's always aglow, Officer Cook,in God's skies where a humble hero patrols those gates of vision, wisdom and valor just as you watched over the folks here in Dade County with tireless energy, a sound heart and soul of respect and dignity, all the commitments of excellence and pride from your integrity and revered nature. Such virtue and vigilance never to go unnoticed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
A strong heart and mind coupled with sound advice, Officer Cook, Badge#1664 was for the people of Dade County, justice served with truth and trustworthiness to last for ages. A public servant blessed with stamina and energy to conquer the likes of evil and wickedness. Just when will it stop? Your dignity, character and integrity have all made that heavenly transition where your angelic wings of heroism will now carry you through eternity where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
Police have enough complexities baffling them at times where they are already confused at some points, confronted with evil and compounded by stress, duress and tensions rising. But, always a smile never a bad word always cheerful, honest and full of calmness, composure and respectful integrity, Officer Cook. Everything one could administer to bring about a peaceful ending that fateful day in Dade County was employed as much as your golden heart of care and loyalty left right there on the streets where you gave the ultimate sacrifice for humanity to strive moving forward. A hero saluted and paid the highest compliments and homage for trolling for peace and having tenacity on those hot trails of truth and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
Meaningful and humane come together with the exemplary conduct you forever dignified, Officer Cook. And so honor and humbleness will always be shared, saluted and duly noted for Dade County won't ever forget you. Intelligence is the windmill powered by dedication, devotion and sheer to succeed mightily while going above and beyond the scopes of onus and resolve. A young man, your family's hero gone way too soon and now as an angel your family is charged with preserving the richness of the legacy you left for them to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
A grave situation calls for immediate measures. You went to that scene, Officer Cook, so humbly,heroically and honorably to serve and to rescue your comrades and the citizens involved in such adverse mayhem. You demonstrated your honesty, integrity and dignity all character and achievement so that Dade County and its people could reside in tranquility. Your life and career of virtue and valor will always be solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
You and your family, Officer Cook, were the living and breathing examples of honor, faithfulness, respect,dignity and integrity. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero was placed here to serve and protect Dade County residents. Humility and heart, a soul that enhanced and embarked on a special mission to benefit mankind forever. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 16, 2021
The earth is where we live and breathe. Heaven is the final resting place where heroes and heroines who are angels of bravery and where their sleep is never interrupted. You gave the ultimate for Dade County to live,thrive and to survive, Officer Cook. Heroism was brought to a higher sphere and so was your humane honor, proper dignity and meaningful integrity all following your consummate character around those perilous roads to preserve,defend and serve. As any talented and gifted soldier would do you helped your comrades never running away from violence just going face to face to confront an archenemy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
Bold, bright and surely intelligent beyond your years of maturity. Some way somehow things went terribly wrong, Officer Cook and you should never have been struck down by evil that you took a sacred affirmation to protect and preserve the values and qualities of life. It can be so fragile and yet hang in the balance and for what you succeeded in doing to create a lasting peace for all Dade County,may Our Master bless and reward your honesty,dignity and integrity all character, all truthful and all unselfishly trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels are free to soar, roam and to fly high with every bit of God's perfection leading their way.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
You were a beacon of light, a beam of brightness, a man whose sole purposes were to trap and corner evil allowing goodwill,hope and faithful journeys to be accomplished throughout the landscapes of Dade County. Fate and destiny sometimes have a terrible way of taking the good and brave soldiers who carry out their esteemed missions on behalf of safety,security and serenity. Just a nice man with exemplary conduct, Officer Cook a hero to be solemnly remembered for his battling courage and a fighting ferocity unmatched. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
What lurks behind the fence we will not know. You walk the streets hoping you'll return home in safety and never expect anything worse. On May 16, 1979, Dade County had a scene happen in Liberty City just five minutes before you, Officer Cook and your last partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln would complete your shift. No one knew your life would be taken and nearly those of your colleagues. Every bone of honesty, every vein of virtue, every concern of dignity,every mineral of mettle and integrity was given to fortify those whom you loyally protected. Heaven has your special wisdom, vision and durability all cradled for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
A real soul has no holes,no defects and no hidden agendas. A man with heart has dignity and integrity within every character of cleverness,class and consideration. Dade County and its people were the recipients of such a person, such a versatile servant meeting expectations and living his life and career as only a hero would. Life, integrity, respectful behavior, dignity should not have been ruined and robbed from you, Officer Cook. Your loved one, family from the department and close friends should all be together, happy and enjoying a healthy and well earned retirement. Sadly, God took a beautiful soul,a handsome gentleman of valor back home to patrol a proverbial beat watching over those whom you loved and gave back to you the priceless gem of such affection. The cornerstones and foundations you laid down have never been more solidified.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, an angel welcomed with open arms. No your mother Mrs. Julia Cook has been with you and your father Charles for almost two years. If you alive to see her celebrate her 103rd birthday, golly what a smile would have been on your face!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
You can't just push a button and stop real time. It marches on and moves with the rapidity of light. Just as all honest public servants travel from one point to another. Your direction and missions, Officer Cook, were carefully planned and thought out. Our Maker needed your soul and spirit, your heart led you to that scene specifically to serve and to save the citizens of Dade County and your brother officers. Every bit of effort and energy was given that to make Mr. Pearsall surrender and unfortunately he did not comply with orders and because of that your integrity,honesty and dignity was given in order for mankind to continue those treks. Yours were heroic and every bit of sanctity poured onto your labors of love and trust. So true and so clearly wise. Never a day or moment passing without a remembrance of a gifted and loyal soul so into doing what was right. Officer Cook, you'll forevermore be saluted and honored for your unassuming, unselfish character, commitments to excellence and the convictions of a man of courage and acumen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A Godsend who was absolutely tenacious, resourceful and determined to stamp out violence and terror.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
Your vision, wisdom and inspirations all honored, all purposefully heroic and all poignantly dignified, Officer Cook, offered your unselfish and tireless heart and the soul the capability,capacity and ability to go out and patrol the streets of Dade County and not an easy task at all. Violence sadly is that very vehicle for vile, vicious and vengeful actions that some individuals see as a means of escaping the realities of living life in tranquility without respect and character for their fellowman and humanity in general. You my neighbor, friend and hero were esteemed and will always be noted, etched within memorial ways of merit and class and to be gratefully saluted for honoring creation and your beloved parents,sister and wife Karen. Rest in peace. You sure are missed by everyone.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
A man so fit to serve, who gave his all, his honor and humility for his brothers and sisters of law enforcement and on behalf of service to Dade County, you'll forever be regarded with deep gratitude and the highest of admiration for your dedication, Officer Cook and your steadfast determination led your faithful journeys on behalf of fruition and success. The truth of integrity and dignity is that it builds and binds us together in happiness,serenity and keeps our minds and hearts strong and bold. Your courage and vision, wisdom and prowess saw to that not to be overlooked, but forever treasured. Your loss left your family with a huge hole to fill and yet they humanely endeavor to keep your spirit alive within their hearts and homes so sacred and humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
All stars are bright and the souls who keep them aglow are forever shiny. Heroes and heroines, angels of valor so true and trustworthy make their way around our universe with Our Creator's guiding hands and humbly perfect eyes. For showing grit, gumption and compassion to your fellowman, Officer Cook, may Our Lord shine His countenance down upon your beloved family who witnessed you ascend that ladder of diligence assisting Dade County in their darkest of hours by virtue of honesty,integrity and the noble dignity by which foundations of character and respect have been renewed and renovated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
Your parents may they both rest in peace Officer Cook, along with you my neighbor,friend and hero surely raised two devoted and honorable children. The pride and joy of life and adventure so cherished and so welcoming. Dade County, its people and the North Miami Beach area were proud and yet humbled to have the Cook Family as their neighbor, friends and admirers. You brought dignity, integrity and all the essential character, conviction to a role of trust, truth and reliance. Its folks needed you most when life mattered and it still does today even though your soul slumbers as an angel in God's enchanted heavenly fields where your gallantry and tenacity count the most as you guard the pearly gates. A hero so shining and a warm public servant so bright and astute who won't be forgotten. Rest in peace. Your surveillance over this world will still be felt as your family continues your heroic legacy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
A young man so popular among his colleagues, friends, family and the world in general should not have been lost because of violence and evil committed that day against you, Officer Cook and your fellow officers. A date Dade County and the Liberty City area of Gladeview won't surely forget. It won't be shelved and relegated to another patch of land. For your honest and passionate intentions helped to quell a disturbance that seemed to have snowballed out of kilter. A gentleman with a top notch and first class reputation doing his utmost to calm and to restore law and order, it took your entire frame of ferocity,heart and soul of admiration, respect and virtue to accomplish what you did in six years, a quarter of your young life.Such integrity and character was filled with promise and versatility given at all times to those whom you protected out of loyalty and outstanding professionalism that forever is to be saluted and sacredly paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
A heroic glimpse into your honorable, esteemed and dignified life, Officer Cook, would tell most ordinary people the manner, fashion and class by which you comported your integrity, character and basic commitments to pride and excellence in performing a dangerous profession filled with roadblocks and whatever obstacles might keep you from fulfilling your sacredly faithful missions on behalf of Dade County citizens. You never wavered and your heart worked tirelessly to bring in a semblance of unity and harmony for all seeking safe havens. Always fondly and richly saluted for valor, virtue and all the due vigilance you provided to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 15, 2021
After meeting your niece, Gina Wilkerson and your nephew, Justin Miller, Officer Cook, it was a humbling experience and I broke down and cried like a baby in your home where you grew up. Just wished I could have had the humble opportunity to meet you, your parents and sister Nancy. Dade County was protected,preserved and given all the heroic honor,dignity and integrity serving as the resources of your faithful journeys driven by a resolve and passion like no other. Heaven has an angel so replete with character, morals and trust so divinely truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Such a sentimental letter I'll never forget.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2021
The young and old benefited from your expertise, six years of guided and golden missions, so passionate, as honest as they get. Dade County witnessed true belief and trusted yearning from a young man so good, confident in his abilities and unyielding when violence and evil struck the streets. A gentleman possessed with humanely heroic honor, wise dignity and unrelenting integrity spread out far and wide to preserve and to defend our liberties never to be taken for granted as life shall not be. You are forevermore an angel of valor encircling around your family and this world my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace Officer Cook an angel forever remembered, revered and treasured.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 14, 2021