Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A tugboat pulls other vessels along. You, Officer Cook, supported and assisted other fellow officers along through the ropes of resolve and honor just by being so dignified and quite a gentleman, a very brave servant indeed fueled by a passion to serve Dade County. So much integrity, humility and heart that of a lion with a gentle soul of sacred character, commitment to excellence and truthful convictions all trusted and humane. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2021

Paradise Island might be a vacation resort to some but paradise in God's heavenly venue is where sacred souls, heroes and heroines, all angels of honesty, valor and integrity travel to when their loyal and cherished services are somehow sadly taken from us and their loving families. It is a quiet place where only God's compassion and vision rest upon their golden spirits of virtue and vigilance. It's where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, for unselfish, undying and relentless endeavor and efficiency on behalf of Dade County's folks. The torment and tussles are over, dreams were shattered that day of May 16, 1979 when your family and police world lost a renowned man of principles, scruples and dedication. The duties and onuses beckoned and you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your last partner answered what turned out to be your final call. Sleep well, Officer Cook. God has your beautiful being cradled for safekeeping. A sweet soul and a handsome man with a cheerful smile behind "Old Glory", the American flag.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

A gentleman, a human being, a professional so polished and polite. Courage and honesty dwelling together in a heart of heroism and dignity. It was your intense desire, Officer Cook, to become a top notch and first class public servant out on the streets of Dade County defending the hearts and souls of its residents looking for a proper formation of peace and assurances that our missions and travels would go forward. Sanctity and humility created that loyal bond and tireless sacrifice to see humanity steering its currents of care,concern and consideration upstream. Your faith and devotion never stopped. And violence will never tarnish a badge and uniform worn with sincerity and seriousness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

All men and women who serve on behalf of peace and unity, liberty and honor deserve to live out to see retirement and sadly and most tragically for some that day never comes true. But truth, trust and honesty never wavered nor lost track of their integrity,dignity and thoughtfully resourceful character giving humanity more than a token of esteem, more than a fighting chance at harmony. So much blood and effort expended by your heart and soul, Officer Cook, to help keep serenity and security flowing within the brooks of Dade County. A place where boldness, bravery and stoic might yearned to dig deeper for meaning. You certainly created and built a legacy, a lasting impression to be revered for generations to come. So accommodating and so relentless pursuing evil. It should not have taken you from this world. Your family, peers of yesterday and friends live their lives carrying your legacy of sacred trust and goodwill to be faithfully shared among others. Mankind dearly misses you, Officer Cook, as do your beloved family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

America cannot be lured into a false sense of security, there's too much at stake riding on that very line that peace and terror are at odds with one another. You deal with good and bad, happy and not so pleasant moments policing any given community. Tensions and unrest become unbridled and threaten the very honor, dignity and virtue of a venue where strength of heart, mind and character are endlessly tested daily. Dade County was given your hopes, goodwill and promises, Officer Cook,that it would be safe and spared any undue harm. You my neighbor, friend and hero gave your life, career and everything in the name of Our Lord and now you've become a heroic warrior, an angel whose earthly journeys have been transported to a higher sphere where perfection and heavenly tranquility are never disturbed nor interrupted. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

A knight in shiny armor doing his sacred assignment securing,shielding and saving life. Yes, Officer Cook, your smile is now and forever eternally with Our Creator and of course surrounded by your loving and honorable parents may you all rest in peace my neighbors,friends and you, Officer Cook, always a solemn hero, passionate and concerned for your fellowman. Dade County one hundred years from now can look back proudly on your sterling and stellar life of achievement and acumen so captivating. A man born with honesty, dignity and integrity laying everything on the line upholding his sacred affirmation to execute his duties without hesitation or reluctance. Heaven now holds the spirit, heart and soul of a dearly beloved angel of bravery whose destinies are forever skyward guarding those pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

Five minutes until your shift ended. Five minutes! Three-hundred seconds can be an eternity for you , Officer Cook, it resulted in your loss by one man who didn't care about anything but himself. No heart, mind, soul or respectful honor, dignity or integrity. Well, you possessed these traits and characters of loyalty and truth, Officer Cook, so help me God! A Dade County hero of trustworthiness and endeavor whose sole objective was to serve while protecting the qualities of life so humble, so humanely objective. The energy poured into your sacred work speaks for itself. Volumes of valor,vision and vigilance accentuated and circulating around the eyes and ears of society forevermore, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

You were just twenty-five, Officer Cook, when evil took your heart and soul of virtue,honor and integrity away from your family, peers and friends.What can be said for such wanton and heinous violence? The people of Dade County were given respect and dignity by a gentleman so beloved and so faithfully resourceful. So humble and so admired for building bridges and foundations that all who succeed you will have to follow in. Your heroic legacy stands tall and bold, so consummate and so sacred. Missions so measured and morals so clear. Wisdom, maturity and vision set the tones of your highest standards everyday to be fondly remembered and solemnly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

Yesterday, as I was heading home from Naples, Florida late in the afternoon I was thinking about the letter I received from your mother, Officer Cook, of blessed memory and your dad of blessed memory. So proud of you and your life and career you chose out of freewill. Destiny came calling and took you to the police academy to begin learning the ropes all tough and arduous, policing, training, practicing and speaking well. Dade County and its folks were provided accountability, excellence in character. firm and true commitments, integrity and dignity battling adversity with every bone, cell and ounce of might possible to create the safest of havens for happiness and prosperity. You'll always be saluted for enhancement, enrichment and upholding a badge of valor with unconditional virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

Chores are never easy and tasks are filled with danger so all brave and it's found in angels, honorable men and women who must ponder, think and comprehend the scope of their sacrifice to better mend those torn fences so goodwill, trust and faith may go through. The turnstiles are always open to suggestions. But, in the end you were the consummate officer, Officer Cook, beloved, respected and greatly admired for your humane versions of esteemed dignity and coordinated integrity all patrolling Dade County on a journey of serenity which is the paramount responsibility of all who wear a badge and uniform of truth, trust, heart and refined humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

Clear as day were your accomplishments in life and during your six year career with Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook. A ray of hope, a spark of ingenuity and character that supported the frames of ferocity, dignity and heroically humble honor. Badge#1664 was always so passionate and personable doing the tasks to unveil a lasting peace and freedom for all Dade County and civilization in general. You can be very sure my neighbor, friend and hero you won't be forgotten for heart and soul making their joint sacrifices.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2021

A left hand and a right hand are the generals of gallantry and must be utilized with a rather firm conviction. Your heart, soul and mind, Officer Cook, worked feverishly for Dade County and its citizens providing a share of integrity, dignity and character to flow freely and peacefully. God has guided your spirit on His paths of perfection all these decades later making sure His gates are well preserved as your built solid cornerstones designed for a brighter future that sadly you could not be present to see all the changes occurring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility, sanctity and civility gladdened humanity and your family allowing them the opportunity to continue your humanely treasured legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

A snippet of valor is far better than a mound of mayhem and bedlam combined. Certainly you are continuing to receive your heavenly rewards, Officer Cook, for a heroic job executed so flawlessly and where Dade County can relish its safety channeling newer bridges of goodwill, hope and prosperity. A young man so gifted, yet humbly honest always with a pleasant smile guiding your wisdom, integrity and dignity to the spots that needed more preserving. Such unwavering perseverance will surely be safeguarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

Years of yearning, weeks of wonder, days of diligence, they all moved the ground more than anyone will know. For having dignity, integrity and honor, Officer Cook, heroism that you displayed and demonstrated on behalf of Dade County and society won't be forgotten. Your loved ones, colleagues and friends will salute esteem, loyalty and the fairness that makes the cogs of truth and trust move forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

A heinous individual knows no bounds. A man of ingenuity, integrity and leadership so honored and respectful understands his roles, duties and centrally dangerous tasks at hand. You undertook a profession, Officer Cook and heroically patrolled Dade County with dignity, honesty and sure fire character and passion never to be overlooked. Heaven has a real true blue angel so trusted and polished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

A tent of tenacity spread far and wide over the people of Dade County is our very reminder of a diligent and faithfully honorable public servant. Dade County was your territory, Officer Cook, a day in and day out job done with the epitome of class, effort and dignified decency. A hero who remains highly honored for coming to aid the citizens and his fellow officers caught into the ugly crosshairs of callous conduct. You my neighbor, friend and hero was a fine human being full of integrity, character and reverence for mankind. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

A man with a plan can surely succeed more humbly than a person stumbling through the thorns of trouble. Every step of the way, Officer Cook, God graced your very heroic heart and soul with a sense of direction, respect, honor, wisdom and pride. Dade County was very blessed by your inspiring presence and misses you as much as your family does. Integrity, dignity and character all blending excellently in fighting off such wanton and evil adversity. May you be saluted for humility, bravery and the strength of commitment to continue your eternal watch over us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2021

The linkage between integrity, dignity and character is one's esteemed and heroic honesty and humble respect. You surely had commitment, proper conduct and the essentials to handle all the battles that evil picks up and looks to throw around like a rag doll. Dade County was your community, Officer Cook and they will never forget the fine young man, such a gallant gentleman lined with resolve, tireless endeavor and a humanely humble heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

On May 16,1979 your sacred earthly chores and roles were sadly deemed as complete, Officer Cook and the hero in you and your blessed heart were taken home back to heaven to begin another more humble journey indeed. Protect the gates of perfection without anymore harm coming your direction and to watch over your family, esteemed comrades and close personal acquaintances one and all. Dade County was provided expert care and quality service by yourself and your department. But, than again your dignity,integrity and character achieved more during your twenty-five years than one living much longer. Fate, faith and destiny encircled your humble heart and vigilant soul that was larger than life. Nonetheless a man with a golden spirit now kept safe above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

Your mother and father may they rest in peace along with you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero were all geared on honesty and humility. And such faithfulness and diligence is not always witnessed today when times of strife seem to interrupt the moments of joy and happiness. You brought pride, excellence to all Dade County and to humanity in general. That is not overlooked and neither will your fortitude and intestinal courage to battle such a mean adversary. Liberty City certainly will salute you and not forget what kind of human being so thoughtful, courteous and polite you were. It's heaven that holds your soul and spirit so tightly around its giant palms of mercy and compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

Handsome yet ever so mindful of your core responsibilities and tremendously difficult assignments at hand. To begin the paths and trails of resolve and effort you must maintain a certain unity among with humbleness, decency and dignity that supports everything civil in integrity and in honesty. Dade County had you, Officer Cook, for six short years of dedicated and loyal service spreading peace and reason within your borders. Now that you are a heroic angel you can soar higher and higher as you walk your proverbial beat guarding the gates of gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

A sharp mind matched with a strong heart will more than likely be able to pull their weights together to help torment violence and evil. Surely, as the sun rises today, Officer Cook, you'll continue being paid homage for your tireless heroism and reserved honesty in defending Dade County. Its folks have cherished and paid their respects to a young man so valiant and full of dignified virtue. Integrity that lent its hand in bringing tranquility and stability to a community looking for a semblance of spark in its humane missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

It's all documented in heaven a man's character and honored traits of respectful dignity and integrity. They all went into your humbly heroic life of solving and serving the residents of Dade County, Officer Cook, who depended mightily upon your instincts, intuition and helpful ingenuity. You were the consummate gentleman so gifted with wisdom,maturity and vision what an angel! Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faithful and unrelenting until the last breath Our Lord allowed you to take. It's a real tragedy what happened because of a wayward and evil man.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

You possessed a sparkling smile, Officer Cook and were a twinkle in your parents and your sister, Nancy's eyes. Such a heroic and honorable heart of sacred journeys all mapped out by Our Creator. He lead your pursuits of peace and happiness throughout Dade County never letting your humility, integrity and dignity go astray. Our very serenity and safe trails were paved by your perceptive loyalty and unselfish faithfulness to duty above and beyond. You'll never be forgotten for having wholesome character, convictions true and trusted and commitments to pride and in excellence in donning a precise uniform. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2021

Worry can be somewhat of a useless emotion and yet you had to be concerned and yet mature, Officer Cook, to handle the day to day rigors of a profession you chose freely knowing danger in Dade County was lurking. You were brave and most revered by all mankind, your family and peers of loyalty and esteem. Truth and trust, dignity and integrity all stationed to forever walk that proverbial beat. You were a true and dedicated servant and above all a most humble and blessed human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2021

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