Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The hills and mountains are most dificult to climb, yet with a positive attitude its realities can become more accentuated and more humbly meaningful. You gave every ounce of fabric and fiber, Officer Cook, to witness Dade County steering its way out of trouble. Tension and unrest can level a relatively peaceful day where our honor, integrity and dignity shall not be usurped. You did all you could with your caring and golden heart of heroic righteousness. Evil is just always going to be a spoiler that looks to suck the life out of our utmost purposes. Heaven and angels are meant to inspire and motivate us to fulfill the rich legacies left unfinished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2021
Your team of tenacity, honor and humility, Officer Cook, brought joy, pleasure and happiness not only to your family, it delivered a declaration of devotion, dignity and diligence to a flock of faithfully resolute folks here in Dade County. An inuguration of integrity, intuition and intellect so keen and crystal clear. Violence robbed your family of its most dearest, adored and beloved soul and heart of hope, enchantment and enrichment. Heaven is where your eternal missions now and forevermore contiune forth with the lights shining on. You constructed gateways to a safer and sounder future, one better served if you had been allowed to live on enjoying the fruits ofyour humane labors and proud retirement. Surely one with Karen supporting every essential element of your endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2021
You'll never fall out of grace and respect, Officer Cook, as you donned a perfect uniform and a badge of bravery and boldness to grasp and always take hold of. Dade County citizens were served and protected by a mountain of a gentleman, gallant and full of gumption and ferocity always shadowing your eatrhliest of pursuits. Our serenity, unity and whatever we live for their purposes are because of your uncanny ability to see the big picture with a warm and glowing heart and soul. Humbleness warms a broken soul and heart. Nobility never looks better and more wise. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2021
The juggernauts of justice are always truth and trust with outstanding character. You performed your roles and responsibilities on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook, with the exquisite reverence, the essential heart and soul of humility, heroism and honesty. Such a dependable, loyal and faithful young man defending our civility and sanctity never to be forgotten as will your unselfish dignity and integrity. History will certainly note your adherence to principles, scruples and morals above and beyondyour community patrols where you are forever esteemed and highly regarded now blessed and rewarded as an angel in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 3, 2021
Every move means more than staying stationary. You must attempt and patrol as if every life matters. They all do and your smile and sincere approaches, Officer Cook, ushered a new day for Dade County residents. Integrity and proper conduct followed your paths of precision and expertise as our safety and liberty helped to propel our sacred journeys. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
The allies of acumen, awareness and astuteness stay wide open forevermore. You took to the roads as all heroes faithfully must, Officer Cook, with honesty, relevance and never reluctance and that's why Dade County citizens salute your posture and perseverance toward embracing society with unselfish dignity and valor. Conviction true and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
The building that collapsed last week in Surfside, Florida is a terrible tragedy and know telling how many lives were lost. Some survived unfortunately not many. You saved lives of Dade County not just on May 16, 1979, everyday with your fearless and tireless grit, gumption and a most gallant heart and soul. Integrity, reverence and dignity can strike fear into those out there lurking. You were the consummate professional and peacemaker, Officer Cook. Your legacy of heroism and humility is kept beaming down from heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
The sky is the final place in eternity where brave, heroic and honest hearts and souls travel to. Dade County was your destination of dignity, devotion and pure desire, Officer Cook. Integrity, character and respect have all shed their lights of faith, hope and goodwill to be so saluted for knowing their wisdom, ingenuity and vision have spread their courage throughout our land. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
Grief and sorrow fill our planet and it's up to honest public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, to make safety and serenity for humanity last. Dade County won't forget its hero in you so well mannered and dependably loyal to your comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
Every reaction has a consequence. Your command, composure and convictions, Officer Cook, were all front and center displaying heart, soul and heroic honesty which greatly benefitted Dade County. A man of intelligence and intuition conveyed the factors of outstanding character and commitment, always with dignity and integrity leading your faithful trails and pathways of trust and truth to be solemnly saluted and paid homage from imagination and dedication, all determination and maturity so wise and visual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 2, 2021
Every proper sentence requires a noun, verb and a proper object. Police and public defenders of
our peace require the gentle touches of honor, integrity and dignity. Ingenuity, intuition and intellect don't need to be rocket scientists to figure out mankind's problems, issues and circumstances. Dade County had a superlative and a seasoned veteran in you, Officer Cook. Heroic, humane and without a doubt true and trusted, battle tested too. Evil was your objective and the subject on that fateful day of May 16,1979 was the man who took your youth and nearly those of your fellow brothers battling the very same tensions, troubles and unrest. It's all acrying shame such integrity and commitment uprooted by the winds of ruin destroying a life so valued,productive and treasured. You will always be saluted as an angel of endeavor and energy tireless and unwavering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
Violence is more than a cheapshot at the world. It can terminate and erode the best laid plans of mankind and its distinguished public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook. Such a humble legacy deserving life not have that robbed from your passionate heart, soul and character. Humility and ferocity were your sacred pals as they accompanied you on every patrol of our area where we breathe and exist with one another. Never a more gallant and fitting gentleman to fight those fights against adversity and to stand for humane discipline, determination and destinies that reached far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
The next world has character, class and all the decency expected from a truly loyal and beloved friend, comrades in arms and a dignified soul of boldness banding together a Dade County just seeking peace and liberty for all society. Things have changed since your left your family and peers over forty-two years ago, Officer Cook. But you are always remembered for composure and heart, a never say no tenacity strapped toyour badge and uniform of excelling and the pride for performing aperilous job with a happy heart and a sweet disposition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice cannot ever lose sight of its wisdom, maturity, virtue and allegiance. The pride of the streets is being supervised by those who have taken over your prime onuses. They had better be up to task and have their professional affairs in order.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
The yokes of yearning are still upon our world as we speak, Officer Cook and as your gentle soul, heart and spirit rest in peace in Our Master's splendid heights. Glorious and free, as your family, department and Dade County's hero of humbleness and humanity, your life and career lent its moral support to those fighting those difficult wars over wickedness. Honor, dignity and integrity innertwined with hope, resilience to maintain those rudders of resolve and compasses of your unselfish, unending courage, tireless and demonstrative. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
A good job but if your scruples, honesty and values are on different plateaus, those plains of justice, truth and trust will certainly blow right into the ocean. Dade County had a spirit of virtue, a cherished and loyal soul of serenity constantly pounding the sidewalks searching for a share of peace and stability all with your glowing heart and heroic aptitude, acumen and respect, Officer Cook. You'll forever remain a soldier whose missions were dedicated and all solemnly sacred. We benefitted and so should you have been allowed to live out your life, finish an outstanding career and reap the joys and fruits of your retirement. God took your soul back to heaven to enhance those pristine gates of humility where angels roam forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and truth can shred tyranny apart and one day real soon harmony will be a commonplace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
Resolution is always better than strife and baseless bloodshed. The ruination of modern day humanity hinges upon everyone getting along better with each other. Mankind has inspirations, aspirations, dreams, goals and desires and in order for their pictures to become clearer, dignity, integrity and reverent character and honesty must somehow prevail. That did happen back when you strived to provide unity, harmony and the accentuation of positive resourcefulness toward Dade County, Officer Cook. A fine young man with many Godgiven gifts who bestowed humility, strength of heart and soul back into its many streets and venues. You'll be solemnly saluted and fondly remembered for giving your life and a career of exemplary measures. The fibers and fabrics of tenacity, truth and trust all gently tugging at society and for instilling goodwill, may Our Maker bless, reward and implant an eternal tranquility upon your special and sweet spirit of virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 1, 2021
The steady hands, the unwavering heart, the tireless soul all working their parts to protect and to create a sense of awareness in and around Dade County. You were the master, Officer Cook, at keeping things calm during points of imbalance and never forgotten for your unselfish heroic career and life of everything honesty, dignity and integrity bring to those battles over adversity. All so energetic and all so relentless. The bonds of our futures brokered by your undying sacred missions to broaden the scopes of mankind which cherished you and misses your smile and personality so smart and so dependable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Goodwill, good nature, good cheer were b y-products of your compassion and now as an angel heaven has your gifts, talents and skills foryou towalk your perfect beat without harm directing its anger and grief your way. You led the trails of truth and trust to now serve as your legacy of freedom and resolve. Those patrolling have an awesome burden awaiting their hearts and souls.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
The heavenly clouds surround your gallant and brave heart, soul and spirit of laughter and virtue, Officer Cook. They really do illuminate the night skies above. Such an honest and intuitous young man searching for answers to harmony and unity here in Dade County. So instrumental in the essense of effort, the dignity laid down to conquer violence and the integrity centered where concern was looking for safe shelters. Humility, humbleness and heroism so passionate and sacred, your voyages ended all too early. Why? Only Our Creator holds the key to those answers. We know your family misses your smile and gatherings are devoid of your personality electrifying. But, what a true and trusted warrior, values, character, reverence and esteem all matter as does the lives of those whom you served with loyalty and protected with every morsel of conviction and outstanding commitments to uplift,enhance and enrich. Mankind has received and now God has your special and sweet spirit for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
Police hunt down heinousness while capturing callous individuals who jeopardize civilization. Your humble, honest and heroic earthly pursuits here in Dade County, Officer Cook, all led to our very peace and stability from within. It's always going to be terrible, tragic and appalling that violence took you from your family and colleagues. But, your truthful, resourceful and most faithfully diligent dignity, integrity and responsible character carried out all your missions with an unselfish, unwavering andmost tireless heart, soul and spirit to be solemnly, nobly and sacredly saluted for virtue, valor and moral vitality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
The floodgates of fierce evil just seem to never abate. One cannot be tardy in answering those calls where life and passing hang in the balance. Police for having honor, ingenuity and a relentless fortitude teeter at moments between life and death. Making that ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, was what you willingly signed on to become, a duly respected man of humbleness and liberty for Dade County citizens. Such an attitude must never be overlooked as we and your loved ones cherish your sacred public life of care, consideration and concern for your fellowman. Your principles,values and wisdom, ideals to be shared and learned to the tee shall be the blocks of faith and truth for a future built on candor. Your smile,charm and tireless charisma is very much missed yet is being forever blessed and humanely rewarded by God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
A heart that pumps blood and pounds with a treasured happiness one that searched through Dade County for meaning and a solomn prospect of locating some semblance of tranquility and unity for mankind to delve beyond just its purposes, causes and foundations of fruition. Your days, weeks, months and years, Officer Cook, delivered a healthy bounty of hope, goodwill and prosperity to all looking for something concrete to pin their goals, dreams and aspirations upon. No one ever ever thought your pathways, trails of trust and truth would tragically end because of a man of hate and venom spewing from his heart that disrespected the balance of a harmonious civilization. You surely had much more left to gain, achieve andto accomplish. Heaven and Our King called your special, sweet and virtual soul of relevance to perform a more essential and important task and that is to patrol the streets watching over the pearly gates of humility while welcoming other heroes and heroines to the"Thin Blue Line." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Two aspirin are not going to heal the afflictions that constantly tug at society's coattails. It will take the determination, dedication and honored decency to maintain law and order here on Earth.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
A trip down memory lane must include a life and a career formulated within the virtues of wisdom, vision and maturity. It was your mainstay, Officer Cook and must forever be duly and fondly noted, inscribed and etched within the hearts and souls of your beloved family, humble comrades of the very same bravery, integrity and honor's dignity that you poured your efforts into, Dade County shall remain your home even where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero forevermore engraved in the rich history of your department. Intuitive and a man with plenty of backbone composed that supported your every movementof mettle and the fabrics of efficiency and respect from all society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge#1664 is yours, Officer Cook and heaven has a priceless angel of love and adornment.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
The heart of a hero, the soul of a pious man, a gentleman following his spirits passions to protect, preserve and to pacify those whose tempers are scary. With a calming voice of reason and a demeanor of hope, devotion and goodwill, Officer Cook, were you able to adjust your compass accordingly. Dade County was the location of your accountabilty, versatility and onus toward humanity. A humbly honored being is the very first place to begin and from there integrity, reverence and dignity faced calamity and adversity as only a refined hero must. Your peers of esteem have never ever stopped cherishing your life, career and the memories of your bonified tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Safe passages all built and constructed within the bounds of boldness and your documented and accentuated acumen and awareness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
Gracious and gallant, a man with a plan and preparation for what was forthcoming. Evil invades our privacy and that can never be tolerated. Dade County was the venue, Officer Cook, where your vehicles of resolve, resiliency and endeavor patrolled the streets and roads looking for a broad sector of serenity, safety and secure trails for mankind to follow in. You left a most heroic legacy stamped withthe scruples of honesty, ingenuity and the integrity that dignified a lifethat enriched, enhanced and uplifted society from the bottom upward. Your noble heart, soul and never relenting convictions and commitments to all that is right, all that is excellence in performing your professional duties. Trust and truth can tame the tiger that is terror, torment and turmoil. Your career and life of progress emphasized that point. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021
Police hunt down heinousness while capturing callous individuals who jeopardize civilization. Your humble, honest and heroic earthly pursuits here in Dade County, Officer Cook, all led to our very peace and stability from within. It's always going to be terrible, tragic and appalling that violence took you from your family and colleagues. But, your truthful, resourceful and most faithfully diligent dignity, integrity and responsible character carried out all your missions with an unselfish, unwavering andmost tireless heart, soul and spirit to be solemnly, nobly and sacredly saluted for virtue, valor and moral vitality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
June 30, 2021