Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Delinquency only hinders the hopes and dreams of those brave enough to contribute to society's success. Your achievements, Officer Cook, have all been stamped,marked, signed and sealed with Our Creator's signature of perfection. Heaven is where angels of dignity, integrity and commitment rest peacefully for having performed their earthly journeys of true faith and devotion to duty. Your accountability and capability my neighbor, friend and hero brought resolve,virtue and versatility to the top of the ladders of learning and inspiration. Rest in peace. Respect and vigilance all welcome those who sacrifice their spirits for our forever secure navigations, happiness and hopeful humility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2021
Never underestimate the honesty, respect and ingenuity of authority. They are the people responsible for giving us a hut of hope, a shelter of security and valuable blessings of fortitude through their souls and hearts of meaning, wisdom and vision. Your maturity, Officer Cook, contributed mightily to the causes of courage and the crusades of goodwill all spread far and wide throughout your community here in Dade County. Badge#1664 blazed the trails and pathways of justice, truth and trust for all to follow in and your heroic legacy is richly carried on by your beloved family and peers today whose humility, heart and bravery must be both intact and succinct if accomplishment is to be ultimately realized. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2021
An oath undertaken is not an oar to be thrown into the water. It is a solemn, humble and a most faithful reminder to honor those who gave their lives of reverence, dignity and integrity for heaven's name to perpetrate the goodwill and hope of humanity. Dade County has surely thought long and hard about you, Officer Cook, a hero to your family, comrades and friends who valued their relationships with a gentleman so steeped in the rich tradition of his community and department. The streets had peace but violence and its evil were uncovered by your passionate patrols and such unselfish heart and soul of perseverance. Cornerstones all built for a sounder future. God does your family wish you were present to witness all your important and essential work and endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2021
Salvation, safe havens and serenity are to be solemnly saluted. For there is no more a good man whose name, honor and heart continue to be blessed and rewarded for their valiant humility, heroism shall not be forgotten. Dade County won't forget you, Officer Cook and if they need prodding or reminders of your dignity, integrity and character than look in the books of heroes and heroines, Dade County remembers its fallen soldiers of sanctity and success. Though you gave your life and career for a noble purpose, your earthly missions on behalf of mankind will certainly remain cherished and most esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 18, 2021
Destiny dents ferocity's doors while tenacity is actively pursuing our peace of hope and goodwill. Faith, devotion and relevance marked your humble and honorable life and heroic career, Officer Cook. You delivered enhancement and uplifted the hearts and souls of all who lived and continue to do so in and around Dade County. Harmony, liberty and togetherness are the ideal mates and your mettle, morals and meaningful missions stressed that point forever to be etched, saluted and validated for generations to come. Cornerstones all constructed with the worthiness of your affirmation to make safe travels and shelters of serenity forever more enchanted. Such a wise heart and soul of vision and those profound words of humility and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
Gunfire robs the quietness of the air we take into our lungs. Dade County, your family, department and friends were robbed too. Their friend so young and bold, all dedication, all fortitude and an even keeled approach day in and day out. Your navigation was never ending, relentless and with dignity, integrity and reverent character backing truth and trust the fights, wars and battles though never easy were handled, accomplished and deemed as complete by Our Creator, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 now has a more supremely challenging journey and task and that is to angelically watch over those gates of virtue and perfection where your soul can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class, decency and discipline never clouded your pursuits of humility and success. Your family will always love and cherish you, young man, Officer Cook, forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
Mudslides and avalanches cannot prevent you from performing your civic and humble duties. A sunny day, a cloudy or snowy day cannot either. That day you chased rather voluntarily responded to that domestic incident, Officer Cook, you and your colleagues might not have had an idea who you were trying to calm or to get him to surrender. A battle that you probably dealt with hundreds of times during your short six years of dignified and loyally supportive service to all Dade County. God must have needed an angel and He certainly received one whose life and career were well balanced, blessed and now have been rewarded for heroism and versatility. Virtue and bravery delivered with a mighty heart and a gentle soul of impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
Those busy beavers had better get down to business. Their directions and senses call for drastic measures. Your thoughtfulness, faithfulness and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, all brought a renewed sense of peace, honesty and happiness to the residents of Dade County. Such integrity, dignity and respect for all humanity never forgotten. Never overlook the good work of a righteous man of God, devoted and determined to root out evil. Your appliances of diligence, vigilance and valor saw to those earthly missions at hand to be solemnly saluted for everything proper with politeness and principles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
We can lay ourselves to sleep because a man and a gentleman of heart,soul and honored character cared deeply for Dade County and his fellow citizen. All in a day's work, Officer Cook, were you available, capable and accountable to the public. An area where substance, safety and serenity all belonged to those desiring some dome of dignity, dependability and dedication. Yours, Officer Cook, was esteemed, loyal and gracious. Your loved ones and the family march on but with a somber heart the smile bright and big is not physically here yet if they look up to the constellations at night they will see you aglow. Such a terrible and senseless loss of life. A bond, an affirmation kept poignantly forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
If you get a handle on the severest of dilemmas the ones that seem easier to solve will be just that although the humility, heart and honesty must still shine through those windows of resourcefulness. You had a life filled with joy and hope, Officer Cook and very sadly at the tender age of twenty-five it was violently ended by a man you and your brother officers were having a difficult time get to give himself up. For the harmony of Dade County the Lord Himself watched over you, your comrades and still today watches over your blessed and happy family as they pursue their lives and carry the baton of your heroism gently within their hearts and souls of character, commitment and conviction. Heaven is where your unselfish and tireless spirit patrols those angelic plains of virtue and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
Advice serves to only strengthen the links, bonds and chains of society's hope, goodwill and freedom of movement. Tranquility and unity were served by your heart and soul of tenacity, Officer Cook and Dade County humbly benefitted from your career and life of character, dignity and integrity. Yes, badge#1664 graced the streets of your community with only the best intentions of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence and that only reinforced and enhanced your acumen, wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 17, 2021
Too much talk and not enough action. The will of God is accomplished when goodwill, faithfulness and hope complete their loyal roles toward humanity. You honored your folks, Officer Cook and in doing so forged a bond that will never be broken within the corridors of Dade County. Its citizens have missed you and so has your adoring family as you were the glue that held them together during crisis and tragedy. Its takes the heart of a strong willed lion composed of integrity, commitment and dignity to complete your missions. The earth saw a humble gentleman sacrificing his life for safety, his friends, family and comrades and the lessons of wisdom, vision and maturity have never been clearer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Wickedness can't be calculating only the good guys, the police officers must be cool, calm and collected whenever strife and serious trouble breaks out. Your voice and humility from your unselfish heart and soul, Officer Cook, lead by example. Honesty, dignity and integrity for most are a given unfortunately a few rotten apples need to be weeded out and taken off of the roads before more chaos evolves. Your heroism and contributions to society my neighbor, friend and hero are noticed and are given first class respect. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Never delete nor undermine your precise roles. Justice, truth and trust are waiting to serve the public. You gave every ounce of heart and fight on behalf of Dade County, Officer Cook and your serious quests for peace have never gone without a salute. A hero enriched by goodness and a smile representing your family, colleagues and community where your rewarded name stands forever tall and humble. You placed down foundations for a safer tomorrow and although God took you from your family your spirit and soul can still embrace the feelings where your unwavering ferocity played a major role in preventing a worse episode of violence that awful day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Wisdom is a most welcome resource to follow yo down your trails of truth and justice just so long as trustworthiness holds its sway against the likes of violence and evil. Such a sweet and polite soul of a young man, a human being blessed with honest intentions, devoted dignity and the insights of integrity that fortified your earthly journeys on behalf of mankind, Officer Cook and Dade County won't ever ever forget your heroicness toward attention and detail generated by a kind and brave heart and soul. They were unique, serene and sincerely humble and now forevermore treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Whenever police are harmed or lose their lives protecting the public it feels worse than being punched in the stomach. You took pride in your life and honorable career of serving Dade County, Officer Cook and will forever be remembered as a decent man and a heroically dignified comrade whose integrity, character and respect all came from tireless heart and soul of distinction and virtue. Your family continues carrying your legacy as they cherish a life of memories all from humility and the versatility to handle adversity excellently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Blessed with honor, humility and a heroic heart your life and career, Officer Cook, offered more than an ample balance of dignity, bravery and integrity given generously to the people of Dade County. So much character and undying promise and a genuine appreciation by mankind for your gifts to this world. Now God has your soul which performed its earthly roles and responsiblities with a sacred purpose, passion and cause for justice. Truth, tenacity and trust teamed up to eliminate violence while allowing safety, security and serenity to surface. A young man with a lion's heart taken from his loved ones all too soon but always cherished and greatly admired for instilling goodwill, faith and hope in humanity's eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 16, 2021
Your journeys of justice were just starting, Officer Cook, six well meaningful and spent years of study, learning and training leading to your honored, heroic and humane feats of character, strength of heart and soul and the endurance that integrity, wisdom and its dignity bring to your solemn post of protecting the harmony of Dade County. A system of standards, roles and conduct all boldly observed and for creating bridges and forging the uplifting of friendships may you be watched over and blessed abundantly by Our Maker. The trails now carry eternal definition in the clouds above where you are an angel who may soar and fly high every second. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
Heinousness will never leap over the blocks of bravery and boldness that is for certain. Officer Cook, Dade County will never forget the hero of humility, honor and reverence, dignity, character and respect for one man's integrity which fought those heated battles over anything considered violent. A superb human being cherished and admired for his versatility, valor and total virtue. Sacred missions packed with perseverance, parked with effort and well beyond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
You canvassed Dade County as you always did, Officer Cook. And for demonstrating promise, fortitude and faithfulness may the Lord above keep your spirit and soul for everlasting safekeeping in His castles of courage, His humble abodes where honesty, dignity and integrity are not forever not harmed again. Your life and career engaged, enriched and upheld the trust and truth of why good men and women need more than their bodies and minds to carry out many dangerous assignments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
The surface heat, the chill of the air at night, violence does not care about atmospheric conditions. It leaves a mess behind for all worthy men and women of honor, humbleness, faith and hope to diligently to clean up. The streets and roads of Dade County were patrolled by you, Officer Cook, forever a brave hero, a man who developed paths and made trails for all future officers to follow in. You take enrichment, unselfishness and build tireless heart and soul around their tents of tenacity and the results hopefully become obvious. You performed in an outstanding manner never letting your eyes away from the citizens you watched over and your fellow officers who have embraced your gratefulness and loyalty, esteem never overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
The world shook that awfully somber day when you lost your life, Officer Cook, serving the good residents of Dade County. The hero in your soul and heart, all robust, all resolute and all resolve implanted with honesty, dignity and integrity to be remembered forevermore. Crime still drags our hopes, goodwill and dreams to places we don't want to travel to. But a good name and a cherished soul yours built security and a sensation of courage and values, scruples and principles so morally uplifting and that is what God's angel is doing right this moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
Your destiny, Officer Cook, was created, designed and all designated from head to toe including your special heroic heart and soul that served and protected the people of Dade County from any adversity. Evil and torment are not good at all. You dedicated your life and career to passionately overseeing the health, happiness and well being of a community so dear to you and one that has solemnly saluted your integrity, honor, dignity and character of intuition and ingenuity. Humility, sanctity and virtue all bestowed and blessed by Our Creator. An angel in heaven, my neighbor, friend and hero, rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
Wisdom is a most welcome resource to follow yo down your trails of truth and justice just so long as trustworthiness holds its sway against the likes of violence and evil. Such a sweet and polite soul of a young man, a human being blessed with honest intentions, devoted dignity and the insights of integrity that fortified your earthly journeys on behalf of mankind, Officer Cook and Dade County won't ever ever forget your heroicness toward attention and detail generated by a kind and brave heart and soul. They were unique, serene and sincerely humble and now forevermore treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 15, 2021
The picture of courage and fortitude, honesty, dignity and integrity is hanging on the walls at the Main Metro-Dade Police Headquarters on NW 25th Street of your smiling face in uniform, Officer Cook. And so many other comrades men and women who gave their lives so that Dade County could live peacefully, freely and without a reservation or doubt that you were a man of your bond and a true warrior of wisdom, vision and ingenuity. Maturity so valid and so beyond the crowd. Humanity and of course your adoring family members miss you so dearly you were their blanket of goodwill, esteem and hope. You'll be forever saluted for bravery, virtue and the versatility that made serenity and safe travels more energetic with your unselfish heart and soul leading the way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 14, 2021