Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The chalk on the blackboard writes down meticulous information and your copious note taking and humble attention to details created those honored and dignified patrols in and around Dade County, Officer Cook, which have never been forgotten. Your sacred name and cherished life and career fortified the boundaries here in this world so that your family can gently uplift your heroic legacy signed with enhancement, enrichment and a most engaging soul and heart. Such humane virtue is forever eternally rewarded by Our Creator Himself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 11, 2021
You never required prompting because of straight forward efficiency and a tireless heart and soul supporting your earthly missions on behalf of Dade County's folks, Officer Cook. Heroism is and was forever why you'll remain cherished, respected and we salute your honor, integrity and dignity which battled for our very serenity which is most essential and important in the peace process. Character, commitment and true convictions are everlasting as is your angelic spirit as it encircles your family, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 11, 2021
Looking back is fine so long as the lights do shine upon our futures and yes, Officer Cook, you and Karen had a bright future ahead. She knew and loved you. She fully comprehended your dangerous missions and journeys all in heaven's humble name to bestow quiet and prosperity within the regions of Dade County. The hopes and dreams waiting for a noble man, a servant of trust and truth, grit and gumption to humanely dignify their onuses towards mankind. Integrity is the masterpiece of one's morals and the very fibers of their mettle, it's located in discipline and ethics that reach the heart and soul of our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
Cool and calm under stress and duress is certainly much better than angry and out of sync. Dade County had every measure of your fine resources, Officer Cook, backing your every class move. Honor and integrity, reverence and cooperation marching forward in the name of Our Creator whose continues bestowing blessings and rewards upon your mortal soul. We the citizens have come to salute and pay homage to a man of conviction, a man of desire and dediation, a heart determined to battle until your last ounce of breath before you sadly succumb to the very vile actions of evil by one callous and seriously troubled young man. Imagine if most people lived with three generations of their family I believe honesty, fortitude and respect would be the goals in life. No one is surely created equal. His life was sad and troubled. There was no need to take his vengeance out against police doing their best to create harmony in the community. R est in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
You can bend at the waist. You can breath the clearness of fresh air. You surely can yawn just not exhibit this habit a lot while on duty protecting, preserving and saving lives so valuable. You were a constant gentleman of hope, trust and goodwill, Officer Cook, always out in Dade County performing your roles in an outstanding manner. The effort, the energy, the heart and character, the commitments to excellence,pride and the trustworthy convictions that have supported the pillows of your spirit, all dignity and integrity resting in peace with you my neighbor, friend and hero in heaven, its gates of gallantry shining brightly as angels all soar higher each second.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
Glorify if you must, but, be humble and loyal to your parents who have raised and developed your heart, soul and your mind's thinking mechanisms. You were taught, trained and practiced greatly, Officer Cook, before hitting those sometimes rough and tumble streets where torment and danger lurked. The piers of perseverance were open to any and all suggestions and with your vivid insight, intuitive integrity, Officer Cook, Dade County was kept secure, serene and safe from harm for the most part. Violence should not have intercepted your life of loyalty, humility and sanctity nor should it have taken such a brave warrior casting his uniform and honorable badge into peril to make that ultimate sacrifice now a building block for the future of tranquility and unity for humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
Whatever Auxiliary Bishop offered in his eulogy of your soul, Officer Cook, I was not there but for what I heard it was humble, humane and quite to the very point of your unselfish honesty, composed dignity and integrity from your most resourceful heart and soul that poured your esteemed labors oflove and trust where Dade County could rely upon its peaceful trails and happiness to last forevermore. You are very much missed by all including your adoring family and friends inside and outside ofyour department. Heaven now has an angel with all the values, ideals and principles that have uplifted your spirit and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
Exult a man for his inspiring courage and precise efforts. Energy that enriched and a tireless heart that enhanced Dade County. Your career and life, Officer Cook, all honest, heroic and very dignified was tghe exemplified code of character, class and concern all consideration distributed back into mankind's meters of mettle and streets where foundations today remain solemn and are saluted with total humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 10, 2021
Sure hands, quick feet and fast responses usually are encouraging signs of potential when one seeks tranquility and freedom. Dade County had intuition, ingenuity and intelligence supporting your honored and humbly heroic composure, Officer Cook. A hero loved by his family which has missed you from that awful day of May 16, 1979 and never any reservation you were going to answer that fateful call and not head back just yet to your stationhouse. Your colleagues esteemed, brave and cherished respected such class and heart that made that a destinct and long lasting permanent impression. Such a cornerstone built and laid down for other heroes to follow in. Those trails of truth and trustworthiness do shine brightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
The icing and cherry on top of the cake should have been your humane and honored retirement, Officer Cook, everyday no matter the calling, issue orcircumstance you provided Dade County with a moral lift. Upward with honesty, all ahead with integrity and steering a balanced dignity and character to places where violence and torment would not spin their wickedness around the people whom you undertook a dedicated affirmation to serve and to protect never more serene and always fair and truthfully trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
Studious, level headed and accomplished, so much to live on for and for being duly noble, decenct and dignified, Officer Cook, your six years of trust, truth and faithfulness were deemed as complete and because of one man's anger against authority he took your integrity,reverence and robbed a shining star from his family, peers and loyal acquaintances. Never forgotten and so humbly saluted for virtues,values, ideals and scruples so important and essential to our peaceful missions on behalf of humanity which misses your loving smile and gentle personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
Trouble finds it spots where it tragically can inflict great harm. You sure worked hard, Officer Cook, to stops those advances where adversity lurks like a mean canine. We all know what its choppers can do. You made Dade County your home base where boldness, bravery and wisdom came together to honorably and with a conscienous diligence took its roles of integrity and respect seriously. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Characters construct. Evil never elevates. Vision and maturity surrounded your unwavering heart and soul of versatility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
The curious observe. Those sworn to uphold do so by enhancing, engaging and enriching the spirits of mankind. That you certainly performed, Officer Cook, so well and so blessed with acumen, the vehicles of valor, vigilance and virtue that makes a man's dignity and integrity more sacred and more careful. Dade County will always admire,adore that by your family and share the memories of a well lived life just sad it was cut short with more left behind to accomplish. God's greenest of gardens are where angels such as yourself walk that perfect beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
Society must seize opportunity when it bangs on the doors of honor and humility. You took the time and patience, Officer Cook, to make peace a viable option for all Dade County. The hero of heart,dignity and character expanding his humble virtue, integrity and diligence forevermore. You'll be sincerely saluted, remembered and etched within the channels, streets and roads where terror was stopped by your tireless soul and unselfish energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 9, 2021
The search and now rescue missions continue and with your angelic soul and most humble and heroic heart, Officer Cook, those men and women will find the remains of those missing in the Surfside condo collapse so that their loved ones canlay them to rest for their suffering continues just as those who still remember and mourn your loss to mankind. Everything that day was sad yet vivid and a reminder that one must attempt tostay safe while carrying out their earthly duties as you solemnly did on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. Integrity, dignity and honesty shall never be destroyed and the badge and uniform of pride that you wore will forever be a legacy of adornment and enrichment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
Your life and career were superlatively splendid, Officer Cook. Your loss was a pain, anguish and grief shared by your beloved family, loyal colleagues and friends of esteem who watched you grow,mature and raise the flags of wisdom, vision and ferocity to their highest of heights. As has been made clear you elevated society with outstanding conduct and professional performance that was spearheaded by honesty, integrity and having stellar character and sterling dignity to be saluted and solemnly paid tributes for being an excellent leader,listener and a devoted motivator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
Seeing is believing. The truth and trust of one humbly beloved public servant rests in the valor, vision and wisdom of your life and career, Officer Cook, sacred and defined. They protected, preserved and served as the impetus for all Dade County being allowed to live safely and peacefully under one roof. A man of heart and reverence whose goodwill and virtue will always be esteemed and forever dedicated to your loyal passions whichh brought comfort and built a cornerstone for a sounder tomorrow. Of course we and your family wanted you to share in your toil and sweat for your sacrifice binds humanity as one nation under God. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
Police work is not a day at the beach nor is it a work in the park. Never strolling, always patrolling Dade County searching for an everlasting harmony and spirit of purpose. Your professional ventures, Officer Cook, were strictly honest and heroic, of sound character, heart and mind and were blessed and rewarded for having dignity and integrity truthfully following you down the streets of humbleness. Sacred missions for everlasting journeys of happiness and hopeful prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
The pot of gold, perseverance, pride and proficiency was boiling loud and clear. You heard the messages and responded appropriately, Officer Cook, to your peers calling for help. Honesty, integrity and dignity racing to a serious scene to provide a much needed help. Dade County is forever grateful because of your goodwill, hope, diligence and restorative faithfulness so true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
God protects those angels of heroism and honor who rest in peace as you humbly do, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero of all Dade County and mankind in general. Such a warm and charming human being with more to give, a life of dignity, humility and integrity tragically snuffed out by one very wicked man. Your family, department and friends will never forget your big old grin, a smile to spread throughout your community where your virtue, resolve and versatility assisted to create peace from your tireless and unselfish heart and soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 8, 2021
Contemplation is how all public servants must first act with their heroic honesty, humble dignity and heart felt integrity. Seeing that you were resourceful,noble and forever responsible, Officer Cook, Dade County and its loyal people won't ever overlook your professional attributes and strength of your character that lent its wisdom, vision and maturity to all your earthly patrols, journeys and missions undertaken with humility, care and concern for the broader purposes of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You built roads,foundations and cornerstones for a much safer and brighter future, one that would have benefitted from your unwavering, tireless and most unselfish appearance overseeing all the changes that have happened since your sacrifice over forty-two years ago.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2021
You cannot ever skip a page out of your professional perseverance and prowess, Officer Cook. Honor deserves its loyalty and your scopes of serious contamplation captured the hearts of your family, your esteemed colleagues and the entire landscape of Dade County. Its people have their balance and semblance of security firmly implanted within their hearts and souls of virtues.With outstanding character, refined and respectful, with conviction sincere and commitment succinct and unrelenting, Our Lord has your humbleness and versatility all safeguarded forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2021
The forests are for those who enjoy the lush greenery. The streets are where peaceful flights shall occur. Thinking and being productive are the very functions of society, mankind cannot have its mirrors of mettle, morals and truth clouded by distortion and evil brings just that. Your passions and compassion brought the ultimate trust and truth to a community, Dade County namely where your feats of bravery, heart and soul have been cherished, blessed and most humbly rewarded as one of Our Creator's many heroic angels. The bond now is eternal and so perfect are your beats above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2021
Informative, integrated with integrity, intelligence and intuition, your goodwill, faithfulness and supportive resourcefulness, Officer Cook, brought tranquility,tenacity and trails forever paved for others who have taken over your watch. Dade County was the very humble place where ingenuity and your unwavering honesty, integrity and dignity faced adversity and wickedness face to face. Sanctity and humility graced God's plains for twenty-years of heroism and all that was civil with mankind never to be abandoned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2021
All anyone needs to do is take one glance back at you, Officer Cook, your life,though cut too short because of the very violence that robbed you of your career and life with your beloved Karen, seeing your mother grow older and tending to her every need as her darling,beloved and heroic son. Dade County and its residents only had your sweet, gentle and tender heart and humane soul for six faithfully trusted years of excellence, expertise andthe tireless energy all unselfish and all undying demonstrated toward them to shelter and display a harmony like no other. Your success was launched not only from your composed honesty, dignity and integrity, it was enhanced,enriched and uplifted by quality of character,commitments to pride in donning a badge and a uniform of sacred purposes and humility of value and ideals.Suffice it to say you'll be perpetually saluted and honored, Officer Cook, for giving the ultimate sacrifice that can never be truly repaid. Heaven has an angel of valor so adored by his family who misses you every single moment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
July 7, 2021