Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
No stutter stepping it must be full blasts ahead. Dade County was guarded and protected by a very loyal and honorable man in you, Officer Cook. Dignity, integrity and character that was and always has been revered. An angel of virtue and valor encircling over his family and peers as you laid your life down for principles and safety within your beloved community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 27, 2021
The arms of acumen, awareness and being astute were directed by lips so truthful and kind, legs of ferocity running to stop crime and terror. What can be said is that you lived an exemplary life, Officer Cook, full of passion,charm and happiness. Honesty, dignity and integrity that embraced the heart and soul of mankind. If people were fortunate to meet you, Officer Cook, then they were truly fortunate. A man so genuinely concerned with the welfare and well being of his fellow human being. A gentleman cut from the patterns of perseverance who exhibited effort and efficiency while carrying out his professional affairs everyday and not to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
If simplicity could storm the streets everyday instead of evil and violence flooding them with complexity, society would be kinder, gentler and extremely grateful. But, perfection is only located in one venue, heaven and the skies above where you rest in peace, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Twenty-five years of toil, a life given to further advance the paths of mankind's lives and causes. Honesty gentle yet fair, dignity and integrity all defined by your persona. Not only a smile on your handsome face, more important and quite essential loyalty given and you followed directions so well and showed leadership capabilities, you were given other colleagues to motivate and lead during tense and stressful times all in heaven's name and now God has your soul cradled in His arms to bless, keep safe and to reward for heroism and humbleness distributed wisely and with a vision so valuable. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
Burdens are like boulders on one's back. The weight of a community is upon every woman and man serving their country,nation and venue where they reside. Peace of mind, harmony and liberty not to mention the safety of all is forever on their hearts and minds as they serve, protect and expect to return home safely after completing their assigned shifts. The Lord watches over His flock of heroes and heroines, ones like yourself, Officer Cook, a hero of humility, substance and quite embellished effort, heart and honor. Integrity and character that mounted its greatest charges to defeat evil. May 16, 1979 was a very sad and hurtful day for your family, department and Dade County as you sacrificed your principles, values, scruples and morals to maintain the proper balance of tranquility with your unassuming virtue, resolve and smile. Never forgotten and saluted for transforming mankind into a more peaceful and hopeful environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
Heaven is the final stop of a person's life heroic or otherwise. Your journeys, Officer Cook, were founded in a cherished reverence for mankind and in Dade County where you began your career and continued your life of humble honesty, dignity and integrity giving their names to justice, trust and the truth. You shaped humanity who misses you today as it has since that tragic day forty-two years ago. A man pious, diligent and faithful beyond your calls of onus and virtue. The world has certainly changed since your left behind your family and colleagues, those who have succeeded you my neighbor, friend and hero have an awesome burden to carry on their shoulders as the very foundations and cornerstones were set by your energy and heart, a soul of serenity and compassion for your fellow human being. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
Zoned in and dialed in to devotion, desire and dogged determination, your roads, trials, trails and pathways, Officer Cook, were paved by perseverance, persistent character, respectful honesty and humane integrity following dignity's every movement. And for having class and manners it's Our Creator blessing and watching over your sweet and kind soul, spirit and unwavering heart of heroism. Dade County saw six years of badge#1664, tireless, energetic and most engaging. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
The constant companion of humanity, society and mankind, your passions and humbly heroic missions, Officer Cook, helped to restore the vitality of the Dade County community where you were beloved, admired and greatly adored by your family, friends and professional comrades. Never a complaint and never a bad word. The truth and trust spoke volumes regarding your outstanding character, cherished commitments to pride and excellence and convictions always pristine and wise. A young man, a hero whose honor, integrity and dignity only yearned to become the finest public servant out on the roads serving with his heart, soul and spirit of vision, valor and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 26, 2021
Evil bites humanity in all the wrong spots. It affects everything and everyone. Dade County had to deal with this kind of adversity and you exerted your all, Officer Cook, to try and stop this violence from wreaking havoc upon your beloved community that forever salutes and fondly remembers your unselfish heroism. It developed from within your heart and its dignity and reverent integrity displayed coolness under duress. Sanctity, civility and nobility all versatile and with unassuming virtue and diligence you'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
The gas tank must be filled. The batteries charged and ready to proceed. The tires must be full of air. Any leaks, holes or other malfunctions might cause a serious problem. But, never any issues only your undying affection for the people of Dade County, your peers and your family, Officer Cook,who love you and miss you very much. You delivered desire, devotion and dignity to a profession where integrity, honor, respect and character matter most. For having quality and virtue in your efforts may Our Lord bless and protect your heroic heart, soul and spirit of resolve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
Turmoil and torment are like punches in the mouth, very unsettling and very embarrassing to mankind's reasons, passions and purposes of life. To live and to be happy, healthy and safe nowadays is another part we would think is normal. But since this pandemic the world is a different place and its spheres have been turned upside down and if violence is that fire than we don't need anything else to set off an eruption of sorts. You navigated around Dade County, Officer Cook, as a humble and honorable officer, heroic and talented, dignified and a man with a heart and soul of bravery and integrity. Such grand character and a commitment to everlasting peace of mind and excellence in all your daily affairs. No one will forget, no one will overlook such a wonderful and warm human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
When boxed in by the bull rushes of violence all good men and women must have a plan of action prepared to battle against such callousness.You tried very hard that awful day, Officer Cook, to stop the advances of both an evil and wayward man. Your life versus his, your humility, fight and heart against his wickedness. Dignity and integrity personified your earthly journeys all undertaken in heaven's name. Sacred and serene, virtue and wisdom moving side by side to shield Dade County from an overthrow of unspeakable mayhem perpetrated by this one person. You were loyal and consummate and shall not be forgotten. We salute your vitality, vigilance and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
The shift change does not always mean to go home. In fact working above your time is often called for when evil knocks at our doors. Those homes must be preserved as their honor, integrity and dignity must be placed ahead of any public servant's. You name and soul, Officer Cook, have been blessed, revered and forever accentuated in reward by the Heavenly One. God has a place for His heroes and heroines all angels of valor,vision and virtue, whose visibility and responsibility is very well etched in the history books where you can read about them lives and careers where sacrifice and sanctity define their conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
Lips of truth, feet of ferocity and hands of a gentleman so honest and gallant. The folks of Dade County won't overlook you, Officer Cook and neither will dignity, integrity and virtue be cast aside. They all had a God given purpose and your missions of faithfulness, resourcefulness and dedication will forever be treasured. Such a loyal partner and comrade to all who served with you. Badge#1664 was worn distinctively, decisively and very doggedly to get at the roots of terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
What is dictated is a plan of tranquility that spreads out like a blanket over an area you called home, Officer Cook. Dade County and its hero of loyalty, cherished, esteemed and greatly admired for honor, dignity and integrity facing off against the nasty look of violence. The residents were spared because of your unassuming and humane patrols over them. No one including your family will ever forget "Uncle Bo." You meant more to them than anything and they all miss you terribly. The laugh, the smile, the personality and professional character and convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
What honesty, dignity and integrity do for a heart and soul is raise those tents of character, courage and class and only your humility and decency, Officer Cook, helped to save and to provide the adequate protection that Dade County was offered. A tireless man working in an undying, unselfish and and unwavering manner to distribute serenity, safe havens for all and a commitment to truth, trust and excellence. Never forgotten and saluted for intercepting evil from the streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 25, 2021
Your family carries on your blessed,revered and humbly heroic name, Officer Cook, in the name of God and Dade County where you undying and unselfish endeavors will never go overlooked. Nothing can return you to your family and yet their comfort and solace is in knowing how much you are loved and how you cared for your job, a passion like no other and a lovely wife in Karen who supported your every gesture of goodwill toward your community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If there are balloons they sure have gone straight to Our Creator's panels of perseverance, proficiency and constant relevance as He safeguards your very heart,soul and spirit from any further harm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
One hero, one step for society to embrace and they certainly did, Officer Cook. Your missions and humble journeys were spent searching for Dade County's serenity and the bad part was you losing your life to make your family, peers and humanity better. Integrity, dignity and honesty must all be from a trusted and truthful heart which they were. A sacred calling with a well rounded human being pursuing the trust and civility that virtue calls for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
Tenacity that transferred its powers day and night always making sure of the public's welfare and well being. You never missed a beat, Officer Cook, demonstrating valor and common sense while maintaining those bridges of hope, trust and valid goodwill between every citizen of Dade County of whom you served and protected. Life has its moments and you my neighbor, friend and hero were consummate, loyal and esteemed, your comrades will forever admire and be grateful to you for your efforts poured forth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
Once heinousness burrows itself in one must act like a dentist to remove its particles of callousness before they create more undue havoc and bedlam. You took your roles and onuses very seriously, Officer Cook, for this Dade County will forever remember and salute your vision, wisdom and virtue. Integrity right there to lend its assistance, dignity so dedicated and honesty will displayed. God surely has His angel a gentleman of how truth and trusted bonds of valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
It's truly amazing how one has to think yet stay honest and dignified during their entire watch. And such professionalism was your motto, Officer Cook, a man of integrity, humbleness, a marvelous public servant so tireless, unselfish and unwavering. Dade County will never forget your heroic actions that day and everyday you lived. Your soul, heart and spirit all have been transforming heaven as you soar higher while patrolling those golden streets and gates of angels, heroes and heroines who made the ultimate sacrifice for their communities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
Boldness and bravery, cornerstones constructed from the foundations of dignity,integrity,honesty and character. They all blended quite well during your six years of service to Dade County, Officer Cook. One man, one gentleman with a heart of giving and a soul of humility, heroism and virtue giving their eyes, ears and feet to preserve the quality of life in your very community where you continue to receive plaudits and homage from helping to steer security, happiness and enhancement where it firmly belongs. The truth and trust so diligent, the loyalty so very vigilant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 24, 2021
Those who God has taken home may they rest in peace as you are, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. You validated our very planet with your heroic honor, essential integrity, dignity and reverence that patrolled and preserved the image of your home grown community of Dade County who salutes your maturity, vision and wisdom, all virtue and forevermore angelic. A golden heart and a sweet soul, such a wonderfully adored young man taken from his family and peers too soon.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2021
The Lord hears every word from our mouths, the lips that praised the Almighty were your oath, heart, honor and humility, Officer Cook, so well blessed with integrity, dignity and clean and refined character and humble success. Dade County can look upward tonight and see the light coming your very heroic soul of virtue,vigilance and vitality. It asserted itself tirelessly to promote, to provide and to protect the citizens whom you were fiercely loyal to. Colleagues and friends who you devoted your utmost passions to keeping them safe won't forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2021
God's messenger of morals, virtue and mettle, you were your family's dedicated and most heroic warrior of honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. Its wings were spread far and wide and now soar like an angel over us in heaven. Character spotless. Commitment spot on. Conviction serious enough to serve loyally over the scores of folks here in Dade County where we salute gallantry and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 23, 2021
A flair for the dramatic is not always required. Ferocity and a fairness for all mankind is absolutely essential. It was your daily rituals and routines, Officer Cook, heroic and honorable that created the canvas of peace and safe shelters for Dade County never to be overlooked. You displayed dignity,integrity and resourceful conduct during every beat of your watch and no one will forget. Ingenuity, intellect and intuition surely assisted you with your patrols and we salute virtue, bravery and wisdom, maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021