Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You acquitted yourself very well at all times, Officer Cook and for honesty, diligence, dignity and integrity may the light of heaven shine on your soul. Dade County was on your screens of faithfulness, hope and a dogged determination to provide its residents with peace and an enhanced sense of life. Those missions and journeys unfortunately ended all too early, yet character, commitment and conviction never wavered all tireless and abounding in unselfish endeavor. A gentleman with virtue and vigor, versatility and valor etched in your family's hearts and those of your loyal comrades forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
Terror unveils its roots of rebellious behavior and never seems to relent. But, your resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness, Officer Cook, were the salts of this world. Never a more happier man who relished his wife, life and source of spirit where every venture and patrol meant something given back to Dade County's folks. Never a more honest, reliable and accountable heart and soul seizing their opportunities to make a mission of goodwill, hope and reason come alive. The man who robbed your family,friends and department of seeing your smile got his punishment while God, Officer Cook, forevermore rewards, blesses and bestows his perfection, truth and trust upon your most humbled and heroic being. You can look down proudly upon your family as they carry the baton, the foundation and cornerstone of your life and memory never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
A volley of virtue, a gift of honor and a token of gratitude, your symbolic life and career of vigilance, Officer Cook, maintained the fibers and fabrics of Dade County to a precious tee. Your family can celebrate a life though cut short by wickedness by continuing your paths of righteousness going forward and the legacy you left behind, one of fruition, thoughtful character, integrity and dignity shall always be admired and appreciated. Generations from now those left to remember you will do just that. Your inspirations meant too much to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
Without a clue of compassion society is left wondering about his safety and future. The future would have been brighter if you were here to enjoy your retirement, Officer Cook. For all you did for Dade County the people should at least salute and remember your blessed name. You stood for decency, dedication and devotion while keeping composed and dignified during your six years of integrity, respect and trust given back to mankind. Angels soar. Your spirit and valiant soul do just that as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
Violence is that cruel and evil dictator that threatens the hopes, aspirations and dreams of society's pursuits of prosperity and happiness. You engaged, enriched and enhanced humanity, Officer Cook, without any hesitation nor doubt and for securing Dade County in serenity and character may God blanket your honor, dignity and integrity with His perfect passion, compassion seeing your golden heart was giving, virtuous and quite special. A uniquely warm and generous young man gone too soon but saluted and remembered for his smile, loyalty and being there to save his comrades from further evil that day. The citizens will never forget their friend and partner in this peace process. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
The Lord's countenance shined down upon you, Officer Cook, as you heroically made your rounds upon Dade County's streets and corners looking for that certain factor of freedom which we all enjoy and cherish greatly. Your earthly missions and journeys of honor, integrity and dignity were supported by heart and bravery, always performing above and beyond expectation. Vision and wisdom corroborated your trails of trust and truth now as an angel you can continue your watch from heaven where harm and hurt shall never bother you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
Courtesy, honesty and safety, it's the elements of excellence in dignity, integrity and reverent character that is the make up of all public servants. Your career and life, Officer Cook, emphasized these traits and for patrolling and protecting Dade County with tenacity, may God grant His heavenly rewards and blessings upon your humbly and esteemed soul, heart and spirit of battling adversity which brought a semblance of harmony and liberty to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 22, 2021
An excellent officer takes their cues from listening to their superiors and then displaying common sense, courtesy and the humane demonstration of good manners and highly thoughtful ethical conduct which you always had, Officer Cook. You were truly a diamond in the rough, so strong and young, brave and honest, only the very best that could have acted as you did that day. An hour when dignity, integrity and sanctity were on the line in order to restore a peace of mind and some tranquility back into the streets of Dade County where they ought to be. Forty-two years later you are still remembered for hindsight and humbleness that has carried your heart, soul and spirit all heroically esteemed back to God's princely castles where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Whenever called you must go as swiftly yet carefully to a scene and then be able to think and to comprehend the scopes of your humble onuses. To put it simply, keep the peace while staying as cool and as calm as possible while violence and terror are unfolding right in front of your eyes which you did that fateful day, Officer Cook. A time,a place and a memory your family, department and the entire police world won't get out of their minds. Neither will Dade County nor its folks for you sir were blessed with acumen being astute and having amazing maturity along with the dynamics of dignity, determination and honor's integrity wore across your badge and uniform that has and will always be saluted for its due diligence and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Blessings are those baskets of goodness, honesty and boldness perpetuated by one's humble, loyal and heroic dignity, integrity and resourcefully reverent character. Your soul, heart and spirit, Officer Cook, are all part of the many flocks of angels in heaven encircling your family, friends and colleagues with whom you served Dade County steeped in enrichment, enhancement and engagement. A smile, a hearty laugh yet a studious and a serious gentleman when violence needed to be whipped, stopped and forevermore tamed. Never forget a man of virtue,valor, vitality and all the unselfish versatility coming your tireless energy to make a community safer and more proud. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Wrath is pure evil. Anger only escalates a problem where accentuating a resolution would seem more plausible. Your pleasing good nature, hopefulness and sincerity, Officer Cook, opened a new chapter for Dade County citizens desiring their securities and peace of mind. They'll never forget badge#1664 and what is meant to be honorable, dignified and most blessed in integrity, quality of character and the loyalest commitments to decency, excellence and pride. You wore your uniform with passion, heart and heroism patrolling your community like no other. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,donning your uniform and badge of bravery all angelic and esteemed may Our Lord keep you sheltered in His huts of humility and compassion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
You must evaluate before you attempt to conquer violence. Wickedness and evil need vanquishing and the sooner the better. You greatest efforts afforded Dade County the ability and capability to live smarter and more serener lives of liberty and wisdom. Officer Cook, honor and heroism were engraved on your dashboard along with all heart and dignity, the integrity that will be saluted for following every letter of the law and its spirit of both trusted and truthful trails of justice for every human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Never rock the boat of resolve, relief and resolution that steered Dade County wheels toward welcome freedom. Your navigation, Officer Cook, brought everlasting sources of sanity, civility and nobility to the people of your beloved community where you lived and remain a heroic inspiration to all who adored you. Integrity, dignity and grit are rest with gumption and character that forever remains revered for its heart and soul have lighted up our land. Power is just that. Humility is better to have and to gently maintain and that's is where you excelled, Officer Cook,in leading and in motivating other comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Purpose and reason plant the seeds of serenity taking away any vehicles of venom used by vile and vicious individuals. Your missions, Officer Cook, were blessed by fruition and feats of ferocity all from a caring and concerned heart and soul now being rewarded for heroic integrity, dignity and honesty. Dade County will never forget you nor overlook your life and career consummated by your spirit of humility which has been largely missed since your sacrifice forty-two years ago. It's never been out of your loved ones' sight or minds. The rudders and compasses were never compromised to do anything but guard, protect and to preserve the image of a society doing its proper work. Blessings and may your soul rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
You lived your life, Officer Cook, by divinity's code of conduct and because of your devotion,faithfulness and resolve so may Our Master reward and bless your truly heroic soul and heart, its spirit captured the imagination of Dade County's own residents. A man determined and dedicated to giving effort and efficiency always and who was cherished and esteemed will forever be remembered and duly noted. The streets were kept safe by way of your humble nature and sacred passions poured into the work and toil you put forth. Forevermore will your convictions, commitments to pride, truth and excellence be honored along with virtue, vision and clarity. Wisdom and maturity that built foundations for a brighter tomorrow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Restore, reclaim and rejuvenate, that's what you did as your career of honor and courage, Officer Cook. Dade County, your family and fellow officers could not be prouder of you and your accomplishments during a relatively short life of twenty-five years of extra special, humility, character and strength of a heart of dignity and integrity. They all meant well and performed exceedingly above professional standards of conduct. You'll be solemnly saluted for exhibiting heroism and trust during those moments of terror unleashed by an angry and evil human being. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
The heart and soul follow the wisdom, vision and courage of one's esteemed, heroic and honored spirit to their final resting place. Yours, Officer Cook, is heaven where you continue to look down on your family, colleagues and friends who all respected, loved and greatly admired you. One never knows when that time will arrive and yet everyday you acquitted yourself in dignity, humbleness and integrity to be saluted forever as you served and protected the citizens of Dade County with unselfishness, energy and a special passion of character and virtue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God must have needed you and saved a special chair representing your basic commitments and trusted and truer convictions to keep serenity, safety and security all moving forward as your family forever carries your legacy close to their hearts.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 21, 2021
Bagels, lox and french toast all good breakfast foods that you sadly have missed all these decades later, Officer Cook. Those Saturday and Sunday morning meals with Karen and those church services that you prayed and preached from your humbly honest heart and heroic soul of esteem and grateful appreciation. Dade County has missed loyalty, honesty and always the gentle strokes of integrity, wisdom and dignity following your diligence around your cherished community you called home. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
Never force feed your feelings upon everyone. When time is right they may finally comprehend the scopes of your difficult roles and responsibilities and your unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook, has not been overlooked for missions undertaken will be carried out by those who solemnly have taken over your watch. A strong heart and vitally vigilant soul did its outstanding job protecting liberty and togetherness for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
The surface of seriousness must be sunk if society is to live and to grow its honor and ingenuity. Your confidence and classic endeavor, Officer Cook, were all totally treasured and extra virtuous. Dade County had a host of heroes and heroines, your life and career added something wonderful to those scales of justice providing memories and humanely humble moments where dignity and integrity accentuated your trails of truth and trust. One young man's character and commitments were so consummate and unrelenting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
That pot of gold, Officer Cook, is your big old heart and soul of humbleness, honesty and virtue. They all combined to comb the corridors of Dade County saving its public from more harm and undue suffering. Your undying integrity, character and respect all came from the deepest roots of resolve and your dignity which faced adversity as all heroes must face to face. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven is where your angelic spirit can really walk its must perfect beat.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
The satellites are still beaming down to earth. Your sweet and versatile spirit and soul, Officer Cook, is continuing to light up our humanity. For it was your journeys and missions of goodwill, hope and heart that enriched and enhanced the safety of Dade County and its people. They have not forgotten you and your class, decency and pure driven desire to achieve and to accomplish. A gentleman of both dignity and integrity will go farther down those lines of trust and truth so help us all. Forever cherished and forever sincere. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
Your pursuits of proficiency, pride and perseverance, Officer Cook, were all heart and heroic in goodwill, hope and faithfulness. Dade County will forever salute and remember your unassuming and unselfish bravery, honesty and integrity's humility and its implanted dignity. Virtue and vision all wise and sacred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 20, 2021
When one is given a directive, an order or command to surrender for heaven's sake obey and comply, do yourself, the police and community a big favor and make the challenges a bit less taxing. One fine gentleman battling with all his heart, soul and might to right his community, Dade County. Everybody knew you, Officer Cook and I'm sure there was not one dry eye in the cathedral or those hot sidewalks as they came to bade farewell to you that afternoon of May 19, 1979, honoring your humbly heroic name. Integrity, dignity and character that squared off against the nasty likes of terror and you gave adversity all it could muster. You'll forevermore be solemnly, fondly and proudly be saluted and paid homage for your service,life and career one planned and well though out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 19, 2021
One man of class is better than all those who usurp and shirk duty. God forbid! Violence is that monster that needs silencing and even with a sweet smile and handsome face, Officer Cook, Dade County and its residents were certainly in special hands, those of a man with a heart and a brave soul who was beloved and adored by his family and a whole tenet of friends and comrades. A great deal of thought and resourcefulness can steady those rudders of resiliency and compasses where character never derailed nor was detoured. Everyone received quality service from a man of virtue,integrity and wisdom's dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A little ingenuity, compassion and intelligence can balance those sheets where serenity, security and safety are important to any given community's health and well being.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 19, 2021