Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The probability that we may fall in the struggle ought not deter us from the support of a cause we believe in to be just; it shall not deter me. The greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall. Never mind; if some of us were not so far behind, the rest of us were no so far ahead. Police officers all brave men and women who lay down their lives do so with a valid and a sacred purpose; to keep our land and its communities safe and sound. This is why among the twenty-one thousand officers who have given their lives, Officer Cook, yourself and forty-one other brave and courageous Metro-Dade Police officers have been so honored and will continue being afforded these honors. It was through your inspirational pursuits, your passionate vision to look at the big picture clearly and to be able to do so with all the personification of grace, dignity, honor and valor in a clear and concisely ethical manner. You were years ahead of other officers in the learning curve and in maturity. We have to bear in mind that this is not a race to the finish line to witness who comes in first place. We keep in mind that all officers act and react much differently than one another, but yet all of the above factors come into play when out on the streets patrolling your assigned areas. If morale seemed a bit sluggish, it was yourself, Officer Cook, who by your distinguished patience would gladly assist another officer and show them the proper way of handling a problem. You took pride in your profession and obviously it stood out as it did for Dade County's other heroes and heroines of law enforcement. A brave soul with a kind heart, who was truly compassionate and quite thoughtful, faithful in service with a bright smile that could light up any room and this is sorely missed each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 4, 2013
It is right and noble to fight wickedness and wrong; the mistake is in supposing that spiritual evil can be overcome by physical means. You prevailed in the fight, properly put, the battle in keeping the streets of Dade County peaceful. The evil that took you from us, Officer Cook, is tragically something that manifests itself in our country each day and officers from all across the United States and Canada attempt to rectify these elements in making peace a reality in their communities. Your colleagues have and will continue the fight you waged and you'll be forever honored with dignity for leading such a battle. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 4, 2013
As a person is equal to their house of worship that they choose as well as being equal, so too they are equal to every other person. You afforded all persons equal justice, Officer Cook and this is the legacy of which you'll forever be solemnly remembered for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 4, 2013
A thousand ways cut short our days, none are exempt from death. A honey-bee by stinging me did stop my mortal breath. Unfortunately, officers have succumb to bee stings, this is one of the risks of the profession. The epitaph on your grave, Officer Cook, speaks humbly regarding your stellar character, "We Shall Be One," you were a gentleman and a fine young police officer who truly was committed to your community and it was demonstrated by your actions on May 16, 1979. I've just thought about you these last thirty-four years, I wished I could have been there to pull you to the ground and keep you from harm's way. Your heroism and grace will never be forgotten or placed on the back burner ever. You unified this community be using your intellect and fortitude to rein in evil. Wonderful, smart, believing and a person who accepted the onuses placed upon him. Never one to walk or back away from a challenge. Your wife, parents and sister knew the kind of personable human being who walked the face of this earth. You walked with humility and only truth was in your heart.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2013
It is an undeniable privilege of every man to prove himself right in the thesis that the world is his enemy; for he reiterates it frequently enough and makes it the background of his conduct, he is eventually bound to be right. God creates all people as He sees fit and then it is up to us to carry on with this blueprint we call life. You took this blueprint, Officer Cook and endeavored to help all people co-exist in this society. If only that young man could have received the help he so desperately needed. You and your fellow officers tried to do this and were heroic until the end. You did not have to prove anything to us, my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the friend that I needed most growing up next to my beloved parents. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2013
Heroes and philosophers, brave men and women and vile individuals, have since Rome and Athens tried to make this particular manner of transfer of power work effectively; no people has succeeded at it better, or ever over a longer period of time, than the Americans. Yet as the transfer takes place, there is nothing to be seen except an occasional line outside a house of worship or school, or a file of people fidgeting in the rain, waiting to enter the booths. No bands play on election day, no troops march, no guns are readied, no conspirators gather in secret headquarters. The noise and the blare, the bands and the screaming, the pageantry and oratory of the long fall campaign, fade on election day. All the planning is over, all effort spent. Now the candidates must wait. You were the Dade County hero we all wish we could emulate in action and heroics. But we do know it's impossible to be like the next person. You devoted and dedicated your life and career to making people safe, sound and secure. Kids can laugh and play because of bravery and courage such as you, Officer Cook, displayed on May 16, 1979. Oh, if only you were here today with us my neighbor, friend and hero, I think I'd give you a great big hug and thanks for doing all that you did for us, along with the pageantry of a grand parade in which your would be the Grand Marshal. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2013
True education makes for inequality; the inequality of individuality, the inequality of success; the glorious inequality of talent, of genius; for inequality, not mediocrity, individual superiority, not standardization, is the measure of the progress of the world. Your education, Officer Cook, served you very well during your career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. It made you sure to be able to go out and to patrol the community of which you certainly served the citizens with the proper respect, dignity and integrity your position called for. Gleaning ideas from your police academy and putting them to good use was why you achieved and will always be remembered as having a stoic composure when the situation called for it. Police officers always need refresher classes, continuing education just as doctors and lawyers need to keep their certifications valid and up to date in order to practice their professions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 3, 2013
He who enters a university walks on hallowed ground. One who willingly enters the police academy is made aware of the risks and all the basic training that lies ahead. Officer Cook, you accepted these challenges willingly and without any reservations what so ever. This was what you had wanted to become from your younger days. I imagine being a Boy Scout taught you a lot about values and the disciplines that are associated with scouting. You probably enjoyed those survival camp outs, learning how to use a compass, a knife to cut persimmons to eat and when hiking, making certain your canteen was filled. Ten to twenty mile hikes make a person mature mighty fast. I was a Boy Scout too, I was associated with Troop 350 at Temple Sinai in NMB a reform synagogue next door to Troop 236 which was associated with St. Lawrence Catholic Church. I received the highest Jewish award in scouting, the Eternal Light Award or in Hebrew it's known as the Ner Tamid Award because it's light shines forever. Your light burns too forever my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. I'm humbled to be that troop's first recipient of this award. My parents were proud of me as your parents were proud of you and your resolve and heroism.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
No man can always be right. So the struggle is to do one's best; to keep the brain and conscience clear; never to be swayed by unworthy motives or inconsequential reasons, but to strive to unearth the basic factors involved and then do one's duty. You performed your basic duties, Officer Cook, with zest and exuberance, now it's up to other officers to do the same. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
In a reflection I recently left for you, Officer Cook, I meant to say we have missed your calming voice of reason. Your family, friends and colleagues who all came to know and love you. They can feel it resonating from God's green pastures above. Let no guilty man escape, if it can be avoided. be specially vigilant....No personal consideration should stand in the way of performing a public duty. Your work, Officer Cook, was always fair and unbiased. Top notch and first rate and this is why you accomplished and achieved the commendations you were given for the excellence that Dade County citizens could rely upon in the crunch. When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Stern when necessary, passionate and compassionate when it was appropriate. All the needed ingredients to make a police officer first class, of course honor, dignity and integrity are essential to one's entire employee jacket. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let the light of the righteous and the straightness of God's way cause one to rejoice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
Diplomacy, for example, is not the art of asserting ever more emphatically that attitudes should not be what they clearly are. It is not the repudiation of actuality, but the recognition of actuality and the use of actuality to advance our national interests. Tact and cunning are words that all police officers need to employ when out on patrol. Not just discipline and ethical values. But you, Officer Cook, utilized your entire tool box to accomplish the tasks at hand. I keep thinking that day if only you could have used the rifle in your cruiser with a canister of tear gas to get that young man to surrender and come out of the car a bit more peacefully. Even though, he held his girlfriend hostage and was not going to obey the commands of you and your fellow officers. Violence we all know begets violence and it's the first and foremost priority of all officers to ensure the public safety. Your actions, Officer Cook, were deemed properly as all your actions were during your entire watch, you tried to keep the peace while attempting to calm this troubled young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police have to avoid being caught in gunfire, but yet, the training they receive enables them to do what they feel is most prudent at the time and yet is within the ethical confines of the law.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
We cannot always assure the future of our friends; we have a better chance of assuring our future if we remember who our friends are. You knew who your friends were, Officer Cook, they knew you and they also knew your had their backs looking out for them. That fateful day of May 16, 1979, your comrades knew your concern for their safety and your heroic actions saved them from imminent harm and possibly from dying. We can be certain of one thing, the life of Officer William C. Cook will always be carried in high regard within your division and department. You were the wind beneath their wings and now yours can soar to the highest of heights. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the friend of all friends and your charming disposition was the main reason you were among the nicest people in your department and will not be forgotten for this.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
I take it as clear, that, where an important purpose of diplomacy is to further enduring good relationships between states, the methods-the modes of conduct-by which relations between states are carried on must be designed to inspire trust and confidence. to achieve this result, the conduct of diplomacy should conform to the same moral and ethical principles which inspire trust and confidence when followed by and between individuals. We understood when you went out to patrol Dade County streets, Officer Cook, you and all officers have one common mission and that is to try and stay safe while keeping peace and unity in the community. Sometimes boldness is essential, while further measures are required. Your sureness and calmness was exactly how you were able to persevere for your six years on the force. Consideration and the proper code of police conduct was your mantel and it was your blueprint for success. Always the most dedicated and devoted officer within the ranks of your department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 2, 2013
Alas! that one is born in blight, victim of perpetual slight,...and another is born to make the sun forgotten. You made sure, Officer Cook, that every man, woman and child was treated and afforded the same rights as everybody else. No hesitance, no disrespect or special favors. Justice was not blind when you made certain each person had their freedoms and fairness when dealing with every individual you encountered. Our fates are not a matter of chance per say, but rather of choice and our free will in choosing between right and wrong. this is not a thing to be waited for, but rather a situation to be achieved. The sun has set many times since your passing, God has silenced a commander of reason, we having heard your calming voice, but that was not your choice, each season that passes only makes us think what the reason was for God to call one of His treasured angels to heaven to patrol from above like a flying dove. A bird of peace, so too were you a fine officer who learned to reason with people and not always jump the gun. You are now in God's stratosphere and yet your beloved soul is very near. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I meant to say in the last reflection, that your legacy will not be shelved forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2013
Americans acquire the habit of always considering themselves as standing alone and they are apt to imagine that their whole destiny is in their own hands. Thus not only does democracy make every man forget his ancestors, but it hides his descendants and separates his contemporaries from him; it throws him back upon himself alone and threatens in the end to confine him entirely within the solitude of his own heart. Officers stand together in solidarity at all times, or so we think they do. They should and usually do in times of calamity when one of their own loses their life in the performance of their duties. For you, Officer Cook and the forty-one other Metro-Dade Police Officers who gave their lives this is a signal of coming together from all parts of the country, Canada and from Europe to pay homage to one of their own heroes or heroines. You stood for righteousness, truth and justice carried out in a very honorable manner, first class and your legacy represents this much and more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2013
The people's government made for the people, made by the people and answerable to the people. All sworn officials including police officers are accountable to the citizens they serve and protect. You were, Officer Cook, one of the finest officers in Dade County during your career with them. The people had no qualms, regrets,or any personality conflicts with you. You provided high octane service, this meant you served with honor, dignity and integrity and were the flag holder for other officers who joined the force after you to observe either from you or those who partnered with you on how to conduct within the confines of the law a criminal investigation. All of us knew Officer William C. Cook, had the best interests of his community in his rear and side view mirrors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2013
We have nothing to fear in this country from a dictatorship. It cannot live here. we are not organized to carry it on. we have no desire for it. We have everything to live for, Officer Cook, because of your values and dreams, we can live our lives as free people and as a community brought together in unity and peace. It was your sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero that brought this change about. Rest in peace. I will not be shelved ever!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2013
The waves of Life. Ride the waves of life, my friend some high, some fierce, some with no end. But you'll not be washed away by them. If you can ride the waves of life, my friend, weights may try to pull you down, emotions full of pain, but hold on to a board and ride the waves, my friend. A board will keep you up above, the water deep and mean and let you ride the waves of life. Ride the waves with ease and what's the board, this heaven-sent, to hold unto in the sea? This board, my friend, is nothing new, you had it all along with you. But you have to know it's there before you can use its strength to hold and more, the board, my friend, is nothing new, it's just the strength of the inner you, so ride the waves of life, my friend, ride the waves with ease. Let the water splash your face, like the grass sprinkled with dew, for you can still keep the pace, if you hold onto the strength of the real you and ride the waves of life. I'm sure, Officer Cook, you and your family enjoyed picnics at Haulover Beach or the other beaches that South Florida had to offer. Karen and yourself probably went to the beach quite often and attended the concerts that were playing there. Your stellar career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer was undoubtedly filled with lows and highs. Peaks and valleys as well and you were able to overcome them for the majority of your watch. Life is just this way, we pray each and everyday for good health, peace and spiritual prosperity and just hope that God answers our calls. Your prayers were answered for he most part, now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we realize that Our Creator called you to His Chair of Honor to guard and protect from above all your fellow comrades in this world who persevere in their war against wickedness. Karen, your husband, Officer Cook, Bill to you was a humble and a truly marvelous man of principle and character, a hero to all who devoted his life to serving Dade County citizens. Mrs. Cook, you should live and be well as you prepare to celebrate your 98th birthday on September 17th, and know your cherished and darling son was exemplary in honor, dignity, integrity with faithfulness personified. Nancy, your darling younger brother was there for you and was as stated the glue that kept your family alive and well. His resounding spirit has been serving for these last thirty-four years along with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace as the motivation for your family, your daughter, Gina and her husband, Trevor and your grandchildren, Alexis, Skylar and Legend, who I had the opportunity to meet at your parents home in North Miami Beach, where I met your son Justin as their primary spiritual motivator for them to endeavor in all their dreams, desires and goals for which he fought to maintain. He will never be out of my thoughts and prayers and neither will your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Live well Mrs. Cook. Still wished I had an opportunity to meet you and converse with you. I visited your son's grave today with my son, Joshua, who is getting bigger as a young man of sixteen years of age. You could be his grandmother and my mother. You and your husband, Charles would have made great friends of my parents may they rest in peace, Owen and Bernice. Continue to ride God's great surfboard in the heavens above. You are sincerely missed through and through and will always be a True Blue Dade County Law Enforcement hero and legend for all time.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 1, 2013
Praised by the fathomless universe, for life and joy and for objects and knowledge curious and for love, sweet love-but praise! praise! praise! For the sure-unwinding arms of cool-unfolding death. Your death, Officer Cook, while it still leaves us very sorrowful, serves as our reminder of one who so faithfully and graciously lived his life by following God's commandments and for helping his fellow citizen in times of trouble. Dade County will always have a share of gratitude for men and women as you, who were the brave souls who stared down trouble in the eye and fought to bring peace to their community. Rest in peace rmy neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 31, 2013
And I will show there is no imperfection in the present and can be none in the future and I will show that whatever happens to anybody it may be turned to beautiful results and I will show that nothing can happen more beautiful than death. Come lovely and soothing death, undulate round the world, serenely arriving, arriving, in the day, in the night, to all, to each, sooner or later delicate death. I know the paramedics and doctors at North Shore Hospital worked on you, Officer Cook, for roughly an hour trying to save your life. You did not give up nor quit, there was plenty left in your body to fight until the very end. You were given an Inspector's Funeral as all officers who die in the line of duty are afforded and were remembered for your love of family, friends and colleagues so dear to you. Many turned out to pay homage to you and to offer words of consolation to your family. Your legacy is forever etched in our minds as a daily reminder to live for the moment, cherish it, treasure the opportunity to serve others with a big smile, one I know is sincerely missed today, but, still highly thought of. As sunny a day as it was on May 16, 1979, when you left us for life in God's eternal circles, your smile still reverberates around those who truly cared for one of God's greatest and a most trusted angel: Officer William C. Cook: Badge#1664. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2013
Thank heaven! The crisis, the danger, is past and the lingering illness is over at last- and the fever called, "living" is conquered at last. The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. Thank heaven for men and women of your caliber and character, Officer Cook. Your undying love for your profession was a real Godsend. Your heroism was second to none and the tears that were shed for you my neighbor, friend and hero were indeed very mournful. Your grave stays clean, I try to clean it when I visit and the stones that are left there are reminders from Our Old Testament, The Torah, that one has visited and that your very soul is aware of who comes to offer their respects to you. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2013
There is no death! What seems so is transition; this life of mortal breath is but a suburb of the life elysian, whose portal we call death. One only needs to look at the afterlife and realize that there is no more suffering, no more pain. This may be of little comfort to the family of a dearly departed loved one. I hope your family, Officer Cook, finds comfort in these words and knows that you were their warrior who fought evil and are now their Guardian Angel looking and observing us doing what God created you for: to carry on with loyalty to our faith and to do the best we can do with honesty and truth. Trust in your mission and God will never steer you wrong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2013
Oh, not cruelty, not in wrath, that God came that day; it was an angel who visited the green earth and took the flowers away. The passing of a loved one can be cruel and yet only Our Creator knows the reasons why He does things. Officer Cook, your passing as untimely as it was, was not in vain. You served and protected Dade County citizens fully with grace and honor. A very diligent police officer who devoted your time to the cause of truth and justice. You are greatly missed my neighbor, friend and hero and shall remain a living spirit for those who toil in stopping wickedness.Continue your eternal journey through God's brightest constellations promoting peace, unity and goodwill in this land. Rest in peace. You can be sure Officer Cook, that those who carry your torch will do so with only the most sacred of intentions.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2013
It is of some comfort to us both that the term is not very distant at which we are to deposit in the same cerement our sorrows and suffering bodies and to ascend in essence to an ecstatic meeting with the friends we have loved and lost and whom we shall still love and never lose again. Your loving soul, Officer Cook, will forever recognize that your family, friends and colleagues will always love you and cherish your memories. Losing you at such a young age was God calling you home to His divine kingdom after a job well done. A brave man, you displayed great love, tremendous enthusiasm and terrific work ethic that would be nearly impossible for other officers to emulate. You are not alone watching over God's golden streets as you are united with your father, Charles and the brave souls of twenty-one thousand officers who gave their lives performing their duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 29, 2013
Man passes away; his name perishes from record and recollection; his history is as a tale that is told and his very monument becomes a ruin. When death comes, he respects neither age nor merit. He sweeps from this earthly existence the sick, the strong, the rich and the poor. One thing for sure, Officer Cook, your monument is not heaven forbid in ruin. I've cleaned it when I visit your grave and your story is not tale or fable. It's a beautiful legacy for years to come and something to behold as you were a kind man with a big heart of gold. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
August 28, 2013