Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

As tonight is our Day of Atonement, it's called Yom Kippur, a time in which Jewish people across the world, fast, pray and repent for their transgressions. I hope and pray and ask for forgiveness if I might have either said or reflecting anything about you that was not fitting or proper. I would never ever do this and my reflections only and forever represent the great and humble character of your life and career. You were loved and adored by many and on Tuesday, September 17, 2013, Officer Cook, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, will celebrate her 98th birthday in San Diego, California. You should have many more in good health Mrs. Cook. I wished you could have stayed in North Miami Beach, Florida, my wife, Holly and I could have taken care of you and your needs and our sons, Matthew and Joshua would have had a grandmother in their lives as now both of their grandparents have passed on to the next left. For now my neighbor, friend and hero, rest in peace. You are absolutely the true and most humble and faithful wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. I was glad to have met your three great-grandchildren at your home. Your son, Bill was a gem of a person and heroic in all his actions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2013

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they're the children of your soul, the blueprint of your ultimate achievements. Officer Cook, your blueprint of your life and career, outstanding and distinguished as they both were needs one to only look back and to reflect upon it. Your legacy my neighbor, friend and hero will always and forever be in that glass case for all to view as now the onus that once rested on your shoulders serving and protecting Dade County citizens is now in the competent hands of other brave and bold men and women. Rest in peace. I'll always say that you and Karen would have made superb parents, it was in your DNAs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2013

Persistence prevails when all else fails. This is exactly what molds our heroes and heroines of yesterday, today and tomorrow. From the moment you stepped into your police uniform, Officer Cook, this was what paid dividends in polishing and in shaping your career. Your desire and dedication, devotion to help all people was second to none. You paid the most dearest price my neighbor, friend and hero and I will never stop forgetting about your loving family and career. It's a shame that society has people out in the streets looking to commit violent acts against police officers, but you stood up to this individual, toe to toe, eye to eye and face to face to stop a young man who apparently snapped. Your shining soul just keeps illuminating the face of this earth, guiding those brave men and women who continue your watch and have taken hold of your torch. Rest in peace. Your dignity will always be preserved and your persistence will continue panning around this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2013

Commitment is a line you must cross- it is the difference between dreaming and doing. A person can be both. You dreamed as a young man, Officer Cook, what you inspired to become. Now you set your sights and goals and followed through completely with them to work harder than most to succeed and the honest endeavor was noticeable from day one. Your supervisors and instructors knew who William C. Cook was, and the gentleman literally speaking who could handle any dilemma with a soothing and calm voice of reason in your community. I'm sure you went by Bill or Billy, but for my reasons, my neighbor, friend and hero, you'll always be known to me and my family as Officer William C. Cook, who wore badge#1664 with only humility, pride and the honor that goes to one who works their tail to the backbone to get ahead in life and achieve the greatness that will stand as your eternal reward for heroism and valor. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2013

The race is not always to the swift-but to those who keep on running. It's not a contest to see who clocks in first, but rather who delivers excellence in their job performance with honesty, integrity and shows proper moral and ethical behavior at the end of their watch that is recorded by not only their division and department, but by Our Creator Himself. Your stellar rating, Officer Cook was always and only due in part to due diligence and the courage to do the right thing above and beyond the call of duty. On May 16, 1979, you answered a domestic call knowing what was happening and responded in a very splendid fashion heroically sacrificing your treasured being to seven the lives of seven people, four of your comrades and three civilians. You got there speedily and endeavored to rationally size up the problem you were facing. You did it with grace, valor and the courage to resolve this situation before it escalated. Your community remembers you, your colleagues and friends won't forget you and your loving family has the most beautiful of memories by which to cherish you as their loving son, brother, husband, uncle and great-uncle. You and your colleagues have been honored in our Nation's' Capitol, Washington, D.C. for giving up your honor and freedom in order to preserve our liberties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You always will by regarded by myself as among Metro-Dade Police Department's best and brightest officers. Your effort day in and day out was only top notch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2013

If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed. You surely did this, Officer Cook and in a very convincing manner. You elevated others by your extreme passion as well as compassion to others that won't be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2013

Impossible only defines the degree of difficulty. You never wavered on your decision, Officer cook, to join the Metro-Dade Police Department. In your family's eyes, impossible never existed. It was your sheer willpower and intestinal fortitude that assisted you as you went from the police academy to the streets of Dade County where you battled evil on a daily basis. Only the honest and those with a superior dose of ingenuity can survive the rigors of police work and it was hard working officers, Officer Cook, you and the many other officers from within your division that truly made a big difference and an enormous impact. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you helped take a large bite out of the criminal element.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2013

Success is a journey, not a destination. A marvelously compassionate human being, an inspiration to all men and women who dare risk their lives to keep us safe and sound. This was your accomplishments, Officer Cook and it's a real tragedy you're not here to bear witness to the achievements of your family members, your friends and colleagues. They all continue succeeding in your name as you were known as "Uncle Bo" to them. But make no mistake they will forever remember your life, career and the sacrifice you made for them and those three civilians. Your pathway in life my neighbor, friend and hero was paved through perseverance and patience with proper dignity that your profession called for. May all your journeys through God's heavenly kingdom be as peaceful as a summer night. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2013

Cherish your yesterdays, dream your tomorrows, but live for today. How we all wish you were here today, Officer Cook. You would have to reinsert your eyes at all the greatness and many changes that have happened in Dade County since your untimely death in the line of duty. Your bravery and courage brought about a deep sense of optimism rather than a large pit of pessimism coupled with the skepticism that rides behind on its coattails. Every moment of your treasured life and valued career with the Metro-Dade Police Department was formulated and founded upon the ideals of goodwill and peace that you instilled in its people. The respect that factored down from your position to all people now serves as a binding legacy that is bonded in truth and grace of which you dutifully served its citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2013

O my people, honor thy God; respect alike the rights of men and women great and humble; see to it that our aged, our women and our children lie down to sleep by the roadside without fear of harm. Disobey and die. You were fiercely loyal to your family, wife, friends and colleagues, Officer Cook, and it was for this very reason that God knew where your talents lied. In protecting and in service to Dade County and its fine citizens. I'm sure if you came across a homeless person, you would not only have given them something, you would have either taken them in to your home or to a shelter where they would be well provided for. Your faith was your resolve to accomplish and this you certainly did very well. God knows He has one of His best angels looking out over His loyal servants who gave their lives in honor, dignity and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2013

The life of the land is perpetrated by righteousness. Dade County and its citizens have been steered in the right direction for the last thirty-four years since your untimely passing, Officer Cook. Your character, the righteousness you championed will never be forgotten. A man of his word in deeds and action, orchestrated in a most humble and fitting manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2013

Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy you must have somebody to divide it with. The grief over any loss is usually shared not only by family and friends, but by the community at large. Your community mourned your loss, Officer Cook, they came from all over the country to share in your family's anguish and to offer you one final salute for a job well done. Your commendable actions, your humility of character is something that has resonated loud and clear all these years and will forever continue to do so. The loss of one brave and very skilled and talented officer does not permanently shut down a police department, as brave men and women patrol the streets while all the honors that you deserve come your way as the bagpipes wail, the helicopters fly above, men and women in polished shoes and freshly pressed uniforms gather to salute your gallantry. Oh yes they do, they stand in the same elements, hot and cold weather to remember your life as a hero and your vivid career as a humble servant of God when you laid down your life to preserve and protect our prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We meet grief with dignity in sadness and yet rejoice in knowing that our loved one no longer suffers from constant pain. Of course, it's different when a young man of reason, of purpose who just has the best intentions in serving our needs is needlessly taken suddenly from us. It's hard to conjure up emotions just by snapping our fingers and yet we know God has a plan for us all. We believe, at least some believe we will by united one day. We Shall Be One! One nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

Happiness is a way-station between too little and too much. Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment. That golden smile coming from you, Officer Cook, if only we knew each other. I can tell and your family could verify this for me, that you were a happy and contented person. You married a lovely woman in Karen at a young age because of this maturity that accentuated your personas and the career that you had with the Metro-Dade Police Department and Karen as a registered nurse. It made you the humble and yet supremely confident officer in all your abilities. Those who knew you lament your loss, a loss for all mankind, the family that loved you and you gave back all the love and warmth that any child could give to their parents, your friends in the department and within your community where you resided. Your upstanding faith and the devoutness by which you placed your trust and Karen's in Our Creator's hands to steer your comings and goings. The world today through your bravery and valor is a little less dangerous than when you watched over us. Now it is this great onus that God has placed on your shoulders for eternity to continue observing us as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

Happiness, to some elation; is to others, mere stagnation. You always made others happy, Officer Cook, your family, friends and those men and women who risked heir lives to keep us safe and sound. Stagnation was not a word in your vocabulary. The officer you were was someone who if they saw a problem or trouble just tried to help others tackle or to solve it. For six solid and well committed years this was your daily sweat, toil, and in the end, your blood that came from your being, in order for our beings to have the necessary peace and unity. If only that young man had complied with you and your fellow officers, of course, to say should, could or would is not going to change the complexion of what transpired. You have and will forever be our hero. A man of character to your family, to your faith, a shining light whose wonderful soul remains lit for eternity. A true Godsend and disciple of trust, truth and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

It is neither wealth nor splendor, but tranquility and occupation, which give happiness. You and Karen, Officer Cook, lived humbly and worked tirelessly for all. You served and protected Dade County with valor and courage, Karen, provided excellent quality care as a registered nurse with a compassion and a passion that was unlike her peers. You both were very devoted and dedicated human beings who inspired others around you to perform not only properly, but do a first class job as well. Your professions were your sounding boards as our inspirations today as they were yesterday. Your sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero, may have partially broken that sacred chain, but it did not break it off completely, as our fine men and women continue your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove one's self a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt-and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted and when to be obeyed. We sometimes show pity on persons who are lacking in understanding. Sharing our knowledge might tend to raise their horizons a little bit to where they become a bit more aware. Officer Cook, you raised the bar of excellence within your division and in your department. It not only would be, but is a crying shame when officers go astray from the very same laws we have to obey that they take an oath to require us to comply. A man rich in knowledge that broadened all persons and their horizons, you inspected what you expected and have always wanted for your fellow comrades to follow along on this path. They can never go wrong, listening and learning from their life and career paths. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

What I must do is all that concerns me, not what people think. This rule...may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. You were this type of person, Officer Cook, in character and in deed. personable to all and you treated all citizens you served with the utmost respect. You kept the peace and unity in the community where you were dearly loved and cherished. You performed your duties only at the most proper and highest level that is expected of all officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The solitude you experience in God's heaven and have experienced for the last thirty-four years is where the peaceful quiet is quite beautiful. Your reward is everlasting as you and your father, Charles enjoy the finest eternal conversations with one another and with those men and women who paid the same dear price as you paid for our safeties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2013

Freedom is the right to one's dignity as a man. And it was one's young man's violent indiscretion which lead to your death, Officer Cook and motivated Dade County to purchase side panels for its Metro-Dade police officers. For this a great thank you my neighbor, friend and hero is paid to you and your fellow comrades who have sacrificed in order for freedom to be realized. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2013

There is no freedom on earth or in any star for those who deny freedom to others. Men and women of law enforcement so bold in their swiftness to act, who give their lives in the line of duty for the safety of their communities, factually have their freedoms taken from them and yet when it comes to having Miranda rights, these people who are culpable and should be held accountable have these legal avenues to utilize when hiring representation to defend them. As I've read on the Officer Down Memorial Page too many times these persons have been acquitted by juries who might and were blinded by the truth. Officer Cook, your jurisdiction over Dade County citizens revealed your honorable character and well intentions in allowing us to pursue our lives and livelihoods as we see fit. History will and has recorded your meaningful life and career which culminated on May 16, 1979 with your stellar accomplishments saving your four colleagues and three civilians. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2013

A man of discipline, a disciple of faith, character and loyalty. This was what you represented in life, Officer Cook and in your profession. You stood up for the rights of every citizens you served and did so with honor, integrity and dignity. Your service my neighbor, friend and hero allowed us to have and to make choices based upon our needs, because you placed our needs above yours and your sacrifice constitutes a great deal of appreciation on our parts. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2013

We are reluctant to admit that we owe our liberties to men and women of a type today we hate and fear-unruly men and women who resent and denounce what was
described as 'the insolence of elected persons"-in a word, free men and women....Freedom is always purchased at a great price and even those who are willing to pay it have to admit that the price is great. Your loving family, friends and comrades all know the very dear price you paid, Officer Cook and have always truly recognized how very special, loyal, dear and uniquely superior you were as one of Metro-Dade's finest and one of its most personable and ever faithful servants to its citizens. You protected us with all your might and with an unusually large dose of compassion and compassion blended together to produce the proper results. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, allow us to follow in your paths along the lines of decency and honesty. It generally enables a person to travel a long way down the trails of success. Keep God's Honor Roll intact as you and your comrades watch over the officers of this great land attempt to bring down evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2013

There is...but one response possible from us; force, force to the utmost, force without stint or limit, the righteous and triumphant force which shall make right the law of the world and cast every selfish dominion down in the dust. It took force to calm this young man down, Officer Cook and you'll never be doubted for your actions that day, you did want to use force, but reacted properly to defend yourself, your partner, Reserve Officer Lincoln and your colleagues who came under fire. It took your sacrifice, my neighbor, friend and hero to furnish future officers as well as those already on the force with those side panels. It should not have cost us the cherished life of one fine young officer to accomplish this, but you will be forever remembered for your charming demeanor and so much more. Rest in peace. Detective Blocker, your colleague arrived on the scene and heroically dealt with the young man, ending his life for having taken yours in the line of duty and nearly those of your fellow comrades. What happens to officers who are etched in marble is truly horrible, they surrender their life, so we can live another day, to go around as a child, to laugh and play, look at the price they pay, for us to walk around today. Just to ponder this thought is truly remarkable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2013

The primary fruits of great people are their acts of goodness. An angel is called "the one who stands." Man is called "the one who walks." Officer Cook, as a man of devout faith, you walked every moment from conception in God's ways, as each who is born into this world does. Some of us strive, some are fortunate to survive and the others are just glad to be able to contribute in making this world a much better place. Your mission was to take from the examples of other officers and carry on their torch as passed down to you. The brilliance of your effort was like a shiny new and polished diamond. You enhanced police work by using your intelligence and the resources that were allotted to you in making Dade County citizens united once again. You molded and helped shape the the vision and inspiration of officers who joined the force after you. And your memory and heroism continues to be the driving force of inspiration and vision which had lead your department into the 21st century. We are indeed greater than angels, but it is yourself, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero who walks with humility among God's brightest stars in humbleness and alacrity with those heavenly angels. Keep making visions and inspirational paths wider for those to walk upon as you pave the way for all to follow in. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2013

The primary fruits of great people are their acts of goodness. An angel is called "the one who stands." Man is called "the one who walks." Officer Cook, as a man of devout faith, you walked every moment from conception in God's ways, as each who is born into this world does. Some of us strive, some are fortunate to survive and the others are just glad to be able to contribute in making this world a much better place. Your mission was to take from the examples of other officers and carry on their torch as passed down to you. The brilliance of your effort was like a shiny new and polished diamond. You enhanced police work by using your intelligence and the resources that were allotted to you in making Dade County citizens united once again. You molded and helped shape the the vision and inspiration of officers who joined the force after you. And your memory and heroism continues to be the driving force of inspiration and vision which had lead your department into the 21st century. We are indeed greater than angels, but it is yourself, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero who walks with humility among God's brightest stars in humbleness and alacrity with those heavenly angels. Keep making visions and inspirational paths wider for those to walk upon as you pave the way for all to follow in. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2013

The primary fruits of great people are their acts of goodness. An angel is called "the one who stands." Man is called "the one who walks." Officer Cook, as a man of devout faith, you walked every moment from conception in God's ways, as each who is born into this world does. Some of us strive, some are fortunate to survive and the others are just glad to be able to contribute in making this world a much better place. Your mission was to take from the examples of other officers and carry on their torch as passed down to you. The brilliance of your effort was like a shiny new and polished diamond. You enhanced police work by using your intelligence and the resources that were allotted to you in making Dade County citizens united once again. You molded and helped shape the the vision and inspiration of officers who joined the force after you. And your memory and heroism continues to be the driving force of inspiration and vision which had lead your department into the 21st century. We are indeed greater than angels, but it is yourself, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero who walks with humility among God's brightest stars in humbleness and alacrity with those heavenly angels. Keep making visions and inspirational paths wider for those to walk upon as you pave the way for all to follow in. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2013

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