Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Trust in God helps relieve the fear, better yet it helps lessen the fear of negativity. Since you were a devout man of faith and reason, Officer Cook, you allowed all the lessons you were taught by your parents, sister and other close friends to sink in. You took your cues from your instructors and veteran comrades and in this way it offered you the chance to better prepare yourself for the rigors of your job. There was never a doubt or even a suspicion as to how you would ultimately turn out. The honesty you exhibited, the dignity you displayed, the integrity you incorporated all led you to become one of Dade County's best police officers. The positives of your young life and a career that was six years old, you were considered a veteran police officer when put together all magnified the fine and upstanding character of an engaging gentleman who led by example and in turn you utilized these tools to lead others through thick and thin. Still a life cut way too short by this violence that we all pray will one day be eradicated. Mankind deserves this and to be able to live and thrive in freedom, unity and peace for the world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The power of your loving spirit, the good deeds that you performed while here, Officer Cook, are being perpetuated by your loving family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 13, 2015
Trust in God helps relieve the fear, better yet it helps lessen the fear of negativity. Since you were a devout man of faith and reason, Officer Cook, you allowed all the lessons you were taught by your parents, sister and other close friends to sink in. You took your cues from your instructors and veteran comrades an din this way it offered you the chance to better prepare yourself for the rigors of your job. There was never a doubt or even a suspicion as to how you would ultimately turn out. The honesty you exhibited, the dignity you displayed, the integrity you incorporated all led you to become one of Dade County's best police officers. The positives of your young life and a career that was six years old, you were considered a veteran police officer when put together all magnified the fine and upstanding character of an engaging gentleman who led by example and in turn you utilized these tools to lead others through thick and thin. Still a life cut way too short by this violence that we all pray will one day be eradicated. Mankind deserves this and to be able to live and thrive in freedom, unity and peace for the world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The power of your loving spirit, the good deeds that you performed while here, Officer Cook, are being perpetuated by your loving family.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 13, 2015
One thing all police officers attempt to do is to try and build up the morale of their comrades who wage war against evil. They try to make peace. They try to reason with people. You did your part, Officer Cook, exceedingly well. You treated all people, those you served and protected for six years with care and compassion. You were the champion of dignity, fortified with integrity and honor, combined with a special kind of bravery, courage and valor, all backed up by leadership, wisdom and maturity that not too many have. You will forever be remembered for your swiftness to act and the heroic public servant who will live on in the hearts of your family, comrades and many others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 13, 2015
It may be improper to coerce others to act stringently, but all police officers, I repeat all police officers have an obligation to try and keep the peace and unity in a community where they patrol and serve. You did your part, Officer Cook, in this endeavor. It was your cunning skills which carried you to your achievements. But, there was much more to fulfill. I guess the good Lord needed you up in heaven. As elevated a life that you lived and for the boldness, bravery, courage and sincerely humble valor that you always displayed, you will forever be remembered for your intensity, your honesty, commitment, dignity and integrity which mean so very much to your family, friends and colleagues who grew on the job with you as you were one of the most admired and respected police officers in your department during you career at the Metro-Dade Police Department. Your humble character, outstanding performance and stellar legacy as our hero of all the people stands as the cornerstone and very foundation of both your life and a career that was augmented only with good deeds and heroic actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2015
For the officers who are fortunate to survive the perils of their profession, we thank them. For those men and women so brave to commit themselves to serving and to protecting our dignity, we salute them and marvel at their humble feats of human devotion and self-sacrifice. We marvel at your accomplishments, Officer Cook, everyday you attended the Miami-Dade Police Academy with your friends and colleagues. As a civilian, I can't imagine, maybe i could imagine all the physical and mental work that goes into making one supremely humane and loyal police officer. Most of us probably could not even being to wonder or to ponder the comprehension necessary to carry out the dangers, perils and risks of a highly demanding and stressful job. Most people go to work, clock in and being an eight, nine or ten hour day. Police work is not an eight hour position, it is a very special and uniquely skilled profession that requires its bravest and most valiant women and men to distinguish themselves in honor, integrity and dignity. While our officers confront terror, evil, whatever they are assigned to handle at that particular moment they must achieve a means to a completely satisfying conclusion which in turn enhances the goodwill, liberty, unity and peace of a community where they patrol. Sometimes going undercover is the method used to bring about a peaceful end to a problem. Don't know if you ever went undercover, Officer Cook, but whatever you did, whatever you achieved it was done with extreme and careful care, kindness, consideration and much respect. I just wished that on May 16, 1979, that troubled young man who took your life for no reason and nearly ended your comrades lives had thought before he acted. Haste makes waste. My neighbor, friend and hero, you had so much more to offer this society. So many plans, yet you touched the hearts and minds of all who knew you and admired your work ethic and very stellar character which now is a part of your humbly glowing legacy as a Dade County police hero. Rest in peace. Keep shining good thoughts down on all of us including your loving and cherished family members. All who serve, we remember them. When we lose them, sadly, we remember them. They are always going to be a special part of us, like a little spark plug that helps us start our motors. Your motor, Officer Cook, never wavered it roared and Dade County can rest a little easier because of your commitment to excellence pride and devotion. Your determination and dedication was second to none, it was always the citizens who were your number one priority. Compassionate with a renowned sense of passion. All this factored into why you able to offer leadership to other colleagues. Knowledge. Wisdom. Maturity way beyond your twenty-five years. God bless you. What a terrific gentleman and inspirational human being!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 12, 2015
Police officers, lawyers and doctors to name a few professions need to act and think sensibly. Not rush to judgment making rash and unfounded decisions that are not fully grounded in reason and logic. The important issues of a police officer's daily life can of course be wide ranging and can have an everlasting effect upon those they serve and endeavor to protect. Everything you did, Officer Cook, was solely based on those priorities of all men and women. We the people have to feel a sigh of relief when we see our beloved men and women patrolling our streets keeping peace intact and wickedness from eroding at the core of all hard working people. People just try their best to be happy, healthy and honorable. The pride you showed from wearing your uniform, Officer Cook, was just the tip of things. You see when we send officers who are brave, courteous, kind and respectful out to battle evil, we send their entire being. The framework of their heart and mind must mesh together as one, just as the freedom, unity and peace must bond together as one common fabric. It's an element that is necessary for society's survival. your goal and obligation, my neighbor, friend and hero was to make it happen. For twenty-five years, six as a Metro-Dade Police Officer it did in a loving and first class manner. All the accommodations were handed out for your excellent work. Sadly though you are missed terribly. God does shelter His brave heroes and heroines where their exploits are for all to remember them for. Their love and admiration continues, it never wanes. Their stellar character ascend to a higher level than ever before. They watch over us and their lights from their souls shine brighter now than ever. Rest in peace. It's never easy to lose a loved one, at least the families can take solace and pride from their feats and unselfish devotion and dedication to their official duties.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2015
I know from the bottom of my heart, Officer Cook, that you poured your entire being and beloved and treasured soul into your professional police duties never letting up or giving one inch until you resolved or solved what needed resolving. Until that conclusion was reached you gave one-hundred full effort through dignity, bravery, valor and honor in serving and in protecting all Dade County citizens. We, the ordinary people place these sacred trusts in those who dare to risk their life for a common cause and that cause is the special will of the people who deserve to live and to prosper in goodwill, peace and unity. It can be and has been quite difficult to get a full handle on these most urgent and pressing matters. For six years though, you made your dreams and goals a reality through your stellar character and unselfish commitment to excellence, pride and duty. Those that are privileged, we think how fortunate. Exactly, my neighbor, friend and hero, indeed your very loving parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook gave both you and your darling sister, Nancy, all the proper tools in life to achieve. Rest in peace. Your boldness to act as you always did and without a doubt acted outstandingly on May 16, 1979, serves as a remainder that no matter what is happening there are cherished souls who seem to dig deep down to resolve issues before they get worse. Think about this five minutes before your watch was going to end, it was your humility that took you to a scene that you had gone to many other times. And you were good at domestics, Officer Cook. You were sensational at a lot of things, loyal, devout and faithful, all characteristics why Karen married you. The same loyalty and faith she had for you and her patients. Two and two, you were the epitome of a very lovely and charming couple. The residents of Dade County will always salute you, Officer Cook and remember you for your God ingrained integrity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 11, 2015
Each day we awaken most of us want to accomplish something positive to make our world nicer. Most of us want to see a society free from innocent bloodshed, war and strife. Words such as: peace, goodwill, unity and freedom shall one day replace these other negative words. It is up to our bravest men and women of the law enforcement profession to go out on patrol and attempt to keep this chain unbroken. This is a bond that must never be usurped. You went out daily, Officer Cook, the utilizing the highest degree of caution and care. Only positive optimism flowed from your beloved soul. You gave up, rather you laid down your life and career for Dade County citizens to continue and upward climb. Sometimes that mountain may seem unreachable, but if one just takes the time and gives a little endeavor, you would be amazed at the results. It is after all not a race to see who finished first, it takes a communal effort and that same effort and exertion from our valiant and courageous men and women bold enough to risk their lives despite the perils and risks that may lie ahead. You were a humanely decent public servant whose talents allowed you the chance, the opportunity to dig deep down to assist anyone in need. You performed supremely well and will never be forgotten for your sincerity and honesty which took your integrity and dignity to an even higher level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2015
The rainbow symbolizes peace and unity. Many colors, many different personalities all from different backgrounds and it is up to police officers to work and to patrol in various venues serving and protecting the dignity and honor of the citizens. Police officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, possessed these and so many more humble traits. But, what drove you to succeed was the goal of every officer and department to have unity, reason and harmony within its ranks. Somewhere today over the rainbow your spirit, Officer Cook, continues to spread the warm rays of the sunlight throughout those areas where you served. And indeed you served Dade County, its residents and your department very well. Your valor, courage and bravery was all a large part of your upbringing and career which will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The harmony we have today rests because of your unwavering and unselfish devotion to the causes of duty and the boldness you exhibited on May 16, 1979. Commit yourself to excellence, stay calm and optimistic and hope can spring eternal. Keep looking over us Officer Cook for a job well done by an outstanding and humble public servant.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2015
Diligence and vigilance go hand in hand in most jobs, but in the law enforcement profession they must fit like a glove. A devoted and dignified police officer possesses all the necessary requirements that are essential to them being able to go out and patrol the streets where they endeavor to keep the residents safe and secure. A vigilant officers has the much needed resources to validate their vision of how they want things to turn out. You were by loyalty, hard work and much study, Officer Cook, this very special officer. Your valor, grace, bravery and courage were what made you a successful officer and one that would have carried over to any chosen field of employment that you would have pursued. You patrolled and pursued evil on that awful day of May 16, 1979, when you laid your life and career down for all Dade County citizens to remain at peace, unified and with their goodwill solidly intact. We can never forget your outstanding commitment to excel in stressful moments, nor the swiftness you exhibited that very day saving seven lives, those civilians and your most trusted and devoted colleagues. Striving for peace, driven by passion, protecting with compassion, all the while with your calming sense and voice of logic, reason and intelligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If all officers followed your methodologies, Officer Cook, this world would indeed by better served and a better place to function. You were simply the best and were a very faithful and humble public servant while exposing yourself to all the dangers and perils associated with your profession. Six years of driven dynamics while showing the greatest respect for all people.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2015
There is a poignant lesson to be learned in how easy it is for one to get sidetracked in the pursuit of their goals. Police officers attempt to build bridges in their communities through dedication, perseverance and honor. This is one of their many main goals. Your devotion to your profession, Officer Cook, never got you in trouble, no Internal Affairs issues, nothing but a slate of dignity, loyalty, integrity, grit and gallantry. Your boldness to act as you did not just on May 16, 1979, but all through your life and career, I'll always say cut way too short by this epidemic called wanton violence perpetrated against law enforcement. You were a good man, a loving son, brother, husband, uncle and great-uncle. Your were the epitome of what God expects from His loving creatures. No nonsense, no callousness, merely humbleness with an everlasting bravery, courage and valor all surroundings your loving soul, stellar character and most beloved legacy. You left us way too soon, at least their are loving family members and colleagues who can go out in society and try to emulate your resounding determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Parenthood would have been great as I said, you and Karen would have made wonderful parents.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2015
Obviously when dealing with people both the officer and the civilian have certain rights. Officers perform their assigned duties governed by a code of ethics and regulations. Citizens when they are being taken by police into custody have what we call Miranda Rights. And when those rights have been violated it can possibly spell legal obstacles ahead for that particular officer. No one wants to be verbally assaulted or embarrassed that is for sure and the officer generally knows what is expected of them. For such a dangerous job that our courageously brave men and women perform they realize how they must perform. You performed your role exceedingly well, Officer Cook, showing the greatest care, concern and consideration. Words that the young man who took your life would have benefited from. You sought harmony, cooperation and dignity for all, while maintaining your honor, integrity and leadership role placed on your shoulders. Your humility and humbleness helped you to better concentrate upon the goodwill of your community where you served and protected with the proper and uniquely humane diligence and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your lifetime priority was in making people more accountable and hopefully optimistic about who they were and how they would achieve their chosen goals. Only calm and sincere kindness flowed from your lips, Officer Cook. Your colleagues and friends have never forgotten both the serious side and the caring passionate side of a truly compassionate and heroic human being. A Godsend and a blessing for sure to be always remembered in a fondly loving fashion.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2015
Police officers are supposed to assist all people, no matter who they are, no matter where they come from. Circumstances dictate situations and no matter what area or venue they patrol in, their position requires the utmost respect given to everyone. They in turn are expected to govern themselves accordingly with honor, dignity and an enhanced sense of integrity. No officer is bigger or better than another. Those officers who have a certain rank, such as a sergeant, corporal, lieutenant or major still have a responsibility to carry out their assignments with all of the above. Seeing how devout and dedicated you were to your profession, Officer Cook, it is no wonder other officers enjoyed the humbleness to share and to work along side of a determined public servant who only had the best intentions in mind to serve and to protect the rights, liberties, peace and unity of all Dade County residents right there in plain sight of your comrades who recognized your valor, courage and bravery. Your commitment to exceed what was expected of you stands today as it did on May 16, 1979, as your legacy, which shines as brightly as your beloved and treasured soul. Thank God for supremely honest men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, of stellar character uplifting and elevating at the same time you placed your life and career on the line to save lives and fortify the rights of all people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2015
The friends you acquire, the company you keep can have an everlasting impact and effect on how you turnout. Police officers are sisters and brothers bounded together from around the country and the world in honor, dignity and integrity. Their love of people, their willingness to perform a dangerous profession right there shows us a glimpse into their character which must be stellar and above reproach. Your friends, Officer Cook, Karen's friends all came from somewhat a similar area in that your chosen professions of endeavor placed you both in somewhat challenging dilemmas. Your habits, ethics and actions as both a nurse and a police officer must be dignified, trustworthy and without a shadow of doubt for the patient, for the people that you served and protected. Care, patience and consideration must be amplified in order to get a desirable resolution. In treating an illness you must first take a patient's history. In investigating if possible you must be acutely aware of one's surroundings. Once again, you duties, Officer Cook, were focused on an optimistic ending where in which all parties were satisfied with the outcome. You were a naturally friendly person with a smile so congenial, at least those who partnered with you from time to time knew you would support them and come to their defense. You displayed this many times during your watch and on May 16, 1979, it was no different even when you were not required to answer that call, you went boldly and most bravely to a scene you had gone to many other times. God needed you more and He took His brave and humble warrior up to heaven to help Him patrol those sacred golden streets where no harm will ever come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All your wonderfully loyal friends and acquaintances still salute your grace and gallantry this day and forevermore.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2015
A worrier destroys their life. If one learns to live in the present, then they will free themselves from much needless misery and concern. There is a natural tendency to find good in the eyes of others. Nothing wrong with this thought process. Needing the approval from our fellowman should be a strong motivating factor for us to do the will of God. Instead of asking the question what will my neighbor think? Ask better yet what will the Almighty think? After all we are born on this earth to do good deeds and to enhance the landscape of this world in peace, unity, liberty and honor. That is precisely why, Officer Cook, you were one of God's many humble, dignified and courageous public servants. Your devoutness was tested as is the character and respect that police officers work so hard to earn. It is not something just handed to you like a glass of water. Respect and admiration must first be earned, you earned yours from the time you were growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida until the of your last ounce of energy you expended fighting the brave battle over evil. We will never know exactly what Mr. Pearsall was thinking the day of May 16, 1979 when he took your life and nearly those lives of your comrades. We do know your boldness to act swiftly, your undaunted and unselfish commitment to excellence will never cast a shadow of a doubt who you were as a person, even more so how you humbly distinguished yourself as an outstanding and valiant police officer. Dade County residents can very grateful for your heroism to be perpetually saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm sure your mother, Mrs. Cook and your beloved wife, Karen said their prayers and prayed that you should finish your shift and return home safely. We all pray for our loved to come home. My mother also prayed for my dad, Owen Davis, may he rest in peace to come home safe and sound. He did this for nearly forty years as a New York City police officer.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2015
Your future was bright, Officer Cook, six years of stellar character, six years of professionalism, all in all twenty-five all too short years of a rich life, one borne from a very decent and outstanding upbringing. Yes, it was very traumatic to lose you at such a young age with so much more left to fulfill. Your comrades are trying their utmost to pick up where you left off. Your loving and much beloved family members are trying to act and accomplish in their lives as you accentuated with grace, common sense, honor and integrity. It was always for the moment and your unwavering and unselfish acts of heroism and boldness which has offered Dade County citizens the right, the chance to live their lives in peace, liberty and unity. And when men and women of faith distinguish themselves on this very dangerous career path we must remember them, celebrate their lives, salute their efforts and never forget their acts of righteousness. Yours, Officer Cook, will be saluted forever. One inch cost you your life and career, it is said if you give someone something like one inch they will take a mile, something to that affect. Your life and dignity surely meant the world to this world, it means more nearly thirty-six years later, God surely remembers the simple, the wise and the brave as you were one of His many unique and talented unsung heroes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. That inch has now brought many officers who are wounded in the line of duty a second chance. Sometimes we don't get a do over or second chance. Never take things for granted. I know you did not Officer Cook. You made people laugh and smile, in today's times that can be an arduous task, a tall order to achieve. You also were serious when the moment called for such measures. Something not to be sneezed at nor overlooked.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2015
In order to grow, in order to learn and to achieve we must first accept criticism lovingly and humbly. People think and comprehend differently, a fact we must accept. It takes a bigger person to accept their mistakes, correct them and move on. We have faults and these are correctable and onward and upward we go to humbly making this a better place to excel. You excelled, Officer Cook, because of your humility to go and patrol our streets with dignity, integrity, courage and valor. Your professional commitment was your bond and for this you are to be commended. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It surely takes a man of great insight to admit when they falter, you did not, repeat did not falter, your concentration never waned, it was squarely on your precisely difficult tasks at hand.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2015
Badge #1664 which your wore proudly and honestly for six years, Officer Cook, was the sign that you were a much beloved and respected member of your department. Your self-discipline, your resolve to accomplish was always at an optimal ceiling. Never less than a one-hundred percent total effort. Your comrades admired you, they cherished the time and opportunities to work along side of you, for we see it strengthened their resolve and character knowing who you were and what it took to tackle the demands of a mentally and physically taxing and challenging position. Some give all, some give a little, you my neighbor, friend and hero gave the ultimate in order to keep the bonds of peace, unity and goodwill connected properly and flowing one way. Upstream and looking to accentuate the positive. God takes His heroes and heroines and keeps them safe and sound. He distributes some of their bravery, courage and valor back down here on earth to those who carry on your watch. There is no time for games. The plan is simple, to lookout for evil and try to root it out before it threatens to tear apart our freedoms and prosperity. All things that you humbly excelled in doing for a just cause. Rest in peace. Officers who lay their lives down is serious just as the officer who strays from the proper path and the special mission of which they were handpicked to do, to serve and to protect. The chain cannot be broken, the bonds must stay firm, the concentration can't be lacking, focus must stay affixed.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2015
Police officers work hard enough to keep the channels of goodwill, peace and unity flowing freely in their communities. Guilt or innocence is not decided by police officers, that is up to the various courts of law to distinguish between guilty and innocent especially when one is judged by their peers. Since you were an upbeat and positive individual, Officer Cook, you never let anything hinder your judgment, cloud your thinking, stand in the way of you honorably and professionally performing your basic public service duties. If officers allow things to enter into their work ethics, somehow things can and sometimes will go terribly wrong. Getting sidetracked is not what police officers need when they go out on the streets to patrol and to safeguard the citizens. You were the kind of person who took to heart the feelings of people and you made certain they were treated in a careful and cautious manner. Your wisdom, Officer Cook, your maturity beyond your years was the basis for a solid career. That was the path you worked quite hard to achieve. The violence that took your young life is what our society has to deal with this day and to attempt to eradicate it once and for all. Your humble achievements are duly remembered as is your legacy and stellar character which is expected from all duly sworn officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2015
God created a world full of many different things to behold. He also created the resources and public servants who have gone out and risked their entire beings for our benefits and freedoms. Knowledge of what we possess is the true wealth. What makes a person happy today instead of thirty years earlier? A person can be overcome by materialistic ideals, does that make one happy? You were born, Officer Cook, in a happy and healthy home. Your parents gave both you and your sister, Nancy, all the right tools to become achievers. Police work is tough, arduous, grueling and mentally and physically taxing. At the end of the day you feel drained. Your lovely wife, Karen, sacrificed as you sacrificed in order for we the people to lead healthy and thriving lives. Your work ethic serves as our inspiration to lead a life and to perform a career as a police officer with the most positive zeal that you firmly maintained for six years of boldness, swiftness to act and solid professional commitment to pride, excellence and honor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your bravery, courage and valor sparked other officers to emulate your patterns of productivity, of which nothing will be forgotten. You were a gem of a person and as a police officer. Metro-Dade has the best in you, Officer Cook, your memory should be for a blessing!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2015
Seeing that you appreciated life and all that it humbly delivered to you and your family, Officer Cook, that is why God allowed you to follow a course of righteousness and honesty. Even in your loving family's darkest hours after your untimely passing from this world, because of the way you comported yourself as a humble hero, it has and will forever be the light of your beloved soul that will keep illuminating this planet for all police officers who have now succeeded you. Your valor, dignity, bravery and commitment will always be attached to the uniform and badge you wore each day with pride and resiliency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Although darkness is part of the grand scheme of things, heroes and heroines who expose themselves to peril do light up the world and communities where they served and protected the good citizens.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 4, 2015
Returning here to one's source means to unify the inner world and the outer world. That is to tell the truth about yourself, to yourself and to others and since there is more than a literary parallel between yourself and the universe, then if you make one that which is within and without yourself, you would make also an external apparent senseless world with its higher holy source. That somehow one soul can bring together upper worlds with this world. There are such moments of unifying in the lives of each creature. They stand holding this world in one hand and the upper worlds in the other. And by simply being in-between the two for even a second, they are one, the soul is one, the world is one. God wants you to serve Him with all your might and spiritual convictions and He wants more than anything to be with you as One. Unity is strength. Belief is faith. Happiness is treasured and very cherished prosperity. The world is broken apart by evil, baseless hatred and wanton bloodshed. Good health and happiness are not illusions, they are what binds us as one and their common source is unity as one, one lighting a fire never to be extinguished. Every now and then somebody comes from among the shadows and is able to pierce what we might think of as an illusion, a mirage so to speak. you came into this world, Officer Cook, nearly sixty-two years ago. For twenty-five all too short years you were a devoted and revered public servant, a Metro-Dade Police Officer. A friendly fellow with a smile that could crack one up, your congeniality and commitment went indeed hand in hand while serving with integrity, honor and dignity. But it was your bravery, valor and courage that planted many seeds of hope, renewal, optimism and justice here in the Dade County community among those who shared your concern, consideration and caring heart. Dade County's legacy rests firmly now within your cherished soul and its valued legacy. Meaning it shines forever and can never be diminished nor extinguished. Forty-two years is a long time from when you first started out as our hero, but surely as you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, know you did exactly as you planned all because of Our Creator whom you trusted and placed your safety in His hands daily to guide you through turmoil, tension and wickedness that you battled and gave every ounce to quell until your very last breath. Believe me, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, Karen and Nancy, your son, husband and brother served us all with a renowned sense of pride, made everyone proud to have known him and left this world in better shape for his successors to follow in the trails he paved. You left big shoes to fill, Officer Cook, let us pray and hope they are being filled with the same intensity and dignity you brought to your department and delivered in quality service to the people. The sands of time will tell the story. Let's hope there isn't just dirt in those shoes. Keep watching Officer Cook, we see your soul shining as brightly day and night. your service was instrumental in conquering evil, your intelligence, intellect and intuition spot on, right on the money, meaning you gave everything, you cared, you reached back and made a mark for eternal safekeeping in this society.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2015
How is it possible for one soul to save the world? This is because one soul can be the whole world. The universe, the world we breath, eat in, prosper and sleep in our comfortable beds at night are more than just a soul, because a world within a soul is more than just an analogue to this world without. For one person to make a full and complete repentance, turning their ways around in a righteous way and making a three-hundred and sixty degree turn all the way to their source, Our Creator. For this it is stated: Will the entire world be forgiven? I'm just not sure we can completely exonerate the heinous actions of a troubled young man who took your life, Officer Cook and nearly those of your loyal and very faithful comrades who were the officers dispatched to that fatal domestic call on May 16, 1979. Officers Keith DiGenova and Robert Edgerton were brave and as courageous as you. Your close friend and colleague, Officer DiGenova still suffers the lingering effects of that fateful day in which you gave your life for Dade County residents. Your tennis partner and close friend had to have been as special a person and as devoted as a police officer as you were. You both made a very special bond as friends and as professional colleagues. You dignity, honor and integrity may have left us when you departed this world so suddenly, but it went to an even more humble place in eternal safekeeping. Your legacy remains as stellar today as it did nearly thirty-six years ago. Dade County never forgets its police heroes and heroines, for without their unselfish and unwavering commitments, no telling the shape of the landscape that has been made better through your boldness to act. And act you did, something you did remarkably well for six years of high energy, resourcefulness and a caring and gentle approach to any problems that were placed before you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. god truly rewards His righteous servants and followers. A humanely humble man lived right in front of us here in North Miami Beach, Florida. Our hero, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 3, 2015
It's no secret. We are all created in the eyes of God and how He in His great wisdom determined how we should look. We who are here look to God as Our Director who runs the world and who steers the ship. We praise Him for whatever He gives us. He places boundaries in front, in back and at our sides. We do we commence? Protecting and saving lives is the job of our police officers, the many courageous, valiant and brave personnel who shelter us from wickedness. As one of these many brave and concerned public servants, Officer Cook, you took your role seriously enough to become a very devoted, resourceful and revered officer, who brought together as one the fragmented, you controlled the turmoil and tensions and finally you separated those who needed the talking to. It only made people better and helped deliver the sanity the Dade County community surely yearned for. Enhancement, engagement, all brought about through your articulate manner and calming voice of logic and reason. Thank God for your maturity beyond your years and your intellect that steered your intuition as you patrolled the streets where you were respected and admired. You were and are still as admired today as you were back over forty years ago when you first donned the Metro-Dade Police Department uniform and its badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. By saving at least seven lives you more than performed your basic duties. Well done! You were a mighty humble man doing a job you aspired to become from the time you were a youngster.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2015
One by one we come upon humble public servants of God who themselves humanely and quite humbly serve and protect us from evil. Our freedoms, unity and peace in our communities come as a direct result of their honorable, heroic and noble actions. We share this world with them and when they sacrifice their lives and careers for us to continue to live and to prosper, then how can we be even more grateful? We ask God keeps these brave souls sheltered in His Divine Presence for eternal safekeeping. When you gave your life, Officer Cook, in dignity, bravery and honor, an entire country, community and world offered their heartfelt goodbye. But only until we see you again and then can we ponder why did something so horrible have to happen to such a wonderfully cherished gentleman? Our Creator in His wisdom never tells us. Yet we try to figure out things that only He alone knows the real meaning behind them. God does have many different names. You went by Bill and Billy to your loving family members, many friends and colleagues who you faithfully and loyally served with and that was done in a truly first class manner with honesty, dignity and an enhanced sense of integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 2, 2015