Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When we can stop, realize and ponder all that God gives us, if we have reasonably good health, then we have everything. We know there are people all around the world in poor health, starving and living in very poor conditions. You have to pause and reflect on all the good that Our Creator bestows upon us. Hard work and perseverance pays dividends down the road to success, not necessarily fortune and fame. Non-selfish love enables you to have patience. something you had an abundance of, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. And yet you had so much more to give back to society, though for the last nearly thirty-six years in eternity you have done one extra special important mission and that has been to walk a beat on God's golden streets where numerous heroes and heroines from the past have patrolled as they watch over those brave, decent and honest officers who carry on your profession. An important task with rewards and yet risks and perils that must be observed while they are serving, enhancing and fortifying each different community where only the bold, the courageous and those so dignified dare to go. Humility and humanity went hand in hand wherever you went, Officer Cook. Your calming voice of wisdom, reason and compassion spoke whenever you entered a particular venue. That day of May 16, 1979, your family, your colleagues and your friends got to witness the loving and caring side of your stellar character punctuated with an equally outstanding performance in the line of duty. Saving seven lives, your comrades, those civilians whose very lives relied upon your swiftness to respond, what more can anyone say other then well done, our cherished and beloved faithful hero. Karen's patience with her patients and your patience and devotion to residents looking for just a chance to survive and to pursue their dreams. You lived yours, Officer Cook, you should have been given more years to give us what was humbly implanted within your heart and soul, that was an abundance of humor coupled with leadership abilities second to none and the maturity and knowledge to match. Rest in peace. The light still shines as brightly now as it did when you were first born. Your humbleness and sense of gratitude are all anyone needs to know about the gentleman who proudly wore the Metro-Dade police uniform with the badge number 1641 on it. We can always ponder why does God take good people at such a young age back to His shelter, while there are those who perpetrate evil who walk the streets as though nothing ever happened? A lot to think about. You thought. You taught. You lived a proper life and were an outstanding public servant. Never a bad word. Why oh why? The man who took your life, why oh why what was he thinking about and he nearly took your colleagues' lives. God has all the answers we just think, plan, whatever we do with our days, months and years. The years pass just that quickly like the blink of an eye. The sadness stays fixed and yet you would want us to march on, Officer Cook. Somehow or another that just seems so unfair to you for what you gave up in order for us to continue life's pursuits. I will always say a prayer and keep you in my thoughts Mrs. Cook. You know your son was very special, I know it and Dade County knows it. The question is how do we carry on his legacy? All of which was borne from stellar character and a sound upbringing never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2015

People in life sometimes want to lend a hand to others. The person tells them a story, they may start to cry or laugh. All of God's helpers may go out of their way to lend an assist. We are supposed to judge people with loving kindness and favorably too. Yet a person who is the epitome of evil, we know they bad, then we should keep a distance from them. What our role is to see the good in the bad and the bad in the good. To be able to differentiate fact from fiction. As you possessed the innate and God given ability, Officer Cook, to use your wisdom, your leadership and resourcefulness to deduce how to treat all people. Police officers sometimes and what could turn out to be a very bad decision not to be on guard, protecting not only themselves, but the community at large that deserves their undivided time and dutiful attention. You were a positive force among your peers, you were very humble, brave and dignified, to go along with your only honorable intentions. The world was robbed of a great gentleman, your family was left to mourn your heroic life and career all graced and accentuated with devotion, desire, determination and an everlasting dedication to enhance in unity, peace and with liberty those who carry on with your watch. Your watch was central to the perseverance of all Dade County citizens who salute you for your unwavering and unselfish commitment to excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The examples set by men and women who lay their lives down sets the tone for exactly how we should politely remember. Their humbleness, their admiration and mutual respect is the cornerstone of their legacies of which they will never be forgotten. That day, Officer Cook, May 16, 1979, was a day of sorrow and yet a a moment in police history in all of Dade County when we take a moment to raise a salute for your boldness to act as proudly as anyone could be for your life and what you meant to this entire country and world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2015

A person whose main focus is self-improvement and a yearning for perfection will always review their personal conduct to revisit what needs correction. Always performing with the proper motivation and objectives when dealing with the general public would sure help in getting the jobs at hand done efficiently the first time out. Police officers are those honorable, dignified and intensely loyal men and women who are supposed to review their actions, as they operate under the guises of ethics, morals and certain department standards which are mandatory in order to insure, safety of the people they serve and protect and to be able to operate smoothly. You were of the many humble, trusted and respected officers of your generation, Officer Cook, as I have stated before there never were questions regarding your implementations of anything you did to do the assignments at the moment superbly and in an outstanding manner. Bravery, courage, grace, valor and stellar character and integrity were emblazoned on your uniform you proudly wore and the badge you carried with the epitome of wisdom, maturity and leadership. You were a joy to be around and for those who were humbly honored to serve and to partner alongside of you, what else could be said? If only they had those side panels in your day, whose knows thirty-six years later what might have been? You are the hero that we all look up to now and forever for eternal advice as you patrol God's golden streets where no harm will ever again befall you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No public servant is perfect, what we strive for is a performance that befits the character of those who take a solemn affirmation to serve and to protect. It is the honesty, dignity, integrity and humility that counts more than anything else.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2015

I met an officer at a local Winn Dixie and told her to be safe. I said those side panels she wears is because of your unselfish bravery, courage and valor. Your demeanor and innovative ways spoke volumes as was your candor, care and consideration for all residents you served and protected equally. Everything your beloved family members accomplishes can be traced right back to your God given abilities, talents, humble and humane honesty, dignity and stellar integrity so necessary for any police officer to carry out the rigors of a very demanding profession. No matter who I meet, no matter who we speak to you'll always be fondly saluted and remembered for your grace and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment to pride, resourcefulness and excellence to the call of duty on May 16, 1979, will make your heroic actions and legacy among Dade County police heroes and heroines remain even more humble. Truly a treasured soul now patrolling God's golden streets. Shine on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2015

A person must try to climb the spiritual ladder of success of daily. Staying stuck on the bottom rung does not produce the best results. The world is changed everyday by our very caring and wonderfully talented women and men of the law enforcement profession. A gentleman and a persevering police officer. Officer Cook, you lead others by your examples on how to act and react with both a passion and enhanced compassion. That ladder that now leads to God's golden streets has sure been lined with many heroes and heroines undaunted by the many perils that they had to face each time on their watches. Residents were reassured by your loving, humble and most respected presence all of which is greatly missed today as it was back then. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, keep climbing, now that God has set your soul free, it too can soar to the highest of heights.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2015

Police officers who are held to a higher standard need to have the proper motivations when dealing with any situation that comes across their radar screens. Whenever you dealt with anyone, Officer Cook, you utilized your integrity and honesty, that when channeled together with your dignity helped you champion the causes of goodwill among all mankind. Dade County residents can surely live in peace and quiet because of your super and outstanding service and protection. Men and women who lay their lives down in bravery, valor and courage all come from the exact fabric that is demanded from our faithfully loyal and devoted public servants. Growing up in a first class and top quality home certainly accelerated your learning process and elevated your knowledge, wisdom,maturity and leadership skills. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2015

Being sensitive and careful when showing someone they made a mistake is quite relevant to all police academy recruits, at least when they are in training, studying and learning the ropes of what it takes to become an excellent public servant. Bravery, courage and valor have not yet taken shape fully. But, honor, dignity, integrity, reliability and responsibility certainly must start taking shape. You were a sensible, caring and respectable police officer, Officer Cook, no qualms at all. Your superiors never had a worry when you went out on your patrols of Dade County streets insuring the safety, security and serenity of all individuals. You responded to that scene like a lion with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your commitment to pride, honor and excellence is the legacy and benchmark for which you'll be forever honored as a hero and as a treasured soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mistakes can be costly, catching them before you get out on those streets which at times can be unforgiving would be a great assist to any brave, courageous and valiant man or woman who expose themselves to the risks, perils and dangers at hand. Your leadership, consideration and compassion was super. Only one-hundred percent full concentration and effort given at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2015

Sometimes in life one must speak an untruth to appease the feelings of someone. If you need to speak this way, one should phrase their statement in the least dishonest fashion. Offending people can have harmful physical and financial effects. Police officers aside from being faithful, loyal, honorable, dignified and having to carry themselves with integrity have to be very cautious on how they address someone. But, since you spoke only the truth, Officer Cook, this would never have entered your mind. Because you treated everyone fairly and with respect, this is the reason why Dade County then and presently can live in unity, peace and in freedom. The changes in the landscape are so vast if you here today, you would not believe your eyes. The troubled young man who took your life and promising career should have opened his eyes and realized how detrimental his actions were to your family, department and to our society in general. There will never be a doubt, never be any second guessing regarding your stellar character and humble mannerisms. Your thoughtfulness and resourcefulness to commitment of duty and the heroism you displayed on May 16, 1979, will always be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2015

Sometimes in life the only way to success is to fall humbly back a bit. Failure is not a bad word. Wickedness and heinous are terribly bad words. Police officers just like any other woman or man out there try to adjust their compasses so as not to cross paths with these two obstacles that could hinder them in any from properly performing their assignments. Our tendencies are to do the best we can and let Our Creator guide us through the tough moments. Being a man of faith and resolve, Officer Cook, you were able to steer clear from evil for most of your life and during most of your professional career at the Metro-Dade Police Department. Five minutes of evil which took your life in which you made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of Dade County and its residents should not and will never undermine nor underscore your fierce determination, honesty, bravery and courage you exhibited in a manner that is called for by any police officer. You displayed your grit, your dedication and desire to make unity, liberty and peace a reality for all mankind with the most humblest of intentions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Success and failure are directed by God, it is up to us to take firm hold of its steering wheel, for as we know life itself is one big test and you, Officer Cook, passed yours with flying colors. No one will ever doubt your heroism nor your legacy which is firmly etched on the marble walls at Miami's Tropical Park and in Washington, D. C. You are saluted and remembered for your passion, compassion, caring and consideration. Twenty-five years and a good name to support all the goodness you did in this world. It will never be tarnished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2015

Speaking politely should be a way of life as well as being respectful. Unfortunately, not for everyone. We would like to ponder and in our thoughts and hearts be positive that most people are nice and kind. It is a way to accomplish and to achieve so much more. When trying to influence individuals to become more motivated speaking in soft and calm tones usually works. For police officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, it was your way in life and how you were brought up. You spoke the truth. You performed your role as a public servant very well with dignity, honor and integrity. Just because the world is made up of so many different people this does not make them all evil. This enemy of our bravest and most valiant men and women lurks like a shark in the water ready to pounce upon its prey. We the ordinary citizens are its prey and you my neighbor, friend and hero served and protected us through your grace, gallantry and perseverance. You kept the peace, speaking kindly while cooling down those whose emotions became a little frayed. Rest in peace. Your inspirations and devout aspirations have contributed to the enhancements in and around the Dade County where you patrolled for six very loyal and faithful years. Your service and sacrifice will never be forgotten. Your righteous character shall remain anchored to your heroic and most humble legacy. A gentleman of humanity and of humility not often seen. God surely has one treasured angel now and forever in His arms for safekeeping. Keep watching over us and making sure we converse properly to and with one another.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 21, 2015

Since the thoughts of all police officers need to be on a higher plateau than most people who labor, who work at most jobs difficult or not, they must keep away from negative influences which could blind them from doing their jobs properly. The ideals of an elevated must always be beyond reproach. This was the basis of your life and police career, Officer Cook and its roots began in California and then headed east to good old North Miami Beach, Florida where your parents settled with your sister, Nancy and yourself. Fresh and new ideas are always welcome in the line of police work, at least anything to lessen the stress, but yet honor, dignity and integrity must be at the forefront. You were a good man, Officer Cook, a family man dedicated to your wife and parents. I know after your father passed, Charles, may he rest in peace, you made it point to stop and check on your mother's well being. A good son. A humble and faithfully loyal servant the likes of which Dade County may not see again for awhile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light of your wonderful soul shines on in desire, determination and in devotion. It steers your family members in all their pursuits. They can all be proud while shedding tears over your loss. A loss for the entire world. A loss for mankind and the ideals by which we live and construct our lives and careers. Everything with your life and career was destined to rise, your police file was filled with awards for excellent work, it would have humbly increased if you were given more time to fulfill that for which we are created.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2015

Since all police officers, there are no exceptions to this rule need to possess the same personal portfolios of common sense, honesty, dignity, integrity and great care, reliability and responsibility, it's truly sad when I read of officers being charged and arrested almost everyday because of something they have done that is not proper conduct. Like all citizens we have a code of ethics, morals and principles which when adhered to bring relief to those individuals they serve and protect. You were a very outstanding public servant, Officer Cook. You were what most people would refer to as a loyal and trustworthy law enforcement official. Seeing that you were a cheerful and positively upbeat gentleman, your mission in this world was made a tiny bit less stressful, still very stressful and always occupied with doing good deeds. Your heroism on May 16, 1979, was superb and humanely outstanding. To stand in front of evil face to face when a simple I surrender would have been preferred would not have escalated the situation beyond what started out as a domestic issue between a man and his girlfriend. Five minutes before your shift was going to finish, there you were Officer Cook, to the rescue of your colleagues and the civilians involved. We channel, at least endeavor to utilize our traits in a positive influence. Your influence around the confines of Dade County thirty-six years ago has given those residents a new lease on life to be able to live in peace, unity and freely. All it takes is one small step to move things forward in a proper manner. And for this, Officer Cook, we the people are eternally grateful. Your stellar character and shining legacy remain forever as do the memories of you which your beloved family has to treasure and to cherish forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Since police work is not for everyone, those who are interested need to make sure, make real certain you deliver the right personal file to the department before applying.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2015

Be ever so watchful to not only accomplish something daily, but to speak only in sincere and honest tones. Whatever you set your mind to do try and achieve your goal as this is the one way to make our society a better place for all to live in peace, liberty and in unity. A person's upbringing is the best signal of how they will turn out. It was in your home, Officer Cook, where rules were followed and clean and proper speech dominated. A rational individual understands the meaning of this, some others need a little direction and prodding. But since dignity and integrity went together throughout your life and career with the Metro-Dade Police Department, it is fairly simple to comprehend why you became what you became and how well you performed your job. A hero or heroine is not only based on their career, but how they lived their lives and how they truly personified the meaning of making the world a really better place. Your faith, desire, loyalty and humility are served you quite well and it would be prudent for today's police officers to follow or to emulate your ways. a little research and reading of your life and story in the book, "Forgotten Heroes" will begin to shed some light. A natural born leader whose knowledge and maturity served as an inspiration to all others, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good listener whose compassion bubbled over with a calming enthusiasm. You helped others, Officer Cook, Lord knows we could use some of your heavenly advice. Your boldness, your swiftness saved your comrades as well as those civilians who were under fire. You answered the calls whenever you were needed, May 16, 1979, serves as one of forty-two examples of professional police bravery, courage and valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2015

All people must be good listeners. All jobs and professions require the highest of morals and integrity. You were a good officer at reassuring people, Officer Cook. Your sense of endearment, your engaging personality coupled with your wisdom, faith and courage led you to serve and to protect all Dade County citizens with an abundant sense of reason and responsibility. A humbly tall job for most any person let alone a police officer who needs their faculties to produce the top results. You gave everything on May 16, 1979 and much more before that day and there will be no doubt regarding your stellar honor, principles and outstanding character which all is a part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You listened to others, you cared, you shared, your consideration was well beyond that of others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 19, 2015

Realistically, all professional law enforcement officers endeavor to keep the sanctity and safety of a caring community of which they grace it with them courtesies and honesty. Your dignity and professional integrity was always on the line, Officer Cook. As all officers may at some point in their careers have to place themselves in harm's way to secure the enhancement of those venues where unity, peace and prosperity are necessary, you served us quite well and for six of your twenty-five years, you were that calming influence among the people and those comrades whom you worked with in fighting this battle over what we label as evil. Evil will not trump the fine and outstanding work of our heroes and heroines who toil exceedingly hard for us to benefit from. The morals and ethical standards all represent the fabric of how we would prefer our police officers and their departments to perform. The resourcefulness, the refined manner of which you served, my neighbor, friend and hero will never be confused with good old fashioned hard work, something we should all ascribe to be. Be true to yourself, be committed to achieving your goals, aspire to reach higher heights and with a little help from The Almighty good things will happen. Rest in peace and keep shining down the light from the heavens above. The work of our heroes and heroines of the past shall be revered, remembered and revealed for all to see. It is their honor, character, valor and courage that only stands front and center.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2015

Bravery is described as acting within or out of the norm to save and to enhance the lives of all human beings. Police officers already have a very difficult profession of which they decide on their own to undertake. For what you meant to our society, Officer Cook, nobody could have asked for a more deserving and humble gentleman to represent our common interests. The residents of Dade County all came to understand your common sense and calming approaches in solving and in resolving crises that arose. That fateful day of May 16, 1979, your humility, integrity and dignity was placed on the line, it was your commitment to act with loyalty and swiftness, no one wanted to see you lose your life, Officer Cook. You were a top notch officer, a cherished and a treasured gentleman. You heroism will always be noted and forever remembered. No one will forget the congeniality of a truly engaging person. Your stellar character reflects the excellent upbringing by your wonderful parents. I hope your mother, Mrs. Cook, is well out in San Diego, California. I will keep your mother in my prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2015

Feel pleasure and joy when serving Your Master. We felt relief when we knew you were patrolling the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, keeping the steps of peace, unity and liberty in unison. There was never any procrastination on your part when it came to giving your due diligence to any assignment handed to you. Your gave your department more effort and you gave Dade County citizens more than a day's pay as back in your day police officers I would say were more vigilant than some of today's officers and that is not a knock on all of today's officers. Courage, bravery, integrity and dignity run concurrently and when applied by any sworn law enforcement officer they can have excellent results. Good results, great resolutions, firmness and fairness are all a part of this particular profession's makeup. You were Officer Cook, a byproduct of an excellent upbringing characterized by morals, sound intuition and an abundance of loyalty and faith personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For what you made in salary as humble as it was back in the 1970s, you made up for that with superior character and morals that befit a police hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2015

Getting a commitment of specific individuals when you need something taken care of is more crucial and critical. This concept is quite unique and very important in all police officers, as there can be no sloughing off, no backing down. A police officer's life and most assuredly those lives they serve and protect are their sworn priorities. It's easy for a group to say we will pitch in and then they push off their responsibilities for others to handle. No such thing when you patrolled the corridors of Dade County, Officer Cook. Your methods were fair and honest, your dignity and integrity always stellar and above reproach. On May 16, 1979, when you went with your partner that day as sad and as tragic a loss for your department, but for the whole police world, there can be no doubt regarding your commitment to act with bravery, valor and courage that most of us would not necessary foster. You were a man of unique humbleness and with a plan of action. You saved your colleagues from the perils of death and those lives of the civilians involved, while laying your life down so they could continue your battle over wickedness. No prodding was ever needed for you to act proficiently and professionally my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2015

Cheerful and upbeat people see the good in every life situation. This was your way of operating as a police officer and more importantly as a humble human being. The quality of one's life is not dependent on external situations. There are those whose lives and career seem to run very smoothly. Nevertheless, they tend to evaluate minor frustrations as tragedies and therefore view their lives in negative terms. I meant to say, Officer Cook, in the last reflection that we all would like to live in a perfect world. Unfortunately, that is not possible. We all have to take the time and make the effort as you bravely and valiantly did to better enhance society. You saw the good of all mankind and as a wonderful and talented police officer relished your watch serving and protecting Dade County residents. Never to be forgotten for your dignity, integrity and honesty, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of opportunity. You were a gentleman of faith, hope and optimism which spilled over to your friends and comrades. Hope really springs eternal, so while you are sheltered in God's arms for safekeeping, continue your watchful eyes over this land, after all it was your unwavering and charismatic conquest of evil, which in turn has led to a new lease on life for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2015

Sometimes in life we must do something not so pleasant, so we must act with speed and move on to the next job at hand. Knowing you always acted within the law, Officer Cook, it is easy to see why you were so enthusiastic when it came time to do your job. a person of faith and devoutness trusts in God to steer their compasses and you my neighbor, friend and hero surely allowed Our Creator to direct both your outstanding life and resoundingly solid career, albeit cut short by wanton violence, the heinous actions of a troubled young man. Your natural tendencies were only above reproach, your bravery, valor, courage and commitment to excellence in performing your duties was quite superior. Rest in peace. We should all act as zealous as yourself when championing the causes of peace, unity and goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2015

Hope and trust in the Almighty is as important as relying on our police officers of solid character to serve and to protect our common interests. We are would like in a perfect world to be able to live free from evil, free from bloodshed, only to live and to proper and thrive in security, unity, peace and good health. As a young man growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida, Officer Cook, you must have experienced many ups, many positive things. Your dreams, goals and career aspirations when one wants to become a police officer at times the pursuits become very lofty, being the level headed individual that you were, you were able to focus on your objectives and handle both the mental and physical rigors that the police academy exposes its recruits to the many faceted areas where you delved in your studies. At least you had many friends who you were able to study with and when you graduated the pride and joy, your beloved parents, sister and wife, Karen all felt were tears of joy and achievement. You made us proud those who knew you and those like myself who read and met some of your family members. I stop and wonder looking up to the blue skies above, thinking about you and what you would be doing in your retirement years. Never will you be forgotten, nor your honesty, courage, valor and charisma. It all went hand in hand driving your humble life and police career. You were a great gentleman my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Today I was playing tennis at a local park with my wife in North Miami Beach and was thinking of you. Officer Keith DeGenova and yourself played, would love to have hit a few forehands and backhands with you. Just keeping watching over us and protecting us from above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2015

Police officers can sometimes tend to get a little too comfortable with themselves, sometimes this can lead to arrogance, instead of humbleness which must be displayed at all times. Good and evil are out there in this society and it is up to our brave men and women in the law enforcement community to weed it out. To seek peace, unity and liberty within its residents and to pursue it. Since no person is perfect, even though some of us strive for perfection, it is still quite important to maintain the proper balance between integrity, dignity and honor and to be idealistic in all your personal and in your career endeavors. This is what you became, Officer Cook, you recognized reality and comprehended what it took to perform your basic assignments efficiently and properly. In the most absolute terms you were that humanely superior police officer driven by your leadership skills, your wit and practical reasoning that you utilized when solving problems, especially domestic affairs where you excelled. People, your friends and your colleagues recognized your strengths of humility and basic diligence and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where you rest in peace among your past comrades who laid down their lives as police heroes and heroines. Your names and stellar characters are there for all to look at and to salute your professional accomplishments that have accentuated the enhancement of this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2015

For anyone who knew you personally, Officer Cook, it had to be quite an honor to meet a true hero. By that I mean how you exemplified your daily life and how you pursued and studied and toiled quite long hours, days and months to reach your goal. This was your childhood aspiration and to be able to achieve this means, only you and your family and close friends may realize what it took in dedication, devotion, desire and steadfast determination to accomplish. Police officers are not robots. They too are ordinary people who come from and grew up in a loving home. The environments where they patrol for the security and safety of all residents is one where most of all would not dare travel. The paths of your profession, Officer Cook, took you to new venues and yet your performances were always above and beyond the calls of duty. You treated all people with respect, with dignity and assumed your position with the necessary calming effect and soft voice of logic and reason. A people person this was why you had so many friends in and out of your department who have all saluted your career and life lived by morals, shaped by character and measured by your humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2015

If you talk about doing something well or good, then act upon it. The righteous person keeps their word. Take the yoke, the onus upon yourself to act and to emulate all that Our Creator expects from each of us. Boasting and bragging don't quite get the job done. Rather, it is those humble and taciturn public servants who act and succeed. You did this as well, Officer Cook, if not better than anyone else. A police officer's motto should be action and by striving to do an act one should remain honorable, dignified and possess an intense measure of integrity. There will never be a question regarding your gumption, grace, grit and gallantry. For certain neither will there be any doubt cast whatsoever regarding your stellar character, bravery and courageousness. It flowed like a fountain. Your time with us my neighbor, friend and hero was accentuated with only loving kindness, care and consideration for all people whom you served and protected with the same amount of respect and admiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2015

Police officers try to make an effort to go out of their way to assist all citizens. What separates the humble public servants from the rest of the ranks are those that answer the calls above and beyond duty when not required, not dispatched. Perfect case in point was on Tuesday, May 16, 1979, while out on your patrol with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, you went to a domestic call, Officer Cook and were in a gun battle with a crazed young man, whose only problem at the time was that he deserted the Army. The Army would have dealt with that issue. It escalated into a full blown domestic dispute in which it took five police officers to coerce the man to surrender. Tragically and unfortunately he didn't, shots were fired and three police officers were wounded. My neighbor, friend and hero, your bravery, your resolve, your valor and your courage that day were outstanding and quite remarkable. You acquitted yourself in an outstanding manner saving your colleagues and those civilians who were involved. All in all, you made your family proud, your comrades respected your gallantry and your congeniality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your life, Officer Cook, for the sanctity and serenity of all Dade County residents in order for them to live and to persevere in a peaceful, unified and free fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2015

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