Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Delivering due diligence through good deeds, your service to all of Dade County residents, Officer Cook, was appreciated beyond any doubts. Character, charisma all came together at crucial moments enabling you to succeed in both solving and in resolving any troubles that might have arisen. But it all begins with your ethical take on life, your discipline, your behavior, honest and trustworthy, your dignity and of course where some careers start and some go astray, because of a lack of integrity. You were a talented and a treasured public servant whose legacy will always be resting in the hearts of all who knew you. Residents could rest a bit easier and stay focused on their missions, desires, dreams and aspirations because of your unselfish and unwavering commitment to sacrifice your entire being in the name of justice and fairness, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Whatever the job required you were there to get it finished, no fence straddling. You were a humbly born leader whose destiny would have humbly taken you up the ranks of your department. No one forgets a hero. Your life growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida means a lot to me and my family. I am humbled to visit your grave and offer a prayer for your cherished soul, it still lights up our world this today and forevermore. Mrs. Cook, Nancy, Karen and Gina, Trevor, Justin and Josh, I will always keep you and your son, brother, husband, uncle and great-uncle "Bo" in my thoughts. Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664 will be remembered for his grace, gallantry, loving and giving heart. A heart of gold. A keen vision of valor. A logical and sensible human being and a police officer of intuition, intellect and vitality, the kind all police departments look from their brave and courageous personnel. A person's heart is measured by their character, yours, Officer Cook, was one of tremendous tenacity and resolve. I think when I take my walk Saturday morning, I'll pass you home on 170th Street, doff my cap and offer you a hearty salute. It's the least I can do for my neighbor, friend and hero. You deserve the honors of the day. Hard to believe or envision it has been thirty-six years, they come so quickly before we know it.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2015

Perseverance is the act of trying to succeed utilizing whatever tools are necessary to get the job done right. Police officers are those caring and devoted people who risk their lives for our security and freedoms. Dade County has many loyal and faithful heroes and heroines who have laid down their lives for unity and peace to merge together. Officer Cook, you were sent into this world to fulfill a very special mission. And for six of your twenty-five years you were determined, dedicated and devoted to the causes of all mankind. It was all accomplished under the blanket of being honorable, dignified and carrying within your badge and uniform stellar and impeccable integrity. You went out on your patrol looking to mend fences and to repair relationships that might have been broken. Swiftness, boldness and the commitment to excellence and decency were some of the many borders of your outstanding life and police career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. We all can assume, guess, presume what might have been if you were here today. You are here in spirit with your loving family members who miss your smiling presence very much and those colleagues whom either you trained, led or help go to battle with in eradicating evil from this society. You were fruitful and dependable right up unto your last breath. You never gave in or looked away. You means of communicating would be greatly appreciated today and your character serves as a lesson of faith and of your enduring legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2015

A little bashfulness never hurt anyone. A little respect toward police officers will surely never harm anyone. Human emotions can run high or low depending on the mood swings of a person at that moment. I would surmise, Officer Cook, that you were a pretty mellow person even though I did not know you personally, That in itself is sad. You were a great thinker. You were honest and straightforward. You were dignified and full of integrity. A loyal and most beloved son, brother, husband, uncle and great-uncle. You demanded excellence from yourself and the accountability that is expected from all police officers. You lovingly and humbly went out on your patrols hoping to shape and reform the landscape of what we call living in liberty, peace and in unity. Together We Shall Be One. I capitalize these four words because I believe they make a profound point. They stood out as the foundation of both your humility in life and proficiency in your police work. We live in a pluralistic society and those trusting men and women as brave and as courageous as they are, do represent what we the citizens come to look forward to in those proudly and sincerely donning a police uniform. a friendly greeting, a hello or good day can go a long way to making people feel at ease. You made people comfortable, Officer Cook, this was your style, your manner, your business. You were motivated to bestow kindness upon people, not embarrassing them, speaking calmly and gently. You honored your department in ways most of us could not. You upheld your legacy by firmly supporting good relations among all mankind. With May 16th coming up this Saturday, we should all pause for five minutes at 2:11 pm, think back and salute your grace and gallantry. Dade County has many heroes and heroines, you are all noticeable in your lives that you led by example. No one is born a leader. No one is born a hero. Everything must be humbly earned over the course of due time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Attach these lessons that you, Officer Cook and so many others in positions of leadership and in authority taught us and I think it will once again serve and protect us quite well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2015

Persons who have a position of authority need to act as humble and as honestly as possible. Something we can all ascribe to. Police officers who carry their badges and wear their uniforms proudly need to understand what got them to that stage. You recognized your potentials, Officer Cook and you reached your goal, your dream job by sweat, toil and hard work, not just physically, but also the mental aspects which you were required to possess in order to maintain dignity and decorum on the streets of Dade County where you were loved and respected. The citizens could look back, those still here and were sure thankful someone of your class, caliber and diligence was around watching over them. Your bravery, valor and commitment will never be forgotten. Your heroic actions that day of May 16, 1979, also won't be forgotten. Your humble life, its genesis, your police career one of distinction, loyalty and resourcefulness will firmly stay planted in the hearts and souls of your loving family, your esteemed comrades who you went to battle with daily in this seemingly unending war against evil won't forget you, nor those friends who have remembered your smiling face and kind and likable sense of humor. All a vivid and cherished part of your legacy as a Dade county police hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You acted responsibly and with proper and due diligence to all calls of professional duty. No one will ever forget you, you meant the world to so many individuals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2015

Perseverance and efficiency would seem to go hand in hand. In any given work or profession, difficulties crop up from time to time. It is up to that particular individual to try and overcome them, based on their character, understanding and vision, something you were born with, Officer Cook. Life is not just about rolling the dice and being lucky. You were a loyal and admired police officer. You were consist in your ethical behavior. Your work patterns were all based on sound reasoning, logic, a calming and most considerate tone of voice. The strongest of your accomplishments were brought humbly and humanely about through good solid integrity, honesty and dignity. These are the ingredients that can carry a person's life and certainly sustain and help surely maintain one's career. Aspirations and dreams are channeled into one central gateway and yours, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero did allow you to keep preserving the dignity, peace and unity of all Dade County residents primed to keep alive their hopes, desires and dreams of a better future, all because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice. Evil has been lessened. Enhancement has been furthered and because of your heroic career and life leading up to your career you have been admired, saluted and forever honored for having the bravery, courage to excel and achieve all that you worked and trained mighty hard to commit yourself to in pride and a renowned sense of diligence. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2015

When trying to influence a person who is sensitive, be cautious not to hurt their feelings. Something you learned well, Officer Cook and its lessons you learned very well. You were able to pass these moments on to other colleagues. They knew you to be caring, conscientious and loyal. They and Dade county residents you served and protected also saw the side of a very humble and decent man, whose honesty, integrity and dignity helped blaze your trails and it was your bravery, valor and courage that helped sustain your character and heroic legacy, a profoundly monumental foundation and cornerstone of both your life and professional career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching over us and instilling the love, admiration and mutual respect you had for all mankind. Your due diligence and perseverance has been felt near and far enhancing the lives and aspirations of all. You dreamed, you fulfilled. We dream, we hope to achieve, an accomplishment unto itself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 12, 2015

Love of others, seeing the good in people and humility are needed for accepting God and His sovereignty. When one views the faults and shortcomings of another person, you become distant from them. When you see the good in them, you become closer to them, thereby, you become closer to Our Creator. You were a humble person by nature, Officer Cook and this allowed you the freedom to get closer to God. After all, you were a very devout gentleman, you attended Mass, said your confessions and were a regular along with your beloved wife, Karen, at the Visitation Catholic Church where you communication skills were a blessing to all you friends and fellow congregants. Integrity, honesty and dignity did indeed grace your home where you grew up in North Miami Beach, Florida and where you resided when you got married. It went wherever you traveled as well as your courageousness, valor and bravery. As your friend, Mr. Michael Dunne reflected you were a good man and a humbly respected servant of God while policing and protecting Dade County and its residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your spirit grows as it soars higher each day and so does your heroic legacy with the stellar character and strength to match. Hard to duplicate your feats, but we strive to emulate your modesty and decency as cherished and as treasured as it was. Humility and humbleness are two of the very many traits difficult to master. God just expects us to try a bit each day that we live and breathe His air. Fences have been mended, Officer Cook, by your blessed presence, one that is missed very much. I'll never forget you or your family, nor the wonderful letter your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook took the time to write me. I will say prayers for you Mrs. Cook and your whole family will forever be a part of my family. God bless you. Your son was a beloved man, his gifts to this world have never been forgotten. His calmness and fairness have kept things together not only your family, but for the welfare of all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2015

A person of truth will see the falseness of honor and so too a person of humility sees the wonderful acts of humanity merging as one. Officer Cook, you were a special man on a special mission and that was to safeguard Dade County and its residents providing them with unity, peace and freedom. Honor is based on illusion and there was nothing but the truth regarding your humble life and your prosperous career that was headed for higher steps up the ladder. Only God has these answers and one day maybe we can find out the reasons as to why He took you home with so much more to fulfill. He takes those decent and honorable men and women of distinction, people with wisdom, keen vision, stellar dignity and integrity to now patrol His golden streets where no harm will ever come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You never ran from anything, evil or whatever. You were humbly rewarded for all of your professional endeavors and now for laying down your life, you deserve any and all salutes of bravery, courage and valor that come your way. From those who knew it was a humble honor knowing and admiring a most respected hero in both their life and in their professional career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 11, 2015

Bill, it has been many years, but i still remember you as a friend when you were guarding the doors of Jackson Memorial hospital, and i would come racing towards the ER with my siren blaring, bringing yet another trauma victim to JMH. We talked many days & shared some good times & 36 years later you remain in my heart a s a good man. May you forever rest in peace.

Michael Dunne

May 10, 2015

Burnout is a large part of police work and obviously must be avoided whenever possible. Officers are given schedules in which they try to adhere to them. You can only do your job as best as you can. You did your job and performed your role exceedingly well, Officer Cook. It takes a lot of effort and perseverance. First, you were honorable. You were well mannered and possessed a calming influence whenever possible. You were blessed with dignity and stellar integrity. Dade County, its residents and streets were well protected and served by your compassion and positive appearance. Officers seem to have to work under duress, stress and all types of conditions. And yet you comported yourself with logic and reason, this was why you were able to lead other colleagues through tough times, stressful moments. A career and life based upon sound thinking, morals that have stood the test of time. Our parents have been and are this very reason why we are who we are. You were humble, yet successful because you were not afraid to take risks. Your legacy and crystal clear character are these very reasons and will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2015

This morning Officer Cook, I visited your grave and placed a few stones by your grave symbolizing I visited. Today being Mother's Day, I wanted to wish your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, a very happy and healthy day and the best in good health. Because of your excellent upbringing, it's plain to see and to remember the compassion you exhibited toward other individuals. One's closeness to God is dependent on one's love for others. You cared. Your commitment is a vivid message on how we should act toward others even as police officers who strive to meet and protect the public needs. You kept the peace, the liberty and unity in the Dade County community where you were revered by your comrades, you came to their aid and that of the civilians as well. Never to be forgotten for your courage, bravery, honor and integrity, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a most beloved and darling son and I know your mother and entire family misses you very much today and every day. You were a Godsend who toiled greatly for the entire nation and citizens of Dade County.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 10, 2015

Using criticism should only be done when its service its proven to be most beneficial. Whenever any officer takes to the streets to begin their shift, caution and care must be applied, callousness and wreck less abandonment must never be shown. Decisions sometimes boil down to what is common sense and logical at that moment. Always, Officer Cook, did you utilize this approach and on May 16, 1979, when faced with a domestic crisis did you have to not only give a command, but you had to use your weapon to protect not only yourself and your partner, you had to protect your colleagues and civilians involved. Toughness and the art of persuasion have to merge at just the right time. Maybe that was a defining moment, you saved at least seven lives while sacrificing your life, though you did not have to answer that call. It spoke volumes of your fine character and of your life lived quite heroically. We are all proud of you, your commitment to excellence through honesty, dignity and integrity. Your valor, courage and bravery to seek out and try to resolve a troubling situation. What more can we think? Whenever a person has the innate ability to notice contradictions and inconsistencies of thought and in action, that in itself is a very powerful tool. You possessed a tool and God given skill garnered through hard work and constant training to assess and to be able to come up with a resolution, a conclusion that would satisfy all residents of Dade County shaping and furthering their freedom and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2015

Now maybe we can understand why police officers not only serve and protect the public interest, but with our youngsters today who need a little something extra in their lives to help them cope with some of the evils which lurk in our society. Police Athletic Leagues are being set up all over this country as officers go out and preach the importance of good morals, quality of character and sportsmanship. Maybe in your day, Officer Cook, they had this and you were involved. The kind of special person and gifted police officer that you became could only have served as a positive reinforcement for all of today's young people. Because you served humbly, with sterling honor, decency, dignity and enhanced integrity, you would have been perfect for this role. Thank God for giving you to us through your loving and devoted parents. For twenty-five years, six of which were done in devotion, desire and esteemed determination how could Dade County and its residents be any more grateful? You put your life and career on the line for our welfare and well-being allowing those of us the chance to continue aspiring to greatness. After all, all of our brave and courageous men and women of the law enforcement profession share a common thread, that is excellence in commitment, pride and honor to be able to wear a police uniform and badge that represents the goals and ideals of each department and community where its officers serve. Now for what you meant as a public servant who gave your life and you are being remembered for helping underscore the meaning of peace, progress and unity you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero among all of God's cherished and treasured angels of hope and optimism. Your legacy will forever remain as a vivid reminder that we shall be one and never forget what you stood for both in life and during your heroic career. All of this is greatly missed and why one should cherish each and every moment of one's life as you did taking nothing for granted. Since you were a man of class and vision, accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative was your motto and why you were driven to succeed, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 9, 2015

As a compassionate person, Officer Cook, it is easy for those who knew you to realize that you were a very special person, humble and lovable, yet when it came to performing your role as a police officer, courage and valor drove your career along with honesty and integrity right where you needed to be. People are suffering and starving, yet we have special people who are not afraid to lend a hand helping comfort those who need it the most. Six years of loyal and dependable service cannot ever be undermined by the heinous violence which took your life and sadly derailed a police career that was headed up the ranks we want to believe. You were a man of vision who focused on what needed to be done.5 Your family and friends knew your mannerisms and knew you were a fierce warrior unafraid to tackle the brutality that threatens our society. Dade County residents can sleep more soundly as your heroic actions were just the genesis of all the enhancements that have taken place in Dade County since your sacrifice. It is truly sad you could not be here today to personally witness these changes. You are not forgotten and very much remembered for standing up to evil, not looking away as some officers do with a "blind eye." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We suffer from the pain of losing you. Tormented and in a daze over the part of why it happened to such a nice person, a treasured public servant and a devoted husband, son, brother, uncle and doting great-uncle, I'm sure you would have loved playing with your two great-nieces and great-nephew. I met them and kicked a soccer ball with Legend in your parents backyard. They are terrific children. Their great-uncle "Bo" was a loyal and humble gentleman. You were a superb individual and a wonderfully gifted police officer. Retirement should have been part of your plans, Officer Cook. You were a respected and admired brother to your colleagues in the police profession. Alexis and Skyler are two great young ladies who along with their brother, Legend, are destined for only greatness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2015

Patience decreases worry. Certainly people do have worries and concerns. Police officers have lots of things to concern themselves with. While on duty all sorts of various situations come their way. I'm sure Officer Cook, for example, you were thinking of your mother's welfare while you were out on patrol of Dade County streets and yet you realized you had a difficult if not tedious job to carry out professionally. Sometimes taking a "wait and see" attitude is the best solution to the problems at hand. Since you were a devout individual, your trust in God assisted you in the ability to master the ability to be patient. Your beloved wife, Karen, practiced this characteristic and it made her sure of her abilities. All the experiences you had in both your life and during your police career enabled you to handle most anything placed your way. First in order to supplement your job, one needs to have honor, dignity and integrity to begin to handle the rigors of the job. Your bravery, courage, valor and commitment are the words attached firmly to your legacy and to your outstanding character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No one ever worried how Officer William C. Cook, would act on or off duty. Your cared. You were there to help preserve the dignity of your comrades and civilians who came to rely on your God given talents and skills.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 8, 2015

Your sweet smile and disposition were the ways you befriended many people, Officer Cook. We know it was truly more than that. It was your astuteness, your assertiveness and your awareness that made you very confident in your abilities to get the job done right. Your studies at the police academy gave you pleasure and yet served as your resource as valuable as it was to go out and serve residents. It was your valor, your courage and bravery that satisfied not only yourself, but it made your supervisors sure they could rely on you to not only patrol, but to be able to lead other officers. You were a reserved, yet happy person, healthy and hearty. Your mother, your sister and your wife were the cornerstones, the centerpieces of both your career and life. You served Dade County diligently and with a sense of dignity and integrity. Smiles and tears will resonate from Tropical Park tonight as your family and comrades will gather to remember you and your pristine character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You raced to scenes only looking to save and preserve the value and dignity of people's lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2015

You gave the word freedom a very real meaning, Officer Cook and it was in your humble and unselfish actions as heroic as they were. God gave you the most cherished intuition and intellect to channel that which you learned and to be available to share it with Dade County and its residents. It was your hope, your honor, your dignity and proficient integrity that allowed you to bravely and courageously patrol the streets where you were admired and respected. Unity and peace were placed back in the palms of the citizens for which you solemnly took an affirmation to serve and to protect. You now occupy an important place in God's Divine Kingdom as one of His heroically treasured angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Personable and unassuming surely assisted you throughout your life and professional police career. Metro-Dade Police Department takes the time tonight to honor and proudly salute your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2015

You were brought up in a fine and upstanding home, Officer Cook, so there were no doubts whatsoever about your character. Stellar and sterling, pristine and personable would be some words to describe your life and the career paths that followed closely behind. No pessimism, no negativity. Only superb and superior service to all Dade County citizens. Since you were humble and yet confident in your talents and God given abilities it is and was plain to see why you were one of the most loyal and dependable police officers of your time. You unwavering commitment to excellence, your boldness to act as bravely and as swiftly as you did will forever be remembered. Pride in how you donned your uniform and displayed your badge with an overwhelming sense of pride only begins to underscore your effort to enhance those who relied upon your grace and gallantry. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, for what you meant to your family, comrades and friends, your reliability, resolve and profound responsibility will always standout as an integral part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace. You provided us with peace and unity, the least we could give back to you is a hearty salute and the honor all heroes and heroines deserve for laying down their lives for unselfish reasons. Your sense of fairness and being without prejudice or bias never led you astray. Sadly, some of today's public servants could learn a lesson or two from you and how you conducted your professional affairs with morals and an abundance of highly ethical behavior. We the citizens will always be indebted and most grateful to you. Meaningful. Devoted. Polite. Determined. They could stand for the first letters of Metro-Dade Police Department. Badge#1664 rests well on the treasured gentleman who wore it. You gave your all in the war against evil. An albatross that can threaten mankind if it is not eliminated. You, Officer Cook, showed great perseverance and diligence never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2015

That is one thing that can blind even the most humblest of public servants. Desires and bad work habits, things a good police officer tries to stay away from. You stayed away from evil and temptation, Officer Cook and it never led you away from your assigned duties. The only way we can truly be free people conceived in liberty and justice for all is not to be blinded with greed and other such improper conduct. It was your courage, your convictions to commit yourself to honesty, dignity and integrity which in turn served you quite well for your entire life and police career of six years. Those years of watching over Dade County were well placed as well as most meaningful. Bravery and valor dictated your life as it was represented as a hero whose legacy remains as stellar today as it was nearly thirty-six years ago. You were a humanely gifted person. A cherished soul whose memories will never fade, they will only blossom and stay everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sanity and sanctity of life was why you sacrificed everything on our entire behalf for the enhancement of those who continue to aspire to even higher heights. Keep observing Officer Cook. We won't ever forget you! You meant the world to so many people.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2015

As much as one can humbly rise through doing good deeds, so too can one fall from the good graces of Our Creator by straying from the proper path. Feeling sorry for one's self, isn't going to change things at the moment. All people good and bad can change and it is up to the ones who can adopt quickly to change that stand a better chance of fairing well. Since you were able to lead other officers, Officer Cook, you recognized the element and climate where changing would bring about a resolution to any problems at hand. You acted with dignity and courage, grace and honor, compassion and fairness, so that no individual would feel as though they were not being treated equitably. You were a non sense police officer, yet you could laugh and make people, your comrades or friends relax at times and feel very much at ease. Your expectations, spiritually and professionally never waned. You were there for anyone any time. You were bold and swift when the moment called for it and May 16, 1979, was just that time. No one knows when God will call His servants home, a lovable and highly respected heroic angel was taken home to serve His Creator in a manner befitting the honor and courage you my neighbor, friend and hero displayed while out patrolling Dade County streets helping shape, reform and keep the peace and unity fairly balanced. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2015

The relationship between the body and the soul are as one. A soul cannot exist alone in this world. The body alone is just dust from the earth. What made you the supremely humble and yet confident police officer, Officer Cook, was the fact that you pursued all things in your life with dignity, honesty and with stellar integrity. You dreamed. You cared and were a most compassionate individual. Dade County and its citizens can really be appreciative for all your efforts, heroic and humane as they were in coming to the rescue of both your colleagues and those civilians caught that day of May 16, 1979, in a rather precarious situation. All because of your valor, instincts, courage and bravery can the people rest a little easier by day and night. Your professional courtesies were always there on the streets for those to admire, applaud and respect. So too is your cherished life and career with your sterling character and legacy which continues to be hailed and saluted this day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul has and always will keep its light and rays of hope and optimism aglow in this community and the world at large. Your physical presence has been missed and the memories of a wonderful life remain with your loved ones to share for all future generations. You were an inspiration and a treasured public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2015

The proper word I wanted to use is ideals of what it takes to be an open minded and truly trustworthy professional law enforcement representative. You create your pathways in life by virtue of how you behave, how you act and how you comport yourself. You only conducted your affairs, Officer Cook, in righteousness, resolve and a sense of integrity, dignity and honesty. Police officers look to improve the morale of others by boosting their own conduct whether it be on or off duty. Elevating one's peers surely helps when it comes to protecting and serving the public's goodwill. Your sense of fairness and calm, Officer Cook, has and always will be remembered for eternity. A humble person learns from others, God forbid a rogue person tries to pass themselves off as something entirely against the boundaries if what we deem as normal acceptable behavior. You were a confident person. You were a fruitful and faithful servant whose courage and valor have been the yardsticks by which all other officers have tried to measure up to such high standards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your life in humility, allowing us to keep nurturing those same aspirations that led you to a successful career, though one life and all the promise that accompanied it cut way too short by this evil element we call violence. One day real soon the world will never again see such heinous and unfathomable behavior manifesting itself within the realms of our modern day society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2015

Awareness in finding favor in the eyes of others is dependent on the will of the Almighty and would permit one to ask for something when it is proper. Since you followed the laws of nature and were a very faithful humble and devout public servant, it's easy to comprehend why you were not only well liked and well respected, but admired for your tireless and unwavering work ethic all accentuated by the virtues of honesty, integrity and dignity. These traits don't just happen overnight. They are not just learned, but must be practiced and preached over and over in a home where the foundations of such morals and values are enhanced and in fact practiced to their fullest extreme daily. We are given certain gifts, but no guarantees how things may turn out. What transpired for your twenty-five years and six years of decent and desirable service, Officer Cook, were the exact manifications of what it takes to be an open minded and truly trustworthy professional law enforcement representative. If there was one thing you may have requested Officer Cook, that might have been for your department to outfit its officers with those side panels. All you did is heroically and bravely go out and patrol the residents of Dade County who were only seeking safe shelter, peace, freedom and unity among all others. Your compassion and passion has continued to be the driving force behind these changes we envision when driving in and around this community of which you were a most focal part and it is your enduring character and legacy which still stand tall as does the light of your soul still shining brightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. People are hopefully aware of our public servants serving the common interest with one uniquely common purpose and that is for the safety of all people.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2015

Leadership does take shape in all people. It is in God's most loving and honorable servants that the baton of being a solid and steady leader starts to sprout its roots. It is nurtured and nourished by plenty of dignity, honor, integrity and hope that those many brave and courageous men and women of the law enforcement profession who risk their lives for our securities must firmly have. Your role as a leader and as a mentor to others, Officer Cook, was firmly planted, and its seeds began their growth when you started out as a Public Safety Officer at Jackson Hospital in Miami, Florida back in the early 1970's. A positive supporter and a role model to the many humble and talented officers during your watch at the Metro-Dade Police Department was substantiated by only the most positive influences you maintained throughout your six years of loyal and faithful service. All citizens deserve the dignity and intelligence of those who have taken an affirmation to carry out their assigned duties with the utmost respect their position demands and with a central core of values and ethics that underline and underscore what is required of its highly trained public servants. Action is much more difficult than words, anyone can converse and chit chat, but when the time comes to produce results of resolve and resolution, then things must be in order for the correct outcomes to be achieved. You were that humble and admired officer, my neighbor, friend and hero. No one knows why you were taken, only the knowledge of a terribly crazed young man bent on violence and hatred towards the establishment of honorable men and women who served for a cause such as yourself, Officer Cook. Twenty-five years of a well lived life, a happy childhood growing up, a multitude of friends, who knew your personality and common sense approaches to life that would serve as a benefit to your career. You were indeed a most humane gentleman and a treasured and cherished soul. You now watch over this community and a society where violence and hatred have no place among good people. You served God's will and protected mankind like no other individual. Rest in peace. God only takes His most heroic angels of positive persuasion up to heaven where He can watch over them for all they meant to their loving families, colleagues and friends from all over this entire nation conceived in liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2015

One's praise can never be redundant. All people shall praise the Lord for all His works. So long as we have a breath and are alive, we should take the time to thank Him for all He does on our behalf. Police officers and all persons regardless of their chosen profession need to be aware of straying from their path of which they travel down to patrol and to serve and protect the peace and liberty of its citizens. Officer Cook, you were always aware of your environment and were careful to utilize the honor, dignity and integrity for a just purpose. You were a most devout and faithful public servant, whose unwavering courage, abounding bravery and resolving valor made people feel more comfortable and at ease. We must guard our evil inclinations and prevent evil from rearing its ugliness. You always did the right thing and were a blessed Godsend to all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For all our police heroes and heroines we shall always sing the praises of these men and women who lay their lives down so that we can live safely and without any doubts whatsoever. Good people keep practicing what they learn and preach what they are taught. Your parents, Officer Cook, taught you and Nancy all the correct lessons and they stayed with you at all times. They could not be prouder of all your achievements and accomplishments. All done through perseverance and positive persistence. A darling man, a devoted police officer, a loving husband, son, brother, uncle and great-uncle. You continue to be missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2015

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