Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Premeditation without rationalization could heaven forbid be the ruination of this great nation. Officers giving their lives bravely and honorably. Just as you did for all Dade County and its fine folks, Officer Cook. Our peace and its bonding effects of unity have been spread out both far and wide. You surely did your noble part, perseverance and persistence all while staying dignified and keeping your morals and integrity in tune to the needs of all mankind. A cherished and treasured soul of a class gentleman who has been fondly saluted for superior character and courage in the pursuance and quest of decency. If we could only bottle your traits and proper habits, people would feel much more at ease. Safety and serenity go hand in hand and only violence is out there out there lurking to ruin and destroy the hopes of the majority. You paid the dearest of prices, Officer Cook, your missions, fruition that formed your heroic legacy and its humble cornerstones for enhancement to seek its safest of shelters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Public servants all react differently, professionalism is a learned skill that does take much practice and effort to absorb. You were a master learner, leader and speaker. Those messages can be heard loud and quite clear from God's eternal pastures where many heroes and heroines rest in peace patrolling those sacred pathways where no harm will come their way ever again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2017

Pathways in life take us on journeys that would surprise most if not all of us. The perception in life is to judge all individuals favorably and fairly. Not easy. But a task well worth exploring. Police officers, men and women of resolve and responsibility have to deal with this issue on a recurring base. It is the theme that sets the tones of their heroic lives and careers in which they blazed the trails of integrity, honesty and dignity. You set the groundwork to be laid as those permanent cornerstones here in Dade County and the entire police nation, Officer Cook. All one has to do is look and see with their own two eyes what a little loyalty to your comrades can do. It has left a man's humble and stellar character, commitment and courage etched in walls of honor here in Miami and in Our Nation's Capitol. Surely, you will always be a hero of the most humane leadership and principles. Desire can only keep a person going for so long. The attitude and the astuteness must stay on course for the duration of their life. It did for you, Officer Cook and it worked to try and keep violence at bay. Outstanding and superb would describe your life, career and the aspirations by which you accomplished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2017

Police officers serve many different functions. There are those who are community service officers. There are those who work as sketch artists. And there are those who work at crime scenes taking pictures for investigations. Being an avid photographer, Officer Cook, I believe you were looking to transfer to the crime scene unit working as a photographer. perhaps less stressful though I know you still and would have remained an excellent officer. A professional of honor, dignity and integrity through and through. Dade County came to admire and respect you, Officer cook, for your courage, convictions and that word, character. Without some semblance of devotion, determination and decency, the class gentleman you were and always will be saluted for would not have been. God produced and directed your pathways of perseverance and proficiency and took them all straight down those trails of tenacity in which peace and unity could be distributed fairly among all Dade County citizens. Today and forevermore will you be fondly remembered for having the humble and humane morals and principles to deal fairly and compassionately with all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Shrewd, yet confident. A born instructor to all comrades who witnessed your sense of logic and the maturity beyond your twenty-five years to adapt and to be able to resolve and tackle all tasks and challenges placed before you. That word destiny really has a calling. Its brave followers are now those righteous heroes and heroines patrolling God's greatest of blue skies. Fruition for them was here. Our futility must not be failure, as we must turn them into opportunities of happiness and joy to make our warriors and saviors proud of us. Your family, Officer Cook, is mighty proud of you, though they miss you very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2017

We must exert the attempt at making our society and the lives we live in it more fruitful. Impressions at times can be misleading. Though it is in the loving and capable hands of Our Creator to see justice properly carried out. The peace and unity of all communities must be met and greeted by only those divinely fair, honest and dignified in character and in commitment. Precisely what you did for all Dade County residents not only on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook and at all other times as well. We must bear this in mind, that it is from the foundations of integrity from our master architect who directs the journeys of all brave and valiant public servants of professionalism. God has grand plans of destinies for each one of us. Fruition today may be the future of tomorrow. Your successes in life and during your career, Officer Cook, meant endless opportunities of achievement for those you loyally served and protected. A humble man of character and vision shall not be forgotten for you led other colleagues through those very same uniquely special missions in life and during your watch over us. Eternity's special gifts are those humane and cherished angelic heroes and heroines who served a purpose in this world. To defend, preserve and eliminate evil and its terrible wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2017

Shiny and polished shoes go humbly well together with a humble badge of honor and integrity. Your upbeat spirit, Officer Cook, when combined with keen vision and the wisdom to deliver peace and prosperity to all Dade County residents surely helped make life a bit more livable. You were well liked and well received by all colleagues who now pay homage to your memory and the wonderful life you led by example in character, direction and noble desire. No more finer a gentleman whose hopes and dreams were sadly taken from your family and those who battled evil with you on a daily basis. Charismatic and charming, you won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, ,friend and hero. The zest and love for life, Officer Cook, can never be brought back, only now in God's home for eternity do you watch over us in honor and humane reverence. Keep looking down and give us that signal that hope, faith and optimism do remain alive and well in our thoughts. A hero through and true.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Details demand attention. Dignity deserves honesty and the humble integrity to carry on wisely and sagely. You made your career and life, Officer cook, the focal point of Dade County and its citizens. Stellar character and conduct highlighted your professional journeys in life so vital to making peace a reality for mankind. Never forgotten you have been revered, respected and saluted for bravery, vision and the skillful knowledge that in part made you an excellent leader of others. It's showing and displaying the demonstration of desire, determination and motivation that drove your aspirations to become the very best all what you aspired to be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and common sense are the tools of tenacity and enhancing when dealing with the forces of evil. Thank God for heroes like yourself, Officer Cook. The Godsends of gallantry. The humble servants of humanity fortifying our communities with ferocity. Fair, firm and fierce to your peers and those whom you served and protected.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

We rest and those who served bravely rest in the palms of Our Lord. You gave your being, Officer cook, in order for Dade County and its folks to live quietly and together as one. when you gave your honesty and integrity we shall never forget you. Character and principles shall defeat evil and the heinous actions that trail from such atrocities. You were your family and comrades friend and hero. Always devoted. Always faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Our day will come and a new awakening will soon be upon us. Our destinies lie in the very missions of our bravest and most esteemed police officers. Your career and integrity, Officer Cook, all stemmed from your visions of honesty and dignity. It was your courtesies and class that made their patrols in and around the Dade County community where those you served and provided peace for now have honored and saluted your heroic efforts. What a man! What a humble visionary, a gentleman so treasured by his family and peers who delved into the danger trying to lessen evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your warm and gentle spirit now flies higher and higher each day watching over us as one of God's many angelic heroes of valor. Tradition is firmly planted in all professional public servants who risk their lives protecting and governing our great lands of freedom and unity. Peace can only result when loyalty, faith and firmness takes hold.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Officers who are our public servants take their onuses seriously at least most do. For those who find it difficult to carry and focus on staying honest, dignified and having integrity on their uniform and badges, you need not apply. One must have a certain thick skin to survive the daily rigors of stress and certain peril that lurks in our society. In Dade County that meant shielding others from harm which you did, Officer Cook. Our communications and concerns were dealt with in a sincerely admirable manner. There were no shortcuts. No letting up or backing away. One must have tenacity and not be timid. You can be reserved so long as you complete those tasks that are placed your way. If it means working longer hours or staying the extra five minutes whatever so long as desire and commitment are accounted for. God truly leads His flock of heroes and heroines to drink from those ponds of perseverance and prosperity. Your wisdom and vision, Officer Cook, led the way down those trails of trial and tenacity through violence and torment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life and death remain in those balances, you gave, Officer Cook and we reaped the opportunities to flourish and to aspire. Your inspirations will not be forgotten. You lead people especially your colleagues through the danger of these important missions in life. Destiny has its calling and so does fruition when properly dispensed. Humanity appreciated your sincerest efforts, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Pause and cause can have their greatest effect when one gives that honorable and sincere endeavor. Putting forth dignity and integrity, you gave Dade County and its citizens their lives back to them fruitfully and most ably. Turmoil and evil has got to be taken out of the equation and engagement and conversation must take their roles as a team. All public servants have big shoes to fill, yours, Officer Cook, were and are that size. A little boldness and proficiency can go a long way in making those strides. Nothing is given. Nothing should be taken for granted. Commitment and consideration do require the very same gentle spirits of congeniality from the same honest and respected officers who have to deal with whatever comes their way. You handled everything, Officer cook ,with class, nobility and sincere gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

The wise and righteous are not afraid of the challenges ahead of them. peace and serenity can only exist when our most devoted and resourcefully brave men and women give that extra special effort. Dade County and its people were afforded kind and excellent care under your watch, Officer Cook. Violence and wickedness having been replaced with good old fashioned honesty, integrity and the goodwill of those who fight these battles over terror. You were the right man for the job, Officer Cook and the true professional hero that we all will never forget. You take a person's character and combine it with a little ingenuity and vision and you have the makings of accomplishment. You saw it and witnessed it, Officer Cook. Now up in heaven do you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with other humble and humane angelic heroes and heroines of honor and knowledge.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Envy, lust and greed can easily destroy anyone. Honesty, humility and dignity can humbly lead to all the successes in life for anyone willing to put forth the effort. You brought your entire arsenal with you each day, Officer Cook and Dade County and its residents were never ever let down. When a man of character, desire, courage and conviction leads other women and men through thick and thin we remember them. You have been saluted, admired and surely lovingly remembered for your unwavering resolve and loyalty to all the right causes. You see peace and quiet where it rightfully belongs. It was a part of your life and career. You made your family very happy and proud, though they all still miss you very much. Torment brings pain to those already suffering from your loss and hopefully time can slowly heal those deep wounds caused by your death. You sacrificed your life, Officer Cook, so we could live and breathe more freely, enhancements that have and will last forever. Your humility and morals won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

It's amazing what you can learn from the many police heroes and heroines of honor and valor. From all families closure is difficult in that some have gotten off and others are still being hunted down. It is tragic and breaks my heart. You were a loyal and faithful gentleman and a police officer, Officer Cook, who cared greatly for all Dade County residents. Your dignity, integrity and desire when coupled with your consummate character, conviction and courage made all the difference. Now unity, liberty and peace can take their humble places in our society, that was enriched and made more profound by your unselfish and unwavering professionalism. Cherished and respected, loyal and resourceful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If there is any officer wearing your badge and number may they do so with goodwill, honor and the abilities to uphold life and its value. Versatility and vigilance are always called upon to act heroically with each other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

Destiny is Our Creator's way of ruling this world. I t's not a time clock nor a race, it is rather God's way of reminding us that we have obligations to try and meet each day. Everyday is a new day a rebirth of life and your career and life, Officer Cook, stood on the foundations of honor, integrity and the dignity to act humanely kind, compassionate and help keep law and order bonded together as one. Dade County certainly tries not to overlook nor forget its heroes and heroines of character, courage and the desire to maintain proper boundaries for all. Comrades have and always will salute your bravery and valor, the fight you fought to contain violence and its evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Only class, faith and devotion as they partner with one another in this extreme challenge for people to live more safely and secure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2017

The escapades of some are just that in that they lack meaning. The effort, efficiency and honesty must be present in order to be restored. You gave a supreme endeavor, Officer Cook, on behalf of all Dade County and its citizens. Your resolve has resonated throughout a community where you have been richly honored and solemnly saluted for having that character, concern and decency. All from the proper conduct, principles and morals to see peace and freedom through. Those missions you fought so hard for, Officer Cook, will not be forgotten and neither will your integrity and commitment. The class and desire were there and so was the determination and motivation which in turn spurred other comrades to do what was deemed fitting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Performance and the pride one take sin their job is the living clarity of how a hero humbly lives and achieves.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2017

Parades are for happy times. Bagpipes wailing, helicopters copters hovering above and solemn salutes of bravery, humility and honor are afforded for those dignified officers who lay down their lives for the continuation of mankind. Dade County pays its heroes and heroines the highest class and esteem they can give homage to. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was magnificent and meaningful. The direct correspondence to what we mean by having integrity and the leadership abilities to tackle and handle any and all missions placed before you. When danger and peril interfere with peace and unity, then is when action is called for. It speaks volumes over just pondering. After all your pursuits in life, Officer Cook, were not just about thinking. certain logic and methods of planning and preparation must be implemented if success is to at our very doorsteps. You were remembered and have been so fondly honored for your character, courage and intuition which in turn helped bring a measure of sanctity to all people. The cornerstones and foundations of enhancement and fruition were realized during your life and watch over us. Now as God watches over your soul as it burns and shines more brightly, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cream of the crop of fine public servants rose to the top. The heights of heroism are humanity's humane and humbly loving way of touching our hearts, minds and souls.. Your smile, Officer Cook engaged all who ever knew you. Wisdom, vision and knowledge set you and your navigation of Dade County always in the proper direction. God directs us and instills that certain innate characteristic within us all. The National Anthem tells us what our great land is all about. And you served, protected and preserved with all your power, strength and inner might all from your giving heart,. You are missed very much Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2017

All public servants, police officers and firefighters must have the guts, proper courage and proper morals of honesty to fight the forces of evil. And here in Dade County you were part of that humble and yet unique fraternity of the bravest men and women, Officer Cook, who displayed integrity, dignity and heroism at its finest. Revered and respected, cherished and greatly admired for maintaining composure and a calming influence over the citizens in order for peace and unity to righteously persevere with one another. Now you'll be saluted for the stellar character, the boldness to commit to pride and excellence while pursuing your life's dream and aspirations to become the warrior that those who knew you realized you were. it is a certain trait some of us are born with, surely valor and class followed you throughout your missions and fulfillment in life Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God does determine our destinies, yours, Officer Cook, was richly full of decency, devotion and the faith, hope and optimism to steer us clear of danger. Forever a blessed gentleman and our truly humane hero. This is humanity's finest appreciation of what you meant to us, your family, colleagues and friends close and personal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2017

Police officers are our saviors of serenity and safety. It is in their dignity, honesty and integrity where peace and confusion is dealt with. Dade County had you among its men and women of character, conviction and courage. We can be certain you were humble and caring, always compassionate and faithfully devoted to the battles of evil. A loyal and truly wonderful reflection of what professionalism is all about. Cherished and respected, motivated and meticulous in your services and protections of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career, Officer Cook, meant the world to your family, friends and brave comrades. Sense of pride and reason behind all your undertakings was most important. All the i's in ingenuity, integrity and intelligence were dotted as were the t's crossed in the wisdom of the words, honesty and dignity. They form the greatest bonds of solidarity. You were our friend and humble hero to all humanity which was very blessed by your humility. One dose is all it takes to make one accomplished though hard work still and forever lies ahead of any public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2017

A good night's sleep helps to sharpen the mind. Your were the consummate thinker, Officer Cook, a gentleman of integrity, ingenuity and dignity, all the honesty to assist in making safety and peace a priority for all Dade County residents. Saluted and commended for valor and bravery, you were way ahead of others in maturity and morals, the fabrics of fine character and the conviction to see your missions of destiny and fruition through. Your heroic legacy of humbleness and humility to all mankind won't ever be overlooked nor forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines plan, prepare and live out humanely humble lives that are the embodiment of their everlasting foundations of faith and hope. We pray for the safety of all who serve, protect and persevere in this fight, a battle to defeat violence and its associated evil. You were the best Officer Cook, our Godsend and very blessed hero and savior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2017

We like things as simple as possible. Not always can life be so easy. At times life does not seem fair. You made peace and security your task, Officer Cook, as yourself and many other Dade County police officers did as much for change and prosperity than anyone could ever ask for. An honorable man of dignity and integrity charged with keeping sanctity and fairness close to the vest, you will be remembered for compassion, character and commitment. Your professional peers have saluted and so honored your valor and courage for placing yourself in harm's way on our behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's your drive and determination that has led tor quality for every citizen. An enhancement that will stay within the cornerstones of your ferocity and unwavering tenacity.Never give up. Those who have taken your watch try and eradicate violence. No easy chore. One monumental assignment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2017

By the virtues of justice and equality do we pay homage to our brave and honorable men and women who toil and patrol on the trails of tenacity. Your resolve and loyalty, Officer Cook, saved lives while at the same time making them more unified and peaceful. Dade County shares in their esteem and admiration for your integrity and dignity coming through when it mattered the most. You were a man of principle and passion and yet when compassion and calm were needed there you were accountable and most reliable. Public servants of humbleness and character shine when the going gets a bit rocky. Now almost thirty-eight years later you are and have been saluted for courtesy, morals and the ideals by which mankind lives by. Always cherished and revered, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Days and nights pass, you'll always be on our minds and hearts as you beautiful soul hovers above in God's celestial heavens. Immortality and heroism seem to run with one another. As you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, for goodwill and grace to meet at center stage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2017

What some deem proper and fitting, others might not see it that way. Good conduct and integrity all stem from a proper upbringing. No one could question this. No one can ever doubt your thoughtfulness or fairness, the dignity to carry out justice in an unbiased manner, Officer Cook. Police cannot be clueless,hapless or helpless, for they carry a person's life in their hands of resolve and valor. Dade County carried the hopes and dreams that peace and unity would forever replace violence and terror. Domestic or whatever you had to tackle, Officer Cook, it was handled proficiently and very professionally. Today, as we look back on a gentleman of humanity whose humility was bold and swift, whose passions helped you to lead other men and women of honesty and virtue through the trials and realizations of what can occur in this society, your character and decency helped to maintain the lives we can lead and continue to lead all by your unselfish and unwavering sacrifice. Your legacy of heroic actions has been and continues its cornerstones of ingenuity and intuition all driven by your convictions to further fruition of our goals and aspirations. You will be saluted and honored humbly, Officer Cook, for your caring spirit, mankind's cure for a more prosperous and peaceful reunion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You took care of your family, you visited and helped your mother after your dad, Charles passed, may he too rest in peace. You were the exemplary example of what devotion and faith are all about. Your beloved family keeps your soul aflame with their pursuits in life because of who you were and the good you represented. A debt had to repay. A little prayer and some healthy optimism will surely travel a long way down the paths of righteousness. Those trails of tenacity and loyalty are awaiting your successors who bravely go out and patrol our basic freedoms. Violence and evil must not be permitted to go further causing more sorrow and gaping holes within our nation and its locales. you saw something and acted upon it at once. No delays. No backpedaling. Straight from your heart and lips of truth and reason.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2017

Last week and yesterday, Officer Cook, our country has experienced antisemitism. baseless hatred for Jewish people. Something I'm sure as a humble and humane police officer you had to deal with. The courage and humility must be the focal point of one's service and protection. You gave Dade County excellent service maximum devotion and superior character, faithfulness and wonderful resolve. Why all this violence and vandalism? The desecration of cemeteries of Jews who have been laid to rest by their loved ones. I do know, Officer Cook that you and your loving family had Jewish friends and were among the nicest of families where you grew up in North Miami Beach, Florida. Your dignity and integrity helped take crime and its evil off the streets and you won't be forgotten for performing and participating in this humble endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment, courtesy and class through excellent morals only helped excel your career with more left to fulfill. Everyone no matter their background, race or creed befriended you that's how wonderful a gentleman you were. Determined and motivated to do God's will.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2017

In our society we have a value system in place. And it is set in stone that all people must act and treat others accordingly. Police officers as duly affirmed public servants must also act in a dignified and professional manner. Calming, caring and concerned with Dade County, you served as our humble hero, Officer Cook, a man of humane speech, who let his heroic actions of valor and vigilance speak loudly, proudly and crystal clear. Those who uphold the law and bring us the necessary peace and liberty must be so honored and saluted when laying down their lives and character for our own enhancements to continue travelling down that road. Your unwavering tenacity, Officer Cook and the commitment to see violence wiped out shall be the very fruition of fulfillment by which you will be fondly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pride and joy were a true staple of the Cook Family and never was it more visible then when you set out to become our warrior and Godsend. Dade County and this nation were indeed truly blessed by your nobility and gallantry. The power of evil will one day be taken down and destroyed for far too many lives hang in the balance. Life is just too short to fritter away the moments, yours, Officer Cook, just as any other officer meant the world to us and that is why we should be thankful for your treasured soul. One that stays overhead and watches and glows at light keeping us thinking and producing wonderful achievements. Yours were marvelous and always for the sake of Our Creator. All heroes and heroines live and function this way. A uniform and badge well donned with the conviction to carry out whatever was assigned to you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2017

We cannot allow the effort or efficiency of our most humble and bravest of men and women to be eroded by a down turn in evil. It must be stopped before its advance continues to undermine the integrity of our society. Dade County had your supreme trust and confidence, Officer Cook, along with your dignity and honor to make certain the tasks at hand would be accomplished. Your life and career were of humane heroic actions on humanity's behalf and for this we are grateful. A cherished and most loyal gentleman who was respected by his peers for your wisdom, sage advice and leadership capabilities, no matter what time you were present to commit yourself to fighting off this force of violence. Your legacy won't be forgotten, only saluted for character and courage straight from your heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.m The tides of tenacity must always swing with our public servants of hope and faith combined. It's amazing what ingenuity will do for a person. It steered your life, Officer Cook, a legend and a true hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2017

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