Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
I don't know if any other officers from the Central Division were killed in the line of duty as you were sadly, Officer Cook. This much is crystal clear, your clarity and swiftness by which you responded to that scene as you did with all others was proper and firm. That's why Dade County and its folks have remembered your humane humbleness, honesty, dignity and integrity you had for your official position. Peace and civility were clearly restored when you patrolled your community where your reverence and resolve has been duly saluted. Bravery, courage and conviction have been delegated to those who humbly take your battles over violence, Officer Cook. Their dreams and hopes have been placed in the line of sight for those to take as close look and to pay careful attention. Cornerstones and foundations of fruition and concern have been erected to further enhance a place you were a heroic legend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hopefully your comrades, Officer Cook have made their retirements. Your life was most meaningful and the memories will always be there as your family carries on your treasured tenacity in all that they face. You faced danger and peril professionally and most efficiently. Outstanding character can only lead to confident outcomes. It is still the eyes and ears of the general public that greatly assists in the promotion of real truth and justice.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2017
Rhetoric is just that, talk and idle chatter. You must first walk the walk before you talk the talk. Place action into the embodiment of your faithful ambitions. You always put Dade County and its residents first and foremost, Officer Cook. decency and class, honor and courage converged on your patrols of peace and prosperity for all mankind. Your character and charisma when coupled with devotion and hope spelled out better times ahead for all. Trust and commitment were your choices as they are for those who bravely and humbly pursue evil. You wore your badge and uniform smartly and very professionally, it was the nobility and humility that delivered the powder punch. You will be saluted and remembered for your vision, wisdom and sage intuition. Intelligence and diligence meet and greet all men and women at all venues where they assume responsibility. You were a class gentleman and the hope of a better and brighter tomorrow. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's heavenly nest of integrity is where all humane heroes and heroines rest with one another. For their feats of fierceness remain everlasting.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2017
If only we could touch God's wings in His wonderful shelter. The spirits of our heroes of bravery and honesty rest in peace gently tucked away for eternal safekeeping. You are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. The pride and excellence by which you devoted yourself to the everyday rigors of serving and protecting Dade County and its citizens. Where character, conviction and the sacrifice you made on our behalf stands as your legacy, its foundations cornered by courage and class, commitment and professionalism, your fruition in life and during your career was deemed complete, Officer Cook and now those destinies for which you worked hard and aspired to become have taken on a much more humble meaning. As they are now our faithful devotions and inspirations in our happy and healthy pursuits in life. Choose wisely. Listen to your heart. Keep opportunity and optimism at a high level and sooner or later you'll accomplish those goals and dreams you set out to achieve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2017
At this time of the year, we get ready to move clocks forward one hour. Change is in the air. A message is clear and that is to steer clear from evil. Police officers are our greatest warriors who work daily to combat this problem. A foe like no other. You did your part here in Dade County where it mattered the most, Officer Cook. Its peace and liberty, freedom and unity all came about through your very relevant resolve and resources. The integrity, honesty and character are all a part of your heroic life and a career you carved out by being passionate. You were a caring and calming gentleman whose spirit now soars higher each day in God's finest of blue skies. Those humane and humble morals instilled in you as a young man followed you down the roads of responsibility and sage advice. Now, I can understand why you were such a good leader who sized up a situation and took proper charge to ensure a firm and fair outcome. Never forgotten. Always revered and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy will always be a special part of Dade County and its heroes and heroines of humility and pride. You took heed to the calling to protect and persevere, serve and preserve as all public servants shall. Accountability and reliability were met by you, Officer Cook, faithfully and with devotion to maintain the trails of bravery and courage.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2017
If triumph over evil is to arrive, then those who depart their homes everyday to serve and protect must be met be the forces of tenacity, bravery and courage from within. Everyday you left to go to work Officer Cook, you took your resolve, honesty, integrity and dignity out your front door after Karen gave you a very loving embrace. As I said, two weeks ago, I called her on a Friday afternoon where she works in Minnesota and lives there with her husband. She remarried and we just spoke briefly. All these years I just felt compelled to call her and relate my sympathies, my feelings regarding her most courageous and heroic husband. You see, Officer Cook, character, morals and the pride to humbly excel have brought many things to Dade County and its residents, among them peace and unity. This lives on as does enhancement because of your special bond with your colleagues. This fight, this war on terror must end one day. There can be no giving in or surrendering to violence, domestic or anything else. Cherished and fondly saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom, knowledge and vision take something unique to make things happen, you had those qualities, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 10, 2017
The wind that blows our sails is the same gentle breeze that moves the trees and waves of the ocean. What moved your patrol car besides fuel, Officer Cook, was the energy that you instilled in others and devoted your labors to performing at a peak level. We all have our days and their moments, the men and women who can control their temptations will ultimately accomplish those missions they set out to complete. Peace and prosperity in Dade County came at a price that some brave and humble public servants might have to pay. You gave your life and career for us, Officer Cook, principles and morals should always be the order of the day and when violence threatens this very intricate dynamic, something must be done and done with fierceness and uncanny tenacity.Nothing lacking and no doubts or reservations about it, your resolve and optimism, Officer Cook, steered relief and motivation back where it belonged, with the people you protected and served quite loyally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2017
Police work can be tense, tedious and treacherous. No matter how you slice it the rewards can be mighty humbling. A labor of love, the passions we pursue in life are what really matters. What mattered the most is that you were honest, personable and very professional, Officer Cook. Dignity came through those doors in Dade County with unity and peace tied together. You were a calming influence and a gentleman of character whose heroic actions everyday, those destinies of faith devotion and a purely driven desire hastened enhancement never to be forgotten and neither will your humility and valiant efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We share together each one celebrating your life, career and those emotionally charged memories. You gathered your gallantry and took leadership, wisdom and vision to a higher level. God has seen all His angels of commitment and shines down on each of their very special souls of sacrifice. Lives matter and so does fighting terror and wickedness with every last ounce of inner strength from the heart.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2017
The light of hope and of faith rests everyday in the hearts and souls of our most esteemed officers including yourself, Officer Cook, a man of outstanding character, courage, commitment and the excellence in honesty, in integrity and in dignity. It was and continues to be in Dade County that our peace and progressive unity can be felt by your loving esteem. Suffice it to say, you were a hero and a warrior of the highest regard. Enhancement and pursuing happiness has been made possible by your unwavering desire and devotion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you will forever be cherished, treasured and respected for resolve in the very face of adversity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2017
A mother nurtures her child with love and affection. a police officer steers themselves through peril with proficient perseverance and the humble honor of serving those citizens who trust in their brave heroes. And you were one of the many here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Your charm, character and calmness allowed you to seek peace and follow its paths of resolve. Now and forever will you be saluted for your humane and unselfish sacrifice on behalf of all mankind. Tradition lives on in your family as you were a most tenacious warrior and blessed Godsend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your mother and father were so devoted to you and Nancy. Success in your family is easy to comprehend.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2017
Evil shall be destroyed. Peace and freedom forevermore. Relief comes with humane and humble resolve the kind you delivered throughout your life and professional career, Officer Cook. Humility humbles the most hearts as it protects and serves the public at large. Dade County never forgets its finest men and women of character, devotion and faith. It's their loyalty for other colleagues that enables them to fight on. Violence must be doggedly pursued as you, Officer Cook, pursued your passion to be the best officer, the tenacious warrior and the arm by which we reached out for assistance. Class and reverence are sheltered together forever with all those men and women of courage and conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 9, 2017
Police must sink their entire being into their chosen line of work. You thought and performed mightily, Officer Cook, under duress, stress and adversity while addressing the needs of all Dade County citizens. You maintained your honor, dignity and integrity which in turn helps every public servant resolve the toughest of issues. Faithfulness and loyalty to all your peers who served and protected mankind with the very same and fair virtues of character, commitment and pride in excellence. A hero through and through. A gentleman whose gallantry and valor shall always be warmly remembered. Enhancements can and forever stay within the boundaries of desire and determination because of what you meant to our society, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As times continue sits treks, let violence and evil be swatted away from those who humbly and give the efforts needed to perform Your will. Officer Cook, you did that better than anyone and exemplified what is meant by one's spirit taking charge of a situation and solving it so peace and unity could prevail.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2017
Bravery and courage at times come with a cherished sacrifice. But, honor and loyalty too are to be revered for our heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community strive to preserve and protect our peace of mind as we stay unified. You were our savior, Officer Cook and Dade County's wonderful warrior. A man filled with character, dignity and integrity, you helped lead other men and women through it all. You won't be forgotten for your achievements in humility for all of humanity's sake. We live and learn because of you. We breathe because of you. We pursue our adventures because of your own aspirations which are now our motivations to stay the courses of tenacity when dealing with evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 8, 2017
One who dares and humbly accomplishes to them we say go get them. It's tough at times to brave where honesty is called for. Dignified where integrity shall stand and yet during your life and career, Officer Cook, as you served and patrolled in and around Dade County, it was faith, hope and devotion that sustained your professional demeanor., We can only ponder what if you were with us today, how happy your family members would be. In life, there are challenges and difficult assignments that lie ahead, you were not fazed nor afraid to tackle them. i twas your stellar character, determination and dedication that steered you and by this very virtue has peace and serenity been the focal point of all residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police cannot be content, their resolve must be well grounded and founded in the principles of perseverance.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2017
We strive to do what is right and at times terrible things occur. We don't know why. Police officers try and are mostly honest and dignified. You were, Officer Cook and for this Dade County and its residents are grateful. Your character, valor and humility have all been saluted and duly honored. You were a hero and nothing can take away what you did on that day of May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While at the dentist yesterday i thought about you. You had a bright smile and perfect teeth. Perfection rests with Our Creator where you and many other angels of hope and faith now rest under His wings of wonder.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2017
Officer Cook, you were a determined and dedicated law enforcement professional of honor, humility and thorough heroism. Your shiny shoes, polished like your badge and the neatly crisp uniform you wore stood for courage, sage wisdom and the sound power of reasoning and thought. Dade County and its citizens could stand safely by their doors as you served and patrolled their areas assuring us of total effort and cherished loyalty among your peers. Decades after your unselfish and unwavering commitment and the humane sacrifice on behalf of all mankind you will be so fondly remembered. Resolve and resourcefulness are now and forever in God's golden books of righteousness and its rewards. Your candor, care and character have allowed us to continue living our lives as you did, Officer Cook. Courtesy and humility all walking side by side down those pathways of tenacity. Your fierce diligence, its vigilance helped in large part to remove the bad vibes of violence from among us. God's angelic heroes suffer no more pain nor harm as they rest soundly in His shelter of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Perfect smile. Professional conduct at all times. Proficiency by the book. Your family is and will forever be blessed as you watch over them along with your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Wisdom, leadership and knowledge to benefit those who succeeded you. Hopefully those brave enough will be honest in their daily duties where dignity and integrity can either make or break one's career filled with desire and tasks so perilous, let us hope and wish them all well.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 7, 2017
Officer Cook, you were a determined and dedicated law enforcement professional of honor, humility and thorough heroism. Your shiny shoes, polished like your badge and the neatly crisp uniform you wore stood for courage, sage wisdom and the sound power of reasoning and thought. Dade County and its citizens could stand safely by their doors as you served and patrolled their areas assuring us of total effort and cherished loyalty among your peers. Decades after your unselfish and unwavering commitment and the humane sacrifice on behalf of all mankind you will be so fondly remembered. Resolve and resourcefulness are now and forever in God's golden books of righteousness and its rewards. Your candor, care and character have allowed us to continue living our lives as you did, Officer Cook. Courtesy and humility all walking side by side down those pathways of tenacity. Your fierce diligence, its vigilance helped in large part to remove the bad vibes of violence from among us. God's angelic heroes suffer no more pain nor harm as they rest soundly in His shelter of serenity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Perfect smile. Professional conduct at all times. Proficiency by the book. Your family is and will forever be blessed as you watch over them along with your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Wisdom, leadership and knowledge to benefit those who succeeded you. Hopefully those brave enough will be honest in their daily duties where dignity and integrity can either make or break one's career filled with desire and tasks so perilous, let us hope and wish them all well.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2017
To observe and remember, those who serve we owe them the greatest debt of thanks for their heroism. A public servant lays his humility, esteem and courage on the battlefields where dignity and integrity are called for what more could we ask for? Dade County was brought change and peace through your endeavors, Officer Cook, A gentleman with a spirit of giving and respect for all mankind. Character and motivation come together and from that resolve resonates loudly and clearly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2017
Police are often seen, when they humbly and humanely perform their tasks, then sometimes better to let things fly under the radar. In terms of honor and competence, you were A number one, Officer Cook. Your dignity and integrity made your missions of fruition more meaningful. It is why the people of Dade County can live lives of comfort in a more peaceful atmosphere. We just look for stability and accountability from our bravest and most loyal and dedicated professionals. Always will you be admired and respected, Officer Cook, for placing the people first. You were our hero and truest of warriors. Humanity rested its humility upon your shoulders. You did your job with courtesy, cooperation and thoughtful consideration. The caring and conscientious side always took care of us. You were there for us Officer Cook, a man of decency and desire, what all officers always need to fight off evil.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2017
Life and the love of life, some take this beauty for granted, others embrace its charm and wonder. You loved your career, Officer Cook and the life you led exemplified a true hero of the most blessed and humblest of public servants. Honesty, integrity and dignity all integrated as one to bring the peace and security to all Dade County residents. Challenges require humane and faithful effort, now colleagues salute your grit, gusto and valor while life marches on. Enhancement continue sits journeys through life as did your accomplishments and their destinies of hope and reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. A class gentleman of character and ingenuity never to be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2017
Restoration of our society must take place as violence should never be permitted to wave its ugly head. Only the exceptional honesty, integrity and dignity as displayed by you, Officer Cook, kept peace and unity a focal realization for all Dade County residents. You were our loyal and fiercest of heroes my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. The completion of a courageous mission filled heroic acts of love and kindness that have enhanced our freedoms and serenity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 6, 2017
Restoration of our society must take place as violence should never be permitted to wave its ugly head. Only the exceptional honesty, integrity and dignity as displayed by you, Officer Cook, kept peace and unity a focal realization for all Dade County residents. You were our loyal and fiercest of heroes my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. The completion of a courageous mission filled heroic acts of love and kindness that have enhanced our freedoms and serenity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2017
Peace and relaxation are never done deals. For as we all recognize police officers must stay attuned to the dangers that violence presents them with. Always sharp and always prepared. You laid down your plans of strategy, Officer Cook, on how best to deal with adversity and its associated calamity. Integrity. Dignity. Honesty. All of these and proper professional conduct must be implemented by any hard working public servant. Dade County and its citizens have felt the affects of your unwavering commitment and that word forevermore, character. It comes and goes for some. For most honest working people it becomes habit forming. So colleagues take umbrage and salute your nobility and humility that was squarely on your chest and broad shoulders of responsibility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2017
Meticulous and meaningful. You cannot achieve a peaceful resolution unless you add honesty, dignity and integrity to this scenario. Dade County as do all venues rely upon the virtuous actions of bravery from its public servants. No matter the problem, men and women must stay the courses of character, conviction and keep commitment as their constant reminder that danger and terror are waiting to seize the moment. Officer Cook, for your life of twenty-five years and a very special career that was honed with humility you turned out better than all right. You delivered the real hard fought for peace and prosperity that was necessary for residents to not only survive but to thrive. The eyes to watch, the ears to listen and the gentle lips that spoke the message of truth , faith and hope. Tenacity and ferocity all have a plan, well executed one. You gave remarkable endeavor, now other comrades who have taken over your watch, let us pray the end result is as meaningful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2017
A full head of hair and a humble maturity beyond your years, Officer Cook, that was your integrity. This was your honesty and dignity. Violence was tackled fairly, quickly and firmly when you patrolled and served all residents of Dade County. Police departments work hard to train and teach its recruits the ropes of what being a professional public servant is all about. Time tells us your story, Officer Cook, the humane and great upbringing you had from your two loving and devoted parents.Nothing could ever sully nor tarnish your reputation, your resolve and resourcefulness. It is the kind of bravery and loyalty that resonates forevermore. Determination and ingenuity forged the bonds of unwavering and unshakable peace and calmness in a community where you have be so honored and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always that brilliant smile and certain swagger about yourself, Officer Cook, not meant as bragging. As you were full of sense, reverence and morals that all men and women must occupy themselves with in order to succeed and rid our world of a most troubling foe, wickedness and torment. God has your humility and soul cherished as it was and now it illuminates our entire universe. You were a gallant Godsend and a most blessed savior. Your uniform was donned crisply and efficiently.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2017
Savvy and yet superior, you were the officer that was heroic in all your efforts, Officer Cook. You were a man of high class and concern who gave your honorable life for Dade County and its people. No one worked harder and had more dignity and integrity than you my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the conductor and those whom you led followed your lead precisely and with a pronounced precision. Character, courage and commitment all are a part of any humble hero's legacy. You made the peace and unity flow in motion, Officer Cook. Rest in peace.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
March 5, 2017