Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Thirty-eight years later we still wept with sorrow over your loss, Officer Cook, though a smile once in a while will do wonders for us. Your family pursues their passions with your humble and dignified blessings of encouragement. It's Dade County and its citizens who spoke and hopefully peace and unity can be theirs to keep living by. You were a man of decency and driven motivation, no doubts about it. Savvy and civil, respectful and resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wisdom and vision that keeps looking down upon us. You were the consummate officer and dependable public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2017

Another one of your colleagues passed away yesterday, Officer Cook and I'm sure you will welcome him with loving arms. Dade County is a little less safe now, though your honesty, dignity and integrity is very much ,missed. You remain treasured, revered and respected for the humble and humane unwavering sacrifice that has continued the journeys and their destinations of peace and unity, devotion and desire. God's fortress of angelic heroes sadly has grown. When will this violence end? Keep shining down your hopes, faith and optimism upon all who serve and protect us as you did in an outstanding and professional manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2017

Police officers determine and then try to resolve dilemmas of diabolical proportions. The structure of our society demands all brave and dignified men and women of courage and loyally try their utmost to seize upon the opportunities whereby enhancement may be found and seek plausible ways to pursue it. Peace and unity shall replace the singes of violence. And for all Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, you represented yourself with integrity and class, the character and conviction to fight through this mayhem and kayos. No better a man, a better gentleman with a spirit that continues flying higher each day in God's holy kingdom. Comrades and your beloved family members salute and duly honor your memory, Officer Cook, a wonderful life and a police career destined for more fulfillment. We will humbly let your destinies of fruition receive their proper accolades where they are now patrolling those sacred streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intellect, intelligence and a grasp of how to lead other officers made your intuition and ingenuity, Officer Cook, a marvelous insight on how to deal with humanity and the humility all public servants serving and protecting us must maintain for success to be achieved.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2017

Diamonds in the rough are hard to find. You were that shining example of a classy public servant, Officer Cook. All your being and integrity made that very unique difference. The peace and unity was born from your commitment to pride and excellence, the character to fight feverishly on our behalf. Never forgotten. Astuteness graced with energy and the special passion to be the best . Cornerstones are the very foundations laid out by our heroes. You were an outstanding officer and a friend and colleague to all. If only every officer could maintain their composure and dignity. What a more peaceful place to live and to prosper.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2017

Diffuse and amaze. Police deal with dire issues and problem solve to resolve and restore peace and calmness. You did this with honor, humility and the courage from your heart, Officer Cook. Dade County and its folks had that humble gentleman of endearment and character, the desire and rive to succeed. You won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You engaged and in an unwavering valor protected and served us very faithfully. All resourcefulness. Always cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2017

Rectifying ruination takes great responsibility and bears grand humility. Dade County's and its heroes and heroines of humanity all understood their roles of resolve and resourcefulness. You knew what was expected and performed valiantly and honorably. A man of dignity and integrity stroking the fans of unity and peace among those whom you served and loyally protected. Cleaning up the streets where violence and evil await to wreak havoc demand decency and a gentle and caring hands on approach from men and women of commitment and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Endearment and enhancement require that special passion and a compassion. You had that, Officer Cook and went by the book to secure firmness and fairness in justice being meted put.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2017

Vim, vigor and vitality are the components of honor, decency and integrity as they must all be carried out by all officers. Officer Cook, you carried out your life and career ensuring Dade County and its people of two things, peace and unity. You gave humanity and humility that very special presence of charm and character, commitment and courage not to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Al;ways dignified and always cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2017

In one way or another we all have our sentiments. Sorrow and grief carry the largest of burdens. We hold you and your spirit close to our hearts forever, Officer Cook. Dade County owes public servants of honor, decorum and integrity a great deal of salutes. For a job well done and the type of just character that all police work demands a hearty thank you. Your humility and its nobility was mankind's best friends The courage and bravery to steer evil clear of all residents while reinforcing peace and unity can never be overstated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 15, 2017

We live in a world where our very actions can incriminate us. The only way out of this hole is to tough it out and to act properly and morally. Integrity and honesty replace dishonesty and the total lack of principles. Character and class that you possessed, Officer Cook, helped to shape you into the hero and loving person you were. All these many years later, your pride and devotion are still fondly saluted. Dade County and its residents can live among each other in peace and quiet, the unity that you help to consummate, Officer Cook. A burden squarely on your humane and gentle shoulders. The foundation of fairness and justice properly set as an everlasting cornerstone for all to partake of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faithfulness and your resolve forever are apart of Our Creator's celestial kingdom. It's a spot reserved for the pious heroes and heroines of perseverance and precision resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2017

The shelters of peace and prosperity in Dade County were occupied by those citizens whom you served and protected, Officer Cook. Heroes and heroines of genuine humility and honesty need no prodding. It is in their genes where valor and gallantry lie. It is the very spot in which sanctity and serenity stay until summoned. You kept your wits and calm about you, Officer Cook, letting honesty hone in on where it was most needed. Years have passed since you gave your life in courage and pride, the commitment and character that has and will be revered by all your peers and loving family. A man, a gentleman of passion who took his dreams and aspirations to heart and set out to fulfill his missions and destinies of desire and hope. Fruition to make peace a blanket for all to lay down at night and to cover themselves with it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2017

At times our eyes are filled with tears, no matter we fondly remember you, Officer Cook, a man humble and a loving public servant who made gallantry and integrity matter. All your life and the length of your days you made integrity and honor mean effort and careful thought would be the order of your day and those dangerous missions which you willfully accepted, you faced them straight up with unwavering commitment to character, conviction and the proper morals and professional conduct to bring peace and unity to all Dade County residents. Your colleagues bade you farewell on May 19, 1979, a hero for sure and one day for your family to see you again. Your parents, I'll always pray for you, Mrs. Cook and your beautiful family members that your heroic son, Officer William Coleman Cook, your "Billy," is up in God's heaven smiling down on all of you. His pride and humility, character and charm are safely tucked away in God's eternal shelters where no harm will ever come his way again. You taught us those lessons in life, Officer Cook and now those who serve with bravery, patience and perseverance can hopefully make evil disappear from our midst permanently. You tried, Officer Cook. The ingenuity, intellect and intelligence in leading others thru danger and peril was there. This world's humble savior and warrior rose to battle a very fierce adversary. You fought until the end. There was no giving up or surrendering. Cherished, admired and respected for aiding and locating where to preserve justice faithfully, fairly and firmly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator rewards loyalty and precision from His public servants. The righteous flock of valued angelic heroes and heroines of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2017

To seek the truth, justice must speak from the depths of dignity, honesty and the desire to keep integrity at all times. The cost for all police officers who take an affirmation to serve and to protect may be their lives and careers. Lives hang upon the virtues of all public servants having character, courage and the class to persevere. You performed your professional roles here in Dade County, Officer Cook, with righteousness, resolve and the resourcefulness to see violence terminated all at channels. You were a humble man, a gentleman with a kind and compassionate heart and will never be forgotten for saving civilians and those comrades that day of May 16, 1979, when your sincerity and devotion was at its highest level. We live and continue our missions and journeys of fruition and fulfillment because of your humane and unselfish sacrifice. Heroes and heroines live, learn and preach and it all stems from their upbringings of humility, grace and a gentle heart which you had, Officer Cook. God's gifts to this world are men and women like yourself who stand and confront monster of terror and torment without fear or hesitation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light of your wonderful soul always shines down upon our green fields where we can only watch in amazement your value and decency you afforded all citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 14, 2017

Godsends and heroes don't just drop out of God's clearest of blue skies. They are sent here to fight our battles over wickedness. To launch lunacy and its violence into oblivion. Officers try to make known their pursuits of justice and peace and in Dade County, you stated your case for concern, Officer Cook and backed it up with heroic humility, dignity and the integrity that all honest public servants must share among one another. Deceit and conceit cast shadows of doubt over those men and women who betray their badges. Your uniform and badge, Officer cook ,were worn soundly, proudly and very capably. No doubt about your fine upstanding character and the commitment to make things normal as possible. Always fondly treasured for having your journeys in their proper perspective. Enhancement lives on your family, friends and colleagues who shared the good and not so good moments with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and foundations have walls of which its structures are firmly shaped by those honorable public servants. Officers must think before acting. React righteously and most humbly, God will handle fulfillment and fruition as faithfully as He is able to. You pulled your weight, Officer Cook, others must pull their share if an ending to this madness and kayos is going to be arrested once and for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2017

See something. Say something. Do something. Honor is more about action and its direct results of one having integrity and dignity when that call for life saving efforts go out. You gave outstanding performance, Officer Cook, not just grit and gallantry, it was character, courage and the class that cared for all Dade County residents. Their peace and freedom of movement was your doing by desire and the motivation to lead other comrades through the toughest of times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sheer common sense and the intuition to intelligently make correct decisions has given meaning to resolve and its resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2017

Laughter and the burdens of sorrow all have a point. You were an engaging and jovial young man, Officer Cook. Though, you took care of your professional business cordially and with a caring approach. If police officers need any pointers on how to be considerate they need not look farther down that road of resolve,the trails of being tenacious when you patrolled Dade County. Talk is talk. Work and action represent honor, dignity and a classic and humane integrity. It goes a long way toward deciding if peace and its freedom can work as one. You made things happen by being determined, dedicated and loyal to your comrades in this war over violence. Character, class and desire function so much better when they are partnered with the right public servant who was the epitome of efficiency. Ask Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your partner that day of May 16, 1979, when you gave your life and career for heroism and commitment. He can tell everyone what a class individual and gentleman you were. Never forgotten. Your valor has validated what your superiors and colleagues all thought of you. Outstanding and endearing. Concerned and meticulous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There is a time to laugh. God has your wonderful smile concealed in His hands. He has tried to help your loved ones cope with your untimely loss. You have been greatly missed, Officer Cook and always in our hearts and minds. Those prayers to heaven will one day speed up redemption. Let us pray for the safety of all who pursue evil, let them be blessed as you were a blessed hero and noble Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2017

To bear indignity is to face shame and humiliation. To face danger as a hero and expose it for what it is and to give your life to eradicate it from this world, this says a lot. It certainly says a lot about your character and devotion, Officer Cook, to all the calls of professional duty. Dade County for as long as my family and I have lived here has seemingly had its good and not so good days. You made people's lives matter through calming and influencing those to pursue peace and unity. Nothing worse or more sorrowful than being taken way too soon with more left to fulfill. God knows when fruition is there. It was your honesty, integrity and dignity that allowed movement and aspirations to continue thru the cornerstones of enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll always be so fondly remembered for your humble esteem and courage from your very kind and giving heart, one that cared for a community where you have been honored.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 13, 2017

Crime and violence must be dealt with in the most stringent manner. No matter who is out on the streets patrolling and toiling with tenacity, honesty and ingenuity things must get accomplished. You acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, very well and very courageously. You took your position seriously, had character and decency and gave peace and freedom that chance to make a change in our society. Dade County does not forget its fallen heroes and heroines whose lives and careers have been saluted and so honored by their families and bravest of colleagues. You remain in our thoughts and hearts, Officer Cook, our prayers for those who have taken over your watch to be careful and maintain the same humbleness that you had. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2017

We take comfort in knowing full well that our esteemed public servants protect and service our needs. Those needs include peace and unity where we live and prosper. We cherished you, Officer Cook, a genuinely humble hero whose roles of resolve were all centered upon the foundations of integrity, honesty and dignity. Indignity is when our bravest are take suddenly and without warning from our midst. Those who lived back then in Dade County took solace and pride that you were there to persevere on our behalf. Nothing but loyalty, hope and the character that was consummate in handling anything placed in your responsibility. Humility and class breed commitment and conviction, all those boxes can forever be checked off. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 12, 2017

Precise,. pristine and prudent, the way the world should function if not for unmitigated violence. Evil sees and it does what it wants to. It is up to all police departments and their finely trained and resourceful officers to search deep down for a plan of action, how best to attack this monster of an enemy. You plan. You prepare. You do whatever surveillance and ready yourself for a battle like no other. Dade County had its best staff of highly seasoned professionals of honor, commitment and conviction ready and available to meet those aggressive challenges which if not stopped could cast a blanket of mayhem over those citizens you served, Officer Cook. Taking direction and giving leadership requires an entire body of vision, wisdom and a centrally calming influence. You had the humility and boldness to make things happen if they only were not as awful as what transpired on May 16, 1979. You were the eve present consummate hero and savior whose life and career remain cherished and endearing as you laid the boundaries for enhancement to remain a staple of life for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2017

God welcomes His heroes and heroines with open arms. It is there in heaven where the most kindest and gentle care is offered. You see when public servants risk their life and career for a purpose, we must remember their integrity, honesty and dignity. No questions, doubts or reservations. Peace and security came at your hands and feet, Officer Cook. How else could Dade County and its residents maintain and survive? Charm is vanity. Character is all the class and desire, the decency to do right and through tough decisions is resolve reached. Solutions are hard to ponder, yet you were vigilant and stayed the courses of courage and bravery as all servants of Our Lord must in this fight over evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were born a hero, humble and humane. You gave your life and career in the outstanding performance of all your professional duties. God's gift to this world for twenty-five years. Sadly, you have been in heaven for almost thirty-eight years patrolling and walking a beat on those sacred golden streets where no harm will ever come your way again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2017

One can never seem to grasp the underlining root of violence. It just seems to grow and grow by leaps and bounds and from there where it goes nobody knows. Here is where astuteness and being clever lies in this complicated solution on how to deal with its aftermath. You dealt with many things, Officer Cook and handled your affairs with integrity, resolve and intense dignity. Your honesty was placed on the line daily and from there Dade County could only begin to feel right and prosper under the welcoming shelters of peace and serenity for all. A hero is saluted for humility, heroism and quality of character, make no mistake that you have been and will always be in out hearts and minds. A man pours his heart and soul into his labors of love and remains cherished and admired forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's glory hovers over your soul and that of all those angels of valor who gave back to their various communities something mighty special, their humbleness sacrificed for our continuation of the pursuits of life and its fruition and fulfillment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2017

In today's day and age it is of paramount importance for police officers who protect and serve the public to be diverse. Not just uphold dignity, but to pursue trouble in the various venues by having a current of integrity and honesty flowing within them. You persevered here in Dade County, Officer Cook and gently and warmly embraced all of its citizens. The finest and most personable man of character, class and devotion who was determined to gain access to the keys of peace and unity and to forever make dreams and opportunities happen. Sometimes long shots may be far and wide for any driven and brave public servant it is necessary to take stronger measures for that realization to occur. You will not be forgotten, only saluted for heroic actions that have kept enhancement moving perpetually forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2017

Marriage is the holiest of unions between a man and a woman. It is consecrated by those who take their leadership roles from Our Creator. Police work too is symbolized by combining men and women of different backgrounds, all possessing honesty, dignity, integrity and good character and making things work properly in order for peace and harmony to replace the evil eyes of violence and its associated terror. Police work was good to you, Officer Cook and for the sake of all Dade County residents who prospered under your humble and humane nobility. For what you represented as humanity's keeper, Officer Cook, your commitment to see justice fairly and firmly dispensed was your golden rule as it must be for all considerate and concerned professionals. It is where the roads of resolve and resilience cross paths with tenacity and humility. God surely sends comfort to those who knew you and mourned your loss. The fruition and fulfillment that had more to offer this nation, your comrades and your department. Your missions of peace clarified what we knew about you, outstanding leadership, keen vision and wonderfully thought provoking knowledge. A man of many passions whose compassion brought enhancement together as one foundation and one cornerstone under God. He may be invisible, His camcorder is always functioning at a higher level of both efficiency and proficiency, the same effort you gave us daily, Officer Cook. Demands and diligence were met soundly and right to the point. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of character, charisma and heroism of the highest esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 11, 2017

A pioneer is one who blazes a trail of something positive for others to walk through. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you walked humbly in the graces of God , the Almighty Creator who bestows that sense of integrity and dignity within those who serve and protect us from wickedness. You kept sanity and civility close to the belt, Officer Cook and helped to make sense of why all this violence is around us. You saved us and your esteemed comrades of resolve and courage while keeping a troubled young man at bay. A wonderful man and a courageous heart of steel who was taken way before your time. It will be cleverness and astuteness that can never turn a blind eye. Your character and desire won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legend of a humble hero will endure forever. Modest and always in motion you remain the quintessential public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2017

Visions of yesterday are just exactly that. It's the sights and sounds of today that we have a chase to witness and to follow in the footsteps of favor. choices in life sometimes make us take that proverbial step back and rethink our priorities. your goal, Officer Cook, was to make Dade County matter and at the time safer and more secure. All the eyesight in the world doesn't matter if your honorable and dignified actions cannot be sustained over the course of time. Time is not always our friend, a sit can be the enemy that engages the most wise and humble men and women of integrity. Nothing ruffled your feathers, Officer Cook, as you were humane and unwavering in character, courage and the conviction to act as officers should, professionally and most prudently. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Near and dear and yet seemingly so far. one day your loving family members will reunite with your beautiful soul of endearment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 10, 2017

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