Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
You were a real good man, Officer Cook, an outstanding human being, an excellent public servant whose service to Dade County will forever remain cherished and heroically admired. You created a window of fresh air for those of us to breathe in tranquility and stability all because of your honest and dignified heart and soul. We salute your courage, virtue and integrity, all commitment and all character that was meaningful and dedicated. Serenity not senseless violence must prevail otherwise mankind will continue going down paths and trails of mistrust and untruth. You were truthful, sincere and a very connected and most revered individual beloved by your family, colleagues of the past and a plethora of friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 12, 2022
To intercede and to intercept evil needs a public servant well versed in heart and character shaped by persevering honesty, integrity and dignity which allowed you, Officer Cook, to provide a safe haven for all Dade County residents to live in. Your life, career and heroism shall remain sacred and humble to be saluted for every nuance of unending and unselfish virtue, wisdom and versatility spread far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 11, 2022
A man with pride is a gentleman of gallantry, heart and reverence. All character, all class and all heroic dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, of which you protected the very citizens of Dade County and never to be forgotten. Decades later your memory, soul and spirit are all around your family, peers and friends for what you humanely achieved. Commitment, excellence and virtue all solid just as the very cornerstones you laid down for society and serenity to remain everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy lives on forevermore!
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 10, 2022
A savior of service, a warrior of heroic honor, dignity and well meaningful integrity. All of the above were your concerns while protecting Dade County, Officer Cook, where you remain cherished and forevermore a man of character and positive constitution. You'll always be saluted for humbleness, bravery above and beyond for virtue, sacred missions all accounted for and forever blessed and rewarded for heart, soul and effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 9, 2022
Gratitude is attitude. The conception of courage, caring and consideration all sprouting from your humble, honest and most heroic heart, Officer Cook, that served Dade County folks with class, desire, dignity and integrity forever saluted. You were a first class gentleman well schooled and well prepared for the responsibilities and rigors of a perilous profession that rewards and spreads blessings to its saviors. For building goodwill, hope and true faith and trustworthy allegiance may your heart, soul and spirit rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 8, 2022
A humble smile and a sincere attitude now our very gratitude for a job well done such a faithful and heroic servant you always were, Officer Cook and Dade County will never forget honesty, integrity, dignity and stoic character that was serene and as humane and loyal as your heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A commitment and truth all legendary just as your charisma and trustworthiness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 7, 2022
Regret, hesitation and wavering were never part of your heart, soul and blessed acumen, Officer Cook. They never were just a man born with passion, compassion and sound logic, it was dignity, integrity and vibrant character that served, protected and saved lives of Dade County citizens. One man part of an entire picture of perseverance and humility giving his being to shelter and to shield us in tranquility while battling terrible violence launched by one angry, abusive and gutless individual. Badge#1664 is encased with your shield of approval and never will be out of sight and mind for your spectacular performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 6, 2022
A faithful servant without ever any hint of untruth just trust, tenacity and plain old humble honesty and heroism given in Our Creator's revered name by you, Officer Cook. Dade County will surely never forget a man whose dignity, integrity and character was humanely sacred as were you consummate earthly missions of hope and goodwill that resourcefulness and virtue were leading together as you patrolled your neighborhood streets where our very stability and serenity were cherished as you so remain. A cog of consideration with a golden heart and loyal soul coated by admiration and esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 6, 2022
Security of a community is of the highest priority. You guaranteed that vital protection and loyal service, honored and dignified to all Dade County residents, Officer Cook, forever your family, department and friends hero of humility, character and heart. A soul and spirit certainly to be saluted for building bridges of courage and charisma through integrity, respect and genuine love for a neighborhood you held dear to your uniform and badge of virtue, wisdom and maturity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 6, 2022
Determination and true grit gallantly steered your trails and paths of perseverance and honesty, Officer Cook. Always a well revered and dedicated Dade County hero. A desire to become the best there is and was your life, dignity and integrity won't be forgotten only saluted for virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of commitment,conviction and trusted character. You gave your heart and soul, now as an angel may God cradle you forever in heaven.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 5, 2022
Control is the motto of a good public servant and keeping one's honesty, dignity and integrity close to the vest during troubled times was your practice, Officer Cook. Otherwise, Dade County would have had more adversity heaped upon its folks. The streets were kept quiet precisely because of yourcommn sense, wisdom and unselfish virtue which has been saluted for its bravery and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A class man of character, commitment, heart, soul and humility always so loyal, trusted and truthful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 4, 2022
Boldness, bravery and virtue all flying high this second and every moment your sweet and honorable soul and spirit have been in heaven where angels and heroes walk that thin blue line where dignity, integrity and character followed your life, career and patrols over Dade County and its residents. You'll forever be solemnly saluted and remembered, Officer Cook, for heroism, heart and humility that touched society's gentle wings. Our very serenity and harmony have come about because of a caring man who was gifted and ethically righteous. Principles and values do support the pillars of faith, devoutness and desire yours, Officer Cook, were purely for God's blessed and compassionate name. Your legacy remains upheld and uplifted by your family who carries "Uncle Bo" wherever they go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 3, 2022
Nothing but tributes with homage for a dedicated public servant. Dade County was where your consummate consideration, concern and caring touched humanity's spirit of affection, Officer Cook. You receive blessings andrewards for heroic action that saved theday of May 16,1979 in which honor, integrity and dignity highlighted your life and career one sadly taken all too soon. Evil took a beautiful heart and soul away from your beloved family, friends and colleagues. Gallant, gracious and gregarious. Virtue and accountability were wisdom and vision all wrapped around your uniform of humility and loyalty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 3, 2022
Legends are not born that way for the paths and trails of truth and trust you followed, Officer Cook, were heroically paved by precise perseverance and the streams of honesty, dignity and integrity so loyal, sincere and esteemed. Dade County won't forget your tenacity, virtue and maturity all sowise, humble and genuinely caring. You were a grand man of character, commitment to excellence and the versatility that inspired your thoughtful and resourceful earthly missions.Now heaven is where youwalk a perfect beat with any harm or violence coming your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 3, 2022
I apologize, Officer Cook, for the history books will display your re-energizing of your community as it is transmitted through the wings of your heroic legacy. Clearly well defined and clearly perpetual. Such a low class individual who took away your life and its freedoms that you too possessed. Dade County and your life played an integral and vital role in keeping us safe and secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, commitment and conviction true and trusted can't be omitted from the same sentences of honesty, integrity and dignity. You were still so young and vibrant as an eagle flying high. Your family though your parents have passed still remembers "Uncle Bo" and the man who enjoyed his serving and protecting us from harm.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 2, 2022
Pride and passion dripped from your uniform and badge, Officer Cook. More importantly heroism, honesty and humility drew their strengths fromyour unending heart and unwavering soul of duty, grit and substance. For the history books will forget renergize and transmit your legacy stamped in character, integrity and dignity all certified, all perpetual and all totally accentuated within your daily navigations in and around Dade County a neighborhood that forever adores and salutes your feats and ferocity never letting wickedness gain agility. A gentleman with a sound heart and soul with a mind as sharp as a nail when it came to serious business all professional and all proficient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 2, 2022
Freedom is sometimes difficult to obtain. It's never easy nor is it a flash in the pan. You surely and certainly were a humble, consummate and respected public servant, Officer Cook. This community here in Dade County is where your feats of dignity, integrity and honesty were spread far and wide to shelter us in security, serenity and stability. Character that earned its attention and it was your tenacity and devotion preserved and protected our very lives of prosperity, health and happiness. Your heart and soul were centered in the right spot, the citizens and your comrades will never forget esteem, loyalty and virtue all wise and mature beyondyour youthfully constructed years of existence. But sad that your life and career ended too soon with many more missions and decades of health, peace and happiness for you and Karen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel in heaven linked to a glorious past.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 2, 2022
Born free to roam, born free to fly, born free to serve and to protect with honor, a heroic heart and soul. Dade County was where you patrolled for our liberty and stability. A man on a missionof fathfulness, humility and goodwill, Officer Cook, we will remember you and offer a crisp solemn salute for your dedication, determination and devotion. All pure and humanely loyal never a bad word or bad work habit. Perseverance and efficiency ran in the Cook Family bloodlines of boldness, bravery and esteemed virtue and reverent character and stoic commitment to both pride and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 2, 2022
God's beauty are His golden, heroic and valiant angels at work humbling serving their communities with blessed heart, soul, character, dignity and respectful integrity. Just the right formula compounded by your loyalty, esteem and virtue, Officer Cook. Such a wonderful young man, a gentleman who honored his parents and mankind and learned all his lessons of structure and proper balance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
October 1, 2022
No sitting on your buns because boldness, bravery, honesty and integrity don't just appear out of the blue. You took opportunity and ingenuity, intuition and integrity to the next level of learning and practice, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 is remembered, saluted and never overlooked for Dade County has what serenity it relishes because of your service and sacrifice to better humanity. A dangerous job undertaken willingly and quite capably by a man on a sacred mission and journey where hope, faith and goodwill must somehow seize the day. That sad and terrible day of May 16, 1979 will always be a trying one for your family but your forever rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero next to the souls and spirits of your beloved and darling parents.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 30, 2022
Dignity, devotion and desire clearly carried and supported your upstanding professional and personal life and career serving your community, Officer Cook. A Dade County blessed with acumen, awareness and a certain mettle that never capitulated to evil. For our serenity, safety and security are always a police officer's main concern. But, than again your reputation preceded your legendary and heroic name, Officer Cook. Nothing can bring you back as your family, comrades and friends have all saluted your unrelenting integrity, character and stellar commitments to excellence and pride. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You succeeded by having wisdom, virtue and a humane and humbly praised heart and soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 30, 2022
Around that horn of heinousness there you went, Officer Cook, heroically forever cherished for being sincere, humble and openly honest and loyal. Dade County was served by a gentleman whose politeness and scruples were polished as was your unyielding and unwavering dignity, integrity and reverent character. Such a truthful and a trusted public servant who will be missed by his endearing family and esteemed colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Angels fly high and heroes soar forevermore you were a valued resource who was sweet, kind and had a giving heart and a noble soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 30, 2022
Diligence was your pledge of honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. A hero's creed is respect, resolve and humble character. Dade County's community was where your pursuits of pride and excellence brought about serenity, safety and security for all its citizens. Protect with passion and preserve the quality of life and property with a heart and soul so noble and pristine. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You constructed and fought through adversity with mettle, courage and scruples so valued and shared.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 29, 2022
Passion is not a liferaft nor is it a safeguard against violence and evil. But, at least if you demonstrate a willingness to engage in learning, the yearning with time, practice and endeavor, its pictures may become clearer later on. But not too late. Serving and saving lives goes hand in hand with being an honorable and valiant public servant of which you were, Officer Cook and will forever be remembered for. A citizen calling for you got attention and you were destined to answer that domestic call that afternoon in Liberty City in Gladeview to be exact. Integrity, dignity and character was risked in order to curtail a madman bent on terror. Your sacrifice served as a lesson for all men and women who protect to understand their duties and onuses willingly accepted. You'll always be saluted as a hero for aiding mankind through its dangerous of times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones constucted with virtue, wisdom and maturity always present and all accounted for. Dade County is grateful and forevermore will admire you, your life, career and family, Officer Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 29, 2022
Dedication, determination and domination are words to ponder. The very first two are for clarity, honesty and integrity as dignity must dominate your patrols and daily routines as one communicates and looks to resolve conflict. Dade County with its stability, safety and serenity all connected to you, Officer Cook, their hero, your family's who forever will be paid homage for having the essential possessions of perseverance, precision and proficiency following your trusted and truthful trails and paths of resourcefulness and reverence A man diligent young man ever so vigilant who will be missed every second by his adoring family members who carry the torch of your legacy and the foundations you built for fruition to take hope, shape and serve as notice to those inclined to commit evil. So a well mannered gentleman with a heart and soul of humbleness all blessed, loyal and esteemed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
September 29, 2022