Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The flags of ferocity were flying high everyday you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook, further perpetuating your heroic legacy steeped in honor, heart and soul, such humility and assolute dignity, integrity, they all made your grand character, commitment and reverence rise above the rest of the crowd. So many gave their lives for peace and freedom, yours was given in virtue, valor, versatility and vision. The folks whom you protected will forever honor andsalute your unwavering, unselfish and tireless endeavor, truth and trust, resourcefulness and faithfulness that supported the anchors of hope, goodwill and your very blessed humility and spirit which soars angelically higher each second above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2022

Dade County was where devotion, dignity and dedication spread its heroic wings far and wide. Now and forever an angel, Officer Cook, you served and protected the people with loyalty, esteem and are remembered as a man of integrity, honor and heart so sincere and special it won't be forgotten nor cast aside. Your eloquent manner and smile will always be saluted and humbly etched in the history of all heroes and heroines who made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 29, 2022

Honor, integrity and dignity are always a requirement for public service professionals. No doubt your life and career was storied and humanely heroic by virtue of these traits, Officer Cook. Dade Countywas the community where your blessed name and heart remain special. The citizens had a special feeling when you patrolled for our very stability, safety and tranquility. A gentleman whose legend grows by leaps and bounds every second that God watches over your spirit and soul of versatility and character. You'll be saluted and paid homage for having trust and truth tied to your badge of humility and outstanding performance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2022

The facets of ferocity are as follows: honesty, dignity and integrity above all. Character, commitment to excel and take pride in your job must squarely be top notch and conviction must be true to form and trustworthy. Dade County had all those traits from you, Officer Cook, your family anddepartment's hero who served withheart and soul, had a vision clear and concise. A young man with virtue and values taking each missionof hope, faith and devotion straight to the people you protected allowing us serene and safer moments though you will forevermore be missed and saluted for valor and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 28, 2022

Dade County and its residents were received, accepted and greeted each day with a polite and pleasant smile from you, Officer Cook. But than again you were more than a man, a first class gentleman. You were full of life and positive energy from a caring and kind heart of sincerity and humility. Badge#1664 was respect, diligence and undivided attention to all facets and details of your missions of hope, goodwill and faith poured forward to create an impression of concern and safety that continues rising in both blessings and rewards from heaven. Journeys taken and sadly cut short because of one man's heinousness directed at you and your comrades that awful day. Your family has missed honesty, integrity and dignity being utilized as muchas intuition, ingenuity and intelligence all having their roles of virtue, vision and versatile wisdom set the courses for our very futures and one that has tragically missed you, Officer Cook, a beloved son, husband and uncle and great-uncle to your relatives all cherished, esteemed and as poignantly humble and adored as you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2022

Violence causes suffering, tragedy and everything that leaves families, departments and society grieving and sorrowful. You lived twenty-five very productive, honorable and heroically dignified years, Officer Cook. Your family carries the badge of your wisdom, bravery and virtue forward for your sterling service rendered to Dade County and its people who have not forsaken nor forgotten you for your truthful character and loyal commitments above and beyond the calls of responsiblity. A man with a passionate heart and soul and one whose voice of authority, meaning and proper professional conduct never got to your head. Your compass my neighbor, friend and hero was alwaysall ahead forward so that serenity, safety and security would be the banners of your comapassion. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 27, 2022

A chunk of courage, an ounce of prevention, such a kind and sincerlely humane,loyal and most heroic heart and soul that you had, Officer Cook, that provided excellence to all Dade County for a quarter of your life. So consummate and dedicated to your profession, truth and trust, Officer Cook, you'll be forever remembered and etched within the walls and streets you patrolled for a semblance of justice. When a man gives his life for his community we must try to embellish your career principles and the discipline that uplifted your department, family who carries your levacy humbly by their hearts, minds and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2022

Resourceful and devoted, your life and career, Officer Cook, were just what Dade County and its citizens needed for survival. A hero so sure and heroic, an honored man giving humanity his true and trusted dignity and integrity. Character, commitment and heart so unselfish and tireless. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A genuine public servant saluted for his spirit and virtue.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 26, 2022

Trails of truth, tracks of trust and effort all first class giving Dade County superior care, you were a humble, honest and heroic man, Cook and for this your family, peers and friends are all mindful and humane regarding your missions and journeys of faith, hope and virtue. A gentleman with character, integrity and dignity carrying out your oaths of adherence and nevrr shying away from peril. Character and loyal commitment build bridges of dedication, devotion and unselfish tenacity placed forth on your daily patrols. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 25, 2022

Perseverance and endeavor run the very same tracks as does integrity and dignity. You had humble and heroic honesty, Officer Cook and the gratitude of Dade County of whom you served its folks with esteem, loyalty and a cherished character respected and revered by your family, colleagues and mankind who salutes your virtue, wisdom and maturity so young, bold, truthful and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Pride and commitment so elevating from a heart and soul now and forever angelic as your unselfish spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 24, 2022

A pious man of perseverance and faith patrolling his esteemed community with all his heart,soul and heroic honor, not a second passes without a remembrance of your precious life and noble public service career with Dade County, Officer Cook. Police are not lion tamers what they are are brave and humane men and women fearless and unafraid to confront danger head on. Your diligent aspirations, commitment and integrity were the characters of dignity, trust and truth resolving conflict and chaos to be solemnly saluted for having the talent, tenacity and virtue of a both wise and mature gentleman whose actions that day and every watch will be forever paid homage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A builder, a leader anda sound and practical commander of other comrades who led by exemplary conduct and professionalism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2022

Creation is the tool to invention. So honesty, integrity and intuition canonly uplift and elevate the hopes of one composed in dignity, integrity and character. Yours, Officer Cook, was stoic, stellar and very sterling and so was your humble and blessed heart and soul of heroism. Dade County was your community where you lived, grew up and got married to a lovely lady in Karen and a neighborhood where never ending unselfishness and a tireless spirit propelled your dreams and aspirations as our very harmony, serenity and safe havens came about through your goodwill, hope and good nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 23, 2022

You have been gone for over forty-three and a half years, Officer Cook. Each passing second, minute and hour your loss grows profoundly deeper. All the honesty, heart, humbleness and blessed character, integrity and dignity fanning out around to make a worldly and lifelong impression that society will not forget. A hero born with politeness, scruples and very much the values from a sound and pronounced home environment. You sure were courageous, bold and full of virtue, all unselfish, tireless and most unwavering. You'll be saluted for generations to come for your actions that day and everyday from a life and a career of enhancement, enrichment and enlightenment. The holidays for your family will always be sad because they will not get to see your smiling and handsome face until they reunite with your spirit in heaven, an angel loyal, esteemed and most treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mettle, morals and meaning true and trustworthy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2022

The decent, desirable, dignifed and dedicated servants deserve to live not be cut down by wanton and heinous violence. Your blessed, humble and most heroic name, Officer Cook, fortifies the streets where you patrolled and preserved the quality of life with your most passionate and wise heart and soul of care, concern and consideration. Dade County won't ever forget your stellar work ethic and notable integrity, character and commitments which fed off of virtue, humility and pride. The sources were all directed sacredly and quite nobly. Such a gentleman and a young man taken away from his family, colleagues and beloved community much too soon with more journeys and missions of hope, faith and goodwill to accomplish. God knows His flock of angels and recognizes the greatness for which the lamps stay lit forvermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your spirit soars by every door you passed by.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2022

The streets of safety, security and serenity were set for a peaceful tomorrow. Your tomorrow, today and yesterday, Officer Cook, were tragically ended by violence. Nothing worse than your family having to bury you and mourn you. The grief and sorrow at times seems excruciating and painful. But, you'll always be recognized as a Dade County hero of honor, heart and humility. A man of dignity and integrity whose stellar character raised the expectations of what the citizens demand and want from their devoted and dedicated public service professionals like yourself. We continue to salute your virtue, wisdom and sense of direction which provided the essential tranquility mankind yearns for Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 22, 2022

Sometimes the forks in the roads are sharp, pointed and just thorns in one's side. You try to avoid obstacles while performing your basic duties. You were an outstanding young man, Officer Cook, filled with heroic honesty, determined diligence, dignity and integrity that were clear and concise and tended to Dade County's essential needs never to be overlooked. Humbleness, heart and a giving soul will always be saluted for their roles in our service and serenity. A blessed character and distinct commitment true and trustworthy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2022

The doors to God's castles are always open. Heaven accepts angels of honor, valor and humility as you were protecting Dade County, Officer Cook. Integrity, dignity and discipline are what is called for during turbolent moments. You face everything but your character, charm and commitment were forever heroic, loyal and esteemed. The folks whom you served those still alive today have not forgotten you and for what humanity expects from decent, dedicated and desired servants you exerted every fiber and fabricof your unassuming heart, soul and now a blessed spirit of virtue and adventure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2022

A humble, heroic and proud man giving his heart, soul and blessed well being to see his family, comrades and friends all safe and sound. But, never forgotten that can be taken to that big palace in the skies above, Officer Cook. Dade County for six years had your attention, acumen and awareness to every detail possible and seeing thst you were honest, dignified and a loyal public servant whose integrity, character and respect made all the difference may Our Lord continue to watch and keep your spirit close to Him forevermore. You made your folks and community very proud for assembling cornerstones for a more distinct future though your presence is always sincerely missed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and trust are those trails and paths you followed precisely as Our Creator directed your missions of hope, goodwill and faithfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 21, 2022

Holidays bring the emotional moments together when a truly heroic loved one is missing from the table where gatherings and happiness come calling. You were the best, Officer Cook and your life and career were simply and nobly reflective of one young man of purpose, intelligence and ingenuity with the proper intuition and upbringing who protected Dade County with all his heart and soul. Integrity, dignity and true and trustworthy character have all taken their positions for your eternal duties at hand. Our tranquility and stability came through your trails and paths of never relenting perseverance and endeavor that was top flight, first class and straight as an arrow. Your sacrifice stands as a lesson in virtue, wisdom and vision that demonstrates the type of meaningful individual you were and that mankind and humanity cherished and truly miss each second as does your beloved family. An angel forever guarding the pearly gates as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Facts are facts and your tenacity and ferocity were unselfish and tireless in your faithful journeys and missions of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness all goodwill, hope and devotion elevating your pyramids of consistency and courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 20, 2022

With Thanksgiving day upcoming you'll forever be missed as always. Your family, peers and friends as they sit down with loved ones will remember you, Officer Cook, their hero of honor, humility and dignity. Such integrity, character and commitment that saved, served and protected the citizens of Dade County with all its might, virtue and a heart of class, consideration and tender care. Your spirit can fly high keeping track of those who now serve with the same elements of humbleness and blessings that God bestowed you. Eternity should not have been your palce now as you had many more missions and journeys of hope, faith and goodwill to carry out. Your legacy is sealed within gates, walls and halls where your cherished life and career remain esteemed for loyalty shown to your fellow officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2022

Devotion, faithfulness and trust are truth's elements of honesty, integrity, dignity and humbleness. Our Lord blessed you, Officer Cook, with a reserve of heroism so special and filled with wisdom and virtue. They all participated in making Dade County and its residents much more safer. Today, decades later after your sacrifice you are forever honored and saluted for building the very foundations of courage and conviction. It's your badge and uniform directing others through adversity and chaos. Seeing you were calm and collected, Officer DiGenova, your friend and former partner misses you as does family and many comrades who battled evil along with a man of heart, character and a soul of distinction now serving their heavenly onuses never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2022

Character, class and courage all honor, dignity and integrity heroically and humbly serving your most cherished andbeloved neighborhood here in Dade County, Officer Cook. Believe me badge#1664 will never ever be forgotten for its protection, passion and proficient trails of justice, truth and trustworthiness. The bonds of hope, faith and goodwill circled around us engulfing us with peace, freedom and the ideals to pursue happiness which is exactly what your family has been doing these last forty-three after your sacrifice, carrying your beloved and esteemed legacy forward as you were that public servant full of grace, gallantry, heart and soul with a beautiful smile now and for eternity sheltered in God's peaceful land. Heaven is where angels patrol and soar as only God can direct their spirits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2022

A man of perpetual motion with meaningful scruples, values and ideals pushing society ahead in peace and admiration. Your sincere dedication, Officer Cook, always heroic and never scripted helped Dade County get over those bumps where evil and violence tried to get its grasp upon its folks. Security and serenity are easy to say but to accomplish them is much tougher. Integrity, wisdom, dignity and humility were such loyal partners of yours never to be forgotten or overlooked. You were that consummate servant of character, charm and charisma who commanded respect by virtue of your solemn work ethics. We salute you and look up to the skies above where your soul and spirit illuminate a world still filled with hatred, bigotry and prejudice how sad. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2022

Serenity is the very virtue of our land and nothing else makes society feel better at ease. But, a good and honest man in you, Officer Cook, heroically served the citizens of Dade County uplifting lives in reverence, dignity and integrity. A gentleman who distinguished himself in heart and soul, the humility that is sorely missed today as many things have changed since your sacrifice forty-three plus years ago. Character, courage and commitments to both excelling and being mindfulof your accentuated missions of faith, hope and blessed goodwill will forever be saluted and solemnly honored for the enhancement of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2022

Character reveals a humble, honest and heroic heart and soul. You had everything, Officer Cook, including dignity and integrity driving your trails and paths of wisdom and virtue throughout Dade County makingus more safer and securer than ever. But. your family, peers and the world misses you greatly for things have changed since you gave your life to stop a heinous man so cowardly and ludicrous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2022

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