Northern York County Regional Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Reflections for Police Officer David Donald Tome
David, you are thought about every single day and missed terribly. Your family is also thought about daily with prayers for them to remain strong and grow even stronger as time progresses.
July 27, 2009
David, I visited your grave on July 2nd. I think of you so much.The view out across the corn field was great, but you know that.I have not gone on a ride along since the last with you. This reflection is a sign to me that it is time for me to go. I am sure you would say go !! I will keep your hiding place secret. I saw Dody,Eli,and Joslyn on June 27th at the picnic and I hurt so much not to see you.Eli sure did like playing ball,but you know that also. God watch over all of us, Duane
Duane Hull
Dover Twp. Supervisor
July 6, 2009
My Dear David,
I would of wrote to you more, but I didn't have away to write, unless I went over to Dody's. I finally got a lab top, still learning how to use it with Dody and Derek's help. Each day is a day with you always in it. Rocky and I talk about you all the time. It's normal for us to end up with tears in our eyes. We just love and miss you so much.
David you would be overwhelmed by all the people that are their for your family. Besides family, the relatives and her church family and friends are always calling her, they try to keep her busy.
Rocky and I could never thank our new family the Northern York County Regional Police Dept., for all they did for our daughter Dody and children Eli and Joslyn. They are always offering or doing something for your family. They were their for us when we went to all of your memorial services. You would be flipping out to know how many services and people who wanted to pay tribute for your great sacrifice. As much as I didn't want to be there at the services, it was still an honor to be there in your name.
My heart still hurts to know your not here with us, but knowing you are with our heavenly father, I can't wish you back. My wish is to be with you one day.
June 25, 2009
Hey Baby,
Today was really hard to get thru. We did many things today to honor you.....THE BEST DADDY EVER!!! Life is so unfair. What we wouldn't give to have you back. I feel such pain when looking at our children and thinking why do they have to experience the loss of such an incredible father? You never did anything, but provide us love, joy, comfort, strength and more love. I have realized that the one thing that has pulled me through each day is Eli and Josy and a day will not pass that they will not feel your unending love. Eli and Josy are lucky to have you as their daddy.
P.S. Please continue to meet me in my dreams!!!
June 21, 2009
We're busy planning our 4th of July party. We're missing you and sad that you won't be with us this year to celebrate (or pull our guests over after they leave!). Thank you for the fun times that we shared with you! Our memories of you are held close to our hearts!
Jenn & Randy
Jenn Shearer
June 9, 2009
Dave, as you were thought of especially today at the Police Memorial. We were there thinking of you and Dady, Eli and Joslyn. We want to let you know that they miss you so much and we are doing our best to be there for them! The boys are doing awesome at soccer too~
Hope Gracey
May 15, 2009
I know you were smiling on Thursday. I know you were there in spirit. God bless you.
May 3, 2009
I can't believe that six months has passed us by already. Some days it feels like you've been gone forever & other days it feels like we were just laughing with you at PSU. We miss you! Your birthday was hard for us - as it was for many others. Randy drank a Molson for you and the boys & I wished you a "Happy Birthday". Dody gave the boys each a picture of you in your uniform. Gabe was so cute the other night at bedtime - he shined his flashlight up on your picture and whispered, "Good night, Uncle David". Dody has made such a special & beautiful space in the house to display all your "police things" - even your shiny boots! Your family is so beautiful and we love them so very much!
Jenn Shearer
April 23, 2009
Yesterday, was another special day that you should have been part of.
Your little 'princess' turned 2.
She has that special 'sparkle in her eyes and that smile that can light up any room'.
We all wish that you could have been here to help make it even more special.
April 13, 2009
Today was not only Easter, but our baby girl turned two! How these two years have flown by. My heart hurts having to celebrate without you. Everytime Josy smiles and looks at me with her big eyes I am reminded of you. She is a ball of energy that never stops. We were right-between her and Eli she is the one that will keep us on our toes. Last week she learned to crawl out of her crib. What a little stinker!!! There is not a day that goes by that she does not yell out DA DA and point to you in Heaven. It is usually followed up by blowing you a kiss. If you were here she wound still be making your heart melt. Josy will always know what an amazing father and husband you were. She will know that her daddy is a HERO!
Sending my love and kisses,
April 12, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones. I know the daily struggle they face each day for I walk in their shoes. I know the last thought each night before they drift off to sleep is of you and the first thought when they awake each morning is of you. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones. Come to them in their dreams to let them know you are near and watching over them. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
April 11, 2009
32 years ago, my sister and her family were blessed with a gift from God. His name was David... the little boy with the blond curly hair and quick ready smile that would light up any room that he was in. He turned into a wonderful young man with a family of his own.
We think of you today with so many mixed emotions as you spend your first birthday with God.
April 10, 2009
Happy Birthday Son,
I can't put into words the way I feel, but you know.
I know Grandpa put you under the table and pulled your ears. I hope not to hard.
Miss you my little baby boy.
Love you,I am so proud of you.
April 10, 2009
Happy 32nd Birthday Baby!!! Eli, Josy and I placed a special gift at your gravesite today. We know you love it! I can just imagine seeing that big smile on your face as you look down upon it. (I maybe even see a tear in your eye) How we miss your awesome smile. Our love for you continues to be stronger than ever. We send hugs and kisses your way!
Love and miss ya,
Dody, Eli and Josy T
April 10, 2009
Happy Birthday David, we all think about you and miss you every single day wishing you were here
April 10, 2009
I think about you everyday. I miss you.
Jamie Bell
March 16, 2009
The wicked fleee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
May God be with you and all who mourn you. May he give them the strength to carry on. You are in my thoughts and prayers
To his kids: Just wanted to let you guys know that your dad is a hero, now and forever. He will never be forgotten. He loves you now and always. You are in the thoughts and prayers of many.
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
March 6, 2009
We were going through our pictures on Monday evening (hundreds of them since I'm not good at scrapbooking like Dody is!) and kept coming across pictures of you. Newer ones and older ones. Ones from PSU. Ones from when Brady was a baby (you looked so young!). Ones of the boys playing together with you watching. And even ones from July 4th - how many times did I ask you if the fireworks were illegal?! It's so hard to look at those pictures of you and know that we'll never have those fun times with you again. Randy comforted me on Monday evening by saying that you were probably laughing at him the other week when one of your fellow officers from Northern Regional pulled him over. No worries - the officer mis-read our inspection sticker! We miss you so much, David, as do Brady and Gabe. We still can't believe that you're gone and our hearts ache for Dody, Eli, and Josy. We love your family and will always be here for them. Missing you...
By the way, I even came across the picture of you in the tree! That is one of my favorite memories of you and it will be forever cherished!
Randy & Jenn Shearer
February 18, 2009
Today was an emotional day for Dody and close friends Jason and Hope Gracey as I had the privilege of Baptizing Conner, Hope and Jason's youngest son, born December 7.
The sermon was cast as a letter written to little Conner.
Here is how it concluded:
"As the Baptized people of God we are “marked with the cross of Christ, forever”....bearing on our own bodies the sign of His suffering and the source of our be filled with the assurance that we do not suffer alone.
At your older brother Camron’s Baptism, I wrote:
Just as your father wears a sign of his calling upon him--a badge or shield--you now wear the shield of faith. Wearing this badge, this shield, this sign, Jesus has made you one with all of his faithful--his saints--of every time and every place. He has made you one with those whom we no longer can see with our earthly eyes, but whose memory still gladdens our hearts. For the Communion of Saints--the Body of Christ our Lord--cannot be separated or divided by death.
It was nearly nine years ago that your Daddy himself was Baptized. On that glorious Easter Eve I told him, in a letter similar to this, that :
The Son of God, Risen from the dead, will be with you forever. He will go with you in your patrol car. He will go with you into the worst tragedies imaginable. And, most importantly, he will go with you if, some day, you must answer a “last call”. For with Him by your side, that would not be a last call at all, but the rather the first call of eternal service with the Risen Lord.
Today we are very aware of the ultimate seriousness of that promise, for just a few weeks before your birth your family, and, indeed, what we call the law enforcement family were shocked and saddened by the sudden and utterly unexpected line of duty death of Officer David Tome, who truly served faithfully and honestly as he offered his last full measure of devotion to the pursuit of truth and justice.
It is to that same dedication that the Apostle Paul urges us all:
Do you not know that in a race the runners all compete, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win it.
Conner, you have been marked with the cross of Christ, forever, that you may run with perseverance the race that is set before you. Be strong in life’s challenges. Be grounded in God’s word. Be nourished by Christ’s supper.
And, Conner, be always assured that Christ wills that you be cleansed of all your sins that you may serve him with a quiet mind, together with “people of every race and tongue, of every language and nation”: with Naaman the Syrian, with Paul the Apostle, with David the faithful soldier of the law, now and forever. Amen."
Chaplain Tom Shelley
Pennsylvania State Police
February 15, 2009
Hi Dave
I don't know if you would remember me as I only met you once when you came to pick up Joe for several days of training. Joe often talks about that time with you and always laughs recalling such good memories.
My heart hurts for your family. They are my first thoughts in the morning and my last thoughts at night. Dody is so genuinely kind and such a strong woman!!!!! I know you would be so proud of her. We have fallen in Love with your children; they are so precious. Our kids enjoy playing with them so much - Joseph, our son, thinks Eli is the Best and a killer Wii player. Please know that we want to be there for Dody. We are hoping in time she will feel comfortable in calling us for anything but until that time, we intend to just make periodic calls to check in. I look at all the beautiful pictures in your home and I can't help but think how unfair it was that you were taken so young. There are so many mysteries in life with whick we struggle. I am convinced that life here on earth was not meant to be simple, but I am sure that God will explain it all to us some day. I pray for strength, comfort and assurance for Dody all can be found only in the presence and power of God.
Jill Jones
wife of fellow officer
February 5, 2009
Today we celebrated Eli's 5th birthday and it was very difficult not having you by our side. Thinking back to the day Eli was born I remember the joy in your eyes when the doctor announced "It's a boy." The excitment was just beaming off of you for now you would have those days of playing sports, hunting and fishing together with your son. Throughout these years Eli filled that joy in your life. He became your hunting, fishing, baseball, soccer and football buddy. He was so good at and quick to learn everything you taught him. It is hard to believe those days are gone. I know Eli misses doing all those things with you. I wish I would have had the chance to thank you for being such an amazing father to Eli and Josy. You always made the extra effort to spend time with them even when your schedule was hectic. If I would have known that our time here on earth would have been so short I still would not have changed one thing about our life together. With you I found true love and we became one. Our love then became a family with two beautiful children. Your love for us brought us joy and happiness and made us who we are today.
As we said to Eli -We love you 115 times around the Penn State football field to the moon and back! We miss you very much.
February 3, 2009
Feb.3---such a special day in your life.
Sure wish that you were here to celebrate it with the special people in your life.
We all miss you and think about you every day.
February 3, 2009
Hey brother, It's been cold this winter, but not much snow. We are all looking forward to warmer weather. I bet it's nice where you are!! Same old business here in the county, nothing exciting. I'm sure you are looking over your family and friends, in your private time please let your family know that the Law Enforcement community will always be there for them.
We miss you brother!!
January 22, 2009
I love you! I always played with you. My favorite thing to do with you was play football. I also liked when we played soccer and baseball. I wish you were still here to play with me. I miss you!
I love you! I miss your hugs and kisses. They were the best! I miss you saying "I'm going to get you" and then start tickling me. You always knew how to get me to laugh. I miss you!
Josy T
Elijah and Joslyn
son and daughter
January 8, 2009
I just wanted to let ya know I was thinking of you and your family over the holidays. I can't imagine how hard it was for Dody. She is one strong woman. My kids enjoyed meeting your children just before Christmas. Joe made me laugh because after the visit he said "Dad, Mr. Dave sure has a nice house but I think he needs just one Buckeye sign in it." I told him I didn't think you'd go along with that one. Anyway, I just wanted to let ya know I'm keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless Ya
Joe Jones
January 8, 2009