Northern York County Regional Police Department, Pennsylvania
End of Watch Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Reflections for Police Officer David Donald Tome
My Dear David,
I still miss you so much like it was the day you left us. Dody ask me to go to the Penn State Game. It was the four of us. Little Josy fell asleep for awhile, Eli was really into the game. You would be so proud of him, he knows a lot more about football then I do. Josy in her PS cheerleading outfit with her pom-poms we got her, was adorable. I felt bad in away, cause you should of been in the sit I was sitting in, not me. I could of cried at times. I know Dody missed you being their with her and the kids. Rocky and I are trying our best to do everything in our power to be their for them. You are with us every second of everyday. Loving you always.
Deb Mother-In-Law
September 5, 2010
Why do I keep coming back to this site? To see your smiling face. What I wish for will never happen here on the earth, but one day I will get to hug you again. Until that day rest in peace son. I miss you so so much.
Until we meet again.
August 18, 2010
David, David, David,
Writing this and looking at your picture is just not right.
I was so proud of you at your High School Graduate. Then from Penn State and the Police Academy. That was my dream to be a Police Officer. You did it all for your family.
Eli and Josy are two very very special children to me.
Part of you my Son.
Miss you and love you each and every day.
Karen Reever
August 1, 2010
I read this "All we can take with us to heaven is what we leave behind in the lives we touch." You touched so many people and still are.
Love you Son.
July 11, 2010
Miss you Son. It's not getting any easier for me. I really need to find the peace in all of this. I miss your smile and the peace you had with life.
You'll forever and always be inside my heart. My precious son. XOXO
Love U
June 28, 2010
Lift me up each day
Even though you've gone away
Your Spirit dances in my mind
In my heart, and in my soul
The life you lived, The Love you left
The one's you've touched, we won't forget
You give us strength in time of need
My Friend, My Angel Friend
'And we shared good times, through the years
In my heart and soul, you're here with me
My Friend, My Angel Friend
I hear you whisper in the wind
Piece by piece our, hearts will mend
The dreams you've shared will carry on
Here and now, and beyond
'And the world will smile, for you were here
The gifts you brought we'll hold them dear
I'll take you with me, 'til we meet again
My Friend My Angel Friend
'And We'll share good times from now on
In my heart you live on, with me
My Friend, My Angel Friend
I miss my Friend
**Rodney Carrington**
June 23, 2010
Reading the Bible helps me. Proverbs 16:9 In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.
Proverbs 17:6 Children's are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children. Words that mean so much.
Love you and Miss you Son.
June 8, 2010
Today was another special day that you should have been part of.
Your little boy graduated from kindergarten. He stood so brave--front and center in front of everyone. You would have been beaming with pride.
We all wish that you could have been there to share in that special event with your family.
We miss you so much. You are in our heart, thoughts, and prayers everyday.
June 1, 2010
Since your EOW, I hadn't been able to view this memorial until today. That day is forever engraved in my head and all I could think about was how windy you made it.
I had the privilege to talk to you while you were en route to reconstruct the accident. When we were done talking, I told you "watch your a**, see you brother". Never did I think that would be the last conversation I would have with you.
When I heard the radio dispatch, I was inside the car wash and I felt trapped. None of us could get to you quick enough, we tried my brother, we tried.
I had the great honor of walking you to your final resting place. I had the great honor of assisting your fellow brothers in folding YOUR American Flag. I held it tight and I cried as I handed it off to Chief. I didn't want one wrinkle in YOUR flag. I have not been able to visit your grave since.
You and I had great times arresting people. I can remember the time when you stopped an SUV with 4 kids in North York. I stopped to see if you were ok and you smiled, said you were fine and shrugged it off as a normal traffic stop. I had to run back to HQ and just as I pulled into the lot, you called out with foot pursuit. You couldn't do it when I was down there, no. By the time I got back to your 20, you had one in custody and I caught a second. The one kid had crack falling out of his pants leg. It was great, and you were laughing your a** off. You always did like a good foot chase.
I can also recall being in accident reconstruction class with you. I had such a tough time with it, then there was you. I remember you were sitting in the middle of the class, arms folded, head back, you were sound asleep. I took a picture of you sleeping with my phone. Unfortunately I deleted it, not wanting you to get into trouble if the wrong person saw it. I won’t forget any of it.
Brother, you are missed. It could have been any one of us that day, but for an unknown reason God chose you.
I can not imagine your pain or having to raise your beautiful children without their devoted father. You are a strong woman and a loving mother. Hold on to all memories and I too hope David continues to come to you in your dreams.
You are our sister, as Weed was our brother. Your children are now our responsibility and we love them.
Det. John R. Hartley Jr.
Northern York Co. Regional PD
May 19, 2010
Thanks for the help today. I know you had a role in the arrest today, that we have been after since January. I hope you enjoyed the chase!
We all miss you and think about you every single day, and then some.
May 17, 2010
Still missing you so much. I feel like I need to see you come across the porch to pick up the kids. I sit on the couch looking at your picture, then look out the window, where I can picture you coming to pick up your precious little gems. They are something else. They make us laugh so much. Rocky is helping with Eli's baseball team. I can't help to think, that it should be you there with Eli, not Rocky. That's when I feel anger, because of what happened. You should be HERE with us. Eli hits the ball pretty good, and runs fast like you. He surely takes after you. Josy is such alittle sweetheart, and her cute little moves she make is just adorable. She broke my heart one day when I had her, she said to me, "I want my daddy to hold me." I had to fight the tears back. She tells Dody that also. I can only think how that makes Dody feel. Rocky & I try our best to be there for them at all times. Rocky said the other day, It just seemed like you being taken away from us, just happened yesterday, and I feel the same way. Always in our hearts every second of everyday.
Mother-In Law
May 13, 2010
Today is not a good day. Thanks you for helping Dody pick the card out for me. I love you and miss you. Things To Do Today *Get Up *Survive *Go to bed. But I did see the rainbow yesterday and the squirrel in DC. And today we helped a mother find her son at Pole Steeple. I know you had a hand in that one too. It was in 2000 when we were up there with you. Today when I took the picture of the rock you were standing on. You were not there. But I know your spirit was with us. My Son My Hero. Be with Jamie and help her with the things going on in her life. She needs her big brother.
May 9, 2010
David David David
Help me please?
May 4, 2010
Alot of things have been going on and I know you had a hand in them. They truly are a "God-thing." I look at Josy and see more and more of you in her. Eli runs and runs like you. They both are what keeps us going. And so many people that have touched us and made a big different in our lives.
34-119 Our Hero.
Miss you and love you Son.
April 25, 2010
I know you will, but please see to it that Josy has an awesome day today. We all know she deserves it and always had you wrapped around her little finger. Squeeze her, Eli, and Dody tight and smother them with your love, hugs, and kisses.
April 12, 2010
Dear David,
The name we chosen for you. The name of my son. The baby boy I had at the age to 19. I am so thankful that I had you and Jamie at a young age. Now I know the reason why.
It was Gods plan. You and Jamie were my twins.
Your 1st. Birthday with long curly hair. Your first step on Nov. 2 1977. Standing in a snow suit with that big smile of yours. Thank You Thank You Son. I love You. The things that I remember of my Son, My baby boy.
Miss You so so much. Love you David Donald Tome.
April 11, 2010
What an emotional time of the year. What used to be and should be an exceptionally happy time with multiple celebrations has now turned into turmoil but yet still with happiness as we celebrate what should have been your birthday with a day in between to celebrate your baby girl's birthday the following day. The month starts with your little sister's birthday, Easter, your birthday, then Josy's, all within 10 days.
How we all used to look forward to this time of the year and now we don't know quite how to feel.
Please continue to hold those closest to you throughout these emotional days and give them the strength to feel your presence. Forever.
There's not a time that goes by that we're not thinking of you, we love you and miss you, now and forever.
April 11, 2010
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday David. This day isn't really all that different from other days in the fact that we all think of you and miss you every single day, no matter what day it is. Only today we wish you a Happy Birthday in Heaven. Tell Grandpa Hello for us!
April 10, 2010
Happy Birthday Big Brother!
I love and miss you.
April 10, 2010
My Dear David,
Happy Birthday, another year older and another year without you. Our lives changed the second you were not here. I,m so glad I had Dody's and your birthday party together, since Dody couldn't have a 30th birthday party for you, due to having Joslyn at anytime. So sad now to know that was your last birthday party we could celebrate. The only thing that keeps us going on is, knowing your now celebrating your birthday with Jesus. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID and sending you a big fat hug, and lots of love on your special day.
April 10, 2010
33 years ago, our family anxiously waited for your arrival. We waited from Good Friday until you were ready to make your appearance on Easter. What a extra special Easter that was!
Today you should be celebrating your birthday and getting ready to celebrate the third birthday of your little 'princess'.
That was all suddenly taken away---18 months ago.
Today, I still ask 'Why? Why? Why?---were you chosen'?
If I could have spared you, I would have taken your place in a heartbeat.
You are in our heart,thoughts and prayers everyday.
With love throughout eternity...
April 10, 2010
I just wanted to wish you Happy Birthday! We love you and miss you terribly! Please shine down on Dody, Eli, and Joslyn! Heroes Live Forever! :)
Love You and Miss You,
Janelle Leib
April 10, 2010
May be gone, but never from us.
David, you and your family are thought of not only on this special day, but everyday.
We love you, miss you, and wish you could be here more than anything.
April 4, 2010
Happy Easter Son. I miss you more and more. I don't know what to do, my heart is so broken not to have you here, my Easter Baby Boy. To look at your picture and see your great smile. I am so proud of you. You always gave it your all. Time is the greatest gift and I thank you for 31 years. But Why Why so short is life. Only Jesus knows.
Love you and can't while to see you again.
April 4, 2010
Good Friday the 1st day with the labor pain with you. 52 hours lately we have our little baby boy, my son, my Easter Baby Daivd D Tome on April 10. Then a year later April 2 you have a sister. Twins for 8 days. The two of you did everything together, baseball, soccer, school.
My boy and girl always together as a family. Now you are
my angel. My angel who I miss each and everyday not being here on Earth with us. So here is a big Easter Hug and a Birthday Kiss. Have fun with Grandpa. Keep looking over all of us. Help us to keep the faith till see you again.
Love You Son,
Miss You,
April 2, 2010