Mansfield Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Brian Evans
Brian we love you very much i know you are looking after your family . God Bless Sam
Community of Christ
July 9, 2008
Brian,Trin, and Tess,
I think about all of you daily and pray for you constantly. Even when words are to hard to express to the Lord I know he hears my moans and crying just like poppy told us. I love all of you so much and just ask that you always remember how much we love you and are here for you. This seems so unfair. We just have to remember that God is bigger than we are and he has a plan. Brian we miss you and not having you here to share the love of the Steelers with truly sucks.
June 20, 2008
My Dearest Brian,
Happy Father's Day. Love to you.
June 15, 2008
hey hon...just sittin here having a really hard time tonight. i miss you so much.i still hold back my tears so tess wont see me breaking down. the pain is still so gut-wrenching. i still havent been to the cemetary. i am so sorry. i just cant do it. tess has never asked to go either. you know that you, i and her never did like going to them. for me it makes it too real. this sadness that i have is so deep and hurts so bad. i am so tired. its hard to keep up with everything sometimes.
i am sure you know that kamon was run over by a car and all that took place over that. i know you do because i know you were there being his guardian angel. the injuries that he sustained and the fact that he is back to his old self so soon is a miracle.
today was tess's last day of school for summer break. the awards banquet was this morning like always. she got an award for honorable mention, one for all a's and b's all year long and the superintendants award. i am truly in awe of her. she was also invited by the school board to an award ceremony at the high school for having a high grade point average all year. through all of this she has remained so strong. it's all because of you. you made her tough from day one.
well i guess i will go for now. you are always in my thoughts. constantly. i miss you in every way possible. i love you.
love always, trina and tess #182
June 13, 2008
To the family of Officer Evans, please know you are being uplifted in prayers. Your loved one is in a better place and in the hands of God. Spiritually, he is with you and will always be. Be strong and courageous and know that God is with you always. I can picture your love one with Him. He would tell you not to shed tears for him. The love you shared is something that you can in turn love your daughter and share with and carry on together. The sun that rises each day is them reminding you that they are there. Soon and very soon, we shall all see those who have gone before us. God bless.
June 12, 2008
My baby boy, I think about you everyday and and wonder what Gods plan is over this tragedy. The night shift at work seems stale and empty without your presence. I still do my best but I find myself driving around thinking about you in heaven and someday looking forward to seeing you when I pass when I can finally run up to you and hug you and hear your famous words "thats what Im talking about!!! My large cross tatto on my arm with your badge number and the scripture John 15:13 across seems to give me a little comfort. Erika refuses to take off her memorial band with your name and badge number and end of watch that we got in DC. I miss everyday at work hearing your raspy voice call out 23 sig 2 in unit 4. You have left me with so many stories that I will tell my soon to be child and cant wait to tell the baby what an honorable man I once had the privilege of calling my best friend and one that would always be there for me. I still cry along with Erika about your death but I know that you would want us to keep going and take care of our families just like you did. It was a hard day for me when I opened my pool knowing that you wouldn't be pulling up in your trailblazer with a bunch of kids to swim. I know that it is coming up on 5 months since the tradegy but it doesn't get any easier for me and the dept. and my wife. We love you baby boy and pray that your family can make it through these rough times ahead.
Andy Boor Patrolman
mansfield police dept
June 4, 2008
I still can't believe that Brian is gone. We were a lot closer as kids, but as I adults I frequently ran into him and he always brought a smile to my face. I always felt that if I ever needed him that I could call him and he would be there for me regardless of the fact that we didn't spend that much time together. He was a special person, and I will cherish all of the happy memories we created as kids. He is a true hero, in every sense of the word. The world is now void of a wonderful person, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about Brian. God rest his soul, and please pray for our family in the months to come as we all struggle to make sense of this heinous crime.
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
1st cousin
May 30, 2008
I knew Brian from working the 911 calls in Mansfield, He was always there to help us out. He was always there to protect us. I know he is still doing his job. watching over everyone that he watched over before. Thank you for being there and making our job easier when we were faced with the not so nice people.
EMT-P Doug Green
Mansfield Ambulance
May 27, 2008
patrolman johnson249
mansfield police department
May 22, 2008
Officer Evans-
I had the distinct honor of visiting D.C. during this police week. While there I saw many of your loved ones. They wore shirts in your honor. They left a riot shield and kevlar helmet near your name. Though I never knew you and we are many states away I felt honored to learn your name. I can only imagine the type of man you were to produce such a response from your loved ones. Late one night I stopped and traced your name when few were around. Your legacy will live on. Rest easy now brother, we will take it from here. I'm sure you were a man I would have been honored to know, and now, you will be a man I'm honored to stand for. To, "The Man" "Baby Boy" "8 Ball" though I didn't know you then, I know you now and will never forget.
Baltimore County Police Department
May 16, 2008
Officer Evans-
I had the distinct honor of visiting D.C. during this police week. While there I saw many of your loved ones. They wore shirts in your honor. They left a riot shield and kevlar helmet near your name. Though I never knew you and we are many states away I felt honored to learn your name. I can only imagine the type of man you were to produce such a response from your loved ones. Late one night I stopped and traced your name when few were around. Your legacy will live on. Rest easy now brother, we will take it from here. I'm sure you were a man I would have been honored to know, and now, you will be a man I'm honored to stand for. To, "The Man" "Baby Boy" "8 Ball" though I didn't know you then, I know you now and will never forget.
Baltimore County Police Department
May 16, 2008
dear brian,
last thursday on may 1 2008 we had to go to the memorial service down at opada for the ohio officers that were honored for 2007. wow! talk about hard. it kind of felt like i was reliving when it first happened. they had me pretty drugged up for your calling hours and funeral as well as the many weeks following. i wasn't like that for this and it felt so raw. i didnt think i was gonna be able to sit through everything. the days still seem to run together but i think im putting on a good front for tess. she, of course is still amazing everyone. she's starting to get quite the attitude and i think that its anger over everything and she just doesn't know what to do with all of her emotions. she is so tough as you know; she is her daddy's daughter. i am really trying to be both of us for her but your shoes are just so big to fill. i pray that you know what you were to us and will continue to be to us forever, which was our everything. oh, i forgot to tell you that we moved back home over a month ago. i dont know the words to tell you how difficult it was. everything was how we left it on christmas day. i got us in here and just went nuts. we tore up carpet, painted, threw out junk-you name it we've done it to stay busy. that helped but at night when the quiet sets in after tess goes to bed is when i just let down my guard. i keep waitin for your call at 3 or 4a.m. to make you some pb&j sandwiches. if i just sit and listen really quietly i can hear you on your radio. it's so clear it's like you are there. all of our family and friends are still having such a hard time too. but you would be proud of them for being here for us like they are. i hope you have somehow been able to see how important you were to so many people; the lives that you touched and the legacy that you have left behind. it is truly phenomenal. i promise you that what you sacrificed for us all will never be forgotten. you and your life will live on forever. tess and i miss you so much and love you beyond words. always know that. my partner. her daddy. our hero.
May 5, 2008
Wow.. I just sit here and cry that unmanly tear. What a horrible tragic turn of events. I hope your family is dealing with it as best as they can. God Bless You Brother!
April 29, 2008
The funeral line was long, There's an awful lot of cars, Folks came out of the restaurants, They came out of the bars.
The workers at the construction sites All let their hammers drop. Someone asked. "What is this all for?" And they said, "Aw, just a cop."
Some chuckled at the passing cars. Some shed a silent tear Some people said, "It's stupid," "all these dumb policemen here."
"How come they are not out fighting crime?" "Or in a doughnut shop?" Sure is a lot of trouble, For someone who's just a cop."
They blocked the intersections, They blocked the interstate. People yelled and cursed, "Damn, it's gonna make me late!"
"This is really ridiculous!" "They're makin' us all stop!" "It seems they are sure wastin' time, On someone who's just a cop."
Into the cemetery now, The slow procession comes, The woeful Taps are slowly played. There's loud salutes from guns.
The graveyard workers shake their heads "This service is a flop." "There's lots of good words wasted, On someone who's just a cop"
Yeah, just a cop to most folks. Did his duty every day. Trying to protect us, Till they took his life away.
And when he got to heaven, St. Peter put him at the top. An angel asked him, "Who was that?" And he said, "Aw, just a cop."
His Judgment Day:
The officer stood and faced his God, Which must always come to pass. He hoped his shoes were shinning, Just as brightly as his brass.
"Step forward now, Officer, How shall I deal with you? Have you always turned the other cheek To my church have you been true?"
The officer squared his shoulder and said, "No, Lord, I guess I aint, Because those of us who carry badges can't always be a saint.
I've had to work most Sundays, And at times my talk was rough, And sometimes I've been violent Because the streets are tough.
But I never took a penny That wasn't mine to keep.. Though I worked a lot of overtime, when the bills got too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help Though at times I shook with fear. And sometimes, God forgive me, I've wept an unmanly tear.
I know I don't deserve a place among the people here. They never wanted me around except to calm their fear.
If you've a place for me here, Lord, it needn't be so grand. I never expected or had too much, But if you don't...I'll understand.
There was silence all around the throne, where the saints often trod. As the officer waited quietly for the judgment of his God.
"Step forward now, Officer. You've borne your burdens well. Come walk a beat on heaven's streets, You've done your time in hell"
God bless you and your family. Rest in peace!!!!
Motor officer Terry Pauley
Plano PD
April 26, 2008
My uncle, my friend, my hero...
Brian was 12 when I was born. My mom was young and still lived at home so according to her he was a little jealous of me at first. On my first Christmas he said "she better not take away from any of my presents!" As years passed, we became inseperable. He was my male role model along side my grandpa. He was not only my uncle, but also a father, brother, and most importantly a friend. He tought me how to play football better than all the kids on the street! Tought me how to dive off the diving board at the Shelby pool. I learned how to drive in the "hot rod", as Tess would say. He took me to my driver's license test and watched me through the window. I'll never forget his smile when I told him I passed! Even though he would deny it, he bought me my first pair of short shorts and ever since always questioned what I had on! He use to follow my now husband around at night and pull him over just to "mess with him!" He even pulled us over on Prom night! When I got married last July it was only appropiate that he was one of our groomsmen. I was with him just hours before he was taken from us on Christmas Day. My last memory is that we were playing guitar hero and he was terrible! He kept saying the guitar must be broken. You know he would never admit to defeat! He told me to be careful on my drive home and we said our goodbyes for the last time...
You will live on in my heart and memories forever. Thanks for making me who I am today. I love you. R.I.P The Man 182
Crystal Evans
April 11, 2008
To the family of Officer Brian Evans, to his friends, to the Mansfield Police Department and the community Officer Evans served, my emotional and tearful sympathy to all. A police officer serves his community without question or delay. His life is on the line every day. Please remember how he lived rather than how he died, especially in this difficult family situation.
I learned of Officer Evans death from Sgt. Todd Newberry of the Manchester Department. Todd is a friend and business partner. All officers, please be careful.
Rick May
Father, Officer Richard May, Jr.
Shot and Killed in the Line of Duty
East Palo Alto Police Department, CA
January 7, 2006
Rick May
Father of Officer Killed in the line of duty EPAPD, CA
February 29, 2008
Thank you to everyone for the thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. The show of support from family, friends, the community of Mansfield and The Mansfield Police Department has been amazing. Our Brian was one terrific person. Tess and I miss him so bad it hurts. He was our everything. He loved his God. He loved us. He loved his dogs. He loved his country. He loved his Buckeyes & his Steelers. He loved his family & his friends. He loved his motorcycle. He loved to work out. HE LOVED LIFE!!!
Dear Brian,
Well it has been almost 2 months since you were taken from us and the pain is as gut-wrenching as it was the night it happened. I tried to find you. I called you and texted you. We don't know how to go on without you. We just want you to come back home to us. I can't stop crying. I am mad. I want to just scream & yell. But, I try to keep it together when Tess is with me. She is already having an awful time with you not being here and the fear of how you were taken from us. She is starting to ask me so many questions and it sucks because I don't even know the answers to most of them. We were watching this show the other day about weddings and all of a sudden she looks at me and goes, "mom, who is going to walk me now?" I just wanted to lose it but you would be proud because I didn't. I am trying to be so strong like you for her but I don't know if I can. She has been the strong one. You would be so proud of her. She is able to talk about you all of the time to everyone. My daddy liked this just like me. My daddy liked that just like me. I can dance like my daddy. Me and my daddy like the same music. She does this all of the time and I love hearing it.
Brian, we have been a part of each others lives since we were 11 years old. I just knew we would grow old together. You are my best friend,lover and soul-mate. Please, somehow if you can, let me know that you are alright and that you know how bad we miss you and love you and want you back. You are with me 24/7. We listen to your voicemail so we can hear your voice. I am going to keep it forever. I miss our middle of the night talks. I still stay up most of the night waiting for your call to make you your Goober peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for your lunch. The nights were our time to catch up on the day, talk about what Tess had done that day, what the dogs had chewed up, what bills needed paid, etc. Can you see us? I just know that you will always be with us and watch over us. You will forever be in our minds, our hearts and our souls.
Love your girls,
Trina & Tess #182
Dear Lord, please watch over Brian and all of us. Keep us in your loving arms. Guide us and protect us. Give us strength. Hear our prayers. Forgive our sins. Let your light shine and give us peace. AMEN
February 25, 2008
Rest In Peace (RIP) Officer Evans. Thanks for your service to the City of Mansfield. You will never be forgotten.
February 8, 2008
My heart is saddened by this tragedy. My prayers go out to Officer Evans' family.
White County Sheriff's Department
February 5, 2008
Thank you for everything you did while you were here. Rest in peace, sir.
February 2, 2008
January 20, 2008
Thoughts and prayers are with your family and your agency. RIP Brother in Blue.
Patrolman D. Kirk #309
Round Lake Heights PD (IL)
January 20, 2008
God speed Brother... We honor and commend your sacrafice!!!
January 19, 2008
My sympathies to family, friends and members of the Mansfield Police Dpt. This hits home! I am an officer in Maryland, but grew up in Ohio. I went to Kent State, not far from Mansfield, and might have even applied there. We lost an officer (from our dpt who was struck by a veh.) during the summer-- and recently an officer from Western Md was shot and killed while responding to a domestic-around the same date as PO Evans.
May Christ be with your family!
January 19, 2008
My prayers and deepest sympathy go out to your wife, daughter, family, friends, and entire department. I know Angle wings softly carried you high into the heavens above, where as you will be 10-4 forever more in Gods loving arms.
Police Dispatcher Sara Singleton
Howard County Maryland Police Communications 911 Center
January 18, 2008