Mansfield Police Department, Ohio
End of Watch Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Brian Evans
Brian is the best ever..hes'my uncle and i LOVE him.i think of him every day.i dont know what really happend i herd tons of storie but i only believe only the funaral that was the last i seen him until i die.
September 18, 2009
hey hon, guess what? your baby girl made the 7th grade volleyball team at madison.they picked 12 out of the 20 girls. she is so excited. but it is literally making me ache that u rnt here 4 this or anything else. im having an awful time missing you & missing the 3 of us together.i just cry every night when tess goes to bed. i dont feel like i will ever heal from losing you. people say maybe i will atleast learn to live with it. i guess thats what ive been doing because time doesnt stop & the days go on. tess has saved me.shes been my reason for surviving. she makes me have to get up & face the day.if not for her id still be curled up in a dark room not knowing what to do. she acts so dang strong but i know she holds alot in. she doesnt say much to me cause she hates to see me cry. but i promise to never fail her. shes our baby no matter what she thinks:)...thought id also tell ya that i wrecked tess's moped almost 2 wks. ago.broke the bone in my knee(tibia).had 2 stay in the hospital all that sucks, big time.i cant do anything.have a brace on & it hurts bad & im on about a mess!leave it 2 me though.i just want you to come home.thats all.....we love & miss are our hero
love, trina & tess 182
trina evans
August 14, 2009
Hey Brian,
I have taken up running since you've been gone. Right now I am training to do my second half marathon. My friends that I train with, and I run past your house 3-4 times a week. We are out running between and 5 and 6am, and I always think about how it would be so awesome if you were home so I could stop and ask you for a drink of water. I miss you every day, and wish that there was something that I could do to help Trina and Tess. Thanks for watching over all of us. RIP #182
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
August 7, 2009
Hmmm, where do I start. Brian, I am sure you remember "dunking" basketballs(ball of paper) in Mr. Lovelace's class in 8th grade. If you don't remmebr, I do. Whenever Mr. L left the room for anything, we would get us some paper, ball it up and start trying to dunk over each other at the door frame. Whoever could dunk over the other and touch the top of the door frame was the "winner". Of course that lead to whoever could touch the ceiling tile.
those were the days, we just didn't know it then.
love you used to call me.
DeForest Brown
July 13, 2009
hey hon, just checkin in with you. i know its been a while but it was a long sad winter. the holidays werent good. it just wasnt the never will be ever again. tess has decided to go to madison for 7th & 8th grade. Her & alexis are going to go & they already started practicing volleyball over there. she is excited & nervous but i think shes going to do great. when she graduated 6th grade last month i could see you sitting there with us...bri, she is getting so tall & so old acting. twelve going on gets so overwhelming most days to think you are never coming back to help me with her. i still cant picture the future without you. all the things that you wont be here for. i thought i had found an old friend that was helping us & really doing great with her but it just didnt work out. we need to feel safe & loved like you made us feel. if we dont ever have that again we have each other & will always have our memories to wrap ourselves in. no one can take our memories. i took tess to another skin specialist.this ones in akron. they are having her use 2 creams for now.1 at night, the other 1 in the morning.then at her sports physical they thought she had an irregular heart beat. took her to the pediatric cardiologist; they had her get an ekg. they said its something that her mind is doing to her heart. she is telling her heart to skip a beat. so between her skin & heart i am trying to reduce her stress level. im just so tired hon. but i will do this. all my worries over her, you & i always shared together. she has been missing you alot here lately. talking & crying some. asking me why this happened to you. what do i say? God gives me the words that i need because i have no answers for that. well im going to run for now. we are headin to see the relatives. we love you & miss you every single day.
trina & tess #182
trina evans
July 6, 2009
Larry Shears
May 12, 2009
Hey brian just letting you know that your Steelers won the super bowl last night even though I know you watched it yourself. We all went over to your house last night to watch the game. It wasn't the same without you there. Tess and Trina dressed up all in steeler's garb. We all were rooting for your team except for a couple people. We love you and miss you always #182 LIVES FOREVER
February 2, 2009
hey honey,sorry i havent written in a while.i actually wrote a very long letter right after the trial but it got erased before i could save it.probably was for the best.i was very upset & diappointed in our wonderful judicial system.u know how they roll up in here & it wasnt any different for the good side again.bad people always win around here especially when the lawyers and judges are right there with them.they showed you or mr. houseman no respect during the was a joke. henson actually went to sleep. deweese commented there was no need for everyone to be so upset and konstam just looked bored.they had the nerve to tell me deweese was hurrying our trial so he could get to maurice kings.well, you know i told the prosecutors office what they could go back & tell wasnt very nice.they all make me sick.from the night this all happened to the investigation to the trial.but brian im still not done takin care of business & i will get justice for you & the magnificent legacy that you have left us all with.
tess & i will never be the same.we are forever broken, forever hurt,forever sad.i am so thankful that she has so much of you in her.she is still getting good grades.taking a dance class and now is getting ready to start guitar lessons.she stays as busy as ever.we got back into therapy here in town.i think it helps some but nothing can fix what we lost that night.they say time...i dont doesnt seem to get any easier or any less painful.i am still trying to be mom & dad to her.i promise to raise her the same wonderful way that we were doing together.i will do my best to stick to your guidelines regarding the boys and all the teenage stuff. which is getting here quicker than i would like.she is so stinkin hard headed and stubborn.remember we would say our poor baby girl aint got a chance having all this stubborness comin from both her mom and dad?how true that really is.shes got it to the max.
we miss you so bad brian that it still physically & emotionally mind stays filled with what our lives would still be if you hadnt been taken from us.please forgive me for not writing sooner. we love you & miss you with every fiber of our beings. trina & tess 182
January 22, 2009
I can't believe that it has been a year since you were taken from all of us. I have been trying to keep in touch with Kim, Crystal and Shannon as much as possible. We all miss you terribly and will never be able to fill the void left by your absence in our lives. Please know that we will do all that we can to be sure that you are never forgotten. Miss you terribly. RIP 182
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
January 12, 2009
It's been a year now and I just can't believe it. We dedicated your plague in the hallway on friday with a small memorial recognizing the one year anniversary. I think of you everyday and keep a basket full of Blow Pops on my desk in your honor. I haven't done a very good job of keeping in touch with Trina and Tess, I'm just not very good at that, and for that I must apologize. I miss working with all of the night watch crew and I know they all miss you terribly. I pray for you, your family and friends, that we can all deal with the loss of a friend, father, husband, etc.
Until we meet again Brian.
Love MPD155
Captain Michele Webb
Mansfield PD
December 28, 2008
It's been a year now that we have had to live without you. It's been such a hard year. Life is not and will not ever be the same. We think of you every single day and we vow not to let your memory leave us. We know you are watching over us and we can feel that. Brian, you never will be forgotten. We love you very much.
Larry, Quincy, Heather and Dalton
Shears Family
December 26, 2008
Brian, It will soon be 1 year that you were taken from us & I still can't believe it. I think of you, Trina & Tess everyday. The trial did not end the way it should have, but we all know the truth. I'm sorry you had to die at the hands of a coward. You will never be forgotten......
MPD wife
November 19, 2008
Brian, I think about you, Trina & Tess everyday. It will soon be 1 year that you were taken and I still can't believe it. You were loved by so many and continue to be in all of our thoughts. Even though the trial didn't end the way it should have, we all know the truth. I'm sorry you had to die at the hands of a coward. You will never be forgotten.......
MPD wife
November 19, 2008
Things definitely did not go the way that we had hoped for at the trial. I just wanted to let you know that I think about you everyday, and I really wish that I had taken the time to hang out with you more. I always assumed that you were too busy with work, and wouldn't want to be bothered. What a mistake I made, but I can't take it back. I want you to know that I apologize for not making the effort. I can't believe it has been almost a year since you were taken from all of us. Miss you much. RIP 182
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
November 5, 2008
You are deeply missed by family and friends Brian. ALWAYS REMEMBERED NEVER FORGOTTEN.
Dispatcher Jason Gregory
Richland County Emergency Management Agency/RCSO
October 25, 2008
Brian, I am sitting here at this computer again looking at your memorial page. It is like a nightmare that wont stop. We shared so many thing in our lives that were the same. Its so hard to go to work most of the time. We try to kid and joke around but that place will never be the same to me withought your humor. I miss you Brian G.
Patrolman #173
September 30, 2008
patrolman johnson249
mansfield police department
September 9, 2008
I just noticed in the last reflection that I left that I put the wrong year so I wanted to apologize for the oversight. I hope that you are doing okay and that you have been able to see what has been going on this week. We all love you and miss you. I hope that you will continue to watch over us and keep us safe. We are going to need all of the help we can get.
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
1st Cousin
September 4, 2008
Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you. I was remembering the times when you would dance to "Blue Suede Shoes" in your Dad's garage. Or what about the times at grandma's when we would play King of the Mountain, which we had another derrogatory name for that I won't mention? How I wish we were kids again now so we wouldn't have to deal with what we are now. The world got a lot less safe and a lot less funny on 12/26/08. Rest in peace Brian. Wish you could have stayed with us longer. I will continue to pray that justice will prevail.
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
August 18, 2008
Trina and Tess,
I wanted you to know that
you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day. I didn't know Brian very well (we were on different shifts and I was still new to the dept) but I have a few good stories that would make you smile. He was a hero and loved by all and will never be forgotten.
Jen Blue
MPD Records
August 17, 2008
Sorry I haven't stopped by recently. July was a hard month. Shannon and I spent your 15 yr anniversary with Trina and Tess in NJ. She did pretty well, but saw you every time she turned around. We drove down the same road you guys took to watch the sunrise and walked on the same beach where Megan took all those great pics of the three of you. We stayed at Megan's parent's house where you guys always stayed. One day, Megan's mom made spaghetti and she asked me why Tess ate it like she did and I said she learned from her dad. She still sepatates the noodles from the sauce. Even when I was a kid you did that at Gramdma's. Tess and I don't eat the crust on our sandwiches either because of you!
We were also together for my one year wedding anniversary and reminisced how handsome you looked in your tux. I remember you on the dance floor all night long with the kids and then of course you did the worm! We have a great pic of that!
I want to talk to you about mom. She is really struggling with this situation. She misses you so much. I was with her Sunday and she seems to be doing better with the meds the Dr has given her. She is back to work and her arm is healing nicely. Thanks to you by the way for sending us to Dr Dawson. I know it was you that made me dial that number which took us to him. He did an amazing job with mom and Trina's arm. She has an awful scar which is a constant reminder of that night. She misses you the most at night when she would get off work and you would stop in. She misses you fixing her remote and DVR and playing with Brandy until your uniform was covered in white hair. I depended on you for that too. I never worried about her, because I knew you would always be there. Really, you were the only company she had so now she's alone and scared. She needs her little brother so please cont to watch over her for me.
The trial is less than a month away now and I'm nervous. I don't want everyone to have to re-live that awful night again. Please give us the strength to make it through the rest of this year and make sure justice is served. Not only for you, but for the Houseman family too who have also lost a wonderful father. I miss you so much. It hurts so bad sometimes I can't breathe. Today, I'm making a shadowbox with all the memorabilia from the ceremonies. I'm hanging it in my living room so you will always be with me. I love you...
Crystal Evans
August 5, 2008
B- I sit here & read what people have written & feel bad that I haven't written sooner. I am grateful for the opportunity to have known you. I hate that this has happened & wish that I could offer some comfort to the ones you have left behind. I think about you, Trina, & Tess each & every single day. Thank you Baby Boy, for your sacrafice. Thank you for everything you stood for. You will always be remembered as a hero. Until we meet again.....
MPD wife
August 3, 2008
hey hon, just sittin here reading the latest notes that people have left. you truly are missed by everyone. you touched so many people with your soft heart. you know you tried to sound and be so tough but you just couldn't keep from cracking that half smile. i am smiling right now just picturing it. being home has been nice for tess and i but without you here is awful. the memories are just everywhere that i look. you are in every inch of this house. and as you know tess has all the kids here all of the time. just like always. they still want to hang out here instead of their own houses. but you know that you and i like it that way cause then we always know where shes at. hectic as it can get, especially without you here to help me, wouldn't have it any other way. the lastest news regarding our wild child is that she does have that skin disease vitiligo(sp). remember when i took her to the dermatologist in early dec. for that wart and he mentioned that those little white spots could be that? well i noticed a couple weeks ago that her one knee is all bleached out and the back of her knee and other big spots. took her back to the dr. and she has to use medicine on the spots day and night(hopefully to try to bring some of the pigmentation back to the surface), special soap when she bathes, only short lukewarm showers, special lotion to put on when she gets done swimming and no hot tubs! you know that last one really made her mad. you and her are the hot tub freaks. so far she hasn't said much about it. i took her out and bought her a four-wheeler. that knida took her mind off of it.haha well i am gonna go for now. i will now and forever keep you in my heart, my mind and my soul. we love you and miss you more than any words could always, trina & tess 182
July 22, 2008
Who knew that your coolness as a kid would stick with you through your adult years. When we were kids, I remember you with your thumbs up saying, "Aaaaa", acting like The Fonz. Now I hear all these stories about you, "The Man" and the cool things you have done over the years. I will always remember you doing the worm and dancing at Crystals wedding. I know our family got a big kick out of that.
I know I didn't see you much, but being that I live close to your in-laws, I would catch you out swimming or going for a bike ride with Tess. I will miss hearing all the noise from you all havin fun in the lake, we could hear you clear on the next road. Hurts me so much to know that I will not get that chance to run into you while going down the road or when peeking over to see if that is you driving the police car beside me. I pray for Trina and Tess, that they will get through this ok and just know how lucky they are to have such good memories of you. I think of all of you every day and it hurts so much. I can't imagine how much your wife and daughter are hurting. Just watch over them from Hevan and let them remember all the good times you had together. Let them laugh at the funny things you have done in your life, let them wear a smile upon their face even though their heart aches so much. We all miss you very much.
Rhonda (Metz) Bisel
1st cousin
July 14, 2008
Just wanted to say that you've been on my mind a lot, especially since we ran into Trina recently at Mike's class reunion. She seems to be doing a lot better, but I know that she is still hurting inside. We went to the cemetary last week and left some flags out in memory of you, and in celebration of the 4th of July holiday. We miss you and are doing our best to cope. I'll be in touch again soon.
Pam (Mabry) Bechtel
July 10, 2008