Smithsburg Police Department, Maryland
End of Watch Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Christopher Nicholson
Hi Chris,
It has been a while since I stopped to say hello. That doesn't mean, however, that I have stopped thinking about you. Not a day goes by that you aren't on my mind. It is kind of funny the things that remind me of you - just little things sometimes. I will never forget that you made the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. Please continue to keep a watchful eye on us. Love & miss you!
August 28, 2009
You are still on the minds of everyone who knew you! I know you are waching over everyone you knew. Joel pulled me over on the 4th of july and of course your sticker on my car brought you up. We had a brief moment of memories and then I went on my way to work. You continue keep all of safe and when I get to heaven I can't wait to give you the biggest hug ever....after I stand in line with everyone who gets there before me!! Hope your having a good laugh now and then at some of the dumb crap people do!
We Miss You!
August 23, 2009
just thinking about your smile today and those big red cheeks. love ya chris you are sadly missed every day
August 2, 2009
Hey babe, I just wanted to stop by and say hello....There is not a day that dont pass by that I dont have you on my mind. Things are getting better, the trail is over and he pled guilty! I still tell Wyatt all about you and he looks at the door like you will be coming home, Im going to mytle beach with mom and paul in september, it will be fun...Oh by the way Alan got a dobie too and Wyatt was scared to death of him, lol
Well babe I miss you and you know I would do anything to have you back but thats not going to happen so till we meet in heaven, I LOVE YOU ALWAYS!!!
Your Facehole
Desiree Grimes
July 10, 2009
Chris, just wanted to say hi. I'm thinking about you a lot today. I love you brother.
July 7, 2009
chris just thinking about you today,rest in peace my friend
June 27, 2009
Give god and jesus a hug and kiss for me! ;=) We will all be together one day! ;=)
kristine wilton
June 3, 2009
Remember 592....he died for me and you...and he still keeps watch over me and you!
May 22, 2009
It is Spring and we are looking for you. We know you made the highest sacrafice one can make for love of country. We will always be looking for you, in every sunset and sunrise, every flower, the wildlife and animals you loved so much, when each police cruiser passes by you are there. We still hear your laugh, see your wonderful smile and feel those very special hugs. To have had the privilege of being a part of your life we are eternally grateful. Your footprints will ever be remembered, and the lives you have touched have made this world a so much better place. THANK YOU CHRIS!
April 29, 2009
Gwinnett County Police, Ga.
April 7, 2009
just thinking of you today
April 6, 2009
You are still missed and thought of daily!! Just wanted to stop say "HI" and send you a smile :>
March 12, 2009
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones. You are a true hero and heroes never die. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and also those still out on patrol. You will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
February 27, 2009
I miss you so much, hope that you are watching down on me and protecting me. Til we meet again you are in my heart!
Love you always....
February 14, 2009
You were on my mind today. I know you are home with our Lord. My prayers are with my precious friend your Mom and your family.
Joyce Brownlee
January 14, 2009
It isn't right that you're not here to celabrate your day with the people that you love. I'll be thinking of, tomorrow, and always.
January 9, 2009
Hi baby,
I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I love you and can't get you off my mind. The holidays have come and gone and it's a new year... I saw everyone one christmas just as we would have, I got everyone something just as we would have also and just wanted to let you know that I finished the gift you started for larry last year... I hope that I did a good job, fishing Im not a pro at and dont have a clue on what is what but I know that you helped me. My grieving is getting better but now all I can think about is what stage of life we would be going through, more dogs, bigger house,kids,ect...I guess my heart is still missing you and with time all will get better. I love you and til we met again!!!
January 7, 2009
Merry Christmas Chris!! We miss you so much!
December 26, 2008
December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, Christopher!!
You are loved and missed by many. What a celebration you must all be having in Heaven!!
Mom and Paul
Mom And Stepfather
December 24, 2008
Its been a year since that tragic day and as I sit here typing this it is pouring down rain, which seems only appropriate. The card from your funeral and a rubbing from the memorial wall remains hanging in my locker at work, as a reminder as I get dressed for duty of the price that you paid and the danger that we may face doing the job that we do. I will never forget the fishing trip we had on the Potomac in my boat or the trip that you, Footen , and I took to Bass Pro Shop. Continue to watch over all of us and keep the men in uniform safe.
Ofc. Dean #3828
December 19, 2008
I can't believe it's been 1 year since you left this place. I still think about you and my family constantly and I still pray for you all!
Alot can happen in 1 year...I am in contact with my mom again and excited about all my new baby cousins. I ask that you watch over them too for me and keep those little babies safe. They are such beautiful babies and I can't wait to see them. I wish I lived there, so I could spoil them rotten, just like I wish I could have been a part of your life while you were growing up, I would have spoiled you, Ryan, Crystal, etc. rotten too! lol I joke with markie and tell him when he has babies I plan on spoiling those babies rotten, filling them with sugar highs and then sending them home rotflmao! :) I'm just going to hug them to death and never let them go ;=) It is hard you know, living so far away and wishing I was closer to my family. I have missed out so much in my life. I missed out on so many people lives and instead of being a part of a family, we are all more like strangers and that does haunt me and does hurt me. I can't change back the time and I can't do it all over again, but what I can do is try to stay in contact with the family and visit whenever I can and make new memories.
and I have talked to my mom about visting your grave today for me since I can't come myself and she promises me she will bring you something today :=), something special from us all. that would mean alot to me. I'm planning a trip to Hagerstown in april or may and plan on visiting smithsburg and seeing all the stuff I missed out on. I'm excited about that! I'm excited to see your mom and the rest of the family again ! I can't wait! :)
I love you all! I have always loved you all! I miss you all! I wish I was there! I wish I didn't live so far away! I wish things could have been different! It hurts you know!
Kristine Obitts Wilton
December 19, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this first anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten.
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
December 19, 2008
My Little Hero
December 19, 2008-1 year
You were special from the moment you were born. The doctors didn’t think you would live; but, with your strength and God’s loving grace; you pulled through. A miracle, I didn’t realize how special you truly were. You touched so many lives, in such a positive manner. I’m so, very proud of you. God gave us twenty-five-years together. You experienced more life in twenty-five short years, than most people do in a lifetime. You always tried to protect me, and I knew you would always be a great police officer. You wanted to make a difference, in peoples lives. My saddest regret, though, is knowing that you never had the chance to have your own family; the houseful of kids and dogs; you always dreamed of. I’m so sorry, that was taken from you. When you left , so suddenly to return home, you took a big part of me with you. You were, and always will be, made of one-half me, and I will never feel whole, again. Christopher, one day, we will all be together, again. I know you will keep the light on for me and will be waiting at the gate, with open arms. Every day I can, I go to your grave. Every night, I look at the brightest star, and there you are! There’s my little little Punkinberry, and I miss you, oh, so much!
December 18, 2008
I have blue lights out in your memory, but still get a tear in my eye when I think about how things should have been different. You are all over this town. I see things everyday that remind me of when you were here. Officer McKnight had on a beenie hat the other day crossing traffic at the high school and that brought back memories of the last day you were here in person. You had on a beenie hat and of course your sunglasses : ) you stopped me to let other traffic go and I smiled an evil smile at you, you waved, shrugged your shoulders, and wished me a Merry Christmas. You always had that shoulder shrug that said so much. You were great as a person and as an officer and I hope that you are looking down on our town and seeing all the blue lights in your memory. One year later and you are still in this entire town's heart as you are in all the people that knew you on a personal level. Chris RIP and know that you are not forgotten and on the mind of someone everyday day. I'm waiting until we meet again and I can Thank You in person for all the things you have done for this little mayberry of a town. You are our HERO and blue lights will always be on my house Christmas just for you.
Longtime Smithsburg Resident
December 18, 2008