Smithsburg Police Department, Maryland
End of Watch Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Christopher Nicholson
Officer Nicholson, thank you for your service and dedication, you will not be forgotten. I hope your family, friends, and Desi will come to find comfort in the memories you shared with them. I know all to well the pain of losing my Officer to a senseless killing. My thoughts and prayers are with all of them.
Desi, I just want you to know you are not alone, there are other girlfriends and fiance's who know exactly what you are feeling. If you ever need anything feel free to contact me. You can search me on myspace.
Big Hugs,
Monica Sise
Fiance Scott Stewart EOW 8-11-02 Detroit
Monica Sise
Detroit Police Department
July 20, 2008
Wow, It's July already and I can't believe it's been 6 months since you left (me) us. Again I can't put into words how much I miss you. We would have been getting married in less then three months,just isn't fair. I found a letter that you wrote me a week ago, In that letter you say that I was the best thing that ever happen to you and that you knew I was the one for you and that I made you sooo happy and with a big smiley face after the I love you...I'm glad god sent you to me,I think back and there wasn't a day that went by that we didn't tell eachother that we love one another,and the best part is that you said it first to me... Remember the night in October that we as on our way to dinner and you looked at me out of the blue and said let's start having babies, I was so happy, no one has ever ask that of me. Those moments in our relationship are priceless and no one can take that from us. THANK YOU for all the great times, There is this empty sick feeling in my body that I have everyday wishing that I was the one to have taken that bullet for you. Again, you will forever be my rock and til we are together again.
One more thing I promise to keep in touch with all your family and friends and the town that you served as long as they will have me. I LOVE YOU, YOUR FACE-HOLE ;)-
July 9, 2008
We didn't get to talk much after 1-9-07. I didn't get to tell you exactly how much you meant to me. You have influenced my life in a way I never thought a man could. You've helped me become the person I should have been when we were together. I think about you everyday and remember the years we had together. I still laugh when I think of the incident with you and the ribs, lol, you scared me to tears. we had alot of great times together. I was blessed to have met such a wonderful man. You will always be in my heart.
Love, Merissa
July 7, 2008
Hi Chris,
Just stopping by to let you know that we are thinking about you and miss you.... We often wonder when we will be able to accept the fact that you were taken from us on that fateful December night and we are realizing that we will probably never really be able to accept it. We think of you every day and the sacrifice you made. We are still reeling from the shock, anger and disbelief at the way you were taken from us. We love you and miss you more than you'll ever know. Thanks for keeping a watchful eye on us - it makes us feel better knowing you are looking over us. We would give anything to have you back with us but we know that isn't possible...At least we know you will be there waiting for us whenever our time comes. Until then, we will hold all of your memories close and never, ever forget you. You can count on that.
Your extended family
July 5, 2008
June 29, 2008
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss the hell out of ya. While I have seen other Officers come and go, and new ones spring from the academy, I can't help but think how your sacrifice had strengthened these recruits (and current Officers). I always knew in the academy that you had a way of inspiring others--Lord knows we kept moving in P.T. 'cause of ya. I always think about the lessons you and I learned from eachother, and how we could laugh it off and keep on pushing forward. I wish you had so much more time on this Earth; you had such a bright and promising career and life. I still feel so much pain when I think about that night and yet I know that your families' pain is a thousand times worse. They are incredibly strong, I do not know how they do it.
I know you're watching over me, because I can feel your presence. Every time I'm on that call that I think is too much, I can hear you in a distance saying "let me tell you how MY day went..." and I begin to laugh knowing that no matter what I just experienced, you could always top it with the most hillarious stories from work.
Chris, it's not fair that you were taken from this world at such a young age. I know that as officers, there is a stigma that keeps us robots, without being able to show emotion. But there is so much emotion that flows through me--and most of it can not be posted on here, for it would not be allowed. But I have prayed time and time again for thing to be made right--at least as right as possible, because for it to be completely right, you would be back here, downing beers with me.
While I am not ready to join you among Heaven's ranks, I cannot wait to see you again.
Dep. Footen
Wash. Co. Sheriff's Ofc/Friend
June 28, 2008
Just stopping by to let u know you are in my karen,paul,arlene,ryan and family you also are in my thoughts and prayers
June 27, 2008
Everyday you ride shotgun with me. Every call I think about what happened. You protect us everyday because we won't forget what you gave. You made me safer and smarter. I just wish you were here so I can think you in person. Thank you. To Chris's family thank you for giving us such a good police officer.
Washington County
June 12, 2008
Everyday you ride shotgun with me. Every call I think about what happened. You protect us everyday because we won't forget what you gave. You made me safer and smarter. I just wish you were here so I can think you in person. Thank you. To Chris's family thank you for giving us such a good police officer.
Washington County
June 12, 2008
Hi baby, I haven't wrote to you in a while, I haven't forgot never will, you are engraved in my heart forever, just wanted to tell you that I'm back at dual and love would be so proud. Had Wyatt at the vet today and hes 80.2 pounds and still growing. I'm getting ready to go home soon. God, there is so many things that I want to tell you but i'd be writing a book on here,lol, I know that you are with me everyday and I feel safe but I still find it so hard not seeing or hearing you or to have you holding me, I just can't understand why you, why this way and why us????? I just wish I could go back to the day before and change everything my heart is so broken and not sure how to fix it. Well babe, another day gone and that means another day closer to you, I LOVE YOU !!!!!!!
June 10, 2008
Now that most of the Memorial services have ended, and I have a moment I have some thoughts I would like to share with you. I want you to know that the men and women of this department are very proud of you, and the fortitude you showed while you were with us. We are saddened by your departure, but are daily reminded of the positive impact you had on this community you served. God had blessed us for a brief time with your love, laughter, and zeal for life. I want you to know that you will always be a part of this department, and our driving force to continue to serve this community. I would like to share this poem that I wrote for your Memorial service on May 17 at the Valley Mall. Its entitled 592.
From his first breath, his life was a test
A heart defect, doctors did their best
Gods loving grace had brought him through
To become the man we all knew
A hunter, a fisherman, he loved the outdoors
He was a man we all adored
He was a friend, a brother, and son
We are all proud of the things he has done
He had a lot to overcome
To pin on his badge and strap on his gun
592 was called one night
To protect our community from evil’s plight
Without hesitation, he went in harm’s way
So we would be safe the coming day
He gave of his life so willfully
Because of his love for you and me
592 is a hero true
Like many men and women in blue
It’s that thin blue line that protects us all
Because 592 had answered the call
So think of him when your day is done
Officer Christopher Shane Nicholson.
For those of you, who were on the scene that December night, understand that nothing you did or did not do, or things you felt you should have done would have changed this out come, God had called Christopher home. To all Men and Women in blue you can pay tribute to Chris, and all our other fallen brothers and sisters by our actions now and this day forth. Live to be righteous,and good. Serve your community with Respect, Honor, Courage, and Commitment. How will you respond. May God Bless all Law Enforcement and their families for the sacrifices they have made by serving, and supporting those who serve.
In Christ's Love.
Chief Charles R. Stanford
Chief of Police, Smithsburg Police Department
May 21, 2008
CHRIS, I think this week has been the hardest since you have be gone,just the reminders of all the evil in this world that has taken so many of our heros to soon.Peace my brother watch out for all us left behind to fight for the good in this world.
May 16, 2008
Chris, Well my friend, this past week was for you! It was always wonderful to see every member of your family throughout this past week. I hope that this week has helped them all to keep moving forward. Your name is etched in so much more than stone, it's etched in the hearts and memories of all your fellow Maryland Survivor's. We'll continue to hold your family in our thoughts and prayers, and I would ask that you continue to watch over us as we carry on your work. Rest in Peace Brother.
Cpl. Sean Wm. Kille
Maryland Natural Resources Police
May 16, 2008
Happy police officers memorial day! Today we attended a memorial for the fallen police officers at the police officers hall of fame in Titusville Florida. Was a beautiful service. And this place is awesome Chris...if you could only see the museum you would like it. You name along with 8000 other police officers is engraved in the stone. There are memorials down below the for the family members of the fallen officers. I started a memorial for you. I left you the collage I made for you with your cop pictures I found on the internet. I also left you a rose and a note with your name on it. Saying. Until we meet again cousin! I thought it would be nice to be more than just a name on a wall. I wanted everyone to see a face behind that name.
you uncle Gerald went and forgot the film for his camera and we didn't get any pictures though. Daddy is forgettful at times, lol. But since the museum is close to where we live we can go back there as much as we want to for free. and we want to take pictures and send them to your mom. I will send the name shading I made with your name and a program book
Kristine Wilton
May 15, 2008
So I just got to finally talk to your Mom today it was soo good to hear from her. I miss everyone especially you! I have plans to meet up with your Mom really soon to catch up and talk, and to exchange all the wonderful pictures we had together. I see your Grandma (our Grandma at least thats what we always called her) alot at my job, which is nice! It still doesn't seem real even though I know it is, and I know I need to move forward in life but you have no idea how hard it is. Thats all I can say for now, but remember how much we all love and miss you!
Jennifer Platz
May 7, 2008
Rest in peace, and the rest are never forgotten
Michael Hopkins
nephew of Po Rich Lendel eow 1/14/83
May 6, 2008
Thanks for your service to this great nation Chris ... we are all forever in debt to you. A man who loses his life for righteous principles is my brother always.
RIP brother.
Citizen in Washington State
May 6, 2008
CHRIS, just wanted you to know we miss you and you are in our thoughts every day we get ready for work doing the job you loved so much.
May 6, 2008
Hello Officer Nicholson
I left you a memorial the day after your life was stolen by a very dangerous man. I never had the true honour or privlage to have met you or shaken your hand sir. I moved about a 100 miles away the year you were hired at the Smithsburg PD but was familiar with the officers of your agency. They were always professional and courteous.
One nite when I was working the nite shift down in Frederic MD my wife was about 7 months pregnant with our first child. I called her at 11:00 PM to tell her goodnite but was unable to get her on the telephone. I became very anxious for her safety as we had slippery hardwood floors on our stairway and she had become quit clumsy and was afraid she had fallen. I contacted the Smithsburg PD to check on her welfare and they did. They knocked on the door that rainy nite and she came to the door and they laughed when they saw she was ok and asked her to please call me apparently I had turned the phone off and forgot to turn it back on that day when I slept. I felt so at peace in that town with those Smithsburg PD on patrol during that time.
Thank you Officer Nicholson for your brave service I know that I certainly as a citizen ever forget of your sacrifice and have told people in this town and area of your heroisim and met officers here over a hundred miles away that came to pay their respects to you and your family and friends. God be with your fiance and mother and the many officers that continue to carry on.
Godbless you Officer Nicholson
Jim Atkisson
Former resident Whispering Hills
Jim Atkisson
May 3, 2008
Chris, we speak of you often at Smithsburg PD. Today a man stopped me outside the PD to thank me for serving our town. After telling him that we appreciate his kindness, he said that he knew you and really missed your smile, and seing you on the street. I know you would not mind but my reply to him was "Sir Chris is always with us".
Officer George Knight
Smithsburg Police Department
April 27, 2008
Hi babe,
It's me again, just needing to talk and this is my way that makes me feel better w/o crying. Saturday was four months and the smithsburg little league team dedicated there season to you,I counldn't be there but mom said it was great. You was so loved and I know that you had no idea how much you was liked and loved. There will never be another like you baby. Wyatt is getting so big, you would be so proud of him, he's so much like you, I see it everyday. Thank you for everything, you have made me a better person and there isn't a day that don't go by that I'm doing something and your on my mind or the memories that we shared comes back b/c of you, I find myself dancing like you did just to be funny. Your everywhere!!! Or the other night I picked up the phone and was going to call you b/c I wanted to hear your voice. I was thinking the other night about last May when we went way, what great times.
Well babe, I will always love you, today , tomorrow and forever.....
April 21, 2008
April 12, 2008
Hey Buddha :) There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about you or miss you. It's been years since I had talked to you and am now kicking myself for never thanking you for everything you did for me so many years ago. I owe so much to you and find comfort in knowing I'll see you again someday and actually get to tell you thanks. I love you buddy always have and always will. Aunt Sarah loves and misses you too. God bless you and your family, Chris. Watch over us and keep us safe!
April 10, 2008
Hi Chris,
We just want you to know that we miss you and think of you every day. We know that you are looking out for us as we go about our daily grind. You are loved and missed more than you'll ever know. We will never forget our hero. Rest in peace.
April 10, 2008
Chris, we will miss you and your smile. I only knew you aftrer retiring from Hagerstown City Police but your smile and friendly demeanor will never be forgotten. As I replace you at the Smithsburg PD I will always remember your smile and remind others to do the same. God speed young man.
Officer George L. Knight Jr.
Smithsburg Police Department
April 8, 2008