Smithsburg Police Department, Maryland
End of Watch Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Reflections for Police Officer Christopher Nicholson
It is so hard to believe that it has practically been a year since you left us. This has definitely been a very hard month for me and I'm sure your family as well. If only we could turn back the hands of time, but unfortunately thats not possible. I hope your enjoying your time in heaven with your family and friends that I'm sure you have joined up with. All I can say is that you will always be in my heart and on my mind, I could and will never forget you! I will love you forever and keep you in my heart always. I just pray that you know that!
Love always,
Your Jenn-i ;)
Jennifer Platz
December 18, 2008
WOW....Babe I can't believe that its been 1 year since I last heard your voice, that night that we hung up the phone and I told you Id see you in 2 hours, I didnt know that it was the last time. It breaks my heart that I dont have you, you were my perfect soulmate, we shared a very special time together, you showed me how to love again and I showed you that love is and can be very special if the right person gives it, Im glad you made me that person! The house is very empty w/o you in it,Wyatt sleeps with me now and he's a mommy's boy like I said he would be,lol He also is a great dog, you would be so proud of him. I haven't changed to much in the house, I just can't; your clothes are still in the closet, your sneakers are still where you left them the night before, no one knows how much my heart aches and how I long for the day to be with you again.We were so happy and just knowing that we were to be married and that we were going to start a family very shortly, I just want to scream. I still can't thank kimmy enough for giving you my numbers and that you called me.... I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU LIKE NO OTHER AND KNOW THAT THERE IS NOT A SECOND OF EVERY DAY THAT DOES NOT GO BY THAT YOU ARE NOT ON MY MIND.
December 18, 2008
I feel emptiness inside...I wake up every day thinking of you. Every night I lay in bed thinking about the nights we spent together. I miss our relationship; I miss the connection we had. I wish things were different; I regret how we ended. I'm so glad we met and that I was able to spend 5 years with you. You do not understand how much you mean to me and how you've influenced my life. I don't think I'll ever be able to share my love with someone like the love I shared with you. You are definitely "one of a kind", Chris. I hate that I can't talk to you face to face to express my feelings...I'll have the chance someday. I look at our pictures and visit your grave, but I still feel empty. I don't know how to change that feeling...
I've missed you every day since January 9, '07. I still believe I'll run into you somewhere...I'm waiting for that day.
Your in my heart always and are truly missed.
Love Always,
December 17, 2008
remember everyone display your blue lights at christmas to honor all of the fallen heros . REMEMBER 592 FOREVER
December 14, 2008
P. O. Nicholson served proudly and was deeply loved and respected by those who knew him. It is a tragedy to lose him. We never know when our lives on this earth will end, but we can make a reservation in Heaven now and assure us a place when God calls us to Himself. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) and He PAID the price for our sins on the Cross so we don't have to pay the penalty for our sins. Yipee! If we accept His payment by faith we can have salvation and spend eternity with Him in Heaven. It is not something we must earn, it is a gift. The most precious one we can ever receive. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith_and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God_not by good deeds, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2: 8,9. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. And our faith must be in God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
You were a credit to the uniform, P.O. Nicholson. My heart goes out to your
loved ones left behind and may the Lord comfort them as only He can.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
December 10, 2008
Thanks for being there with us in WV hunt camp, again, this year. We felt your presence, and kept a candle lit in your memory.
Ben (my 13 year old nephew), took your place, this year. (Ryan is coming up, later, next month. He is hunting with your Dad, if his back is okay.We are hoping to invite some of your buddies, too, if time allows.)
I know you and Ben's Dad, John, are spending a lot of time together in Heaven. You both lived to hunt and fish.
Monday,first day WV, it started raining, so Ben and I headed for that same big pine tree, you and I sat under last Thanksgiving Day, to get out of the snowstorm. I told Ben, "Maybe your Dad and Christopher wiil run us a big buck, in here." I never expected the monster eight-point, you and John sent us. I tried to keep Ben calm, and he was, but he "barked" that eight-inch oak ten feet away. He was so upset, he started to cry (I was watching the deer, just in case he hadn't missed) "It's okay, Ben", I said. "No it's not, Uncle Paul! I shot three times, and all the rest of my ammo is in the cabin"!
"That deer is going to run over to Uncle Chuck" (one-quarter mile, diagonally, across a steep, thick ravine)
Five minutes later, Chuck shot. "Uncle Chuck just shot your deer", I told Ben.(Kidding)
Chuck DID shoot the deer.
Thanks, Christopher (and John) for the other eight-points Chris H. and Cory shot, also.
We ate the "fish" from all the deer, just like last year, with mashed potatoes.(you liked them)
Makes me see, even more, how everything is connected.
See 'ya later,
Paul Highbarger
November 27, 2008
11 months yesterday...seems like 11 days...30 days more and it's 1 year.....the Holidays make it worse. Christopher, you are missed, so much, by so many. You have made such a good impression! We are so very proud of you.
'Til we meet again...(Thanks for watching over Paul, today)
Remember 592...he died for me and you.
Mom and Paul
November 20, 2008
Hi Chris,
It has been a while since I've written to you but that doesn't mean I've forgotten you. You have been on my mind so much, particularly the past couple of weeks. It is hard to believe that it will soon be a year since you were taken from us. The other day I saw a Ford Mustang just like the one you used to have and, of course, I immediately thought of you. Your loss has been so hard to deal with and impossible to accept. You were taken from us all too soon. Please continue to watch over those of us left to carry on here without your beautiful smile and wonderful sense of humor. We will see you again one day. We love and miss you!!
November 13, 2008
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). I miss you Chris. It's been years since we talked last but it's totally different KNOWING I won't bump into you somewhere. You know what you did for me way back when and that's all that matters. I can still hear your voice all those times you told me to "Stop worrying about what you can't change". Well, I can't change what happened to you that night (although goodness knows I would if I could!) but one thing that will never change is the little space you carved for yourself in my heart. I love you buddy.
November 11, 2008
Chris, I and a few others attended the funeral for Officer Mark Bremer today. I'm sure you have already met. I can't believe it has been 10 months that you gave your life to protect others responding on that tragic night of
12-19-07. We will be forever greatful. Today I remembered standing at your funeral and felt that you were there today. Watch over us all, like you have been.
Lt. Mark Knight
Washington County Sheriff's Office, MD
October 29, 2008
again, I had another dream about you...I had a dream about you and Ryan. Ryan had moved to orlando and was looking for me, he found me and was telling me how much he missed you. How glad he had found me and I kept seeing your face. I was so happy to have him here, I don't know why I keep having dreams about you, what are you trying to tell me? Well I don't mind, just thought I would say hi and tell you you are in my dreams.
kristine wilton
October 26, 2008
Last night I had the most wonderful dream, I had a dream it was my birthday and all my family was there, everyone, hundreds of people was there, people I knew, people I didn't know, people that came before me, people that are living now. I was looking for you....I couldn't find you. I woke up before I could find you. just so many people I didn't have the time to find you. I was so happy. I just wanted this dream to last forever, I thought this is what it must be like in heaven. but everyone was a family member and I woke up smiling.
kristine wilton
October 24, 2008
I can't stop thinking about you non-stop, and I will never forget you I hope you realize that! The wonderful time we had together was precious and unforgettable, it just doesn't seem real. I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up one day and you will be here on Earth with the rest of us instead of in Heaven looking down. I don't know what else to say other than I will always be thankful for having you as a part of my life, and that I will always love and miss you and will never forget you and the time we shared and the sacrifice that you made in protecting people.
Love Always,
your Jenn-i ;)
Jennifer Platz
October 23, 2008
October 8, 2008
My husband & i grew up in Smithsburg..both of of have family still makes me so proud that a young man such as yourself chose to serve as you did and gave your live protecting the people of that town....You will always be missed Sir and not a day goes by when i dont think of the sacrifice you & your family made....RIP Chris your are in our hearts forever
A former Washington Co Resident
October 7, 2008
Chris you are still missed and not seeing you in the steam and craft show parade was a little weird. I guess even though we don't see you everyday it still is so fresh and we are all wishing you are just on vacation. I know you are smiling down on us and still protecting us all. Chris you have taught me watch my back as I go out in the night. No town is too small or too close knit for things to happen. Thank you Chris for giving your life even though we all wish it never happened.
September 30, 2008
peace my brother,everyone left behind don't ever forget the price chris paid to keep peace and justice in this evil world. so every day you get ready for work,make him proud because this is what he loved.
peace to all my fellow brothers and sisters my god protect you as we work everyday.
September 15, 2008
Hey Chris. I was just thinking about you and I can't believe it will soon be a year since you were taken from us. I will never forget the times we had in the academy and the heart that you showed us all. I keep a Smithsburg Police patch on the visor of my patrol car and it reminds me everyday to expect the unexpected. We all miss you brother. Until we meet again, RIP.
Dep. B.Webb
Caroll County Sheriff/Friend
September 11, 2008
Well babe, it's me again, there was another tribute ceremony today for you in the city park and it rained like hell, they planted a tree and there is a walk of honor that you can leave a reflection on a brick for you and others that have made a difference in the community. You have 5 bricks already (WOW)...
Anyway life is back to being boring, all I do is take the dog to dads, work, pick the dog up and come home and sleep, I can't begin to say how I wish I could turn back the hands of time but I know that I will be with you someday and at some point in my life I will learn to live again. Just to hear your voice,smell your cologne,touch your lips to mine just one more time would be priceless. I know the true meaning of living life since I have lost you, I take every second of every day as it could be my last and I know that we didnt say I love you to one another that night before we hung up b/c we both thought that you was going to call me after the call was cleared you always did before but now I cant tell you enough day in and day out that I miss you and want you back home with me.I just miss you calling me facehole and asking me where my helemet was, they was great times.You helped me find myself again and to love again like never before, it was all you and I can't wait for that day to come to tell you face to face that you are my hero and love of my life! Til then baby, I LOVE YOU TODAY, TOMORROW AND FOREVER and the best part is I know you know that you was the love of my life I told you many times and you told me the same!
September 9, 2008
Remember 592.....because he died for me and you.
September 4, 2008
You are a very missed man. As a resident of Smithsburg I still think of you daily, whether its one of the officers directing trafic at the school, a cruiser going by the house, or just simply going past the place where your tragedy hit. You are a great man and I know you are looking over us everyday. I'm looking forward to the day I can shake your hand and say "Thank you" for all you done for our town. We miss you love you!
September 1, 2008
I miss your smile,
The way you pressed your lips together when you spoke.
I miss your voice,
The way you laughed.
I miss your arms around me,
I miss our talks, and your encouraging words.
I miss who We were, and our life when we were together.
Chris, you are a part of me and who I am....
Always and forever....
Love, Merissa
August 20, 2008
wow, time seems to fly by, doesn't it? Hard to believe december will be 1 year since you left. I still pray everyday for all of you, my dear family. I pray for you and Desi. I pray for all of you. I ask that you watch over all of us. Cause right now I could use a gaurdian angel :) And I have became even more estranged to my family. I ask that you watch over dad and jerry. I just can't do it anymore.
kristine wilton
August 13, 2008
chris,every day you are missed, we love you my friend
July 30, 2008
7 Months, It still seems like yesterday. I think of that tragic night often. It is still real, and I fight that battle in my mind everyday. Thinking it would be easy but it isn't. You have made us all stronger knowing you are watching our backs. I am truley blessed to have a man like you watching over me. Rest easy Hero, I know your there.
Lt. Mark Knight
Washington County Sheriff's Office, MD
July 22, 2008