Maywood Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Monday, October 23, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Thomas T. Wood
To Officer wood's Mother I know an hour does not pass that you are not aware of your with me with my son Jeremy I hope in time we can remember our sons with out all of this grief we feel now.Your family is in my prayers
Diane mother of Jeremy Chambers E.O.W.04-24-06
Diane Chambers
October 18, 2007
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
October 18, 2007
Wow...the kids and I were on our way home and we saw Mike and Rexo taking the same route you do on 1st ave from 5th past was like deja vue..we used to pass you on your way to work while coming from the Dr.'s office or somewhere in were always in a rush...always half dressed and I would call you while you were passing us doing at least 80 in a 40mph never got off the phone without saying "I love you" ... I miss never left the house without a kiss..even when you were red hot pissed at me for somehthin' I yelled at you for...I miss so much of what we had together its hard to believe a year has almost gone by. Life is so hard without you to lean've always known the truth thats why it was easy for you to never let on how weak I was...or am. I guess the tap dance is working though...I seem to be getting less "how are you's" with that pitiful sorrow tone of voice...I figure eventually people will treat me normal if I just keep acting normal...whatever that is. Well..enough of all this..I'm so happy to see people are still writing...its so nice to have a place to go to see everyone share they're love for you...the impact you've made on us all is what sheds so much light on this ongoing nightmare for me and the kids. I love you Tom..always have...always will.
Your wife
September 7, 2007
There isn't a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Time is suppose to make us remember the good times and make it easier to forget that your not with us anymore. I guess they are talking about lots of time because it hasn't gotten easier. I used to tease you that Helene was my friend not you even though we would sit forever and talk when no one was home. I miss you so much and I thank God for allowing me to have the memories I have of you for those three years. My heart aches everytime I see your photo and realize..your really gone. It hasn't gotten easier Tom...and we'll always miss you more than words can say.
September 1, 2007
Tom, it is obvious in these ongoing 14 pages how much of an impact you left on this world. People who knew you, people who didn' doesn't matter. We all know you were a wonderful person, and your friends and family ache with you gone. Hatred and ignorance stole you away from us down here, but like Alyssa said, we all did gain one hell of an angel with you up there. And I know you'll continue to protect up there just as you did down here.
Thank you for blessing this world with your presence for as long as you did. We were lucky to have had you at all.
August 29, 2007
Thank you for your bravery, service and sacrifice. What an injustice it is that the dirtbag who ambushed you is still at large. He will eventually have to pay for his terrible deeds. I know that the passing months havn't made it any easier on your friends and family. i hope your mom, Helen, and others take comfort in the fact that you will NEVER be forgotten and will FOREVER Be a hero! Until we meet, keep walking your beat on the Golden Street in heaven.
Sergeant Mark
August 5, 2007
Helene And family,
Leaving a legacy.
Today I volunteered at a camp for survivors of fallen officers. I knew it would be an emotional day. It was and so much more. The ground at the camp seemed hallowed to me. Sacred. I met a precious young girl, who was assigned to my post. She was Helene's daughter. I then met Helene and some of her other children. Though I had never met Tom, I see his legacy living through his family. The strength, grace and tenderness will remain with me long after today. This evening my family prays for yours. May Gods grace continue to abound to the Wood family.
Police Specialist Mark Simons
Waukesha Police
August 4, 2007
Seems like it was just yesterday since the last time I saw you. I can't believe that it will be a year in 2 more months. Miss you alot, and wish you were still here. Helene, I think about you and your family everyday. I hope all is well with you. I have tried to call you several of times and left messages for you to call me back and I still haven't heard from you. I just wanted to let you know that even though its hard contacting you, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I will still try to call you and hopefully I can get through. Anyways, if you still have my number give me a call, would love to hear from you. Have to go now. May God continue to bless you and your family. Bye.
August 3, 2007
It doesn't seem like it's been 8 months. I come to this page ofton as I think about how you were taken too soon. I still remember the day it happen like it was yesterday. Know that your family is always in my thoughts and my prayers. I look forward to the day they bring the person who did this to you to justice. We all know you are looking down on us and watching with a smile on your face.
Dina Nee
June 29, 2007
Every so often I find myself coming back here just to read what everyone has written, and to remind me of you. To think that last stop we made was the last time I remember 115 keying up. How you took your sweet friggn time to get over there! The last time Daro ever made sniffed out a car. How you always liked to wrestle with us. The rookies were always too strong for you. It makes me angry sometimes to know that your arent coming back. To think someone could do that to you, and try and walk away. Well they arent going to walk very far. I dont care how long it takes. Were going to bring you some closure. I remember at your wake , seeing those pictures of you when you were a "gymnast" with that cool looking mullet you had, and those tight white leotards hahaha! We couldnt help to laugh bro, sorry .;) Well Mikey is the new k-9 guy, with his partner Rexo. Man I thought you and Daro were goofy. Rexo reminds me of Daro, just so happy to work; to look for that friggn tennis ball! Thats all he cares for. I remember when he brought Rexo to the station, the first day. Rexo took a large "steamer" in the middle of LT's office. We all ran out of there. Hahaha!!Lol You should see the new K-9 truck, it definetly would make you proud. It has so many stickers and signs, you know its a Maywood k-9. :) Well anyway I'll end this here for now. I have this large pile of newspaper articles and clippings of you, piling up on a chair in my kitchen. Someday I'd like to do something with it...I guess when were ready, you'll know,then Ill know what to do with it. Rest easy my friend, and watch over us will ya...
Ofc. Diaz
VILLAGE of Maywood
June 23, 2007
It's eight months that they took you away so horrible from us. But , as a hero you went and God took you home with him. They tell me healing comes with time. I am sure it does,but time seem like very long. We do have a long link missing from our chain. I pray everyday for our family that we may get through this and that you are with Our Father in Heaven. I also pray for the person who pulled the TRIGGER or had someone else do it make PEACE WITH GOD.
And hope one will come fort to admit he did it. As Padre Pio says,"Pray don't worry" Prayers is stronger than the Devil.
June 11, 2007
There are no words that are sufficient. No words that are adequate. The only thing I can offer to the wife, family, friends and co-workers is to know without a doubt that someone has said a prayer for you this day. May you each find the peace, eternal love and endless blessings of our Lord and Savior in the coming days.
It may be seven months after Officer Thomas T. Wood gave his life but know there are folks all across this nation that still care very deeply.
Go with God.
Special Ranger Doug Hutchison
Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association
May 23, 2007
Thank you for responding to my message I sent you. I did get the information regarding the family memorial site for Tom. Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I did contact the police station and left my number for you to get in contact with me. I spoke with Deputy Chief Phil Beau. So please give me a call when you can. I would love to know how you and the family are doing. May God continue to watch over you and the kids... you mentioned he spoke very highly of my family... all he said was wonderful things about you and your five children all the time. He told me and my mom so many stories about you all. He kept us laughing at all times. He loved you all very much. Keep in contact. God bless.
May 18, 2007
My Tommy,
How wonderful that the month of May is dedicated to all of you Fallen Officers whose lives have been taken for the love of family friends and enemies as well. Dad and I attended the Memorial in Sprinfield along with Helene and the kids. It is very dishearting to think that drugs will allow a human being to take the life of another for whatever. Tommy I know you are watching over our family and making sure everyone is doing fine. Tell Helene to slow down inthat car. As you know she doesn't listen to me!! The memorials are wonderful sorry we missed D.C We will be there next Year. Love You and miss you!!!!!!!!!
May 15, 2007
Today is National Law Enforcement Memorial Day. On this day I salute you for your bravery, heroism and dedication to law enforcement. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and help relieve some of their grief. You have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 15, 2007
Officer Wood, Family and Friends, the second week of May, each year we place a blue bulb in a light out front of our house and keep it lite all night long in rememberance of our brothers and sisters taken much too soon. I never had the honor or privelege of meeting Officer Wood, but I remember hearing the news of his passing and the outpouring of love paid by the citizens he served and fellow officers he served with. God bless Officer Wood, his wife and his family.
Sergeant Mark Krause
May 13, 2007
May you Rest In Peace Officer Wood. We will always miss you and I will pray for your loved ones.
Melissa G. Ayers
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Melissa G. Ayers
May 11, 2007
May you Rest In Peace Officer Wood. We will always miss you and I will pray for your loved ones.
Melissa G. Ayers
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Melissa G. Ayers
May 11, 2007
I've been here many times and never found the words to tell you how I feel about all that has happened, but now I know what took so long. I had to wait for a reason. I thank you....I believe it was you in the car with my daughter last Friday.....YOU were her angel. I thank you with all my heartfor keeping her safe. Tom know I love you and miss you very much. I thank you again My Friend.
Debbie Reicher
May 10, 2007
Hi everyone, I hope to see you all in D.C., Springfield was wonderful even though it rained for the ceremony, Tom's name along with the other officers are shining brightly on the memorial wall at the Capitol, there's always some light shed on the darkness, thats for sure. Maywood is holding a 2 mile walk on Saturday the 19th in honor of our Tommy..everyone is welcome to walk and I encourage you to walk side by side with myself and my family. If there's one great thing that came out of all this is we've all become family one way or another through Tom. We'll be meeting in front of the police station on 5th Ave and ending up in the same place. ***Danielle, I remember you sweety, I tried to list the website but unfortunately ODMP must have their own rules about that because they edited my reflection and took it out. Please contact the police station for that address and leave them your number so we can stay in contact. Thank you for taking care of him...he talked highly of your family.
His Wife
May 10, 2007
This message is for Helene Wood. This is Danielle a friend of Tom's. Just to let you know who I am, I am the young woman who gave Tom my dog Oliver the (german sheperd). I'm sure you remember that. Anyways, I was reading on Tom's reflection's and I wanted to know more about the family memorial site for Tom. I would love to check his site out. Thanks. and may God continue to watch over you and your family. Stay blessed....
May 8, 2007
As I drive down Lake Street atleast 3 times a week I kiss the sky above when I pass 6th ave praying that you are looking down on us all and smiling. You are greatly missed and never far from our thoughts.
Dina Nee
May 8, 2007
We will be attending the Police Week Memorial in Washington, DC this month. Your brothers in blue will proudly display your name as it should be done. You are forever in our hearts.
M. Akim
Berwyn PD
May 2, 2007
Thanks Tom for your year of service and for being a friend. We miss you!
Sgt. Jeff Gale
Forest View Police
May 2, 2007
I too will be participating in the Police Unity Tour. I will be making the trip from northern New Jersey in your honor. You have given me great inspiration during my training.
Officer Brian Blath
Bridgewater Township Police Department
May 1, 2007