Maywood Police Department, Illinois
End of Watch Monday, October 23, 2006
Reflections for Police Officer Thomas T. Wood
I saw the Cold Case report on CBS last night and can't believe that it will be 3 years. I still have so many memoried that seem like they were yesterday. I know I speak for a lot of people when I say how missed you are! You are never far from my thoughts and prayers.
Dina Nee
October 7, 2009
Tommy, as I did my daily readings of the Scriptures today, i just thought this is so true as what happened to you. It's nearly three years but grieving still prevails.
Your killers like Pilate disturbed at the meek majesty of his prisoner (Jeasus)had you or shot you to death though they could not find any fault in you. Like Pilate could not find any fault inJesus. But we know that they resented the fact, like Pilate resented that Jesus had no use for this world Pilate's world.and spoke so overwhelmingly for the next world. Like Jesus you refused to live their world. Tom viewed the world the way Jesus did. He was murdered. Which way do we view this world? Are we willing to give all,only for this life? Or can we offer and accept our suffering as a sacrifice to God, as Jesus offered his life for us?
We pray for all of the killers who suffer physically, mentally, emotionlly and spiritually. god be with you.
Almighty God Bless and protect The Tom Wood family.
family member
May 26, 2009
The wicked flee where no man pursueth, but the righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
God bless the friends and family. My thoughts and prayers are with them. God bless K-9 Daro, too.
'Vengance is mine, sayeth the Lord'
Friend of Off. Kris Fairbanks RIP 9-20-08
March 8, 2009
Rest easy brother.
PO S.Harris #241
Cicero PD Cicero,IL 3rd Watch
February 22, 2009
Hey buddy, I haven't written in a while, but you are constantly on my mind. Thing are going better for me, but still have issues I need to deal with and I am. I really miss having you here because without a doubt you were and are a true freind that has always been there for me and I have not forgotten that and never will. I miss you man. I wish You, Helene, and the kids a merry X-MAS and a happy New Year. I also havent forgot that the person who did this is still out there and that just can't be forgotten.
Freind Forever
December 24, 2008
Tom you are not forgotten.........Wood family you are not forgotten.....Tom , tell Mary she is missed too.........
officer val pickens
b'ham p. d./b'ham , al
December 19, 2008
Tom, I'm sorry I didn't get to 6Th and Erie last night. I was busy getting all my sheep in before I left. I'm sure you understand as you were always the last one in and I had to scream for you to come in with that activity sheet. The wall plaque looks great and you will be honored in other significant ways. Your legacy is too great to be forgotten so live on!
Sgt. Curry
Maywood PD
October 24, 2008
Tom served proudly and was deeply loved and respected by those who
knew him. It is a tragedy to lose him. We never know when our lives on this
earth will end, but we can make a reservation in Heaven now and assure us a
place when God calls us to Himself. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
(John 14:6) and He PAID the price for our sins on the Cross so we don't have to pay the penalty for our sins. Yipee! If we accept His payment by faith we can have salvation and spend eternity with Him in Heaven. It is not something we must earn, it is a gift. The most precious one we can ever receive. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith_and this not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God_not by good deeds, so that no one can boast." Ephesians 2: 8,9. For without faith, it is impossible to please God. And our faith must be in God's only Son, Jesus Christ.
You were a credit to the uniform, Tom. My heart goes out to your
loved ones left behind and may the Lord comfort them as only He can. You
have a wife that still adores you. You were a really precious couple.
Lynn Kole
Bellingham, WA
October 23, 2008
My thoughts and prayers are with your loved ones and friends on this second anniversary of your EOW. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You will never be forgotten
James Sheppard
Father of Sgt. Jason L. Sheppard EOW 12/7/06
October 23, 2008
My thoughts are with all of your loved ones today and every day, but especially today as they get through this anniversary of you being called away from duty. You have not been forgotten by those that love you and will forever carry your loving memory in their hearts. Continue to keep watch over them and those still out on patrol guarding over the Thin Blue Line. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Chicago Officer: Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
October 23, 2008
I know 2 years is approaching very soon on the 23rd. It seems like he was just here yesterday. Helene, if you happen to read this, this is Danielle who onced owned the dog Oliver. I just wanted to know how you and your family are doing and also will there be anything taking place in Maywood in remembrance of Tom on the 23rd? Thanks. God Bless.
October 11, 2008
R.I.P Daro, Went along to keep your pal company. The two of you are together again.
Melrose Park
September 2, 2008
Hi Tommy,
They say time heals, but memory lasts. Faith carry me on and feel you are there with us every miniute of the day. Can't believe they haven't got that coward yet. I am sure they know who did it can't tell me they don't. That's o.K all good things come from bad. Every time I look up at the sky and see the great big star, that,s you looking down at us. Nann told me so. and all of the little stars are her deceased animals. I am sure Daro is so happy to b by you. I met the new dog, Rezzo. Wish you would have had a real German Shepard like my Misty, I don,t think your killer would have had a chance of survival. Love you Tommyand miss you. Thought after almost three years, it would be easier to hold back tears.Not so. It will never get easy
August 12, 2008
Hey babe,
We just got back from our 2nd year at C.O.P.S Kids Camp in Wisconsin. It's always a bitter sweet experience there, thought it would be easier this time but it wasn't. We made the best of it and of course it was alot of fun and the kids had a ball. I think about you so much and I often wonder where we'd be today if you were still around. I guess that's a pretty silly thing to hold on to.
I know your missed. Its been almost 2 yrs and to this day people who cared about you and those who didn't even know you still bring up your name. I hope that never ends. I miss your touch and the sweet things you would come up with to show your love for me. I learned this week with the other survivors that I'm able to carry on our love for each other with someone else and not feel the guilt I've been feeling over it. Thank you for sharing so much of you with me, even though it was only for a short time. I love you and always will.
Your wife,
August 3, 2008
I remember visiting either the day of or a couple days after this tragedy happened and have wondered if they ever caught anybody, I see they haven't. I'll pray they do.
I'm not an officer, but I have family members that are and I pray for all cops and their families.
God, I pray you Bless Officer Woods family and friends.
July 27, 2008
Lot's of stuff goin' on babe...I know you and Daro are glad to be together again. He loved his time sleepin' on my bed and having the run of the house for the past year and a half, but I know where his heart was. I got his ashes sittin' on top of the mantle next to your "shrine"...not sure when that's ever coming down...the kids keep adding things to it.
Tomorrow is the 10K for the Cook County Memorial ..I see your face now...dropped jaw and keeling over with seriously didn't think I was going to run that thing, but you can bet your sweet patooty I'll be walkin' the whole way through.
Eddie did the t-shirts again and we'll all be together at the finish line with tears of joy. We miss you so much honey, wish you were at the finish line to show us up...AFTER you finished tripping over your own feet to get there.
Love and hugs forever in my heart...
June 21, 2008
Daro R.I.P, I guess you went up to keep Tom some company.
June 1, 2008
Hey Tom,
So you sure have your hands full now! Little Alyssa has her license and a car to boot. Watch over her as I know you will. The family misses you terribly and your memory lives on through them every day. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
May 30, 2008
Hey Tom-
I had the honor of meeting the rest of your beautiful family this week. They are really doing such a great job and there's not a doubt in my mind that you are so incredibly proud of them. That little girl of yours is a piece of work, she keeps everybody on their toes lol.
Well, I just felt I should drop by and say hey...i know you and my dad were with all of us this week. even though i never met you, our families are connected and i hope they always will be...thanks for raising such incredible kids.
May 17, 2008
Rest in Peace Tom. May God Bless you and your family. You will be missed. Thanks for the times you would check on me when I was on traffic stops on River Rd. while you were on your way home. Thanks for your service. You won't be forgotten.
Police Officer James Scheib
Schiller Park PD, IL
May 4, 2008
It's been a long time since I've written here. I know you're watching us but everything is going as well as can be. You'd be proud of me and Rexo. We just found 15lbs of weed and he's "caught" some bad guys for me. Like Dennis said the new truck is good but I wish you could've told me how dirty it gets inside with hair. Until next time Tom.
Ofc. Babicz
Maywood PD
April 14, 2008
Dude..what's good? The same over here..
April 6, 2008
Thankyou for your service and sacrifice OFFICER WOOD. You are a true hero to us all. You will never be forgotten
February 21, 2008
Hey babe, well its the finally 15th ...why'd you always have to be such a romantic. I swear V-day was created with you in mind...and I just wanted to skip over it and pretend it never meant anything...but it did and now it does even more...I can bet a dollar if I looked back at all your schedules in the last 10 made sure you had that day off, Melting Pot, Nicks Fish Market, Melting Pot again and again, remember Gaja's? I think the only thing we left with there was the, this was the first year without my Fannie Mae Meltaways...just because your physically not here you could have given one of these schmucks a clue, the flowers I could do without...BUT MY MELTAWAYS?? that was rough. Thank you for all those romantic years babe, even though I resisted as much as I could, a little rubbed off on me..I have to admit. I love you..always have...always will.
Your wife
February 15, 2008
dude..whats good? Nothing but the usual over here. Cold and icy and one large pothole. I dont have much to say, was just passn through. it hurts to see your picture sometimes bro.
a friend
February 11, 2008