Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Robert Earl Green

Powhatan County Sheriff's Office, Virginia

End of Watch Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Robert Earl Green

Just thinking of you and want to say Happy Birthday. Robbie I love you and think of you all the time.


December 28, 2006

As long as you are in our hearts you will never be forgotten. I know you are looking out for your family and probably a lot more folks too (that's just how you are). I think a lot of times you are looking and directing our earthly hands to do what you can no longer do. Little Chaytor will not have to look far to see his Daddy. All he has to do is smile and Daddy's there. Karen is a great mom and she will always make you are part of their lives throughout her and Chaytor's journeys. As for those frogs, tell Karen yummy crickets are at Petsmart and a pretty decent care website is at Robbie, I know you will enjoy watching Karen and Chaytor become froggie experts! I miss you Robbie and thank you for everything you ever did for me. You can never be thanked enough.

A Friend

December 26, 2006

I know you are spending Christmas this year with Jesus, but I what you to know that we love you and miss you very much.
We all met at our house yesterday and I know that you were here with us. Robbie please continue to watch over us and keep us close to you. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers.

Love Dad


December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas,baby. We went to your parents house last night after I stopped by your grave. I hope you can see all of the things that people have put there for you. Chaytor was spoiled (of coarse) but that is OK. He will be spoiled again this morning. Greenie and PawPaw gave him firebelly frogs, so I am on the internet this moirning learning about how to take care of them. Chaytor is sleeping well in his big boy bed. He still points you out in pictures, so I am glad he still remembers you.
God I miss you. I hope you are watching over me and Chaytor. Have a Merry Christmas- I love you.


December 25, 2006

your house is awesome. while we were there some other crummy golfers "played' through. I could not help but think of me and you and joe playing through in the rain with you talking about how far behind they were on it. your dad and brothers really seemed to enjoy the "tat".we have court next week for the first time and i am nervous already. i will do my to you soon

john mattox

December 5, 2006

Hey Honey! We started moving into the house yesterday. Adam, David, Tommy, Danny, and Cubby came over along with your brother Jason. Most of the apartment was taken over to the house. Everyone has been amazing to Chaytor and myself. Charlie, Jr. shows up all the time to help me out!

As I walk around the house, I think about all the things you would like about the house. The loft is awesome and the kitchen is, too. I only hope that are you there with me. I miss you and I love you.

All of my love, forever,

Karen Green
Robbie's Wife

December 1, 2006

Dear Robbie,

Karen closed on the house today. We went by this evening to see how things were going. It is a gorgeous house! You would have been proud. Karen and Chaytor both looked happier then they have in a while. Chaytor will be able to have a wonderful home there. It's not fair that you are not there to share their joy and excitement. You deserve to be there and they deserve to have you there. I only hope that you are watching from above and taking care of them from a far. We will do our best to take care of them down here! There's not a day that goes by that Jason and I don't mention your name. Now Jason asks me 101 questions a day. I wish I could just say, call Robbie! You were such an important part of our family. Your absence has left a big void. We regret that we didn't spend more time together in the past. We tend to take our family for granted. I promise you we will always be there for Karen and Chaytor! Because of you these two beautiful people will be a part of my family forever.

Lots of love,

Tiffany Green
Sister - In - Law

November 29, 2006

Robbie, I miss you so much! You were my big brother, but you were also so much more. You have always been there for me no matter what I needed. I know you are still there for me just in a different way now. I am still having such a hard time since you were the one I always called when I needed advice. Sorry I used to wake you up so much during the day with my calls. The holidays are not the same. I keep telling Ty that you are up there with the moon and the stars and he points to you every time. I know you are fine, I get it everytime man so please never stop. We are all moving Karen and Chaytor next weekend. I think he really loves the house. He has so much room to run and play. Him and Ty were playing and chasing each other so good last weekend. It was so nice to see that. I will never forget the last time we were together, the pennys in the water, and you guys just blowing time. Nor will I ever forget the last time I talked to you, funny enough about cookies. I hope you enjoyed the ink, it is a life long thing and that's why I had to do it. People still call me you as they did before and I know they don't mean to, but it makes me feel like you are still around when they do and honestly it will be sad when that fades because it means more time has gone by without you here. Robbie, think you for being the brother that you were to me! I will always, always remember the times that we shared as brothers and friends. Even when I was getting off the phone and said I love you and you said WHAT. Tiffany and I was laughing about that the other night, but I do love you man. Rest Well Robbie!

Baby Brother

November 25, 2006

Hey Buddy

Its been nine weeks since you left us and I think about you everyday. I love you and I miss you with all my heart.
Today is Thanksgiving Day and I woke up this morning and thought. what do I have to be thankful for at a time of grief. Then I realized that I have so many thinks to be thankful for. Jon Burkett sent us a DVD as a memorial of you with clips from your sevice, and Greg Neal made a statement that you were as honest as honest could be, and that you said if you give me a chance I will hold up to my end of the bargin and that you did. I'm thankful for all of the lives you touched and the freindships that you made. Drew Law send us a letter and he told of how you were his role model and so many are looking up to you as their role model. I'm thankful for Karen and Chaytor and the love and respect that you gave both of them. I'm thankful for Charlie and Jason, for the three of you had a brotherly love that no one can take away. They both love you for that you are and will never forget you. I'm thankful for your mother who taught you the things in life that helped to build you to the man that you became, and most of all I'm thankful that your are my son. Robbie I love you and miss you. But one thing I do know is that I will see you again one day. Thanks for being you.

Love Dad


November 23, 2006

Hey Bro, Once everyone sees this it will have been two months since you have left us. Everyone is doing as well as expected, the golf tournament was a huge sucess,as you know the boys from the softball team finished third and told me that we will finish first for the softball tournament. I want everyone to know that Mary's campaign as Christmas Mother will be a huge sucess this year, because of the theme. "Angels Among Us" She probably doesn't know yet but she will when she reads this, but I know that my family and I have an ANGEL AMONG US at all times.I found out first hand this past Monday night. Michele and I got the phone call that Jes was in a wreck and was at MCV.Robbie, you and I have been thru alot of car wrecks together both as fire dept. members and with me still fire and you as a deputy.I had the misfortune of having to go by the accident scene to pick up Michele and saw how bad the car was,and thought immediately that know one survived. I immediately looked up in the sky and asked for your help(again). When we got to the hospital and saw Jes ,she was fine ,a few bruises but hardly a mark on her.Robbie THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for sparing her that night.I know she is not my biological daughther ,but I love her like she was my own . She seems to be having the tough teenage issues but with the love down hear and your strong hand on her shoulder i thank we will get thru it.Once again thank you for looking out for her,and I miss you. ALWAYS LOVED YOU AND ALWAYS WILL

Charlie Green Jr.
Big Brother

November 19, 2006

Hey Robbie, Sitting here remembering all the times you told me to keep my cool and stay out of trouble. I really do miss the talks we had and all the jokes. I miss you and I know that one day we will see each other again. Don't worry I will stay out of trouble. You meant a lot to all of us and I know that many others miss you as well. Talk to you soon.

Will Penny
Fine Creek Volunteer Fire Department

November 10, 2006

I just wanted to let you know that you and your family are still being thought of daily. I see Karen out and about and want so bad to just give her a hug. My hug could never replace yours but I know she has got to be hurting. True love is so hard to find and what you two had is rare. I am with an officer and worry every day. I truly respect what you stood for in life and your memory will live on in this county. God Bless!!

T. Wall

November 6, 2006

Hey Honey. I just wanted to write to you. Chaytor and I really miss you. I guess the reality of it all is setting in, I can't believe I will never see you again. I think of you all the time and I look back and wish I had done some things differently- I would have hugged and kissed you more. I talk to you all the time, I only hope you can hear me. I miss you and I love you.

your wife

Karen Green

November 4, 2006

Robbie,a friend from Richmond saw this story and the name Chaytor and sent this to me. We only met a handful of times but I know you were a good man. Our son's, both 3 years old, share the same name and are bonded through the Midgett bloodline. My heart goes out to Karen and Chaytor. It is a tragedy that you were taken from them. I can not imagine the grief. I can only hope justice is served, though no amount of jail time can bring you back to your family, and that the man resposible feel the dispair he brought to all who knew you. God bless

chaytor midgett
Robbie Wife's Cousin

October 24, 2006


I only ever met you a handful of times however it didn't take more than a second to sense what kind of man you were. I sat at your funeral with tears flowing just as hundreds of others did. The love for you from both your family and your community was obviously very strong. The citizens lining the roadway with signs and salutes brought tears to my eyes. You are a true hero. Your family will be taken care of by your brothers in Powhatan, as well as your brothers in green across the line. Rest in peace my friend.

Chesterfield County PD

October 22, 2006


If I knew it would be the last time
That I'd see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly
and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.

If I knew it would be the last time
that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss
and call you back for one more.

If I knew it would be the last time
I'd hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word,
so I could play them back day after day.

If I knew it would be the last time,
I could spare an extra minute
to stop and say "I love you,"
instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.

If I knew it would be the last time
I would be there to share your day,
Well I'm sure you'll have so many more,
so I can let just this one slip away.

For surely there's always tomorrow
to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance
to make everything just right.

There will always be another day
to say "I love you,"
And certainly there's another chance
to say our "Anything I can do?"

But just in case I might be wrong,
and today is all I get,
I'd like to say how much I love you
and I hope we never forget.

Tomorrow is not promised to anyone,
young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance
you get to hold your loved one tight.

So if you're waiting for tomorrow,
why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes,
you'll surely regret the day,

That you didn't take that extra time
for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone,
what turned out to be their one last wish.

So hold your loved ones close today,
and whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them
and that you'll always hold them dear

Take time to say "I'm sorry,"
"Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay."
And if tomorrow never comes,
you'll have no regrets about today.

Author Unknown

Friend - Powhatan Volunteer Rescue Squad

October 17, 2006

I come to the ODMP often to remember my late fiancé Dennis. Everytime I come here it breaks my heart to know that yet another officer has fallen and that yet another family has to live their lives without the man they loved. My heart goes out to everyone who knew and loved Deputy Green. Know that you are not alone in the "journey" that you walk. Should you ever need anything please don't hesitate to contact me. The Davis Co. Sheriff's Office in Iowa will always know how to reach me. You will be in my thoughts.

From reading the reflections left for Robbie, he sounds like he was a great man with a beautiful spirit. Those of you who knew him in life were so blessed to have been able to share in it. I hope that you will all continue to find a way to celebrate and remember Robbie's life and the MAN that he was. Remember that Robbie's life was about so much more than the way he died. Robbie will continue to live on as long as we continue to remember him.

Deputy Green, thank you for helping to make this world a little safer for us all. YOU will not be forgotten. Please continue to watch over all of us as only you can. If you happen to bump into my late fiancé Dennis up there give him a big hug for me and the kids. It's been three and a half years but we still miss him terribly.

Wishing you brighter and better days,

Jocelyne :)

"Forever Remembering 26-3"

Jocelyne Brar (Winnipeg, MB Canada)
Surviving Fiancee of Deputy Dennis R. McElderry (EOW: 01/03/03)

October 15, 2006

Robbie, words cannot express how I feel right now, but I'm going to give it a shot. You were so loved by SO many people. I honestly cannot remember ever seeing you without a smile on your face and the tremendous joy in your heart for your family and job. Working with you was such an honor that I will never forget. Any time we ever had a call, you were always the first one to go and with a positive attitude....some would call you the department "squirrel" for that. :)

I have never seen someone with such a big sweet tooth as you!!! I did not send flowers to your graveside, but I am however, going to place a very large jar of peanut butter with your very own spoon on your grave so you will never be without again. See, I still look out for "my boys". The late coffee nights with you guys is something I will never forget.

I have known you and Karen for so many years and I have always wanted what the two of you had....the most amazing love ever. I know she must be grieving endlessly for her soulmate and father of her son. I will never forget you coming to the office with Chaytor in hand and being so prepared for anything he may were by far the best daddy to that child. I know he will never forget you. My heart aches for him to not have you here, but I know you will always be watching him. Please know that we will all be here for Chaytor, Karen and your family for anything that they will ever need. You would do the same for any of us and you have done the same for everyone. You will be deeply missed and always remembered for the wonderful person you were.

This terrible tragedy has brought Powhatan to it's knees, but it has brought this county together like never before. I was so proud to be a citizen of the county on the day of your would have been proud, too. Rest in peace Robbie and we will all love you forever.....


Angie Smith, Dispatcher
Cumberland Sheriff's Office and formerly of Powhatan Sheriff's Office

October 12, 2006

I have been working on this for days and I'm still not sure if my words will show how much we miss you. Its so hard to find words to explain true friendship. In you we lost a lifelong friend. Sometimes friends are so involved with each others lives that they become honorary family. And that was you and Karen (Uncle Robbie and Aunt Karen). We have recounted so many stories about you and Jay as children all the way to us getting married and having children. We will cherish the canoe trips, hiking, playing horseshoes, hockey games, and all of the memories we shared. It is an honor to have had you as a friend. It is so hard to explain what we will miss about you. Everything. Robbie, it was the hardest thing that I have ever done to say goodbye, but you left us with such a wonderful gift in your son. Just looking at Chaytor, reminds us how wonderful you are. I spoke with a lady from church the other day that said that Chaytor was running around church just like you did when you were little. All of the stories and memories will help Chaytor know what a wonderful person you are and your love for him.
Karen, I knew that night in my dorm room when we talked to Robbie on the phone that you and him would be together forever. There are so many memories since high school that have you and Robbie. Robbie loved you through everything. True Love. I can't imagine the difficult times that you have had over the last three weeks or those to come. I do know that you are a strong, determined, and loved person. I will do my best with anything you or Chaytor need.

We love you Robbie. We miss you. I wish you were here, but I know you are smiling just as you always did.

"If Tears Could Build A Stairway,
and Memories A Lane,
I'd Walk Right Up To Heaven
and Bring you home again"

Jennifer Barden

Jennifer Barden

October 12, 2006

Dear Robbie
On sept. 20 2006 I was notified that you had left. I never got to tell you how much our life long friendship meant to me. I know guys are not supposed to be mushy, but I had to write and tell you that I love you and I miss you dearly. We were supposed to grow old together and watch our grandchildren from the rockers on the front porch, but you have left it upon me to make sure I bring those memories to our next meeting. I could write for hours on end of the countless memories that we shared, from begging my mom to let you come over after church, to the sunsets on sharp top, to the canoe trips at midnight, to getting you in trouble with Karen for keeping you out to late in the afternoon at Va tech (you know). As I sit here I can't remember anyone that I have known as long as I have known you or anyone that carried themselves with the dignity and honor that you did. It was one of the greatest honors in my life just to know you and share the 31 or so years that we did.
Dear Karen I can only imagine what you have been through or yet have to go. Robbie LOVED YOU from the day he met you, I really don't remember him not loving you. I can only promise to help teach Chaytor what a wonderful father he had, and to tell him of the many memories I have of him. If you need anything at all just ask. It would be my honor to help.
Dear Mr.and Mrs. Green, Charlie, and Jason
I am not sure what to say. I loved your son/brother like he was my own. I can only hope that some of the many qualities that Robbie held in high regards have become part of my own. I don't know if there is anything I can do or say except that I will never forget one moment that I spent with him and I will try to help you, Karen, and the Harrisons pass his many great qualities on to Chaytor. Love Jay

Jay Barden
Best friend

October 11, 2006

The highest of distinctions is service to others. -King George VI

Deputy Green -- Your dedication to the good of your community will not be forgotten.

To all those touched by the loss of Deputy Green -- Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Colorado Springs (CO) Police Protective Association

October 11, 2006

It's been two long weeks. Your mother and I miss you very much. Lots of people have told of things that you have done for them and you would be very honored of the impact that you have had on so many.

We had lunch yesterday with Karen and Chaytor, Mary and Roy.After lunch Chaytor ran around the courthouse and before we left Chaytor went to the door at the court entrance and tried very hard to open the door and would call up "dad da" He knew where you worked and wanted to see you. Robbie, I imposed on Karen last night when she visited your grave but we needed that time to talk over old memories. I'm sorry that you are not with us in body, but you will always be in our memories and thoughts. We love you very much. Karen and Chaytor will always be our priority to be there when they need us. Until the next time, love you buddy.



October 9, 2006

I never have been the serious type, I guess you know that! Always joking, making fun, and just living life to the fullest. That's exactly what makes this so hard to write. The memories are the best thing I have to hold onto. The cowboys and indians (I still don't know if you were a cowboy or an indian, running beside the horse, your Mom says an Indian but they would ride too!), the first time I saw you in uniform at the Relay for Life (that was a good one, only you and my Mom know what I mean), the green hair one summer that we all laughed about for years, and just sharing some personal things in the past year or so. I just hope everyone has something to smile about when they think of you, I hardly ever saw you without a smile on. I am sure you are smiling down on us now up there in heaven, we will meet again Robbie but until then we will remember and honor your life here as a father, husband, son, uncle, brother, cousin, police officer, and most of all a friend to everyone. Rest in peace

Lisa Green Cook

October 8, 2006

It is the 3rd Sunday without you joining us at family dinner, Robbie. The Harrison Sunday family dinners will never be the same. Your nephews miss you playing hide and go seek out back. Your brothers in law miss your re-assuring consistent "brotherhood" with them. Roy and I miss knowing you're always Robbie-solid, man of few words but dependable action- The perfect father and hubby. WE hurt so much with only 2 Greens at the table. We hurt so much everytime we see or think of Karen without you. No one on this earth loved her more than you: that was a gift you gave us-loving her sooo much.
We have always been proud to call you "son-in-law": your devotion to family, friends, county, state and country were unparalleled. Your humble ways belied your strength and unselfishness. Now people tell us of how many kind and supportive acts you performed for them. We didn't know because you never talked about your "duty".
We know you are with God but we sure do miss you. We will try twice as hard to be the best grandparents along with your mom and dad. We are trying to be there for Karen and will do everything necessary to help her. But we will never replace you, Robbie, nor shall we try. Please be with us all and help us to remember the good times and to live with honor as you did.
Now I have 2 Green angels with eyes of blue!
We love you always, Mary

Mary Midgett Harrison
Mother in law

October 8, 2006

Robbie we miss you greatly, and your family is in our prayers. My heart aches so much for your family, specialy for Chator,My father is in heaven with you,and I greatly miss him.I can relate with your son with how much hes missing you.When i hear that song "Im already thier" its a way of you telling your son your with him.Just as you are with all of us.Your sprit surrounds Powhatan County.No matter were you go here, there's something that reminds someone of you, mainly Sheetz.Everytime I go thier I have to get a peanut butter cookie just for you.We're going to miss not seeing you on scene when we get a call, knowing that you have everything in controll, that things on scene are safe to enter, or to have a fake surbriety check! OMG I just remembered that one, you had me beleiving you were serious.Anyways Robbie you will be greatly missed, but never forgotten.And just because your in Heaven dont think your job is over down here, because your still are litl cookie deputy.
Dana & Brian

Dana & Mampel

October 8, 2006

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