Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Deputy Sheriff Robert Earl Green

Powhatan County Sheriff's Office, Virginia

End of Watch Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Deputy Sheriff Robert Earl Green

Thankyou for your service and sacrifice, you are not forgotten


March 8, 2008

They say time heals all wounds. It doesn't. The hole will always be there. All we can do is suit up for duty every night and say a prayer that you and the other heroes that made the ultimate sacrifice watch over us and protect us. You are greatly missed. We know you're in a better place, but we still wish you were here with us.

Tony Podpora
CPD Officer

February 27, 2008

Hey Robbie,
I think about you and I miss you every day. I always think about how much fun we had when I worked in Powhatan. You lived your life as a true hero and you are truely the heart and soul of the Powhatan Sheriffs Office. I feel your with us as we hit the streets each day. Things are not the same without you but we carry on our mission in your honor. Your a great friend and officer. I miss you

Officer Dennis S. Proffitt Jr.
Chesterfield County Police Dept.

February 9, 2008

I know it's been awhile since I wrote to you, but I think of you everyday and what our life would have been. I miss you so much and wonder if I will ever be happy again. Each day is a challenge without you and I ask God why this had to happen to us, why us?

I know you watch over me every day and I wish we could just go back to that day- I remember telling you (like I did every night before you went on) to be careful and that i loved you. That night keeps playing in my head-what happened?

I miss you, baby and Chaytor misses you. Please ask God to point me in the right direction and lead me to happiness again.


Karen Green, wife

January 14, 2008

my friend....
man,it's been awhile since i checked this page. its amazing how many people still post these things. i got a christmas card from karen, and that was nice. i have a picture of you and i on my refrigerator at work, and i am constantly reminded of all the smiles prior to sept. 20. i try to block that night out, but sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't. it is funny, every time i meet someone new, i tell them your story. some days i feel you are just going to call and wanna go mountain bike riding. reality never has hit. i have never meet such a strong family as yours, and that lends hope to the rest of us. as you know, i am having some issues outside of work....and i know what would happen if you were here....we'd be somewhere in the county with a cup of coffee talking about it. i know you would give that quirky smile, and tell me it to shake it loose. my response to that would be to remind you of the come back win i had on the playstation when you were the braves, and i was the cubs, then you get mad and leave.....and i'd laugh about it all night long. then you'd wanna a rematch, and i'd win again....oh i surely do miss those times. thanks for the ear.....i know when it is time for the blue lights to come on....your riding in the passenger seat keeping me safe.....and i appreciate that. happy new year....josh

josh tackett
friend/shift partner

December 30, 2007

Earl, yeah I know that you got a good chuckle this month as I lay around drinking through a straw. Real funny.. yes I got the deer. I missed you at Xmas because I remember you worked evry one since about 1988,haha. Thinking of you bud...

john mattox

December 28, 2007


You would be so proud of Chaytor, he is doing much better in his involvement with others in his inter-actions. He is a very smart child and can name more plants then most adults. Yesterday he was so proud when he roda around the yard in his "GATOR" the expression on his face was worth more than a kodak moment. Karen is a very strong woman on the outside. She does a great job in going on with life and raising Chaytor. Chaytor still remembers you and every officer he sees in unifirm like yours he says Daddy. He looked at your picture yesterday and said Mommie, Chaytor and DADDY.

Robbie I love you and MISS you more than anyone could imagine. I'm glad for the memories and for the impact that you had on so many of us here on earth. I don't know why God had to take you from us at that time, but I'M glad that you were the person that lived for Him and served Him as you did in your family, your job and your life.

Robbie I Miss you and HOPE to be with you again someday.

Love Dad

Charlie Green

December 25, 2007

Hey Robbie,

Well its been well over a year since that dreadful day that we all remember so much. We all wish we could take it back. But as you know, heroes have to make the ultimate sacrifice sometimes so the public may rest in peace at night. You are definitely one of those heroes.
We are in the holiday season of 2007 and Im sure that the holidays are so much more wonderful up there with God. You keep an eye on things up there and keep an eye on us down here while we work. I still remember the coffee drinking days every single time I go into sheetz to grab a cup. I remember standing there with you shooting the breeze. Still seems like yesterday. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that you are thought of all the time and still have a place in everyones heart down here. Have a good christmas up there with the big man. Talk to you again soon


William Boelt
Friend and Law Enforcement brother

December 6, 2007

Hi Robbie. I wanted to stop in to let you know I was thinking about you. You made me smile today. I remembered once you responded to a call at one of my relative's house and you asked where I was. At first it made me mad kinda like a 911 call from my family must involve me, but now I think back and really hope you asked because you cared and maybe even rushed just a bit quicker to get there. Always a friend no matter how much time passed:) That means a lot to me. I wish I could have told you things like this in person after reading what Mary wrote. I really miss seeing you around.


December 5, 2007

God bless you and thank you for your service. I still have good memories of sitting by you in class at Crater Academy. Your life and service is an example to all.

Trooper Tim Hall
Virginia State Police

December 5, 2007

Robbie, it’s been a while since I have been on here to talk. As I always say we talk all the time just not here. Thanksgiving was actually very nice. Tiffany, Ty and I went to North Carolina for a few days and spent Thanksgiving with her Parents, Crystal, Chris and some of his family. Sounds weird, but it was very nice. They are all wonderful people and the Holiday was very enjoyable. I think it was so nice because it was so different from the ones past. Ty has grown so much since you saw him playing at that water fountain. He has grown in so many ways. He most definitely knows that you are his uncle which is so amazing to me. He and I still tell Uncle Robbie good night every night I put him to bed. Since Christmas is around the corner and he is learning more about Santa he asks me if Santa is in the sky also. I briefly try to explain the North Pole. Dad’s side of the family did Thanksgiving on Sunday this year down at Nanny’s new apartment. It was nice to see Karen there. She is a very strong woman. I think I am doing much better with things. I realized that there is nothing wrong with having a good day and being happy. Of course Tiffany and you are the ones that see the occasional grump side which you and I both could pull off quite well when we felt. Well I just wanted to let you know that I am doing better and I am much more aware of the things in my life that I have to be thankful for now! I am very excited about enjoying Christmas this year and yes me and Tiffany have started using the Santa is always watching you so you better be nice line to Ty. Of course if that doesn’t work we threaten the tractors are going in the trash. It is actually a good way to get rid of the broken ones and still make a point. Any way I always, always have you on my mind and wish every day I could see you just to talk or get those answers for all of my questions as usual. I’ll talk later bro got to do some work now, and yes I smile every time I see it.
Love and miss you


November 26, 2007

Okay, Robbie: Thanksgiving is officially over and Christmas preparations are beginning. That just can't happen without memories of you and Christmas. You and Karen just couldn't wait for all the goings on and the presents! Last Christmas, the first without you, was terribly difficult. This Christmas we shall still miss you.
Also, memories of you pop up as Juddy and Richard prepare to go to Jacksonville for the ACC Championship. If you have the power to give the Hokies a helping hand (I know that's really pushing it), please do. I know they will remember your travelling with them the last time.
There are 2 HOkie flags at your grave: your loyalty to Tech was just one of the many loyalties in your life.
Keep watch over us all,

Mary Harrison
Mother in law

November 26, 2007

hey robbie i miss you a lot just want to say hi love you buddy.

vicky donat
powhatan fire company 4

November 22, 2007

Just a quick line...I am sorry I have not written too much lately...I have not forgotten..I will hold up my end

John Mattox

November 6, 2007

I only had the chance to meet you once but I model my life on your's and heros like you. I only hope that I might one day be as selfless as you were. Your commitment to serve and the legacy you've left will always live on. I'll do my best to help Karen and Chaytor where ever I can. Your brother in service on the yellow fire engines

Firefighter/EMT Zach Chapin
Chesterfield Fire and EMS

October 31, 2007

We miss you brother.

Tony Podpora-Chesterfield PD

October 30, 2007

Eventhough everyday life continues, I think of you always.


October 29, 2007

I know that I'm several months too late. But I think Robbie would forgive me. I knew Robbie and Karen in high school. I remember them always being "Robbie & Karen". I used to tease Robbie mercerfully. I liked him as a friend so much. He was a good person then and obviously grew to be a great man. I'm sorry that I lost track of everyone. Even though I've moved and daily life took over, thoughts of Powhatan were never far away. I shed tears for you, for the boy you were and for the boy you had to leave behind. God bless you and your family.

Lorraine (Mahon) Wesler
old friend

October 25, 2007

Hey Buddy

I know granddad is walking those streets of gols, and you are probably telling him the rules of heaven.

Look over nannie she is very lonely and greiving hard.

Just miss you very much.

Love Pop


October 25, 2007

Remembering your sacrifice - God Bless

Officer B.Werner
Frisco Police Department

September 26, 2007

My thoughts and prayers to the family, friends and co-workers of Deputy Green on the anniversary of his passing. May God continue to comfort you all. My heart just aches reading all the wonderful reflections from your family. You must have been a GREAT guy!! Please continue to watch your family from above. Rest in peace.

911 Dispatcher

September 20, 2007

~~~When Tomorrow Starts Without Me~~~

When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see; If the sun should rise and find your eyes all filled with tears for me; I wish so much you wouldn't cry the way you did today, while thinking of the many things we didn't get to say. I know how much you love me, as much as I love you, and each time you think of me I know you'll miss me too; But when tomorrow starts without me, try to understand, that an angel came and called my name and took me by the hand, and said my place was ready in Heaven far above, and that I'd have to leave behind all those I dearly love. But as I turned to walk away, a tear fell from my eye, for all my life, I'd always thought I didn't want to die. I had so much to live for and so much yet to do, it seemed almost impossible that I was leaving you. I thought of all the yesterdays, the good ones and the bad, I thought of all the love we shared and all the fun we had. If I could relive yesterday, I thought, just for a while, I'd say good-bye and kiss you and maybe see you smile. But then I fully realized that this could never be, for emptiness and memories would take the place of me. And when I thought of worldly things I'd miss come tomorrow, I thought of you, and when I did, my heart was filled with sorrow. But when I walked through Heaven's gates, I felt so much at home. When God looked down and smiled at me, From His great golden throne, He said, "This is eternity and all I've promised you. Today for life on earth is past but here it starts anew. I promise no tomorrow, but today will always last, and since each day's the same day, there's no longing for the past. But you have been so faithful, so trusting and so true. Though there were times you did some things you knew you shouldn't do. But you have been forgiven and now at last you're free, so won't you take my hand and share my life with me?" So when tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I'm right there in your heart.

daughter of an officer

September 20, 2007

One year ago tonight when that knock on the door came and I ran downstairs to answer, I thougth it was you...A year later, that night still stands out clearly-I remember so much but most of all I remember the disbelief. Your dad and I were talking this afternoon about how one cannot believe that the world goes on when you lose someone you love. I remember standing on the balcony at the apartment while Roy, Karen and Kathryn went to your parents' home and I stayed with Chaytor, who mercifully slept though it all. Looking out that night I saw the view of the world at peace, a few cars going by, most people sleeping and just felt numb.
But the world does go on and you'd be sooo proud of Chaytor: he has progressed tremendously in speech. His memory is phenomenal and he can name every plant and flower he has ever seen. His favorite is the elephant ears plant! I promise you next spring I'm planting bunches of elephant ears at his house as well. People can't believe it when we're out and he says "Dragon wing begonias"!!! Every once in a while I can ask him to take Granddaddy out to show him a plant and he will do it successfully.
I wrote an essay on how we can all honor you by making sure that none of our friends ever leaves this world without knowing how much he/she means to us. We learned how much you meant to others AFTER you were gone, Robbie. I do hope God allows you to know all these wonderful thougths folks share about you.
Tonight the Sheriff's Dept. hosted an unveiling of an oil painting of you. The artist got your eyes perfectly though we all agreed she did give you toooooo much hair! All of your family, the deputies and many friends were there. Reilly has missed you a lot and he was strong enough to come to the ceremony tonight. He was the first person to come up to the portrait with Karen. She is so kind with him because he loved you soo much and is so gentle and compassionate.
We all miss you Robbie: as Christians we do believe that heaven is a better place and we know that you are there BUT WE SURE ARE SELFISH because as Powhatan citizens we know this county is missing your gifts.
I trust you are an angel to the deputies, Robbie. If God allows you to be there for anyone of course I hope it's Chaytor but I'd like to hope He will allow you to be there for your fellow deputies, too.

Mary Harrison
Mother in law

September 20, 2007

Deputy Sheriff Green,
Today is the first anniversary of your EOW. Grateful citizens like myself thank you for making the committment to making the world a better and safer place. Indeed, you made a difference and left a lasting legacy.

Pennsylvania citizen

September 20, 2007

Boy is this tough! I don’t really know where to start. It’s been one year tomorrow! I have to tell you how much I can’t stand that I am writing to you instead of calling you on the phone to see what’s going on. I am thinking I would probably be a lot more into selling cookie dough for Ty at school, because I am sure we would be jabbing back and forth at each other about who has sold the most and of what kind we sold. To tell you the truth I haven’t even tried to sell the first tub. I was really upset the day Ty brought the sales forms home because as you know it was what our last conversation was about. I am so glad that we were joking to each other that night.

As I said Robbie this is tough! I don’t know how start or end what I am trying to write and I have had a lot better luck lately with just sharing my thoughts with you as they pop up instead of writing them. I can tell you that things in life mean a lot more to me than they did a year ago and I am thankful for all of the memories I have of us. I plan to celebrate life tomorrow and thank those who service our county and our country. Most of all I am going to honor you!
I Love you Bro and miss you so much!


September 19, 2007

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