New Mexico State Police, New Mexico
End of Watch Sunday, June 4, 2006
Reflections for Patrolman James Andres Archuleta
James your parents and a bunch of your biker friends,and family celebrated your 3rd year in heaven. The memorial run was bigger this year. You would be so proud of your mom she rode her bike this year. I remember telling her that you would be looking after her, and you sure did look after her from heaven. You are missed so much by many of your family and friends. Not a day goes by that your not remembered. James keep a close watch on all the people you love. You will forever be in our thoughts and heart. Everyone misses you so much.I do know that one of these days the people that love you will join in God's heavenly place, and you will be together again.
Always Me
Good Friend of Phyllis and Levie
June 11, 2009
When I think back on our time, & the dreams we left behind, I'm glad cause I was blessed I got to have you in my life.
When I look back on those days, I'll look & see your face, You were right there for me,
In my dreams I will always see you soar above the sky, in my heart there will always be a place for you for all my life,
I'll keep a part of you with me, & everywhere I am, you'll be.
You showed me how it feels to feel the sky within my reach & I always will remember all the strength you gave to me. Your love has helped me make it through, I owe so much to you, you were right there for me.
I always saw in your light, my strength,
& I want to thank you for all the ways you were right there for me...for always.
In our heart there will always be a place for you for all our life, We'll keep a part of you with us, & everywhere we are, you'll be!!!! We know you're not far from reach, you're always watching and loving us! Our boy misses you bunches James! I do too!
Veronica & Jesse-James
Veronica & Jesse-James
Fiance & son
June 5, 2009
"HI DADDY!"... Today is your 3rd year in heaven and you are so truly loved and missed. Yesterday and Today has been really hard for Grandpa Levie, Grandma Phyllis and I, but the way i see things is that you are with us day and night watching over us. Its amazing how time has flew by. Not a second, minute, hour, day, or month has gone by that i don't think of you. Keep shining down on us always and forever... Miss and love you daddy!!!
Alexis Archuleta
June 5, 2009
Three year anniversary of you being called away to serve God has arrived! I know every day for the past three years those that love you dearly have thought of you, and have shed many tears in your memory. People say that for a parent that things will get easier. For those of us that have lost a child they don't understand that our lives have changed forever, our hearts have been ripped from our chests. A parent will never forget that child, and they will always be a part of their lives, and even 15-20 years down the road if we are still here, we will still ask God why and the tears will still come. All any of us can do is take one day at a time and keep our loving memories alive. James, continue to keep watch over your loved ones. You will never be forgotten. We love and miss you dearly.
Love You,
Mom & Dad
(Your Always In Our Hearts)
June 4, 2009
James, I forgot to put my name after the reflection. I don't to be put down as anonymous.
Later Joey
PO Terrasi
NYPD/US Marine
June 4, 2009
James, what's up? It's been a long time since I was on this. I've been working mucho OT. Happy Anniversary in Heaven, My little buddy. Damn already 3 freakin years. It seems like yesterday that I spoke to you about police work, but the last time I heard your voice was May 5 2006. I miss ya. I saw pictures of Jesse James that Veronica has been sending me on my cell. He's gettin big. It also looks like he's beating you in height,lol. I will never forget you. Miss Ya, James Archuleta.
PO Terrasi
NYPD/US Marine
June 4, 2009
To Patrolman James Andres Archuleta, his family and his fellow officers with the New Mexico State Police:
Our heartfelt thoughts are with you on the anniversary of Patrolman Archuleta’s tragic death and we honor him for his valor and sacrifice to the community. Rest in Peace, Patrolman Archuleta and thank you for your service.
Wives Behind The Badge, Inc.
Members and Staff
June 4, 2009
You are remembered and honored today and forevermore.
Thank you for your sacrifice to protect us all.
Jennifer Mayo, sister of fallen deputy
Hilery Mayo Jr. STPSO, Louisiana
June 4, 2009
I'm so glad & greatful that I was so close to you, for a moment of forever!! Our lives are so truly short, we know this, but we pretend it isn't there waiting for all of us. Memorial weekend has come & gone, and everyone we see smiles so happily and with such heart when they lay eyes on Jesse-James. You are always thought about by everyone, not just on special occasions. You are so heart breakingly missed. You had a heart of gold. GOLD! It would have been around the corner: (You being adorned with yet another honor for your hard earned work & determination) Being able to now wear the gold buttons & trim on that sharp NMSP uniform you loved. I'm very happy for your friends who have made their 5 year mark with NMSP. But it hurts my heart knowing that you should have been right here with them. I'm always so proud of you & always have been. Not just for all you accomplished in such a short time, but for the good, loving & giving person you truly were at heart. Our son is missing out on one spectacular Daddy. And you're missing out on one loving, handsome, intelligent little boy. I know miracles happen & dreams do come true, because of us, you are still & always will be with me. I am able to still touch you, hear you & see you: Jesse-James, Your eyes, Your smile, Your hands & feet, Your laugh, Your spirit & charm, Your image: TRUE, EXACT & PERFECT. Never to fade, come day or night....mine to cherish. You are with thought, spirit, heart, & what's more, you are still in my arms. I heard so many times this weekend " The walls in memory of all the ones who wouldn't bend or break....the lives they bravely gave, their pictures in a frame, and still.... more space for the next hero that falls. James, you are the substance of what most people strive to become. You are loved and missed so greatly. my heart hurts for Jesse-James, he is so much a part of you. I wish you could be here to raise your son.. I know you're always watching, but oh the joy he would feel being embraced by "his daddy." We love you, I know you know this.
Veronica & Jesse-James
Veronica & Jesse-James Archuleta
Fiance & son
May 25, 2009
There was an error in the latest reflection left on 4/4/09. Signature should have read...Fiance and Son,Veronica and Jesse-James. WE LOVE & MISS YOU!! I Know you are watching over us.
Fiance and Son
Veronica and Jesse-James
April 14, 2009
Hello James,
There was a retirement party for one of your(our) close friends this weekend. You were there, with all of us,and some mentioned you when they said their fairwells to him. So many of the people attending had known this person for over twenty some years, yet one of the newest guys on the force was referenced quite a bit. That was you. Everyone knew what an impact he had on you and what your thoughts were about this man. You looked up to him and knew all your aspirations were possible because he and you are a lot alike,they were all attainable. You should have been there to tell some of your special memories of working with him, cracked some jokes, & wish him your fairwell in person, but as we all know, God chose a different path for you. I'm sure as I said, you will guide and light his future paths. Thoughts of you and seeing Jesse-James running around & playing, brought smiles to so many of your friends. He's a charmer, and yes, my guiding light. Watch over your friends who wear the badge, getting them safely to their destinations and back to their families. You're always in our hearts James. Still bringing smiles and blessed memories!
April 4, 2009
Good morning James. I just wanted to say that I know for a fact that your mom and dad miss you so much.Theirs not a day that goes by that your not thought of in our conversations. Life is to short, and I know that your mom only does what is fair and right for both of your children. You would be so proud of what decisions she makes for her both grandchildren. We know for a fact that you loved both of them, and you would want everything to be equal for both. I know that your mother has peace in her heart and no quilts in her decisions. Maybe one of these days she will be able to see her grandson, the way she see Alexis. May you rest in peace, and GOD BLESS YOU JAMES.
March 16, 2009
Good Morning James.
I'm thinking about how Jesse-James would have you out there riding his bike with him and getting ready to plant "his" garden. With all the "veggies" his daddy liked! Ha!Ha! He's got his tool bag ready to build his fence around his garden! Our little ray of sunshine is bright! You're always close in mind and heart. He keeps me smiling & always grateful for another day with him. Your USMC buddies still check in on him. They are great guys. You're still missed so much. We love & miss you. We have a tie that binds. Love always,
Veronica & Jesse-James
Veronica & Jesse-James
Fiance & son
February 27, 2009
Dear family & friends of James "Archie" Archuleta,
I still keep you all in my prayers & hope that someday you will reconsile and your differences be put aside. I knew James very well. And I know where his heart was. It was with his family, wanting a home for them and raising his children surrounded by love and support. He loved you all. Remember this, he knew no one was perfect. He loved you, each & everyone of you. When you let anger and bitterness rule the heart, a person is blinded and can't see what is really important. In Archie's passing, he left many hearts broken, but it is only through loss that we may know what real joy and living is about. Archie had many close calls with death in his young life, I know, the ones I was with him for, and those he told me about. He loved life and it showed. He excelled in everything, that was his way. Archie did not do anything until he was good and ready. Anyone who knew him, knows this. His choice for a wife, Veronica, everyone knows he loved her, and wanted to settle down with someone who believed in him, was loyal & supportive to him, loved him just as he loved them. He made it clear in his smiles and conversations with many of his friends how happy he was with "his woman" as he called her. Archie was truly happy, he'd found "the one." He would still want her to be happy and live life to the fullest. Raise his son to know what a wonderful man, father & human being he was. To James parents, he always said how good of a family he had and that he was lucky to have you guys in his life and talked about how you too supported his decisions no matter what. Try to do so now. Life is too short to have regrets, tears will dry, time mends wounds, but sometimes, bridges are intentionally burned and the consequence is devastating. I know Mrs. Archuleta that you feel others comments do not help matters, however, please, understand, it is not meant to hurt you, or anyone else, but James was loved by so many and the suffering that is going on now, quite frankly, seems to be self inflicted. All parties need to look within themselves to seek forgivness not only of others, but of themselves as well. Archie would want the bonds he left behind, to still remain even in his passing. He cared for all of you, Meaning, imperfections as well. God Bless you all, and please, remember, Archie is never going to be at true peace until those he left behind find peace as he knew them to be. I only wish the best for all of you. Archie, send down some healing, some how, some way brother. Try to RIP,Devil Dog...Time is our friend, but the way we choose to use it, determins if it is our life link, or our noose.
good friend
February 27, 2009
Yes you would be very disappointed. Things will never be the same. I'm not sure why people seem to think they have to choose, they don't. We love both or the kids, I know you know that. We do not see Jesse James, that's just the way things are right now. I will not fight with anyone. Enough is enough. People you don't know what we think. If everyone would just stay our of our business maybe things would settle down. All these little statements from everyone is not helping. If everyone took care of their own life instead of being in ours we wouldn't have all the problems in this world. One day we will all have to answer to god, and my conscious is clear. If anyone feels they have to choose your heart was not there in the first place. Life is what you make of it. I choose to be happy, and maybe one day we can have the pleasure of having all of our grand children in our life. Your always in our heart, never far from our minds.
Love You
February 26, 2009
james bro
its been a long time that I got on here. I thought of you today. i guess with the bike runs coming up. im right there with the person who left the lasts note on here. you would be pissed off with how things are with family. i say your family because Veronica & kids ARE your family, just like your bro leon, sisters an parents to. they are ALL good people. you picked who you wanted to make a life with, and you could not choose your blood family, they are picked for us. the times that you guys were all together was when every on looked happy. people that know all of them know the truth about how they were good to each other. why cant it be like that now? like this other person said, may be one day bro, they will get along again, when I pass by your cross I see the things your son puts and having kids bro, i pray mine never have to put this stuff, i hope im always here for them. i know you have to miss yours. I see him sometimes at the store, he does look like you. i hope they all can have happy lifes. stay strong bro, and look in on me to bro, im still a hell raiser!!! i will drink one for you bro you have to be good up there ha ! ha! laters
February 17, 2009
Hey Jamo! It sure has been a long time. You have been on my mind so much. I really miss you. El Rito isn't the same without you. Your Dad had a mass for you in El Rito, and suddenly all of the memories of you flooded my heart. I was so happy. I was blessed to have you in my life. Now, all I have are memories. That is better than nothing at all. My friend, things have changed drastically. I see many of your family members and fiancee going through some really hard times trying to deal with you being gone. I think that a lot of them have given up. When I say given up, I mean this: They have given up in trying to create harmony among family and friends. Our friends are put in a position to choose between your parents and fiancee. It shouldn't be that way, bro. I hope that whenever this reflection is read, both sides(fiancee and parents) will realize that we all loved you and are missing you so very much. I will be praying for the day when we can all come together and happily share memories of you. I sure do miss you my friend, and I know that if you were still here, you would tell everyone to get their heads out of their_ _ _ _ _ , be happy and get along! Oh, one more thing: Your son looks exactly like you when you were 4 years old. It's so amazing. I'm not kidding when I say this. When I see Jesse, I see you. That brings happiness to my heart. I can only imagine how Veronica feels. That is so special. Jesse is in good hands with his mama. They love each other so much, you an feel the love when you are around them. Alexis misses you so much and is still going through a hard time. She has gotten extremely quiet. I will keep your family in my prayers. Love you!
February 2, 2009
Hey brother, I had a break in my shift and remember you. Keep looking down on us and keep us safe brother. I know God has you on another beat now walk tall brother we see you again.
To the Family Of James you are still in my prays.
Deputy Phillip Reid
Clay County Sheriffs Office/FL
January 25, 2009
Hey James,
it's almost time brother! the HWY is calling for our bike engines to roar! You always ride with us. Your friends miss you & your kids bro, they're getting big! Alexis looks happy but for the most part she is quiet. Your son, bro, awsome. born to hell raise like you. you r always on the minds of all! R.I.P. Dog
January 25, 2009
Another Christmas & New Year's without you, we miss you're phone calls, visits and laughter! You are always in our hearts and prayers. Oh how you loved to celebrate Christmas and all Holidays. The memories of you growing up here in Lakewood, CO with you're "Dad Donnie" will never fade, the hundred's of photo's, letters, and you running around our home. We can still see you and feel your presence. We keep Alexis and Jesse James in our prayers always. They lost a wonderful caring Dad and that is why it hurts so muuch! The pain is there, the emptyness, even when we a have a housefull of people. I see the pain and sorrow in your Dad's eyes and Grandpa Don. I never knew a man could cry so much.
Yes, James was a unique person, a positive and gifted, beautiful young man! He was sharp, polished and proud! Yes James, you did make us all proud of you, but left us with broken hearts. Your radiant spirit will be with us forever! Each time I see the sunrise or sunset and feel your spirit. Rest in peace, our "Hito", our "Grandson."
We love you and miss you, so much! "Te Amo"
Grandma Irene
Grandma Irene
January 11, 2009
Now i lay him down to sleep,
I pray the Lord his soul to keep.
I know his Father's light guides him well,
for he prays to him each night still.
With Mommies loving & watchful gaze,
she watches him growing everyday as he plays,
Our son is so bright & strong,
I sometimes feel as though he can do no wrong.
But I know I must lead with a firm & steady hand
Because life just sometimes doesn't go as we planned.
Another year has come & gone,
But the love we have for you is always strong.
So as I watch our Angel sleep,
I know that he is in Your keep.
So continue to guide him with your light,
& I'll keep him safe & warm throughout the night.
Happy New Year James !! I wish you were here to make us smile & laugh, it was contageous. Jesse-James is going to be a whopping 4yrs old in a week! He is so amazing! you would be here beaming with pride I know it! He turned his little light on so "his daddy could find him when he looked down from Heaven" on Christmas Eve. He wishes you could come play with him. I tell him you're watching all the time! I hold so many happy & heart warming memories of you in my mind & heart. Time cannot erase what love has eched on one's heart. You are loved greatly & missed always.
Veronica & Jesse-James
December 31, 2008 are not forgotten by the ones who love you.
December 18, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving James!
Our handsome son helped prepare the food with mama this year. He is so happy & excited to help do everything. When he said his prayers last night I asked him what he was going to tell Jesus he was happy he had. Of course he named toys and food, etc... but he's so clever, he also said his pretty eyes like his Daddy's. He always asks what "pappa" his Daddy liked. And of course, I tell him you liked everything! Ha!Ha! He says he'll eat all his food to be tall and strong like "my" Daddy! I just laugh and say "I hope so!" He is the blessing God granted us! Your Little Buddy! He's a miracle, but we always knew that! Your nieces are growing up James! They are all going to be eyefulls! You & Paul would have had your hands full. Your Marine buddies are all now having babies of their own, Jesse-James would be the TONKA of the bunch! He has grown so much, and leaned out. He is my handsome boy! And let me tell you, he knows his Mama loves him through & through! We love you & you're always on our minds in our hearts!!
Veronica & Jesse-James Archuleta
Fiance & son
November 27, 2008
Hi Hito,
Wanted to tell you Happy Veterans Day!! On saturday dad told Alexis guess where your dad whould be tonight and she said where grandpa. Dad told her tonight is Marine Corps ball and your daddy always went. Alexis smiled and said yaah.. I remember. Dad and I stopped by to visit you and leave you flowers. When dad saw what I bought he laughed! I asked him why are you laughing, he said what do you think James would think of pink roses!! I smiled and said I didn't even think of that, But the pink represents how much I love you and how close you are to our hearts. You probably laughed at me too huh. We all miss you so much James... I know there are people in this world that wish they could be half of what you stood for. There will never be aother like you. We love and miss you!!
Your Always In OUR Hearts
Love Ya
November 13, 2008
James, I know that you are in a great place with our good Lord. I really never got to know you, but in alot of ways I feel that I knew you good with all of the beautiful words that are spoken about you all the time. I know that you are so missed by you Mom and Dad and Alexis,and your hito Jesse James. I do know that you were such a well known person by all of the people that loved you. But their is one thing that is true, that God only takes the best, and you were his choosen one. Since your in that heavenly place please watch down on the people that really loved you, for one day you will all be together again.
October 7, 2008