New Mexico State Police, New Mexico
End of Watch Sunday, June 4, 2006
Reflections for Patrolman James Andres Archuleta
Happy 20th blessed birthday to our lil man Jesse-James Andrew!
Veronica Archuleta, Fiance
January 5, 2025
Hug my mom tight for me James. I know she was so happy to see you. She loved you so much James. She always wished you were with us and to hug an kiss our hito Jesse-James. She was sooooo sad to have to leave him. She held him til the very end. It broke him. But he said he knows she was going to see you and GG so she was sad but happy too..... Hold her tight for us and tell her she's never far away....always in our hearts just like you!
Veronica Archuleta, fiance
October 12, 2024
Happy 46th birthday James!
I can only imagine what we'd be doing now had you been able to stay w us. We think of you often James. Always have always will. Keep our boy safe much like you , I'm so proud of him James.. but I know you know
Veronica Archuleta fiance
September 10, 2024
Happy birthday Marine! Shake those pillars of heaven with the marine corp hymn! I wish you were here with us to celebrate. Happy Veterans day. We're all still so proud that youre a part of our family James. Jesse-James shines when he talks about you. He laughs at the stories ive shared with him that you'd told me so many years ago about the antics you and your brothers in arms had. I'm glad you had a blast and made so many friends and memories. Jesse-James misses what he wishes he couldve had with you. I tell him its a double edged sword. For me to share the awesome relationship you two would of had is bitter sweet.....I have to share with him how you were and how much you loved him. I feel it would be unfair to allow him to ever believe your heart didn't beat for him....He knows without a shadow of a doubt, if you couldve stayed with him, you would have. I know you loved a lot of people James, but I believe in my heart, when you realized you'd left this earthly life, your heart broke cuz you wouldn't be here to see him, love him, hold him, raise him.....I believe you were angry until you found the duty call the Lord took you from us to fill. He will one day, make a blessed and wonderful father. He has a strong sense of responsibility, family love and comittment. He's a true blessing to our family and im blessed and proud to be able to be called his Momma!!! Happy Birthday James....we love and miss You!
Veronica Archuleta, fiance
November 11, 2023
Happy 45th birthday in heaven James! You are loved and missed like crazy. I think of all the things we didnt get to do together and with Jesse-James. But he continues to make us proud. Thank you for watching over us. I still feel you. Our son is quite the catch. He is too d@__ smart for the likes of his generation lol....would blow your mind if you were here to talk with him. Oh the laughs you two would have...He's in college now as you know. Continue to keep watch over him and guide him with your presence & light. He has my heart. He's loved by so many people just like you. Your life was wonderful cuz you made it so. people felt loved by you because you showed you cared and would be there should anyone need you. When I train, i think of you & the tactics you showed me. Your advice and words of wisdom about when im in the field and if s_!_ goes down. ....always in the front of my head....You will always be a part of my world, our sons, and my family. Until i see your smiling face and hear your voice and laugh again, you're in my thoughts , prayers & heart always James. Happy blessed 45th birthday. I wish you were herer with us to blow out your candles...we love & miss you so d@__ much....the price we pay for loving someone so much......but you are PRICELESS.....always will be. all my love James....
Veronica, Fiancee
September 10, 2023
17 years you've been watching from above James. I know you were smiling down on Jesse-James as he waited to walk the graduation line & receive his HS diploma. He is so incredible in so many ways. He looks so much like you its heart breaking at times. I know youre protecting him. He believes it too. So many milestones you've watched from above. We miss you and love you so much James. Some people still cant comprehend how much you still are a part of our daily living. Jesse-James smile and antics are so much like you. Im blessed to be his mom. Our boy is ready to fly James..... just as we'd wanted it to be....He knows the hopes you had for him. He knows of our conversations about your hopes and fears as his dad. I tell him that I know youre proud of the person he is. He's a born leader James.....just as we'd have it......I love you & carry you in my heart always.
Veronica Archuleta, Fiancee
June 5, 2023
Happy 2022 Father's Day James!
I cant believe its almost our hitos graduation year. I didn't want it to come so soon. I wish you were physically here to pat him on the back & shake his hand. Joseph gave him your Grizzly baseball jersey you wore when you played the last year with his team for Chama Days. I think it fit you bigger than it does him lol... He immediately donned it and wore it all day. He's so proud of who you are & all of your achievements. He knows he comes from two strong individuals and there's no excuse for him to run from a challenge. He's so intelligent James. He'd have you impressed w his smarts and laughing with his sense of humor. I am proud he's our son. Thank you James for feeling confident enough & trusting me enough to share your thoughts & ideas about life and your hopes & dreams for us and our hito. It's helped me to make decisions and direct him as I believe you would have. He makes us proud daily. He's no longer our little boy....he's our brilliant, savvy, outspoken & responsible young man. He is an amazing big brother. He pushes his sister to be smart and tough. He doesn't want her weak in this world. He says," Mom...she's gonna give us a run for our money!! lol.... She's an Alpha just like us Mom...." He's amazing.......I believe you're watching over us ....He's got some exciting challenges coming up here soon.... He believes youll be cheering for him.....We miss you James. Youre always in our hearts....Uncle Tony was choked up to see how handsome, tall & how much like you he looks, sounds & expresses himself like you.
Happy Father's Day to the BEST FATHER God picked for our son.
Veronica Archuleta, Fiancee
June 19, 2022
16 years since he heard the sound of you telling him,"I'm home hito!", come with Daddy..."....16 years since he's seen your smile, felt your hand in his & was wrapped in your embrace. Our son
June 5, 2022
Happy Blessed & prosperous 17th birthday to our wonderful son Jesse-James ❤
Veronica, fiancee
January 6, 2022
Happy 43 rd Birthday in Heaven. Jesse-James is blowing out candles for you tonight like he always has. We all miss you. Your smile, sound of your laugh. YOU. You are always thought of, talked about and remembered w suck tenacity & love of life. Our son makes us proud! You'd be his best buddy! I know it!.....his hunts are coming up soon....he takes you w him in heart & mind. He knows you'll be w him......we love & miss you. Happy birthday Babe!......I'll always love you .....that'll never change......Jesse-James knows this too.
Fiancee, Veronica
September 10, 2021
Happy 4th of July James! I love you , miss you & always keep you in heart. This is your favorite holiday, boy! What a show you have from heaven. We miss you greatly....always will. XOXO
July 4, 2021
Happy Easter James! We had a great time playing games with the kids and playing jokes. Our hito helps hide the eggs now lol.... We're blessed to have the son we have James. I know you know. Its milestones you're not physically here for that still hurt. He's looking forward to hunting. I wish you were taking him. You two would've had so much. He's looking like you more and more James. Expressions, mannerisms.... its bitter sweet. Life roles on, but you're always with us in heart. Memorial is around the corner and were all looking forward to new blessed memories. We love you, we miss you, and always you are part of our lives. Continue to help me guide our shining light! Its almost time for him to fly!
April 4, 2021
Our blessing is 16 yrs old today James. Its bitter sweet cuz I can only imagine what you'd been doing w him at this point in his life. The hunting trips, ball games, crazy jokes, driving experiences, girl talk, and im sure some rule breaking lol...well at least bending. You both missed out on the greatness of having one another around. Im proud of who he is inside & out. You two would probably debate things all year lol....Jesse-James has been loved by the best. Good people who live by example and have always praised his qualities and encouraged him when he's had challenges in his path. While he's still young, he's wise beyond his years. Much like yourself. He is very insightful, kind, funny, loving, and the best friend anyone could hope for. I know he will make mistakes, at times disappoint, but he is confident enough to acknowledge his mistakes and fix or accept the consequences. Hes so tall now. I have to look up into his beautiful green eyes. I can picture you guys walking out of the house and him towering over you lol....youdve had a hay day joking around w him. We would look like midgets standing next to him lol....he'd tell you....hey dad, JUNGLE GYM!!!! We are blessed to have my family and your dad Donnie & Carol, grandpa don & grandma Irene, all your aunts uncles and cousins who love our boy. I know Dylan is watching over him like you do. As he blows out his candles and makes his wish, I know you're always a part of it. Im blessed in many ways James. But having you in my life and our son Jesse-James
January 6, 2021
Happy birthday Marine!
Im sure you're smiling from ear to ear!. I know you have many of your brothers w you this year. As sad as it is. But I remember all of our blessed memories of fun times, struggling & worried times, and our perseverance. You made me strong too,& Jesse-James knows alot about how you thought about things in many ways. He's very insightful. I know you're with us James. I still feel you. We miss and love you always. Our hitos on to new journeys ahead. He's awesome! But I know you know. XOXO
November 11, 2020
Happy 41st birthday in heaven James.
I miss you. Always will. Ill never forget your smile, the sound of your voice and laughter. The love you had for everyone. The look of love and pride when youd look at Jesse-James. The world is much less of a wonderful place cause you're not in it with us. You're forever missed and loved. Our boys taller than you now. Smart, and has your charm and silly sense of humor. Im truly blessed to have him as mine. Thank you James for your love and support when I needed it most. I always carry you w me, always will!
Love Veronica
September 10, 2020
Its another beautiful morning w plans to get out for the day. But today had you written on it since the sun came up. Thoughts of you always surround me, but today I feel like you're closer somehow. I know I wish you were here to hang w our boy. No doubt you'd have been inseparable.....its hurts to know in my heart what wouldve been between you two....crazy stunts and buddies til the end. I wish you were here in person to celebrate his victories. Give direction and guidance. But mostly, just for him to feel the love in the shake of your hand, or a hug or pat on the back for a job well done. He's definitely finding his way...what a journey we have ahead...i believe in my heart youre watching, shield him from harm and help me guide him to whatever greatness awaits him I in this great big world. Its almost time for him to fly & miss you always
August 23, 2020
God bless you
Mark Mottola
June 4, 2020
November 11, 2019
You never really left James....youre in all of our hearts and minds....i know you watch over us all....our son Jesse James is a chip off the ol block lol.....hes loved so much....just like you
Veronica Archuleta
June 4, 2019
Good morning James!
Our blessing Jesse-James is 14 yrs old today
January 6, 2019
Happy birthday Marine!! We had such fun at the balls....i know you're having a blast with your fellow brothers celebrating the USMC birthday!!! Adapt n overcome right?...all our love & admiration James, now & always...youve been gone 12 yrs too long babe. Keep watching over us. Love ya!
Veronica & Jesse-James
veronica archuleta
Fiancee and son
November 11, 2018
Good morning James.
Winter is on its way☺....youd be loving the hunting season. Skiing is gonna be a blast!. Jesse -James fits in your ski jacket n pants now...made my heart hurt a bit. Im glad you insisted we buy our ski gear on our last trip to Denver to see grandma n grandpa. Your gear RIGHTFULLY always belonged to him. He looks awesome in his dads Spider gear!...He's grown so much....i wish you were here to wrestle with him, joke around, tease him, give advice n direction like I can picture you doing. I know the next frw years are gonna fly, & our lil' man is gonna spread his winds and give this world a run for its money! He's got his dad's smile n sparkle in his eye....hes also an awesome dancer...ive made sure to give him a lot of practice haha. Girls n women always come ask him to dance at functions cuz they've seen us on the dance floor. people are very impressed w him....i love you James. You're always in my heart and I know you're our angel...i'll miss your hand in mine . until I see you & touch your face again....i love you.
veronica archuleta
Fiancee and son Jesse-James
September 27, 2018
Happy Father's day James! You know how wonderful and full of life our son is. You still live n breath through him and all of us who love you. You are celebrated today for the loving father you always were. Wish you'd had more time with him....we love and miss you always James
Fiancee and son Jesse-James
June 17, 2018
As you know it's a bright sunny beautiful day out today. The clock ticks and the world continues to turn. But for some, the tick tock and the hustle and bustle of the regular world is haulted. We wish today wouldn't have been forever changed so many painful years ago. We miss your smile, laughter, friendship. Our son misses a father he barely had the chance to meet and only got to feel his hugs n kisses for a short time. Our son Jesse-James is no longer a small boy yearning for you to come back and play w him. .Jesse-James is now a young man I am proud to say is ours! He is intelligent begond his years in mind and spirit. He is so loving and cares so deeply for others. When he's unsure of things, he asks what I think you'd tell him to do...he's a teenager now. Ready to envision his future and what paths to travel. He's got large boots to fill James. Our expectations are great...i know you watch over him...hes so wonderful huh?...hes has so many of your characteristics. His stance, expressions. Even when he sleeps his face looks like yours. His perfectly you. He's quite the runner these days. His best year yet with the Law enforcement Tourch Run. He kicked butt! Moms always proud. My heart aches when I remember how you left us. My heart is heavy. I wish you couldve stayed with us. No matter what path my life takes James, you will always be a priority in Jesse-James life. He wants to make us proud always. He is the sunshine in the world you left behind and we love you and him with all our hearts...i still feel you with me James...we love & miss you greatly. That love flows through my veins...always will. Until we meet again, continue to watch over us...
Veronica, Jesse James, Sierra& family.
veronica archuleta
Fiancee and son
June 4, 2018
Good morning James! Our baby boy Jesse-James is 13 today! I know you're with him always. He's so bright and loving. He's such a treasure and always brings joy to those around him. Continue to watch over him and guide him on his path to success. We love and miss you Always James! I know you'll be with him when he blows out his candles!
Veronica Archuleta, Jesse-James
Fiancee and son
January 6, 2018