Roane County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, May 11, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Birl Jones
Hey Bubba it´s me just a note to say that it has been almost a year and my Hannah is one day before you on the 10th. i miss you all so much . It´s not any eaiser now than before. you all left with out finishing your job and your life you had too much to live for and one day it will be finished.But for now rest and take care of Hannah and Daddy ok love to you all.
Lynn Jones
May 3, 2008
Hey Boss,
We are missing you so bad right now. It is only a week until your day. May 11 is Bill's Day. Two songs hit so close to you. "Some gave all" describing what you gave for the people is this world and "Common Feel The Noise." A favorite song of yours that was playing on the radio in the patrol cars during your procession to the Graveside. I can't help but think of you everytime those songs are played. We honor you so much. You are the man we want to be, and the Sergeant leaders look up to.
We love You Bill.
David Laxton
Best Friend
May 2, 2008
Hey bill,
I just thought i would write and say hey!!!!me,melody,mom,and justins doing fine were just waiting on little lucas 2 get here!!its getting really close 3 more months!!seems like itz went by so fast!!!we all love you and miss u bunches!!!well c ya 1 day in heaven!!!
we all love u down here!!~tiffany~
Tiffany Harwell
Daughters sister
April 21, 2008
Hey Bam,
It's just me just saying hi. I miss you a whole lot. Everybody says hi. Well I Got to go now but I'll see you at home one day bye.
Alex Kerley
April 19, 2008
Hey Bam,
It's me just saying hi and I miss you a whole lot. I'm playing football for CCHS. Mawmaw Jones told me that you played football there. I just hope I'm just as good as you.I'm really trying to get a scholarship.Everybody says hi and they miss you.Everbody is doing ok I guess.Lynn is in Peru right now. She is having a hard dealing with Hannah. Of course we all are to. Well I got to go now. I miss you and love you take care BAMBAM.
Alex Kerley
April 17, 2008
Hey Bam,
It's me just saying hi and I miss you a whole lot. It's been real hard dealing with Hannah. We miss her very much.I got to go now. But remember that we all love you and miss you .
Alex Kerley
April 16, 2008
may 11 is approaching....BILL, I FEEL A BAD MOON IS RISING.
April 6, 2008
bam bam it semed like you were her today doing your job
then you were gone but i miss you as a friend i will see
you soon
April 1, 2008
Hey Bubba it`s me sorry it has taken so long to write but we have had a bad time Our Hannah passed away. She is now with you and daddy please take care of her we only had her 2 months but she was and is the greatest. I love you and miss you more everyday just like Hannah and daddy. Iwonder why people have to write things about people they don´t know and why the world is so crazy but that´s questions that will never be answered. I love you
March 26, 2008
This is the story of the real Bill Bam Bam Jones not a hero to us his family. Just doing his job like he always wanted to do and will always continue to do. I wish the would change E.O.W. because as Billy would say, "I never have a day off. Crime never ends."
Thank you for all your prayers and wishes.
The Jones family
March 14, 2008
A Poiceman's End of Watch
These are the words they say when a cop must die. Its meaning as you can see is quite clear. I no longer have to keep you safe or wonder why these things happen or watch people shake in fear.
These are the words they said on my final ride not in a patrol car but in a box. My life is over too fast. I no longer have to hunt cowards that hide just like the ones that made today my last.
These are the words supposed to bring comfort, not pain to those of my family I left behind today. When you hear these words, they can make you insane all because cowards that took my life away.
These are the words I've said too many times about my fellow brothers that met cowards, too. They say these words over a box of pine, his end of watch is here. There's nothing left for him to do.
These are the words that are a big lie. My watch isn't over just moved to a new beat. I was put on earth to protect you. This I will do until the day over there we shall meet.
These are the words I am saying to you. I walk the streets with every new face and with my family in all that they do. I don't have time to rest. I mist take my place on the side of what is good and right for as long as I have my soul, I will never give up the fight.
A niece
March 14, 2008
Hey sarg. I know its been a while since I've been on here, but life has been crazy lately. We still talk about you all the time. Some of us will be on a call, and tell each other that this is a call for Jones to handle.....hahaha. The memories and love for you are still talked about everyday at work, its so hard to believe that a man was taken from this job that you loved so much. You showed us all the wonderful values of the job. As I drive around at night, I often think of you. I know a couple of times, me and you would ride together and you liked to just ride around the neighborhoods and somebody would be outside there house, they would flag you down and just say hello.......cause everyone loved Sgt. Bill Jones. I know that some talk and say bad things about you, but you are truely loved and appreciated for the job that you done by the public. And as always you will always have the fullest respect from all the officers of Roane County. Continue to watch over us Sarg, we all could use it right now. Love ya
Jamie Melton
Kingston Police Dept.
March 5, 2008
Bill, It has been a long time since we left our thoughts here, but it still makes tears flow, just knowing that we will never have another chance to see you in this lifetime. The last time I left a message that we were going to have a grandbaby. Well now SHE is 7 months old and the light of my life. She makes my knees weak when she smiles at me and wrinkles that button nose and reaches out those little chubby arms. I never knew that life could be this good. Buddy, we have gone thru a lot of rough times. I cried on your shoulder and you cried on mine we never solved any problems, but we sure had some good times trying. It is almost "camping" season and I will be at Watts Bar again. Wish you could come by and visit. I remember the last time you stopped, you were on patrol and you stopped just long enough to say HI. Miss You Buddy, From what we hear, Trevor is making a fantastic Officer, we know you are proud of him. Saw Tammy a few weeks ago and she looks great. She still has a sad look in her eyes and she can hardly mention your name, but she is doing o.k. She has a lot of support and people who love her. Rest In Peace. A Friend
February 22, 2008
"The Badge"
He starts his shift each day
To respond to calls unknown.
He drives a marked patrol car.
A police officer he is known.
He's paid by the citizens' taxes
To make it safe on the streets.
But he usually has a second job
'Cause a waitress has his salary beat.
Now he doesn't know a holiday
'Cause he works all year round.
And when Thanksgiving and Christmas finally arrive
At his home he cannot be found.
He's cursed and assaulted often,
The one whos blood runs blue.
He seldom ever gets a thanks,
To some he's just a fool.
His friends are always other cops
'Cause people just don't understand
That underneath his badge and gun,
He's just another man.
He knows there might not be a tomorrow
In this world of drugs and crime.
And he gets so mad at the court system
'Cause the crooks don't get any time.
And each day when he leaves for work,
He prays to God above.
Please bring me home after my shift
So I can see the ones I love.
But tonight he stops a speeding car,
He's alone down this ole' highway.
It's just a little traffic infraction.
He does it everyday.
Well, he walks up to the driver's window,
And his badge is shining bright.
He asked the guy for a driver's license,
When a shot rang through the night.
Yes, the bullet hit its mark,
Striking the officer in the chest.
But the Department's budget didn't buy
Each officer a bullet-proof vest.
So he lay on the ground bleeding.
His blood wasn't blue - His blood was red.
And briefly he thought of his loved ones
'Cause in a moment the officer was dead.
In the news they told the story
Of how this officer had died.
And some who listened cared less,
But those who loved him cried.
Well, they buried him in uniform
With his badge pinned on his chest.
He even had his revolver,
He died doing his best.
Written By:
David L. Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Department
Columbia, South Carolina
Used with Special Permission of the Author
Copyright © 1999 - All Rights Reserved
and may not be duplicated without permission
Investigator David L Bell
Richland County Sheriff's Dept., Columbia, SC
January 30, 2008
Hey Bill,
was getting a cup of coffee at rocky top the other day and got to thinking about the last time i saw you and mike there. gotta admit the tears flowed and my heart broke all over again. was getting to know you and could honestly call you my friend. thanks for the advice you gave me and thanks for your sacrifice i pray for your family everytime i pray for mine. miss you sir.
Sam Harvey
January 17, 2008
Hey Bill, it's Christmas time, I miss you my friend.
Lt. Gary Nelson
Kingston PD
December 27, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday. The hole you have left in our lives is great. You are very muched missed.
December 25, 2007
Happy Birthday Bill (daddy).
We miss you so much. You are are in our heart and on our mind. You are still the one. We will love you forever.
Melody & Karen
December 21, 2007
Rest easy, sleep well my brother
Know the line has held, your job is done
Rest easy, sleep well
Others have taken up, where you fell,
The line has held.
Peace, peace and farewell ……
December 16, 2007
Hey the other day i was listening to the scanner and thought I heard your voice. I told my partner man that sounded just like Bill. Just to let you know that you are deeply missed and your one of a kind.
Lisa EMS
December 14, 2007
hey its me again i was just sittin here thinking about you....well watch over me as i take your watch love yyea
Ptlm.Trevor Wright
HPD Step son
November 24, 2007
hey bam. just letting you know how much you'r missed. I think a lot about all the good times we had. From when we first met at pleasant hill through highschool and beond. You were the brother I never had.I could always count on you to lift me up when I was down. I recently had a roll of filn developed,and there were photos of you and me the last time we were together in feb.04. I will always cherish them. your bro. mike gatlin
November 23, 2007
Billly, miss you very much and think of you often especially since your leaving is so hard for your family and also for the family of your ride along Mike Brown. The Houstons do not know what damage and pain that they have inflicted on some wonderful people, not to mention how they have left a void in the hearts of many people who loved you so dearly. Lynn and the family needs your broad shoulders now in their hour of need but you are with your heavenly father. You were taken away too soon and I cry shame on those cowards "Vengence is mine saith the Lord", but we cry justice to the highest degree. Your leaving was pre-meditated.
Love you, your friend forever.
a friend
November 17, 2007
hey, whats going on..fixing to go to bed and was just thinking about you so i got on here and thought i would write you a message..everything has been going great for me and i am loving every mintue of it..i just wish you was here so that we could maybe work together after all the stuff you thought me that would be be with me through all that i do...course i know you will...i love you and always have and always will and you know that your the only person i would ever listen to..well love ya
ptlm. trevor wright
H.P.D step son..
November 16, 2007
Well Bill it has been awhile since I have been on here and as everyday goes by we all miss you very much. It is hard to believe that a man of your caliber is gone but it reminds me the reality of the job. Everyday there is a call that comes in and I say that is a Bill Jones call. I will never forget the first time I met you it was at Wal-Mart over 5 years ago we were chasing a shoplifter in the parking lot. Since then I have and will always have the greatest deal of respect for you. I wish there were more officers like you. You will always be in my thoughts as I go through my life. I just hope when I get to the road I will be half the officer you were.
Thomas Walden
Roane County 911
November 15, 2007