Roane County Sheriff's Office, Tennessee
End of Watch Thursday, May 11, 2006
Reflections for Deputy Sheriff William Birl Jones
Hey bambam,
Its me saying hi again. Football didnt go so well. Yea but I am on the wrestling team and its going gooooood.g2g love you and hannah bye bambam
Alex Kerley
October 30, 2008
Remembering you today more so then most days.... "wish I could've seen the angels faces when they saw your beautiful face"....Love, love and more love...
October 11, 2008
You will never be forgotten.
October 6, 2008
Hi Billy, I was shocked and disappointed upon hearing of the mistrial. This is such injustice. If you were here we both would be discussing this case and will arrive at the same penalty. Our children need to feel safe and this land of ours will be in jeopardy as we do not have you to protect us. You were a good person, and I am praying that your family and those of your ride-along friend, Mike Brown will find some peace. I know that it's easier said than done. Rest in peace and know that we all love you.
A friend
August 2, 2008
To The Family Of Deputy Jones:
I met Bill a couple of times while he was working with my cousin. I remember hearing about his death and I couldn't believe it. I just heard on the news that a mistrial has been declared for one of the Houstons. I know that God will give them what they deserve. I know that this must be a very difficult time but my prayers are with you.
July 27, 2008
Thank you for your service to our Republic and Tennessee as first a soldier and second as a law enforcement officer. Thank you for your example of integrity and duty and your love of your nation and fellow man. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "Greater love hath no man that this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13) Of you we can honestly say, "How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle!" (2nd Samuel 1:25) Thank you for laying down your life to protect your friends and community. It was an honor to have known you and to have heard all the stories about you. Our prayers are with you, your family, friends, and Roane County.
Robert S. Nakamoto
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
July 24, 2008
July 22, 2008
Well sarg its started. We are all praying, watch over us. Miss you.
Jamie Melton
July 17, 2008
Well its started. The world should know what your brother and sisters in blue know.The good Lord Above only knows how many Officers lives you saved by giving your own life. I very much wish you were here and all this was not necessary. What i'd give to hear 730 central just one more time!!!
John 15:13
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
Brother in Blue
July 14, 2008
Hey Bill, I will never forget when I first met you. I had heard many stories about a guy named Bam Bam. You were a great friend to me. Who would have ever guessed how it would end. Your a hero. I will also never forget because I was taking Stacey to eat at the Regas Resteraunt for our anniversary. We pray for your family. Ben Wilson
Ben Wilson
July 11, 2008
Hi Bill,
I read so many of the reflections left by the people who love you and it gives me great comfort to know I am part of a large family of people who miss you. Life took me to a different place, so I didn't get to see you as much as I always wanted to and sometimes I felt like I was intruding upon your life, even though you never made me feel any way but as your friend.
As I'm approaching 50, it causes me to look back and remember when I met you in 1978. I was at Tennessee Tech and had met Jim Cross and Jim was always talking about this close friend nicknamed Bam. I was fascinated by all Jim would tell me about this friend and when I met you there was no disappointment. I remember all the students in the Tech grill turning around and looking at you as you came in and sat down. Everything seem to get quiet and then you smiled and all the perceived tension in the air melted away and everything went back to normal. You had a presence about you that could captivate a room full of strangers and you never abused that gift. As I got to know you, which anyone who knows you knows, took all of a Cumberland County minute, I found a friend.
While I saw you as my real life hero, you never hesitated to remind me that we are all heros in our own way. As I graduated from Tech as a civil engineer, your pride in me was as important as my parent's. In fact in, and at, an age where I was pressured to think less of my parents you always reminded me of how proud I should really be of them and that helped so much through the difficult times that followed when my father (who also became my hero, mainly because of the way you helped me appreciate him) died and I took up the responsibility of caring for my mother (who you also reminded me is a hero in her own way).
Unfortunately I have had to face some difficulties through the years that on several occasions could have cost me my life and, before you were taken from us, I always knew I could call for help and you wouldn't hesitate. Now that you're gone, I have other friends, but no one who will ever come close to you.
I live on, thanks in a great part, to you and this just seems like a good time to share some part of it with the others who I know will read this "reflection", because I read theirs. Rest In Peace, Bill.
Oh yeah, Bill, just on a lighter note, I have my carry permit and so does my 76-old mother! She also takes care of two rottweillers, one boston terrier and 2 australian cattle dogs (found as strays in May of this year) when she isn't helping me take care of myself! She shoots better than me, which really isn't all that hard and she is a great back up during any trouble where we both may be. (You were always right, she has always been a hero!)
Edward Cox, Environmental Engineer/EMT
Friend/Environmental Engineer with State of Tennessee
July 9, 2008
It's just me saying hi and i miss you a whole lot. Football season is about to start, and I could use some advice from you, but you are not here. I keep seeing your pictures all over the house and I nearly break down and cry every time. But I'm hanging in there. I'm usually at my girlfriends house every day. I love her though. Well I got to go now see you in heaven. Bye BAMBAM.
Alex Kerley
June 21, 2008
BILL, Im fixing to crank up my jeep and drive up to Rock-vegas as you called it...listen closely and you will hear it..."SUSIE Q"....for you Bill. In a world gone mad I still have faith that justice will be served in your and mike's murder trial thats coming up. Regardless, the sacrafice You both made is talked about everyday, not just in Roane County, but the entire State and beyond and it will never be forgotten.
June 21, 2008
June 15, 2008
I left a candle by your name on the wall in DC. I think of you often and know how hard this is on your family.
Linda Rittenhouse, Matt's Mom
June 4, 2008
Sgt. Bill Jones,
Sir, you were the true meaning of serve and protect, I always enjoyed anytime that I saw you at a fire scene or a wreck, and even just a the gas station. You did your job with the with the upmost respect for the community and it's people, you are the kind of man that we all wish that we could be.
Sir you are greatly missed and loved my the men and women who worked side by side with you everyday.
THANK YOU for everything that you gave and did for this community. RIP Sir!!!
Midtown Vol. FD
June 4, 2008
I told a story about you the other day, how you could light up a room with your beautiful face... I'm sorry you left so soon.. I can cry an ocean when I think of you, I close my eyes and hear your laugh and see your face, I miss you so much .. Thinking of you, today, tomorrow and always....
May 24, 2008
It has been a while. Have had you on my mind recently. Seems like just a few days ago that I talked with you. Have had a chance to visit with some of the old gang and everyone misses you so very much. Trevor is going to be a good officer, just like you. I see him occasionally in his patrol car or out doing "Police work". I know you are very proud of him. Our Granddaughter started walking yesterday. She would steal your heart. I was at Kroger last weekend and someone asked me where I got the window stickers in memory of you and Mike. They were wanting one for their car. People still remember what you and Mike did. We pray that justice will prevail. God Bless your family and I know you are watching over all of us "lost souls".
Rest In Peace Friend.
May 21, 2008
Thinking of you and all of your loved ones today as they get through this day as they do every day without you. They will forever carry you in a special place in their hearts and remember you always. Continue to keep watch over all of your loved ones and those still out on patrol. You are a true hero and have not been forgotten.
Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
May 11, 2008
Just leting you know that we miss you. We are doing the 300 mile bike ride this week in memory of you and all fallen officer's. We are on day three and doing it like you would here in Annapolis,MD.
Chief Deputy Tim Phillips
Roane County Sheriff's Office
May 11, 2008
Bill -
2 years seems so long ago is some ways, and in others just yesterday. We have not forgotten you and your friend Mike. You are still truly missed and thought of everyday. Thanks for all the knowledge you left to many of us. Rest easy our brother.
Deputy Chris Massengill
Roane County Sheriffs Office
May 11, 2008
Hey Boss,
It has been 2 years now. Talked to Trevor a little bit ago and will most likely be going to your memorial at 2 o'clock today at Oak Grove. Be with us, it will be hard.
May 11, 2008
WEll Bill where do I start. Its so hard to believe that you have been gone 2 years. I can remeber that day just like it was yesterday. i was standing outside listining to the radio, and talking to my wife when i heard the tone of the dispatcher. i stopped talking and looked at the radio, and she said whats wrong, i said i don't know but its bad by the tone of voice. I sure do wish i would have been wrong, and that you were still here with us. You must know how much you are missed around here. I still hear someone telling a Jones story atleast a couple times a week. Of course we all laugh, then we get quiet. I am so sorry i will not be at your memorial service today. I have to work is the only reason i won't be there. Rest In Peace you deserve it
Troy Wright
KIngston Police Dept.
May 10, 2008
Hey Bubba it`s me my mind is in another place I know it has been two years for you to have left us and in Nov. it will be a year for Hannah but it seems like it was yeasterday and it still hurts just as bad and I miss you all so much take care, and Alex is a good football player like you were. love and miss you. Lynn
May 8, 2008
Hey Bam,
It's me just saying and I miss you and Hannah.I just hope you take good care of her. I got to go now, love you bye.P.S. my nickname is TANK.
Alex Kerley
May 7, 2008