Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia
End of Watch Thursday, March 23, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Gerard Walter Burke, Jr.'s crazy how often you pop into my head. i hope you're holding it down up there. thanks for all you taught me. take care brother.
March 5, 2009
My boyfriend was Ofc McBride of the MPDC. He died suddenly in 2005, in the line of duty also. My thoughts and support go out to all your loved ones. Say hi to Jim for me. :)
February 22, 2009
Happy Valentines Day in Heaven.
We all love and miss you
Love Sally
February 15, 2009
Hello Love.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. It’s so sad that we only shared two and now this will be the third without you. It is just not fair.
To keep myself busy, I’m heading up to the curling rink in Maryland. I know – its funny right? Who curls in the Metro DC area? Of course, that’s probably not the biggest question in this region – a better question might be ‘What’s curling?’ I went in early January and have been trying to get back since then but the bonspiels (curling tournaments) are getting in my way. (BTW, I hope to be in a bonspiel next year!) They have a breakfast league so I’ll be up there for breakfast – as I do like breakfast – then onto the game. I have one wish for tomorrow and that’s not to fall when I let go of the rock. It’s not a lofty wish by any means – just once, I’d like to not have to pick myself up off the ice. Maybe you can assist with a celestial magic? I hope so. If I don’t fall – I’ll know who to thank and let everyone know on Monday. :)
Later in the evening, I’m hanging out with ML and we’ll undoubtedly watch Pride and Prejudice and order in – Italian I hope. She’s such a dear friend who has helped me through these last three years and knows how sad I will be tomorrow. It surprises me that friends would want to be around their bereaved friends on these raw days, but she’s a trooper, and I’m thankful to call her friend.
Although my tomorrow will be filled with activity I wish I could spend it with you.
I send you love, hugs, kisses and smiles and George sends his sloppy bulldog kisses to you too.
All my love,
Stacy (YNG)
February 13, 2009
Happy New Year in Heaven.
We all love and miss you!
January 1, 2009
Merry Christmas in Heaven.
We all love and miss you
December 26, 2008
Hi Roddy,
Merry Christmas in heaven. We all love and miss you immensly. What I wouldn't do for one more big old
Roddy HUG. Your namesake got out tonight and we were all running around in the rain yelling SARGE at 11:30 through Sally's neighborhood. We all made quite a specticle. Long story short, he was hiding in the bushes of the next store neighbor's house and it took Jim, Tommy and Kristin to coax him out. You would love this dog and it goes without saying that he would love you too.
I miss you so much today, and always.
December 25, 2008
Hello Love,
Just wishing you a Merry Christmas. I know you'll be with all of us this evening and again tomorrow. Here's hoping that your strength will carry us through those difficult moments. Thankfully, love never ends and someday we'll see you again. Missing you today, tomorrow and always.
All my love,
P.S Thanks for the signs -- especially mug #192 -- that was one of the best. :) I'm always looking so keep 'em coming!
December 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven
love and miss you
November 27, 2008
You will always be remembered.
October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday in heaven Roddy! We all got together for dinner yesterday, and each of us felt your presence. It was very comforting. We shared a day filled with laughter and love and icecream cake. We took Jessie and one of her friends to Dave and Buster's today. I can't believe she's a teenager. The last 13 years went by so quickly. She is not my baby anymore, although I expect as with Mom and Dad she will always be my little baby, just like you will always be my baby brother. We love and miss you so much.
P.S. Happy Birthday Uncle Roddy!!! I love you, Jessie.
August 16, 2008
Happy Birthday in heaven.
We love and miss you
August 16, 2008
Not a day goes by that I do not think of you. I miss you sooo much but know that you are my guardian angel and enjoying heaven. I stopped by the Dorchester House the other day. All of the staff misses you as well. The neighborhood is not the same without you.
Stacy- If you read this e-mail, please contact me. I was wondering if you still had the pictures of George,Rod and I and need to talk to you about some storage at Dorchester that might be Rods items.
Carolyn Bernier
April 13, 2008
I still miss you, we all do.
March 27, 2008
Happy 2nd Year Anniversary in Heaven and Happy Easter in Heaven. We love and miss you.
March 23, 2008
Happy Easter in Heaven Roddy. I have trouble believing it has been two years, and what portions of the whole ordeal that I can remember feel like they happened yesterday. At the same time though, it feels like I've been missing you forever. This is the second year that the family is not together on this day, but it is probably better this way. We'd end up all being a bunch of blubbering idiots. Some day we will be able to come together and remember you properly, with some melancholy and much laughter. I think of you every day and smile sometimes when I think about Sally thwating your picture on her sun visor. I think she has stopped that by now, but no one knows for sure. Pray for us Roddy, especially Daddy. I love you and miss you more than I can say.
March 23, 2008
Know that he will be watching over you today and forever.
God Bless your family. Rest in Peace.
Daughter of Det. Kevin Orr EOW 11-22-06
March 22, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day sweetheart -- I know how much you loved this day so I'll head to Duffy's after work and raise an Amstel in your honor. Miss you.
March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day in Heaven. The kids got you a present! We love and miss you.
March 17, 2008
February 27, 2008
Hey Handsome,
Happy belated Valentine’s Day sweetheart! Sorry this greeting is late – I’ve found it hard to find the inspiration lately.
Like last year, I took Valentine’s Day off and hung out with George. It works for us. He gets spoiled with extra food, dog treats and lying on the couch all day with me while I get to eat junk food and watch TV. This year I watched a movie and I laughed out loud at a couple of scenes. It was so funny I had to rewind and watch the scene five or six more times. I know that it was you who was whispering, “Watch it again” as I wasn’t the type to rewind and watch something again during the middle of a movie, before I met you. As I laughed, I almost heard you laughing with me … almost.
I looked through an old calendar this past Monday and realized that it was exactly two years ago on 2/18 that we flew to Las Vegas for vacation. We came back on the 24th and less than 30 days later you were gone. How sad that those happy memories are followed so quickly by those of your death and funeral. Someday I hope to understand why you had to leave and at such a young age. I know that I wander around with a furrowed, puzzled brow (that many mistake for a scowl) and feel like the word “WHY?” has been stamped in big, black, bold letters across my forehead. Of all the secrets in the universe, this is the one that I want an answer to most. I keep hoping for some insight, but get none. I know that patience is a virtue and that I need to gather as much of it as I can as my question certainly won’t be answered until I cross over myself. For someone who considers herself to have a great deal of patience, this frustrates me beyond explanation. I know that you help out with messages in trying to help me understand, but I’m just not good at receiving them. Some days I do have some peace (which overpowers my need for understanding) and other days … well … I can try again tomorrow.
I miss you and love you more than I can ever begin to express.
Stacy (YNG)
February 22, 2008
Happy New Year in Heaven.
We love and miss you very much.
December 31, 2007
Merry Christmas in Heaven.
We all love and miss you.
December 26, 2007
Hi Uncle Roddy. Merry Christmas in heaven. I miss you so much.
December 23, 2007
Just how many times do you think I'm going to be in the same room as John Edward? The minute he said that our loved ones on the other side decide amongst themselves who needs to get their message through the most, I immediately saw you directing traffic... "step aside now, let her through" or something like that. I knew you would never step in front of someone else.
As an aside, Erica is pregnant and due around March 23. I know you will be there with her when baby Resnick comes into the world. If there is any way to tease Max at the same time, please feel free.
Last year this was the day I lost it. I'm trying to do better this year. You know that we all miss you and love you very much. We all know that we are selfishly missing you and that you are at peace in paradise. We do it anyway. You made such an impact on our world, and while I had always been so proud of you, I did not know to what extent your life touched so many others until after you had left us. There is no word to capture the amount of gratitude I feel at being blessed with you for the 39 years I got to have you as my baby brother.
Have a wonderful Christmas in heaven Roddy, and watch over Daddy.
I love you.
Patti Resmini
December 23, 2007