Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia
End of Watch Thursday, March 23, 2006
Reflections for Sergeant Gerard Walter Burke, Jr.
Happy Easter in heaven. We all love and miss you
April 8, 2012
Not sure what happened to my last post but happy 6th year anniversary in heaven. Love and miss you always
March 28, 2012
Dear Uncle Roddy, I miss you and love you soooo much.
Love Jessie
March 23, 2012
rOd9: Six years, too long to be without you. Love you so much and miss you every day. You will always be my hero. Send more big fat signs to me too. Loved this one and love you too.
March 23, 2012
Happy St. Patrick's day in heaven. Love and miss you always
March 17, 2012
Hi Handsome.
I’ve read that in heaven there is no time. I hope this is true for what I’m going to say... Happy Valentine’s Day!
George and I thought about you many times throughout the day. All fond, happy memories, the kind that made me laugh out loud. No tears here.
George had a little extra time in the park and a longer walk than usual. How this dog has evolved. He will walk up to dog owners in the park looking for a pat on the head; this from the same dog who still doesn’t like anyone walking near the house. Don’t you worry though sweetheart, I’m a bit of a hovering helicopter dog parent so I make sure he remains good (no jumping) when he’s mooching love from strangers. I still laugh about the time you got a bruise from your beloved dog when he excitedly jumped up to see you and headbutted you under the chin. Since you’ve been gone, I’ve had a black and blue lip – I bent over to put the leash on, he jumped and his bony head got me in the lip – and one under the chin myself. I know better than to let the dog jump when my head is close to his head. I forget. :)
This year has been moving way too fast for me. I’ve got two bonspiels in March, then to a hockey game on the 23rd. I’m hoping to celebrate your life with a rowdy hockey game on March 23rd. Caps play the Jets. I’m excited for the matchup and can’t help but think you had a hand in this game happening on this day. I love the signs you send. I need big, clear ones and this one fits both of them. Keep ‘em coming.
February 29, 2012
Rest in Peace, Sergeant Burke. Your sacrifice is not forgotten.
Officer 11169
February 5, 2012
Happy New Year in Heaven.
missing you always
January 1, 2012
Not sure where my first Christmas post went! Anyway, Merry Christmas in Heaven. Love and miss you, as always
January 1, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving in heaven.
Love and miss you always.
November 25, 2011
I hit the streets of DC in May of 1990. DC was in the midst of replacing over 2000 police officers due to all of the 20 year cops hired in and around 1970. I came out of the academy, received some good on the job training and were set loose. Although we were not fully trained and street wise, we got ourselves hooked up with a lot of senior officers who recognized the drive and "piss and vinegar" the young officers had. So there many times you would be certified on a Thursday night, then come to work on a Friday and all the senior officers would be on there day off. That said, there would now be a rookie fresh out of the academy and the only thing that made you senior was you had three or four months of street time and there was no one else to train him.
Well, this was Rod, he came to our midnight section and didn't immediately fit in to the "street cop" mode. Rod graduated from Catholic University in degree that I believe was a psychology background. Rod hit the streets and was a good worker but interacted with the hucks in a manner most cops would not. We quickly began to call him Father Burke due to his style. I have tons of great stories of my arrests with Rod as well as the many nights we drank together as a group after work, breakfast over the years at the FOP and countless court cases together as well as his attendance at my wedding and when he shot himself in the hand with a seized pistol. Rod was a funny guy and never had any military bearing in attire.
Rod made Sergeant and was transferred to the Third District which is the Adams Morgan area. He had a great reputation among his officers and was a worker. One day during the evening tour around 5PM, I was traveling cross town and through the Third District. I was on my own assignment and when I saw multiple cars flying with lights and sirens I ignored it. Why, well, it is an every day occurence and we all have our own caseloads. That said, I never switched my radio over to the third district channel. Had I done that, well, I would have heard Rods last words live, rather than played back over a loud speakers at St. Patricks church in DC.
Rod was off duty, in his own car and headed to a family members funeral in Long Island. He was near 11th and Girard Street NW and saw a car that raised his suspicion. He radioed the tag in and it came back stolen. His followed the vehicle and broadcasted the destination to other units until there was silence. Units responding to the last reported location found Rod involved in a minor accident and unconscious behind the wheel. He was transported to MEDSTAR and pronounced dead. I found out shortly after and sergeant died and with a few phone calls learned it was Rod. I called some other friends made the sad notifications. DAys later an autopsy would show his aorta ruptured. It could have happened to anyone. Within days, we had one funeral in DC, then the next day took fourteen marked cars up to Suffolk County , New York so that he could be buried at home. A vivid recollection is throwing my gloves on your casket my friend. Your time and to soon. I miss you and the rest of my breakfast club. Burying friends was getting real old, no mater what the circumstances.
Detective John Paprcka
Friend / MPDC
September 23, 2011
Happy Birthday in Heaven, August 16th
love and miss you always
August 22, 2011
Hi Handsome.
Haven’t written in a while so I’ve missed all kinds of dates – Christmas, New Year’s, Superbowl Sunday, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick's Day, the 23rd, Nationals Season Opener, Duffy’s 5th anniversary celebration, 4th of July among others, but couldn’t let this day go by without saying Happy 45th Birthday. 45. That just doesn’t seem right, but I know that it is.
I stopped by Duffy’s tonight and had cheeseburger sliders, tator tots and beer in your honor. I brought home enough leftovers for the little man George. He enjoyed the tator tots. Tomorrow night, he gets a slider. Why not? He’s 10 ½ so I’m feeding him all sorts of good stuff while I can. In moderation, of course. I sometimes think he’s on borrowed time and then I see him trot down the street on a cool night and it’s as if he’s still 4. He’s a marvelous little creature and I love him to bits. Thank you for finding him and helping him through his rough spots after you adopted him. He’s been an incredible little companion for me since you left. And I might add – he is quite the head turner when we walk down the street. That little bugger has lots of admirers. Makes me laugh when people stop and stare at him.
I hear the little man snoring so think it’s time for me to say good night. Happy heavenly birthday my dear. I love you endlessly.
All my love,
August 16, 2011
You came up today in conversation and thought I'd stop by. I share countless lessons you taught me with those I work with...which usually leads to some wild stories about you. I know those at 750 miss you, as do I. Take care brother!
June 23, 2011
Duffy's will be celebrating its 5th anniversary this week. Wish you could have seen it open, but we will be toasting you all the same.
May 9, 2011
Happy 5 year anniversay in heaven. we all got together to remember you. Love and miss you always
March 24, 2011
I miss you so much. I can't believe it has been five years. So much has happened. I have a son now. I wish he could meet you. I know you've met him.
I just want to thank you for all the support you gave to me during those hard times in my life. If it hadn't been for you, I would not be where I am today. I will never forget it and I know you are still watching over all of us.
I love you and until we meet again, cheers!
March 24, 2011
Happy Saint Patricks Day Rod. I always think about you on this day and listen to Danny Boy and think of you. I miss all of the years at the 4 p"s I miss you soooo much. RIP Burke and my love goes out to your family and Stacy.
Carolyn Bernier
good friend
March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick’s Day in Heaven.
Love and miss you always
March 17, 2011
I just met your parents today for the first time and I did not even know them, however our conversation soon turned to you as they were speaking so highly about the tragic loss of their son. Your parents our both so proud of your accomplishment's in life and the fact that you were a police officer. You made the ultimate sacrafice doing what you loved and what your family was so very proud of you for.
God rest your soul and God bless your true loving family and friends you left behind.
Cpl. Jack Presti-Ret.
Inverness Police Department
March 13, 2011
P.S. Gnomeo Rules! This Friday... be there.
February 9, 2011
Just checking in Rod. Love you and miss you so much. Remembered a funny story today and heard you laughing. Keep your eye on your boy. Happy heaven.
Love you forever.
February 9, 2011
Me and the guys were laughing the other day about about how I wrecked your take home cruiser on the day of my "certification" ride. I spent the tour buffing out the paint transfer. You are still greatly missed at the sub station, almost five years later.
Officer C W Willis
January 11, 2011
Happy New Year in heaven. We love and miss you
January 1, 2011
Merry Christmas in Heaven. We love and miss you!
December 26, 2010