Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jared Scott Jensen

Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado

End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen

My dearest Jared -
This day last year, you and I faced the reality of losing our little furry friend Sebastian - you were so gracious and brave to watch over him in his final moments (Please give him a big hug for me, play catch the light with your watch. I rest easy knowing you and he are romping around up there). This isn't easy, as you know. I cherish our last Christmas Eve - we shared such a great day together.
In the season of gifts, know that I am forever blessed to have you in my life. In whatever time we were given here, the gift of you is worth every moment without you. Be near us all as we traverse this journey...Love to you always

Natalie Jensen

December 23, 2006

In the ten months since you were taken from us, thoughts of you are never far from my heart and mind. We miss you.

Gone but not forgotten.

December 22, 2006

God Bless you and your family. We shall see that good prevails over evil.

Blessed are the peacemakers...

An Ohio brother

December 22, 2006


We have no fear knowing you are always on our shoulder, in the passenger seat or in the rearview mirror. We will continue to hold the line as long as we are needed and will do our best to make you proud and honor your name. Merry Christmas


'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the streets,
not a person was stirring, 'cept an officer on the beat.
As he quietly patrolled the town with great care,
children and parents slept peacefully there.

The officer was clad in his blues and his vest,
gun on his hip, always looking his best.
He'd just pulled aside for a quick bite to eat,
When all of a sudden, out on the street,

A bright light appeared from out of nowhere,
He shielded his eyes from the brilliant glare.
'Twas an angel of the Lord at the squad's rear,
He smiled and spoke, "Dear Officer, don't fear."

"I've been sent by God with a message for you
who faithfully serve while wearing the blue.
He wants you to know He loves you all,
He's pleased with the way you've answered His call.

"To protect and serve others, so selfless you've been,
Your bravery and kindness have known no end.
Even in tragedy, when nights became long,
You've helped countless strangers by being strong.

"God sees your heart, the joy and the pain,
He knows the profession can often bring strain.
So he sent me here to let you know,
That as you patrol, He goes where you go.

"As you protect others, your Father protects you,
His angels go with you, His Spirit does, too.
No bullet too fast, no bad guy too strong,
I'm sent to make sure that your life will be long.

"So fear not the night, and fear not the day,
fear not the threats that might come your way.
I'm sent to accompany you on your beat,
There's not one moment you're alone on the street."

The officer sat stunned by the love of His God,
He bowed his head, with a tear gave a nod.
As the officer said thank you, the angel took flight,
"God's got your back, carry on, and goodnight."

December 22, 2006

You have a great Christmas with the Father in Heaven...


December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas Jared! We are thinking of you.

Jenni Campbell and Tim Browne

December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas Jared


December 22, 2006

Warrior. Godspeed. Thank you!!!!!

December 15, 2006

A friend sent me this thought you may enjoy it was well...not only is it Jareds first christmas in heaven, but yours without him here on earth..May you find the joy in the holiday even though it may bring you to tears.. love is never far away ..

My First Christmas In Heaven
Author: Wanda Bencke

I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars,
reflecting on the snow

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away the tear
For I am spending Christmas with
Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.

I have no words to tell you,
the joy their voices bring,
For it is beyond description,
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart.
But I am not so far away,
We really aren't apart.

So be happy for me, dear ones,
You know I hold you dear.
And be glad I'm spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I sent you each a special gift,
from my heavenly home above.
I sent you each a memory
of my undying love.

After all, love is a gift more precious
than pure gold.
It was always most important
in the stories Jesus told.

Please love and keep each other,
as my Father said to do.
For I can't count the blessing or love
he has for each of you.

So have a Merry Christmas and
wipe away that tear.
Remember, I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.

The End

December 14, 2006

The Dash....
I read of a man who stood to speak
At the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone
From the beginning to the end.
He noted that first came the date of her birth,
and spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all
Was the dash between those years.
For that dash represents all the time
That she spent alive on earth
And now only those who loved her
Know what that little line is worth.
For it matters not, how much we own
The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters most is how we live and love,
And how we spend our dash.
... Taken from: "The Dash" by Linda Ellis

J-Rod---your "dash" was full of so many good times and special memories, for this we are so grateful. The way you lived your life makes us all swell with pride. You and Ken are both supreme examples of how to "spend your dash" to the fullest. We miss you so much, but know that you are still with us, deep in our hearts forever.

Meridith Jensen
Wife of CSPD Sgt. Jeff Jensen

December 13, 2006

Detective Jensen, you will never be forgotten. Your family and friends will always be in our prayers. R.I.P.


December 12, 2006

As you have heard and seen, we lost another friend and partner in an unimaginable way. This does not feel real that two of our finest officers and friends are together in heaven watching over us. It brings me great comfort that two amazing officers will be watching over us from above and that you and Jordan will be working together. Im still not quite sure if two neat freaks with OCD should be there together but Im sure you two will take care of business. Please take care of eachother. And if you find some time, can you get J-Rod to stop chasing his tail. Love ya bro!!

Jenni Campbell
Fellow Officer

December 12, 2006

To the loved ones of Jared:
So much time has passed since I could have stopped by and left a note to your family and tell them thank you for bringing such a bright star and hero into this sometimes discouraging world.
Your death has touched me personally in so many different ways... I wont forget watching the news 10 months ago now and seeing all the schools locked down, all the police officers on alert to find an attempted murderer.. and the fear that was instilled in myself. Finally it hit the news.. Colorado Springs Police Officer shot.. and a heaviness hit my heart. Everyone takes for granted the things Police officers do for the community, many hate them, very few have an opportunity to thank them.
You were truely one of my heros Jared, you came to my home when I was being beaten and abused by my ex boyfriend. The first to arrive. As time went on I came to understand that domestic issues were not your "job MO" but yet not once, but twice you were my guardian angel in blue and for that I am eternially grateful. I am here to watch my daughter grow, something that may not have happened had you and your brothers in blue not shown up.
In watching another officer join you, it saddened me once again. I never met him, he never touched my life in the same way you did, but he was obviously a great man.
I watched your funeral on TV. I watched Natalie try to stay strong, I listened to the words of your Father and your family, and I again was saddened I never got a chance to personally thank you for the way you treated myself and daughter in a time when i greatly needed a "friend" We only did meet on the streets when 911 dispatched you. But I had the great honor of meeting your sister at a benefit concert that was held here in the springs. The turn out wasnt as great as we expected but your presense was definately strong that night. Ill tell you what man, I worked my butt off to try to make that event a wonderful thing to remember for your family, for your wife.. unfortunely she did not attend and i did not get a chance to meet a woman that was being so strong in atime that was destroying her on the inside. Anyways to make a long story short, I remember the smiles on Jonika's face during the night, it was over all an amazing night.. I also would be honored to take credit for helping Jonkia "cheat" to get a signed guitar from the Goo Goo dolls as soon as alittle birdie sat on my shoulder and told me you loved playing guitar and she wanted to give it to Natalie.. boy was the person in front of her on the list mad, until she found out later on that evening it was the sister of Jared that ultimately won the guitar. I really do hope that it brought some joy to Natalie and I hope your family and friends find comfort in their hearts soon.
The streets will never be the same, and hopefully since my angel in blue has left this earth, there will be no need for another to rescue me from my misfortunes in life.. but if the need arrises i pray that youre there from heaven to guide a good guy to my side to help me in need again..
Thank you for more then youll ever understand.. You went above and beyond your title as an officer of the law..
Rest in Peace

CS Resident

December 12, 2006

now you have a fellow brother and friend keeping watch over us. It brings back sad memories that Ken was taken like you were. you will always be a hero and you will never be forgotten about. keep watch over all of us. I miss you stopping shoplifters at Safeway. Merry Christmas J-rod.

December 12, 2006

For the Jensen family: Know that we still hold you close to our hearts and our prayers are still with your family. I can only imagine the pain this latest loss has brought back to the forefront. Jared's sacrifice has not been forgotten and never will be. He now has yet another angel in blue to patrol the streets of heaven with.


December 12, 2006

Detective Jenson and Family,

Detective: May you rest in peace.

Family of Detective Jenson: May everyones prayers guide you Natalie and your family thru these times of need. I knew Detective Jenson by doing Ride A Longs at the Department and getting to talk to him. He was a great man and a wonderful Officer.

I am a prior Colorado Springs Mounted Ranger, Navy Security Forces, Police Explorer. I am deeply sorry for your families loss.

My Prayers are with you.

Future Colordo Springs Police Officer

Future Colorado Springs Police Officer

December 11, 2006

Thank you for everything you did to protect this wonderful city. I am truley grateful for your service. My heart goes out to you and your family. May you rest in peace.

Dave F.
Citizen of Colorado Springs

December 11, 2006

I think of you often. My heart still breaks for you and your family. I know that you know that another was lost, what an amazing thing to be able to put fear aside and face the evils of the world, and call this thing that you all do your job. Day after day, night after night, God Bless all of you who still put on the uniform and carry on. May you all walk in peace and in safety.

A Proud CS Citizen

December 10, 2006


My heart still aches for your family and friends, and that is now intensified as we prepare to lay Ken to rest tomorrow. This has not been a good year for CSPD, but all of us appreciate all that you stood for and your ultimate sacrifice. Rest in Peace and know that you will never be forgotten by your brothers and sisters in blue.


Fellow Detective
Colorado Springs PD

December 10, 2006

God Bless You, Mr. Jensen,

Yourself, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Dabling will forever be in my prayers. There are no words to describe what yourself, as well as the countless other officers at the CSPD have done for us. May you and all of our other fallen officers Rest In Peace. Keep the streets of Heaven safe for me. :)

Zach McCready

December 10, 2006

Detective Jensen We will bury Ken Jordan on Monday and he will be with you in God's arms. Watch over all of us at CSPD especially your brothers and sisters in blue. It will be a sad day for all of us on Monday. We will remember you and Ken Jordan for the brave souls that you are, the ultimate sacrifice that you gave to the community. It's hard to make sense of all this; actually there is no sense to this. You are truly missed but know that not a day goes by that your name is not mentioned, a smile comes across that person's face with a loving thought or memory of you. You have touched so many, many lives. Gone but not forgotten....pray for all of us

December 9, 2006


I stopped by the bus stop today, knealt in the snow and prayed. I think of you often. I'm keeping my promise, but now have another promise to keep. You have backup now, and he's a good one to have as cover. You and Ken continue your guard over us. Miss you both. Never forgotten.

Casey Hale
Husband of CSPD Officer

December 8, 2006

With this weeks recent death of Officer Ken Jorden, it opened up old wounds of Officer Jensen. I have such respect for our police & how they put their lives on the line daily to make our community a safe place. It angers me at the criminals who decide to take the lives of our police officers. It seems sometimes the criminals have more rights than anyone, i beleive in an eye for an eye. The pain these familys are put through is unreal. I hold you in my thoughts & my prayers. May God Bless you & Keep You. Sincerely, Stacey Chandler

stacey Chandler

December 8, 2006

Officer Jensen I will pray for you and the members of your family. Rest easy in our lords house and watch over and protect your brothers and sisters here on earth as we continue to fight the good fight.

Pennsylvania State Police

December 7, 2006

Ride Along

So you don’t like the ticket I just gave you.
Well, come take a ride with me.
A trip to the scene of an accident.
Where a person now struggles for freedom, and for life.
All because someone was in a hurry, or late for work.

You say you didn’t call me and you don’t need my help.
That this is a family matter and none of my business.
Come take a ride with me.
Where a child now cowers in the nearest corner, or bedroom closet.
They cover their ears and ask god “ please make them stop”.
Still think no one needs my help.

You’ve said all we do is eat donuts and drink coffee.
Come take a ride with me.
On the countless days after taking four calls in an hour.
We think we have time to sit down for dinner.
Only to be call away again.

You think we’re cold and have no heart.
Well, come take a ride with me.
To a place where the pipes now lay to rest.
A brother or sister who gave their life, for someone like you.
A place where tears fall like rain for their family,
For our family, and yes even for you.
Yeah, come take a ride with me.

To Mrs. Jensen and family:

May you find comfort, guidance and strength from our Lord in all the days and years ahead. Your husband will forever remain a hero to everyone and never to be forgotten for his ultimate sacrifice to not only his community but to this country. To Detective Jensen: May you find peace and comfort through eternity with our Lord and thank you dear son, may God craddle you in His loving arms.

Robert A. Miller Jr.
Michigan State Police - Retired

December 7, 2006

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