Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Detective Jared Scott Jensen

Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado

End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen

It is hard to believe that it has already been a year since we lost you. Remembering you at the bus stop today was so strange. To me it felt like Deja Vu and made me realize that even though it has been a hard year, it was so surreal like last year being there. It was nice to be there with everyone and to see Meredith and your mom. I didnt realize your mom has been my tax lady for many years already, and will be for many more I'm sure. I'm sure you know, but they made a fabulous book in your memory. That was nice and comforting to look at today.
We really miss you my friend but know you are looking after all of us and our loved ones up there with you. I was excited to see that Harvick won the Daytona 500 since he was your favorite driver. I thought it was perfect timing. Also as you can see, J-Rod is still chasing his tail. I wonder if you do it on purpose to me sometimes but then I just think he is a little "special". Oh well huh.
Just know that you are in our hearts and lifes forever and your memory and life will live on with us. Rest in peace.

Jen Campbell

February 22, 2007

It seems like an eternity not just a year. We will carry on because it what we do and what you would have wanted. Peace Brother

CSPD Officer

February 22, 2007

One year later and the pain is still raw and fresh.

You will *never* be forgotten, brother.


February 22, 2007

Officer Jensen,
It is hard to believe that it has been a year since you were brought into the ER. I think about that day and relive the horror often. I am so sorry that we were not able to save you- believe it when I say that everyone in that ER room would've given a piece of themselves to bring you back. To Officer Jensen's family- I am sorry. We all fought as hard as we could and never wanted to give up. Thank you for your protection and service. You will never be forgotten.


February 22, 2007

Hello Jared,

This is my first time to visit your page though I think of you often. My husband visits your page frequently (I wish I had the nerve)and updates me. Last May, my husband and I purchased our plane tickets as well as reserved our hotel in Washington DC. We will be there for you when your name is put onto the Law Enforcement Memorial. I could never have imagined that we would be watching Ken Jordan's name go onto the Memorial as well. It has been an extremely difficult year losing 2 of our CSPD family!!

Until we meet again..................

43rd Recruit Class CSPD

February 22, 2007

One year. A year when you and your family have been in my thoughts every day. I have not forgotten....God Bless.

A Proud CS citizen

February 22, 2007




February 22, 2007

I can't believe that it has been a year. It is almost unbelievable that you are actually gone. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought about. The outpouring of love still continues and is absolutely amazing. Your memory lives on in the hearts of so many people, you will never be forgotten. Mckenna still plays with the monkey flashlight that Natalie and you got her for her 2nd B-day. (I recall that you wanted to keep it!!) We keep it on her nightstand, and everytime she plays with it, it reminds us of you and makes us smile. You are very much missed Jared, thank you for watching out for all of us from up above.
With love,


February 22, 2007

Jared ~
I can not believe it has been a year already. It seems like just yesterday when you left us to go to Heaven....though we miss you greatly, we know that you are safe now. The community of Colorado Springs has continued to remember you and what a wonderful man and HERO you are to all of us. I promise your memory will live on forever.

I miss and love you Jared more than words can say....

Lots of Love,
Jonika & Family

Jonika Winkler
Sister of Det. Jared S. Jensen EOW 2/22/2006

February 22, 2007

Jared, It's been a year and you are missed just as much now as you were then. Rest in peace Brother.


February 22, 2007

Sitting in the comcenter today and knowing that it has already been a year, it's hard to imagine. Alot has changed, and us loosing you has left a big hole in this department. We think of you often, miss you terribly, and keep you and Natalie in our hearts and prayers. Continue to keep us safe and please watch over us. You are still terribly missed

February 22, 2007

Jared, Oh how I miss you!. Your life keeps running through my mind. I thank God for my luck to have you as my grandson. Your love and trust in me was always there, and mine for you. We would talk for hours about everything. Your consideration and appreciation was always 100%. How much I enjoyed serious talks with you that started when you were 5 years old. You would bike to our house in your teens for cold drinks and good conversation. Big smiles, loud laughs, warm hugs! The last time you left our house, waving goodby, pulling out of our driveway, head and shoulders out the window, yelling "Love you Grandma". I felt such Love and pride!
30 years, So many memmories! Seeing you grow from a boy to a man!
I still have all the handmade Birthday, and Holiday cards you gave me.
Watching you play soccer, making sure that your socks were always pulled up.
Coming to our house in the woods and playing "Knights of the Round Table" with Jeff, Donn, and Darrin. Being the youngest, you claimed that "you were a Serf, not a Slave"
The joy of watching you, Jeff and Jonika, put on your little plays with hand puppets, when you were all so young. Later, we were so proud, watching you perfom the lead in your senior year play.
Staying at our house and eating so many chicken patties, that it became a joke between us. Years later, if I said 'chicken patties', you'd laugh.
You always appreciated everything. When in college, you told me that a check I sent you paid for a sweater, and a ticket to a play that you really wanted to see. You always cared how others would feel. Your compassion, empathy and sense of right and wrong is what made you such a good police officer.
You met Natalie in College, and you glowed when you introduced her to us, and we just knew you two belonged together. We all Loved her, and she fit right into the Family. Her compassionate and caring nature matched yours. You were soul mates. How lucky you found each other, and how happy we were for both of you. How much I enjoyed when you and Natalie would visit. Natalie sure likes peaches!
You did something good with your life. The world is a better place because you were in it. Like a stone dropped into the water, the ripples will alway keep going, touching so many lives.
Jared, I Love you Grandson, and I'm so proud of you.
I just want to hold you again.


February 22, 2007

Hey Cuz, its been 1 year and it still seems like a bad dream. I know you are by Gods side looking down on everyone. You are so very much missed and loved, I have 2 things that I wear PROUDLY and that will be with me forever.

Luv you Cuz

February 22, 2007

It is still unimaginable and as if it was just today that it happened. To say it has been difficult for everyone down here is an understatement but we will all carry on, because more than anything, I know that is what you would want. Jared, you left an everlasting mark on so many even those who weren’t lucky enough to have met you. I am so proud of you, ….for the man you were, for what you stood for, and for the everlasting impact you made. I know we talked about how as cops we won’t change the world, but if we haven’t helped change a community then we aren’t trying hard enough. Well bro, you did. You did it well before a year ago today when you took a stance. You made a difference, a huge one. I hope you know I love you and think about you every single day. I miss you little brother. Fallen But Never Forgotten.

Jeff Jensen
Brother to Det. Jared Jensen, CSPD EOW 2-22-06

February 22, 2007

Remembering you on the first anniversary of your EOW. Although I never knew you or even live close to Colorado, I am married to an officer. When an officer dies it is felt by all those in the law enforcement family. I am proud that your fellow brothers worked around the clock to make sure the coward that did this was behind bars where he belongs. I wish the ending could have been different...thank you for your service.
wife of a michigan deputy

February 22, 2007

One year has passed and you have not been forgotten nor will that ever be the case. You have been in the thoughts of your loved ones each and every day since you were called away. The silent tears still flow from their broken hearts as they keep asking, Why? I wish I could answer that question for them but no one can. Continue to keep watch over your loved ones and protect them. Also, keep watch over those still out on patrol watching over the Thin Blue Line. You are a true hero and will never be forgotten.

Bob Gordon
Father of Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04

February 22, 2007

A year has passed since you were taken for just doing your job. Like every other officer who puts on a uniform you did not ask to be a hero. Regardless you will always be mine. We love you and miss you.


February 22, 2007

I didn't know you that well, only met a couple times. But Natalie and Monica always said we were exactly alike... too bad for you, huh? I've been to this site often over the last year and am amazed at the notes and sayings left by everyone that misses you. I even kinda root for Kevin Harvick now... how about that race last weekend huh? In this last year I've thought of you often while starting this life with my son. Maybe you could say that I appreciate things more now. Sad that thats what it takes, but it did. Thanks dude.


February 22, 2007

In the year since you were taken from us, thoughts of you are never far from my heart and mind. It's still hard to believe you're gone. You are missed.

February 22, 2007

Jared, my Precious son,

Grayness abounds in my days and my nights.
Time passess. The sun comes and goes.
I have slight awareness of it all.

The stars speak your name and
the wind, carrying your Spirit touches my face.
This pain is real .. is deep .. and never ends.

Exuding passion, joy, courage and love,
your life was a gift to this world.
A copy of you will never exist.

Braveheart, Star Wars Jedi Warrior defined you well.
Defeating the Darkness cost you your life
for without halting, you faced Satan here on earth.

Yours is a most natural grave,
set witin God's beauty of mountains,
trees, flowers and the kind.

How good that the word HERO marks the spot.
You gave man all that you had 'till there was no more.
Grief, pride, loss, eternal love .. in me .. for you.

Passionately you traded the actor's stage for the Badge,
for you stated "I want my life to matter .. to count."
With Courage, your life's goal most certainly accomplished.

Love you,


Thomas Jensen
I am Jared's Father

February 22, 2007

Well, here it is after 1:50 a.m. and I told myself there was no way I would read 28 pages of reflections, but
I was drawn to each and every one like a magnet. My
emotions ran the gamut as I read the reflections from
your wife, your Dad, your brother, your sister, your Mom
and your co-workers and friends. It's hard for me to
understand the likes of you, you seem too good to be
true. It makes me angry to think that a person so
exceptional has to die in such a cruel, senseless manner. And yet knowing God is in control and that
you are with Him, it means it is well with my soul. We
just all need Christ so desperately for we never know
when we will take our last breath and Jesus will open
the right door, Heaven or Hell, based on what our
relationship with Him was like. Without Him, I don't
know how we can survive such a loss as this. It 's
deeply disturbing and yet, you lived life to its fullest and
probably wouldn't change a thing. Well done, good and
faithful servant and I'll meet you some day.
Lynn Kole
Washington State

February 22, 2007

Jared Remembered, First Annual Memorial 2007-02-22

I felt honored as a mother in law of one of the graduates to be in attendance at the 43rd Academy Graduation. I remember Jared's wife Natalie being one of the singer's at the graduation. Natalie sang, "God Bless the USA!" God Bless Natalie now, all of Jarrod’s family, (especially mother and father), fellow officers and friends.

I found the ceremony truly endearing, knowing all three soloists at the Graduation were wives of the graduating officer's. They were all gifted singers and sang from their hearts!

I can't forget all of the graduate’s badges shining like stars as I sat looking down on them from the balcony. I said a prayer for all of them! The twinkling of their badges lit like stars plucked the strings in my heart. Now, Jared is beyond the stars shining down on all from heaven.

I also was on the ride along when Jared and Mark responded to a stabbing. Scrap by scrap of information, interview multiple witnesses and with very little information had the perpetrators’ into custody by the end of the shift…..The perpetrator stepped on the gas with both Jared and Mark as their target! Those guys dove, did a tuck and roll, came upright, shouted their commands holding a compelling object pointed in their direction. I was pleased to hear both Jared and Mark were awarded a commendation.

Thank you God for Jared's life and service to the community! May God grant peace to the hearts of all who grieve in this tragedy! I rejoice in the promise of an eternal life with Our Father and the Saints who have gone before us!

With heart felt sympathy,
Patricia Calvache, CA
Mother in Law of CSPD Mark Chacon

A Police Officer's Mother-in-Law
Patricia Calvache

February 22, 2007

May Our Lord wrap His arms especially tightly around your loved ones today, may they know His love and comfort.Sleep safe with Our Lord until your chain links again.

February 22, 2007

Jared - the love of my life - what a phrase to say, it makes no guarantee of anyone else's life span here on this earth. I think back tonight on a year ago (as Mer so eloquently put it) and there is much to be honored. I know one of the best things for you is that Mr. Jake is recovered and well - your little guy all done with feeding tubes, blood tests and clinging to a small string of hope that he will pull through. He runs the show at the house as you've seen, and won the hearts of the entire NAVH staff and clients. Our princess is just as spoiled as ever,and walking around like everyone should worship her. Yoda man, well, he was meant to be as Laura said - while he sure is his own kitty, he does show some remarkable similarities(in the way he starts all the romping around the house) to our beloved Sea-Bas. What a blessing "the kids" are. I know that you, Thor and Sebastian are smiling with us as we laugh, showing great compassion when we weep and drop us all hints/signs that there is a rich and valuable life beyond the circumstances. I pray for comfort,peace and yes joy to all as family, friends, the department and our community continue to honor your sacrifice of self. I love you beyond measure or mortal words can say.


February 22, 2007

J-Rod, Gone but not forgotten. Rest in Peace

Detective Robertson

February 21, 2007

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