Colorado Springs Police Department, Colorado
End of Watch Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Reflections for Detective Jared Scott Jensen
It has been 7 months since your tour of duty ended and I know your loved ones think of you every hour of every day and the tears still flow from their broken hearts. There are not magic words I can offer your loved ones to help them with their grief except to take one day at a time and to keep your memory alive by talking about you and asking others that knew you to tell them stories that they may not know. You will never be forgotten and are a true hero and heroes never die. Keep watch over your loved ones, wrap your wings around them and help them with their grief. Also, keep watch over those still out on patrol protecting the Thin Blue Line.
Bob Gordon, father of fallen officer
Michael P. Gordon, EOW: 8/8/04
Bob Gordon
September 17, 2006
I was working as a security officer at the Municiple Courthouse in the Springs when I got the word that Detective Jenson has passed. And I have never been affected by anything the way the news that day did. I am a criminal justice major wanting to be a CSI until that day. That day, I decided I wanted to be a cop. My husband asks me everytime he hears of another fallen in the line of duty if I still want to become a cop, and I tell him that is the reason why. And every time I get asked why I want to be a cop, I tell the story of Detective Jared Jenson.
Jared, you will forever be in our hearts, never to be forgotten.
April Trent
Tyler Independant School District Police Department
September 12, 2006
I was down in Titusville Florida this week watching the Atlantis Space Shuttle take off when we stopped of at the American Police Hall of Fame. I had no idea what was inside. It was a beautiful memorial for all of those killed in the line of duty from 1960 to the present. I located your name on wall number 95. I left you a note as well as my blue bracelet there. It is still so unreal that you are not here.
September 11, 2006
Not long ago, the struggle between Good and Evil erupted, again, into war. The Devil threw his forces against the very Gates of Heaven, themselves. His attack beaten back, he withdrew and called for a meeting with God.
And Satan began.....
Who were those men who stood their ground,
When they were just some thousand few?
And when Gabrielle's Army is clad in gold,
Why did they all wear blue?
"They were out-numbered ten-to-one
And should have run like new-born foals,
But when they showed no fear I realized
That you'd used men who have no souls,
"And there, at last, I have you,
Through all your boasts you've lied,
So no more claims of righteousness
And behind no more Commandments hide,
"You've cheated and you've robbed me,
Those men, they are my proof,
The soul-less can't be yours in Heaven,
But mine in Hell, beneath my roof."
God listened, then replied....
"My poor, misguided child
Can't you see the error of your ways?
Those men just stood against you, now,
As they did in mortal days,
"I knew they wouldn't turn and run,
For they've seen your worst before,
And that is why I placed them there,
To keep safe and gaurd my door."
"As for those battered coats of blue,
They're worn with such fierce pride
That if I ordered them to change,
Then even I might be defied,
"Ye, you believe they have no souls,
When their souls are why they're here,
For in life each took an oath they kept
Although the price was steep, and dear,
"Even tempted by the face of death
Their hearts did cowardice decline,
You see, they never could be yours,
As they were then, and always, mine,
"And it's strange that you don't know them,
Since you've sent me every one,
Each time your murderers and theives
Killed a policeman's father's son,
"With tear-stained eyes I greet them all,
Cut too soon from their families' joys,
So send me all your soldiers of Hell...
And they'll meet Saint Michael's boys."
September 8, 2006
I remember the phone call i received that day. I didnt know how to feel. I didnt feel anything til that day of the funeral. I didnt want to be at a funeral that day, it was beautiful that day. But nothing would have made miss that experience. To see hundreds of men and women honor and say goodbye to a person who didnt know hate and thought of others before themsleves. It made me stronger; whenever I doubt what I am fighting for and who. I just think you Detective Jensen and why you gave your life. And it rejuvenates me. I havent taken off your mourning wrist band, and never will. The world seems less kind when we have to bury good people like your self
Cadet Sgt. Chris Scoggins
September 2, 2006
Sir, I honor your service and your sacrifice. "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9.
August 29, 2006
I was talking to someone about your funeral the other day and I lost it. I was at your funeral and it was one of the hardest things i have ever done. I can't believe how much thinking about your death gets to me. I nevermet you but I pray for you and your family. You were a true hero. I hope to be like you once I become a cop. I bought a wrist band and pin CSPD was selling. I wear the wrist band and tell your story to everyone who asks. I keep the pin with me as well. You will always be remembered. When i am working on the streets i will think of you and remember the ultimate sacrifice you gave.
August 28, 2006
Rest in peace brother! The good lord will watch over your family. God Bless You
Ray Hermosillo
Rexburg Police
August 27, 2006
U-2 is on the radio right now (it's amazing how many times everyday they play U-2 songs!) And EVERY TIME I think of you! Sometimes it makes me sad...and other times it makes me smile. Memories of you are a wonderful gift. Just wish we could've all had more...
Thinking of you...
August 25, 2006
Mrs. Jensen,
You have such an amazing heart and you are an incredible woman who has overcome a lot in the past six months since Jared's death. I had to privelege of meeting Jared a couple of times, when we would get shoplifters. Jared would smile. My major is criminal justice and your husband made me want to become a police officer even more. Mrs. Jensen your husband is truely a hero and will never be forgotten by my self.
August 24, 2006
Thank you for your service and bravery. My Condolences go out to your family and fellow officers. Having lost a fellow Deputy and friend this year in the line of duty I understand how difficult of a time this has been for all of you. Rest in peace brother.
Deputy Rod Hamler
Fairfield County S.O OHIO
August 23, 2006
Mrs. Jensen,
I have written before, but have never directed anything to you. I find you to be one of the most amazing women I have ever encountered. I come here daily and I read the reflections left for your husband and for other officers who have given the ultimate sacrifice. I have noticed that you leave a prayer for each and every one of the officers who pass. I never met Detective Jensen and I have never met you, but the strength and courage that you display and the strength and courage that your husband displayed are awe inspiring. I hope never to have to walk in your shoes, the pain can only be unimaginable. However, if, God forbid, I ever do, I hope to carry myself the way that you have over the past 6 months. You are an inspiration.
Detective Jensen,
I promised to come here each month and leave a thought, I have not forgotten. I think of you daily, my heart aches for you and for those who knew and loved you. Rest in peace kind sir. You will NEVER be forgotten.
A Proud CS Resident
August 23, 2006
I just wanted to know I was thinking of you today and stopped by your bench. I can't imagine the pain your family and friends must go through that is never ending. I keep Natalie,Jeff and Mer,your father, and the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers all the time. It's so hard to believe that it has been six months. I remember the shock, disbelief, and sadness I felt when I heard the news like it was yesterday. Jared...hero... you will never be forgotten.
Rachel Ozick
August 22, 2006
As a wife of a deputy I have realized that it takes a special person to be an officer of the law. It takes a strong, dedicated, caring, and sacrificing individual. I didn't have to meet Jared to know that he is a wonderful and courageous person. I thank his entire family for the sacrifice made to protect the community. I pray God will continue to give you strength in your time of need. God Bless.
Wife of a Deputy
El Paso County Sheriff's Office
August 22, 2006
6 months since we last heard your laughter, saw your smile. Sometimes it feels like years have past, sometimes it seems like “just the other day” you were at our house to watch the race. I remember sitting with you that day, just “hanging out” with you and waiting for Jeff. You were so giggly and happy, like a little kid. I will cherish that memory forever, because it is so characteristic of you. I know I’ve said it all many times before, but it still rings so true; The pain in our hearts cannot be translated into words...and there is no quantifying amount that can express how much you are missed. Just know that you have given us all such strength and courage through so many memories of you that will continue to help carry us all through each day until we meet again. HEROES LIVE FOREVER…
Thinking of you,
To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of another; to earn the appreciation of honest critics; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better than before; to know even one life has breathed easier because you lived. This is to have lived a truly successful life…
~~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Meridith Jensen
Wife of CSPD Sgt. Jeff Jensen
August 22, 2006
I have come to this site and to your page everyday since you left. I have read every reflection left by your family and friends and still I am amazed at the impact you had on so many lives, both before and after you left this earth.
Six months seems like such a long time to be without someone and I know the heartache Natalie feels. She has put up such a tremendous fight even through the pain inside.
Jared you are always on our minds and hearts and always will be. Those of us who knew you, were privledged to have known the man behind the badge. Those of us who didnt, were still because they had you as a unseen protector in this fierce world we live in.
We will always remember you not matter how much time goes by.
August 22, 2006
J-Rod its been a long six months. I know there is a long road ahead before you can rest in peace. I continue to smile when I think of you and that great personality. Whenever I'm down and reliving that day I recite the pledge of Allegiance with emphasis on the final three words. Rest in peace brother. I love you and miss you.
August 22, 2006
Jared, in the six months since your death, thoughts of you are never far from my heart and mind. Your life and sacrifice still plays an active role in the lives of so many people. As you have for the last six months, continue to watch over us as we keep the course. Rest assured that if it is my time and I too am called home, I would proudly help you guard the gates.
Gone but not forgotten.
August 22, 2006
My Dear Jared - six months...hardly possible, some days it feels like just yesterday, others feel like an eternity. Today another wife lost her husband in the line of duty. I pray for the healing process to reach lovingly to all that survive. Tributes and honors have been given in your name, more will await you in the future. I am without you here on earth but feel you everywhere in spirit. My dear, sweet soul mate I love and miss you so..."there's a place for us...somehow, someday...somewhere". I know you are there - Love always, your Natalie
Natalie Jensen
August 21, 2006
Detective will not be forgotten.
Natalie and are in my thoughts and prayers.
August 17, 2006
"If a person brings so much courage into the world that the world must kill him to break him, so of course it kills him. The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those it cannot break it will kill. It kills the very good, the very gentle, and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these things the world will kill you too but there will be no special hurry."
-Ernest Hemingway, Farewell to Arms
We never met but we knew of each other. I know you won’t hold that against me.
Over the past few months, I have had the privilege of learning about your incredible and inspirational life. The way you lived it and the way you left it humbles me to the core. You devoted your life, careers, love, and time to entertaining, protecting, and guiding others without regard to your own well-being. Many before me have beautifully expressed those virtues so I will not further dilute their words with mine.
I will, however, tell you that your life and tragic death has had a karmatic effect beyond anything (maybe) you could have imagined. You have transcended your physical existence (jedi-like, if you will), and I think, that is the sunlight that ultimately breaks through these clouds. As I learn more about you, I understand not only my own shortcomings but the potential of good in the world, and if left unchecked, the devastation of evil. Unmistakably, limiting the latter and maximizing the former was your life’s mission. Your death made it the mission of thousands.
I also promise you to do everything I can to help those you cared about most through this difficult time. As the passage above suggests, the healing has begun and some of those sutures came in the form of new and old friendships. I can report from “the front” that the strength already demonstrated by those initially broken the worst is breathtaking, awe-inspiring, and yet unsurprising. It will continue and neither I, nor others, will let you down as it does. For everything you have done, you deserve nothing less.
A friend of a friend
August 15, 2006
I wanted to let you know that J-Rod is getting so big. I wish you could see him. Hopefully soon Natalie will be able to. He is such a treat and everytime I call his name, good or bad, I think of you. Just know that you will always be in my heart, my life, and on my fireplace.
JMC, 2298
August 7, 2006
This is the first time I have written anything on here. Not sure why I've waited so long, but I'm still not sure what to say. I think of you almost every day, and I feel such a great amount of sadness knowing you are gone. I spent a good amount of time with Natalie in the spring (as you know), and it still feels odd sometimes for me to be back in Ohio, living a "normal" day to day life. Sometimes I find it really difficult to be here and not feel as if anything has changed in my daily life, but yet it has. In my heart there has been a big change. I have learned to not take the little things for granted...every moment matters. On the other hand there are some things that don't matter as much as they used to. Going through this with Natalie has taught me to take a look at the bigger picture and it really puts things into perspective.
I suppose I decided to write today because of the strong emotions that came over me this weekend. It's time for the Ohio State Fair again... I know... your favorite! ha ha :) Just so you know, it's not quite as hot and miserable as it was when we were all there last year. That weather must have been just special for you! Remember how you thought about buying a John Deere hat last year? Well, my mom and dad bought you one the following day and were going to give it to you the next time they saw you. That hat will now be Natalie's, and she can put it with the rest of your hat collection. :)
I found it much more difficult to listen to some of the fair choir songs than I thought I would. The tears started for me when they sang the duet Wes and I sang at your wedding. That sure was a great day. You both looked so happy! I have a picture of you and Natalie in my room at home. It's one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen. You with your genuine smile... and Natalie as radiant as ever. :) So as if that song wasn't eneough, then they sang "Be Not Afraid". I had no trouble getting through that song at the funeral, but hearing it this weekend sure brought on some strong emotions. I guess that song will never quite be the same for me...
Natalie gets here in two days, and I can't wait to see her! We're going to the Fair on Thursday night, and I know you'll be on our minds. The flag is not only being sponsored by individuals this year, but every day includes a sign, "In Memory of Jared Jensen". Bet you never thought you'd be associated with the Fair Choir! hee hee :) But you know how important it is to Natalie. What better way to honor you than with the flag!
Maybe I should have been writing more often. Then this entry wouldn't be so long! I have so much more to tell you. We'll have to chat soon. :) My family and I are doing everything we can to take care of your beautiful bride... and we always will. Know that you are loved and missed and thought about all the time. You are one of my greatest heros.
Until we meet again....
Karla Kruse,
Karla Kruse
August 7, 2006
I think of you often. I have been thinking of you today. Once again, I do not know why you have affected me the way that you have. We never met, my only guess is how senseless this all seems to me. You were, and are still, loved by so many. You seem to have made such an impact in the very short 30 years that you were here. Rarely a day goes by that I do not stop here and read what you meant to so many. Rarely a day goes by that I do not think of you or your wife, or your family. My heart breaks for you all. May God bring peace to you and all that you touched.
Colorado Springs Resident
July 29, 2006
Just to let you know my wife also a Deputy and I were thinking about you and your positive impact on our lives.
July 27, 2006